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Depicts the work, fun, and excitement of three farm youngsters who exhibit their calves and pigs at a state fair. Shows how they tend their livestock, watch the judging, and take in the displays and other sights. One boy wins a prize for his calf and later all three frolic on the midway.
A machine tool operator is made a group leader and his plant superintendent explains to him, through dramatized illustrations, the meaning of working with people instead of machines.
Discusses in detail the most common types of abortion procedures, aimed particularly at the woman who has already made the decision to have an abortion. Focuses on the need for post-abortion follow-up with the doctor, especially for contraceptive advice.
Shows the actual training and activities of Air Transport Command personnel with routines of briefing, radio communications, and other precautionary measures during World War II.
Reviews Alaska's geographical features, locates its three great climatic regions, and indicates the major factors that make Alaska a true reservoir of resources. Depicts activities in the seven great industries contributing to Alaska's economy--lumbering, fishing, mining, transportation, agriculture, fur farming, and the tourist trade. Includes many scenes characterizing Alaska's natural scenic beauty.
Discusses the political history of Brazil and her relations with the U.S. Considers Brazilian art, economic problems and potentialities, and the role of U.S. business in Brazil. A photo series presents the land and the people. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Shows that the traditional life of the Polynesians of American Samoa is being altered and challenged by its governing authority, the United States, and that a potential conflict exists between the western goals of education which stress independent thinking and the cultural values of Samoa which emphasize obedience to the family and respect for authority.
Shows how Springfield, Massachusetts, offers an inspiring plan to other communities for combating racial and religious intolerance, and shows how any school and any town can deal with the causes of this injustice.
Discusses business and labor in terms of the formulation of public policy. Considers the questions of denomination of the two parties by either of these interest groups. (KETC) Kinescope.
Shows some of the ways in which the two-way radio can be used, especially in civilian defense. A simulated raid on Syracuse, New York, shows how fire-fighting equipment, police, ambulance service, and construction equipment could be called and coordinated from a central control office by means of the two-way radio.
Presents an introduction to Anne Sexton and a view of her poetry. Describes how she began writing poetry and includes her reading "Her Kind," "Self in 1958," "Ringing the Bells," "The Addict," "Young," "Those Times," "Little Girl, My String Bean, My Lovely Woman," and "Live."
Discusses the reality of atoms and their importance in understanding the physical universe. Uses animation to explain what happens to atoms during thermal agitation. Demonstrates the audible reality of atoms with a Geiger counter and visual reality by the use of a cloud chamber. Features Dr. Edwin C. Kemble, Professor of Physics, Harvard University. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Shows the development of Negro education. Emphasizes that such a development was slow and difficult from the schoolhouse with broken windows and the teachers only a few steps ahead of the pupils to the modern school which spreads its influence beyond the confines of its four walls through training 9in home economics, machine shop, and handicrafts. Ends with shots of Negroes in universities, as surgeons and nurses in hospitals, and in the Army.
Shows the development of Negro education. Emphasizes that such a development was slow and difficult from the schoolhouse with broken windows and the teachers only a few steps ahead of the pupils to the modern school which spreads its influence beyond the confines of its four walls through training 9in home economics, machine shop, and handicrafts. Ends with shots of Negroes in universities, as surgeons and nurses in hospitals, and in the Army.
Representative photographs by the turn-of-the-century French photographer, Eugène Atget, with explanatory analysis by Berenice Abbott, a former protège of Atget.
Describes some of the known bacteria that are found in the air, in liquids, and in the soil. Explains that among the many kinds of bacteria some are harmful to man while others are beneficial. Describes the contributions made by Antony van Leeuwenhoek, Louis Pasteur, and Robert Koch in the field of bacteriology. Animated drawings and live photography show bacterial growth and reproduction and some of the ways in which bacteria may be grouped for systematic study.
Describes the economic, religious, and social characteristics of life in Bangkok, Thailand. Includes views of the temples, the old Palace of Kings, the King and the Queen at a state function, the floating river market, the busy streets, the celebration of the Buddhist New Year, and a traditional Thai funeral. Describes the attachment of the Thai people to ancient traditions as well as their love for modern comforts. Highlights the cooperation of the American and European businessmen with the Siamese in developing local industry and describes the country as the "rice bowl of Asia."
Presents basic fundamentals of basketball. Coach Branch McCracken and the Indiana University basketball team demonstrate, in regular and slow-motion photography, ways of shooting, passing, dribbling, and defensive and offensive footwork. For intermediate grades, high school and college.
Gives the United Nations' report on how the Food and Agriculture Organization was beginning, in 1949, to solve the tremendous problem of doubling the world's food output. Emphasizes that the FAO is waging a world-wide attack on rats and insects, and shows what the FAO was doing in China to provide insecticides, serums, and fertilizer. Pictures the FAO's attempts to introduce improved agricultural equipment and methods.
Shows the extent of communication between the East and the West in Berlin, including railroad and trolley connections, newspapers from the West, and pedestrian movement across zone lines. Pictures various shops set up near the border to cater to East Berliners and discloses black-market activities. Shows High Commissioner Conant stating his policies. Contrasts, during a sight-seeing bus tour, the dullness and inactivity of East Berlin to the busy, clean streets of West Berlin and describes the refugee problem in some detail.
Depicts a typical day in the life of the Indian musician, Bismillah Khan. Shows him in meditation on the banks of the Ganges, shopping in the market, worshiping, relaxing with his family at home, and performing on the shehnai, a classical reed instrument formerly restricted to court and temple ceremonies.
Describes Project WILL, a plan designed to promote racial understanding between black and white high school students in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Relates how one staff member becomes disillusioned during the federally sponsored project conducted in two six-week sessions, and challenges the premise of the experiment. Indicates that although the students were supposed to be making their own decisions, they actually had no control over the project.
Portrays the experiences of a boy and a girl going by boat from Albany, down the Hudson River, to New York City. Along the way, the children see many types of water craft, including a sailboat, a cabin cruiser, a fireboat, a barge, a police boat, and a huge ocean liner. At the captain's invitation, they inspect his wheelhouse and engine room.
Short promotional film focusing on student learning at Indiana University. Begins with a tour of the buildings and resources of the Libraries, the "focal point of I.U.'s academic program." The film then moves on to highlight teaching at the university, showing history professor, R. Carlyle Buley in individual conference with a student as well as in the classroom. Finally the film shows how teaching and learning are not just confined to the classroom, but come about through student meetings and informal gatherings. Ends with I.U. students graduating and going on to become productive members of society, proving that "books do come alive."
Portrays through the experiences of a family recently moving into a community, the variety of services provided by a centralized county library system to branch libraries and their users. These services available to users include rotating book collections, recordings, motion pictures; library administration and technical services involved in ordering, processing, cataloging, publicity, and circulation of materials; and the advantages of the correlated use of equipment, personnel, and materials found in a central library system serving branch libraries.
Gives a pictorial exposition of the relationship of England to her colonies, protectorates, and mandates and highlights the outstanding characteristics of the free and self-governing dominions; then presents an analysis of the British people. Depicts England's struggle to restore herself to strength and prosperity immediately following World War II.
Advocates that camping be made an integral part of the school experience in this title originally produced in 1938. Examines a program for training professional educators in the area of outdoor education through a camping experience. Presents a glimpse of organized camping in this historical period of recreation education.
Follows the Young family in the process of becoming naturalized Canadians. Discusses the opportunities they may expect in a country which is important as a producer of grain, iron ore, uranium, aluminum, wood pulp, and lumber. Emphasizes the growing eminence Canada may gain as the population increase begins to approach the productive potential.
Shows the gradual development of a balanced economy in Canada through the growth of industry in the various provinces. Includes views of wheat harvesting, logging, tourist attractions, the transportation of oil, food processing, and the production of power, metals, motors, planes, and radios. Mentions the controversial St. Lawrence Waterway project and presents the testimony of leaders in industry and government, including Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent.
Shows the work of medical researchers in their efforts to discover the causes of and cure for cancer, and the work of organizations in combating popular ignorance and fear of cancer. Famous physicians warn against "quack" cures.
A travelogue-type film which shows some of the famous castles which gave Castille its name; includes the Alhambra, some historic monasteries, and the Gothic Cathedral of Burgos. With few exceptions, the vocabulary is restricted to the 2000 most common words and idioms from Hayward Keniston's A standard list of Spanish words and idioms. For second semester Spanish students.
A scientific study of the physical, chemical and biological aspects of the oceans. Presents current views of the character and dynamics of oceans and explains the scope, objectives, and problems of current oceanographic exploration. Shows various types of instruments and equipment used in the study of ocean currents, marine biology, and the ocean floor.
Through free expression art activities, a teacher shows how children think, feel, and develop in a year at a Japanese school. Selects pupils from a first-grade class and traces their personality growth and development as it relates to their home life and social-school environment. Indicates that personal problems and predispositions influence the types and variety of children's artistic creations. Illustrates how children can be encouraged to remove deeply rooted fears through art activity and social participation.
Opens with an interview involving Nkosi, Soyinka, and featured guest, Achebe. Focuses on the craft and work of Achebe himself and questions whether he deliberately avoids passing moral judgment. Shows Achebe discussing the influences which have shaped his artistic life and recounting experiences from a U. S. visit. Closes with an examination of the traditional novel and a possible new African novel form.
Discusses Christianity not only as ideology, but also as a historical religion, focusing upon Jesus. Surveys the human aspects of Jesus, and contrasts standards of values in the world with the teachings of Christ.
Animated drawings review man's dependence upon water for life. Describes the sources of city water supply--wells, rivers, lakes, and watersheds; water-borne diseases; and methods of water distribution. Specifically traces New York City's water supply. Also depicts water tunnels, aqueducts, and modern methods of filtration and chlorination to insure purity.
Shows how the average local health department helps to control the spread of communicable diseases and maintain America's high standard of living by protecting water and food supplies from contamination, by enforcing rigid standards of cleanliness, by insuring proper disposal of refuse, by making laboratory tests, and by supplying immunizing agents to physicians and hospitals. Explains that agencies devoted to tuberculosis and polio prevention, community hospitals, the Red Cross, and the family physicians all work together to maintain high standards of health. Educational Consultants, Harold S. Diehl, Anita D. Laton.
Explains the functions of the House of Representatives and the Senate; then shows how a Congressional bill is introduced, considered, and voted upon. Discusses the special powers of the House and the Senate, and points out the relationship of Congress to the President and the Supreme Court.
Discusses the discovery and exploitation of the natural resources of the West--minerals, grazing, lumber--plus agricultural development of the Great Plains and the Pacific Coast valleys. Also, considers communications in the West--stage lines, railroads, and the telegraph. (KETC) Kinescope.
Studies varied aspects of life in present-day Costa Rica. Shows the increasing trend toward private enterprise; federal measures such as STICA to promote cooperative agriculture; the Catholic Church's contribution to labor and to social welfare through its hospitals and schools; and the people's active interest in Pan-American solidarity. Describes the country's democratic form of government. Discusses the ever-present inflationary problem arising from the lack of balance between exports and imports.
Presents the general nature, strengths, limitations, and developmental constructs of behavior therapy as based on the work of Clark Hull, B.F. Skinner, and Robert F. Mager. Distinguishes and explains the three types of classifications within behavior therapy: classical, operant, and cognitive. Uses dramatizations and illustrations to demonstrate the concepts of reinforcement, extinction, and punishment. Discusses criticisms of behavior therapy, and examines the ways in which behavior therapy can be applied to vocational rehabilitation.
Employs dance routines and originally scored music to portray differences in marriage rituals of three societies. Emphasizes the basic motive behind the selection of marriage partners, the rituals that join them, and the values that guide their relationships. Compares Americans, the Bantu of Africa, and the Muria of India.
Introduces four major choreographers--Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey, Charles Weidman, and Hanya Holt--who revolted against the conventions of ballet to produce American modern dance. Employs film clips and still photographs taken in 1934 to show the dancers and their teachers during the beginning days at Mount Bennington College. Each choreographer explains her/his view of the meaning dance should have within the arts. Includes a full production of Doris Humphrey's Passacaglia by the American Dance
Analyzes defensive footwork action in basketball by first demonstrating the correct stance. Slow motion and close-up photography then portray the two basic defensive moves: the parallel movement, which governs lateral guarding motions, and the stride, which governs advancing and retreating motions. Emphasis is placed on the correlation of arm movement with footwork, turning, pivoting, and getting into position for taking the ball on the rebound.
Shows how animal tracks may be identified and explains how various types of tracks are classified. Demonstrates the making of track stamps through the use of potatoes. Discusses the making of plaster casts of tracks and the wiring of stories using tracks. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses the problem of meteorite damage during space travel. Demonstrates the Navy's full-pressure space suit for emergency exit. Explains the difficulties of escape and survival in space. Features Captain Charles F. Gell of the Naval Air Material Center in Philadelphia, and Dr. Fritz Haber of Avco Manufacturing Corporation.
Discusses protective devices for flyers in space. Demonstrates the Air Force partial pressure suit. Explains the effects of "explosive decompression." Presents a design for a three-stage rocket vehicle, and points out special features of the cabin unit. Features Colonel Henry M. Sweeney, former director of research at the School of Aviation Medicine at Randolph Air Force Base, and Mr. Krafft A. Ehricke of General Dynamics Corporation.
Introduces Duro Ladipo, the founder, director, playwright, composer, and principal male actor of the Duro Ladipo Traveling Theatre Company of Oshogbo, Nigeria. Explains how Ladipo became interested in drama and music. Shows members of the company touring Nigerian villages.
Explores the principal ways in which people go about finding information, by following a boy who discovers a baby bird as he asks advice from a man in a pet shop, learns by observation, consults various materials at the library, conducts an informal experiment when teaching the bird to eat adult food, and explores a community resource to find a home for it.
This program explores the man-machine relationship through the research of Paul Fitts, Julian Christiansen, and George Briggs. It examines how humans handle and process information, as well as the challenges of information feedback between people and machines. The program also looks at human behavior within complex man-machine systems and how insights from these studies have influenced the redesign of equipment to better match human capabilities. The research highlights the dynamic interaction and adjustment between human users and technological systems.
Presents some of the ways in which psychologists are studying the growth and development of personality and emotional behavior in children as observed in the laboratory of Dr. Robert Sears at Stanford University. Explores the interaction between parental behavior and attitudes and the emotional development of children.
Tells how the island of Formosa has been helped to become economically self-sufficient through the help of ECA and the Joint Committee on Rural Reconstruction. Explains that through the cooperation of the United States and the local government, and at a small cost, the people of the island have been helped to help themselves. Short version of Formosa--Island of Promise.
Shows the problems of Formosa, an island which doubled in population through the arrival of Chinese Nationalist refugees. Tells how, with assistance from ECA and the Joint Committee on Rural Reconstruction, the island has been made almost self-supporting. Describes the land reforms, military training, and education of women now in progress.
Presents through the experiences of a boy, insights into numerous aspects of frontier life in the Midwest. Illustrates the importance of the school, the self-sufficiency of the settlers, and the developing economic system evidenced in peddlers, the country gristmill, and stores in frontier towns using barter to acquire and sell goods. Social life is pictured through scenes of a quilting bee, men discussing politics and market prices, games and a spelling bee.
Everyday events in the life of a Midwest settler's family from a child's viewpoint. School and community activities as well as home life.
Highlights events in the life of Mohandas K. Gandhi between 1930 and 1948 and recounts his role in the struggle to free India from British colonialism. Treats his philosophy of passive resistance and non-violence, and depicts the conflicts between British and Indians, and Hindus and Moslems before and after British withdrawal. The events of the campaign of civil disobedience and the series of conferences and incarcerations of Gandhi are reviewed. The views of British officials during this period are also presented. The partition of India and the establishment of dominion status for India and Pakistan are explained. Gandhi's pleas for unity and brotherhood during his last days and his assassination in 1948 are presented. Concluding scenes present his funeral pyre and an eulogy to Gandhi.
Explains the role of fuel gas as a source of energy. Begins with the history of gas lighting. The cleanliness, efficiency and versatility of gas is investigated. Describes the production of various types of manufactured gas, using natural photography and animated drawings. Details the production of coke oven gas and carborated water gas, including the collection of raw materials, heating, cooling and purification. Examines how the by-products of the production of gas are used. Shows how natural gas is obtained from wells and distributed through pipelines to population centers. Discusses the importance of research and education in gas conservation. Discusses future technological developments being made in gas manufacture through testing fuel burning equipment and studying new chemicals.
Traces the development of the qualities and skills which made George Washington the builder of the American nation. Portrays events of his boyhood and during the French and Indian Wars: illustrates his trials and triumphs as military leader and as organizer of the movement to frame the Constitution; and reveals his difficulties and successes as first President of the United States. For junior and senior high school grades and adult groups.
Uses the home experiences of six high school youngsters to portray and analyze the conditions leading to conflict between parents and their adolescent offspring. Shows how a group plan to go to the "Blue Room" after the Junior Prom precipitates an argument in each home situation, and analyzes the reasons for the conflicting viewpoints of parents and youngsters. Encourages mutual understanding of each other's position and depicts the Smith's success with the family conference technique as suggestive of a way to improve relations.
This film shows how the staff of a British hospital has improvised a method of routinely admitting the mothers of patients under school age to a ward of traditional design without structural alterations. We are shown that ordinary mothers, when given a positive role in the care of their sick children, are generally as adequate in the ward as in their own homes. The film follows the experience of Sally, aged 20 months, and her mother as well as other mothers in residence and shows how adequately this method of care meets the emotional needs of the young child, contributes to the mother's high morale, and enriches the experience of the staff. The fact that this method has its own problems is not overlooked. This film was shot at Amersham General Hospital.
Records the poetry and personality of Gwendolyn Brooks and the Chicago environment which provided the sources for most of her materials. Features Miss Brooks reading several of her poems, each accompanied by scenes of the people or locale described. Examines her method of working, the things she finds most pleasant in life, and the thrill of winning the 1950 Pulitzer Prize for poetry.
Depicts the emotional problems of a young boy, his rebellion against parental controls, particularly his father's repressive discipline, and his gradual development into a potential juvenile delinquent. Shows the assistance of a community social worker and a neighborhood welfare house in bringing about development of better understanding between father and son. Stresses American spirit of public service and community concern for child welfare. Prepared for overseas use.
Illustrates various techniques and household arrangements for caring for the convalescent patient at home. Shows ways of arranging the sick room, making the beds, washing and serving the patient, caring for the thermometer, and removing soiled linens. Pictures the distribution of chores among the family members and demonstrates some necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the illness.
Uses two comprehensive high schools--one in Oakland, California, and the other in Labette County, Kansas--to show what every secondary school should be equipped to do. Shows various classroom situations illustrating how the schools provide for the varied interests of all students in their communities. Includes views of Dr. Conant presenting his findings to government and National Education Association officials.
Stresses that observation is basic to learning the sciences and the arts by showing a boy observing an old house, an example of capillary action, and a science experiment. Emphasizes the importance of the tools of observation--being alert, being interested, and asking questions.
Presents all the trials and events of the 1956 state track and field meet. Portrays the individual performers in action and the awarding of medals and the trophy by the Board of Control and the Commissioner.
Provides a play-by-play presentation of the basketball game between Terre Haute Gerstmeyer and Richmond during the 1953 Indiana state finals. Designed for coaching purposes.
Employs dance routines and originally scored music to portray the formation of human personality in three societies. Demonstrates the authoritarian, cooperative, and dwarfed personality types. Points out how personality types perpetuate themselves. Compares Americans, Alorese of the Dutch East Indies, and the Hopi Indians. (KUHT) Film.
A supervisor asks an employee for work-improvement suggestions; the employee talks the problem over with his father and sister, obtains their advice, and makes some worthwhile suggestions.
Shows a typical day in the life of a model American teen-age boy. His health habits, diet, hobbies, and correct attitude toward work, study and play are all stressed.
Tells the complex story of India's social and political problems immediately after World War II. Shows the overcrowded conditions, how war with Japan brought to a head centuries of strife among various dissident groups in India's conglomerate population, and how tradition has placed oriental luxury side by side with squalor. Enumerates the social and industrial benefits, as well as the abuses, that came with British domination.
Reviews the civil strife between religious groups during the first days of Free India. Stresses the fact that with the assassination of Gandhi much of the civil war stopped, and now Nehru is attempting to weld the country into a democratic state. Shows present-day India's industry, people, religion, and agriculture.
Explores India's most critical problem and examines proposed solutions. Discusses the agricultural crises and the social customs which interrelate with the population problem. Shows the educational strategy to control the size of families. Presents illuminating accounts of major aspects of life in contemporary India.
Surveys the geography and people of India. Includes the topography; the effects of the monsoon winds and the other climatic factors; India's ancient cultural heritage; the village life and primitive farm economy of India; the religious beliefs of the three main groups: the Hindus, the Muslims and the Sikhs; typical cities such as Kanpui, an industrial city, Benares, a religious city, and New Delhi, the capital; and Mahatma Gandhi and his influence. Ends by pointing out some of the problems of the Indian nation.
An Indiana University student shows a prospective student's parents the campus and explains the counseling system. Includes academic and extracurricular activities, the extension centers, and many buildings on the Bloomington campus.
Contains aerial photography, animation, and charts to show methods used by Indianapolis to effect slum clearance. Pictures city officials as they cite the need for rebuilding slum areas and tells of the founding in 1945 of the Indianapolis Redevelopment Commission outlining plans for future development as well as picturing results of past achievements. Points out the cooperative efforts of Flanner House as residents are assisted in the building of new homes, summarizes the accomplishments of the Commission, and views future plans for slum clearance.
The problems of both the Netherlands and Indonesia are presented in the question of Indonesian independence. Describes Holland's need to rebuild her empire after World War II, and shows Indonesia's resentment of Dutch and Japanese exploitation. Leaders of both sides give their views.
Offers glimpses of the proverbial Irish national character, the poetic landscape of the country, and the political, economic, and social problems during president Eamon DeValera's administration.
Presents an historical examination of Japan and the factors involved in the solution of her population problem. Surveys crowded, modern Japan and illustrates change by focusing on a family and by tracing Japan's history with a fast-moving blend of art prints. Deals specifically with legalized abortion and birth control meetings and documents the advantages that a balanced population provides for Japan.
Introduces the subject of Japanese Brush Painting. Explains the use of the brush painting materials. Discusses the Japanese approach to art. Artist-host T. Mikami paints samples of the subjects to be covered in the series. (KQED) Kinescope.
Immediately following Pearl Harbor, one of the critical problems facing the United States was what to do with the 100,000 people of Japanese descent living up and down the Pacific Coast. The immediate step was to remove all Japanese from critical areas around air fields, harbors, and industrial plants, to forestall sabotage and espionage. This mass migration accomplished by the Army working with the War Relocation Authority is shown in the film--from the first registration through the movement to temporary quarters established in race tracks and fair grounds to the final migration to settlements in Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.