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In episode 82, Dean Shanahan speaks to Aman Sethi about demonetization, digitization, and control as part of IU's India Remixed arts and humanities festival. Sethi is associate editor at the Hindustan Times.
In episode 105, Dean Shanahan and Angel Escobedo, the new head coach of IU wrestling, talk about Escobedo's background, the life of a wrestler, and where IU's team is headed.
In Ep. 108, join the entire Through the Gates team has Dean Shanahan hosts our third annual holiday quiz show. Listen along and see if you can beat our high score!
It's no surprise that Indiana has a long legacy of top-tier athletic programs. This week, Dean Shanahan sits down with Galen Clavio, IU Associate Professor & Director of the National Sports Journalism Center, and Zach Osterman, the Indy Star's collegiate sports reporter, to talk about IU Athletics past and present.
Fasone, Leslie, Holbrook, Patrick, Shanahan, James
This week on Through the Gates, Media School Dean Jim Shanahan talks with Leslie Fasone and Patrick Holbrook about their work on the Culture of Care initiative. Culture of Care is led by students and supported by faculty. It's designed to get IU students to care for one another in four main areas: sexual well-being, drug and alcohol awareness, mental health, and respect.
In Ep. 100, Dean Jim Shanahan is joined by Michael McRobbie, President of Indiana University. Tune in to hear about President McRobbie's work on the national Committee on the Future of Voting, the challenges facing our election process, and the debate of paper versus electronic voting.
What’s next for IU Women’s basketball after winning the WNIT championships last spring? Dean Shanahan sits down with head coach Teri Moren to talk about the future of the team, her coaching philosophy, and the changing face of collegiate basketball.
This week, Through the Gates host Jim Shanahan discusses the upcoming election and recent electoral debates with IU School of Public and Environmental Affairs professors Paul Helmke, Professor of Practice and director of the Civic Leaders Center, and Brian DeLong, senior lecturer and university debate coach.
This far-reaching conversation explores a variety of issues related to both Donald J. Trump and Secretary Hillary Clinton's recent campaigns during this unusual and trend-setting election season.
This week, we’ll hear from Eileen Julien, IU professor of comparative literature and director of IU’s Institute for Advanced Study.
Julien is also co-director of “Arts of Survival: Recasting Lives in African Cities,” a three-week summer institute that has brought together 22 faculty and three graduate students from universities and colleges across the U.S. The institute is hosted by the Institute for Advanced Study on the IU Bloomington campus and is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Julien, who is author of “Travels with Mae: Scenes from a New Orleans Girlhood,” is bringing a personal touch to “Arts of Survival” by loaning part of a collection of Mardi Gras regalia to the Mathers Museum of World Cultures for an exhibit beginning July 12. Public readings and films will also be offered during the institute, and the group will travel to New Orleans to examine the intersection of contemporary urban culture art with the political and social structures embedded in the city.