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Follows the Young family in the process of becoming naturalized Canadians. Discusses the opportunities they may expect in a country which is important as a producer of grain, iron ore, uranium, aluminum, wood pulp, and lumber. Emphasizes the growing eminence Canada may gain as the population increase begins to approach the productive potential.
Explains the role of fuel gas as a source of energy. Begins with the history of gas lighting. The cleanliness, efficiency and versatility of gas is investigated. Describes the production of various types of manufactured gas, using natural photography and animated drawings. Details the production of coke oven gas and carborated water gas, including the collection of raw materials, heating, cooling and purification. Examines how the by-products of the production of gas are used. Shows how natural gas is obtained from wells and distributed through pipelines to population centers. Discusses the importance of research and education in gas conservation. Discusses future technological developments being made in gas manufacture through testing fuel burning equipment and studying new chemicals.
This film shows how the staff of a British hospital has improvised a method of routinely admitting the mothers of patients under school age to a ward of traditional design without structural alterations. We are shown that ordinary mothers, when given a positive role in the care of their sick children, are generally as adequate in the ward as in their own homes. The film follows the experience of Sally, aged 20 months, and her mother as well as other mothers in residence and shows how adequately this method of care meets the emotional needs of the young child, contributes to the mother's high morale, and enriches the experience of the staff. The fact that this method has its own problems is not overlooked. This film was shot at Amersham General Hospital.
Stresses that observation is basic to learning the sciences and the arts by showing a boy observing an old house, an example of capillary action, and a science experiment. Emphasizes the importance of the tools of observation--being alert, being interested, and asking questions.
An Indiana University student shows a prospective student's parents the campus and explains the counseling system. Includes academic and extracurricular activities, the extension centers, and many buildings on the Bloomington campus.
Shows daily tasks of a rural family of southern Spain. Depicts a trip by a boy and his father to a city market place; shows representative aspects of Spanish life; and emphasizes the activities of the children.
Discusses the fact that man's material progress is now at a higher peak than ever before, but that his daily routine is often one of dissatisfaction. Although he wants peace, his world is spit into two conflicting philosophies--communism and democracy. Emphasizes the fact that through public education and the United Nations, man is looking for peace.
Follows the newspaper story of a little girl rescued by some Boy Scouts from the time the reporter learns of it until the completed paper is sold on the street. Explains the work of the staff members and the mechanical devices involved. Suggests the importance of the daily newspaper to society.
Examines the role of radio as a means of mass communication from its inception up to, and including, 1950. Includes many of the radio personalities of the late 1940s such as Jack Benny, Bob Hope, Fibber Magee and Molly, Edgar Bergen, Fred Allen, and Walter Winchell, and also contains film clips of game shows and soap operas being broadcast. Explores the role of advertising in the radio industry and looks at the responsibility sponsors have in developing good programming for their audiences.
Shows Roger Smith watching the day-to-day development of his baby brother's teeth. Roger then recognizes in the dentist his friend of yesterday who had presented him with a four-leaf clover. Shows the care behind the Smith children's healthy teeth: faithful brushing after each meal, semiannual visits to the dentist, and wholesome foods that are not too sweet.
Portrays and explains, by means of animation, the role played by the Pacific Ocean in international affairs. Shows the growth of man's knowledge of the Pacific through the voyages of the early explorers and the later expansion of settlement in this area. Traces the settlement of Pacific island and coastal areas by British, Russians, Germans, French, Dutch, and Americans, and discusses the establishment of political control by these nations. Concludes with a review of Japan's efforts to control the Pacific.
Walter Kerr, drama critic for the New York Herald Tribune, interviews noted Irish author Frank O'Connor. Mr. O'Connor contrasts the novel and the short story in relation to characterization, plot, and the time element. He discusses styles of the short story and appraises past and present psychological and subject matter trends in prose fiction.