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Tells the story of the original pharmacy. Explains the development of medicines and use of beneficial plants. Describes the preparation of drugs from herbs and barks.
Combines Aaron Copland's music and Martha Graham's modern dance group in an interpretation of a story set in the Appalachian wilderness during the pioneer period of American history. The dance tells of a young couple's wedding day, the building of their house, their celebration, the wandering preacher's dire sermon, and the pioneer woman's gentle blessing. The day ends with everyone leaving the couple as they begin life together in their new home.
How self-sufficient is the United States? This question and its significance in an appraisal of the United States as a world power are discussed by Dr. Sumner. He reviews the materials covered during the series and concludes that the United States is a world leader today largely because of her wealth in natural resources.
Discusses the present status of archaeology in Russia. Shows and discusses objects, found in Russia, formerly owned by Scythians and buried with them. Stresses the vast quantity of these objects and emphasizes the artistic quality of these exports from Greece. (NYU) Kinescope.
Audience learns how to make an ant puppet of varying size. In the Make Do Theatre play, the story of Archibald Ant is told. After playing baseball, he eats too much honey and his stomach gets really big. After it goes down in size, he vows to never tell anyone what happened.
In his final program, John Dodds poses a startling question: “Are Americans civilized?” Undoubtedly, he says, most Americans will reply without hesitation. “Of course, we are!” Yet, Dr. Dodds points out, we are branded by many foreigners as a raw, materialistic, uncouth, mercenary, and even an uncivilized nation. He inquires into the factors in our society that have induced such severe criticism from abroad. He asks if others are merely jealous of our technological advancement –which most are as quick to adopt as they are to criticize –or have they actually found some basic flaws in the fabric of our culture. In peering into the structure of our civilization, he holds up a mirror in which all Americans might profit from viewing themselves. From this analysis we realize that American have their shortcomings both obvious and subtle, but, as to the state of American civilization, Dr. Dodds leads us to believe the picture is more pleasant than many would have us think.
Uses demonstrations to illustrate how scientists arrive at facts. Explains how and why scientists often give the impression of being to sure of their knowledge of the universe. Discusses the importance of numerical statements in science and how physical law is derived. Features Dr. Phillipe LeCorbeiller, Professor of applied Physics, Harvard University.
Herald Tribune Youth Forum panelists discuss the relation between men and women in various parts of the world, as students from the Philippines, Japan, Finland, and Ceylon debate on: What has been the effect of “Americanization” on women in Asia, Africa, and Europe? Who should be the head of the family? Can polygamy be defended? What is the role of the wife? Might different kinds of family relationships be valid in different parts of the world? Should women have careers outside the home? Participants: Edgar Gimotes, Philippines; Yukiki Tamakami, Japan; Kaarina Honkapohja, Finland; P. Tissa Milroy Fernando, Ceylon.
Points out and discusses the values to be gained from the process of creating. Invites the viewer to draw a still life and shows five art students working creatively in various media.
Suggests ways of beginning in art and stresses the importance of making use of past experience. Shows students producing visual symbols which are suggested by a number of abstract ideas presented verbally. Encourages viewers to exercise the creativity that each possesses. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Outlines Argentine history and discusses the political and economic climate, with prospects for the future. Emphasizes Argentina's problems and possibilities. Shows pictures of the land and the people. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses the nature of art and its role in human life. Points out the difference in science, art, and prudence, and compares the way in which all things come into being--natural generation, artistic production, and divine creation. Explains that to do a work of art is to do something deliberately by knowledge and rules.
Discusses line, form, and symbol as conventional devices for communication in the visual arts. Demonstrates some of the conventions used for communication in the theater and the dance. Illustrates the communication of ideas, using pictures by Picasso and others.
Presents the means for acquiring an understanding of art and the artist. Examines modern art as an expression of the world today. Points out how the artist is involved in an age of discovery; how his work must be looked at as something new, now something to be recognized from past experiences, and how art looks to the future, forecasting the unknown. Illustrates with art objects from the collections in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
Explains how art is identified with its environment, showing that a changing environment forces art through a revolution if it is to retain vitality. Uses art objects to show how the rococo style of the French court gave way to the classical expression of Napoleonic pomp, which in turn gave way to romanticism. Discusses the great revolution in art in Europe during the 19th century. Points out the impact of technical developments and democratic ideas on art.
Discusses religious and secular art as an expression of and a directing force in society. Explains how Chinese and Christian arts helped maintain social order and established images of faith. Contrasts art as individual expression in a free society with art as a propaganda tool under dictatorship. Illustrates with the art objects from the collections in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
Presents the utilitarian function and underlying ideas of varied works of art, and tells how many objects now treasured in museums were originally created for practical, utilitarian purposes. Explains how changes in ideas bring changes in art expression, illustrating with works of art from the collection of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
Fignewton Frog (puppet) and Dora (person) conduct an art contest. Puppet children are shown working on their painting, sculpture and collage submissions. Viewers are encouraged to make art of their own. The episode concludes with selection of a contest winner.
Fignewton’s Newspaper is conducting an art contest, which in part consists of having the children guess the titles of well-known paintings and guess how other art objects are made.