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Walter Kerr, drama critic for the New York Herald Tribune, interviews noted Irish author Frank O'Connor. Mr. O'Connor contrasts the novel and the short story in relation to characterization, plot, and the time element. He discusses styles of the short story and appraises past and present psychological and subject matter trends in prose fiction.
Explains the functions of the House of Representatives and the Senate; then shows how a Congressional bill is introduced, considered, and voted upon. Discusses the special powers of the House and the Senate, and points out the relationship of Congress to the President and the Supreme Court.
"Typical incidents in the daily life of a city patrolman are used in explaining the role of the police force in protecting citizens and maintaining order in the community"-- Library of Congress National Union Catalog, 1953-1957; Volume 28. Motion pictures and filmstrips.
Discusses the contribution of stage costumes to the art of the theater. Follows the costume designer through the initial analysis of the play, the drawing-board, the costume workshop, and to the actual wearing of the costumes. Stresses four basic considerations of costume design: unity, identification, projection, and functionalism. Outlines problems related to action, setting, lighting, and make-up.
An account of a canoe trip in the Quetico-Superior wilderness area of Northern Minnesota and Canada. Emphasizes the importance of keeping wilderness areas green, beautiful, and intact. Includes views of wildlife and wild flowers.
Walter Kerr, drama critic for the New York Herald Tribune interviews distinguished American poet, Archibald MacLeish. Mr. MacLeish outlines his ideas on what poetry is and should be, including ideas on its uses. For him, poetry must come from experience and give form to experience. He sees younger writers as turning inward toward more spiritual and emotional themes and expressions.