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Discuss the book, Witness, by Whittaker Chambers. Examines the content of this autobiographical work and the reasons why it was written. Appraises the significance of the book as a source for historians and as literature.
Shows how to choose a job by first knowing one's self as revealed by performance in intelligence, aptitude, and personality tests, by learning the characteristics of different jobs, and by fitting these two together. Illustrates these steps by following a series of counseling sessions between a counselor and a counselee. (KOMU-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses World Enough and Time by Robert Penn Warren. Outlines the plot, briefly sketches the characters, and appraises the literary form of this novel. Identifies and examines ides embodied in this work and indicates the author's serious concern with them. (Syracuse University) Kinescope.
This program is a summary and conclusion of the course. Dr. Smith first briefly hits highlights of the major religions. Then he discusses some of the attitudinal changes that may have resulted from the course.
Portrays the psychology at work in the use of alcohol by adolescents. A documentary approach is taken in presenting the origin, development, and results of an actual research project, "A Study of the Use of Alcohol Among High School Students", made by the Hofstra College Bureau of Social Research. (Hofstra College & WPIX) Kinescope.
Discusses agriculture in terms of the raising of hogs, beef, and dairy cattle. Explains that corn is the vital link between the soil and the production of these animals. States that the large production of corn and farm animals in the United States enables us to eat 61 times as much meat per person per year as the average Japanese citizen.
In this program, Dr. Sumner uses maps and graphs to demonstrate another reason why the soil is considered to be the most precious of all natural resources. He draws the attention to the variety of crops which we raise in large quantities within our borders. He gives production figures added meaning with descriptions of the agricultural production of Japan and India.
Friction in the Old World led to war. The USA tried to maintain neutrality, but with each passing month the problems created became more and more thorny. Finally, the nation was drawn into the conflict. With amazing speed and efficiency the country mobilized. Its participation in World War I was the deciding factor in bringing victory to the Allies.
Hardly had the exultation of victory and accomplishment cooled, when the nation found itself face to face with an old problem, which it had hoped was a dead issue. The application of California for statehood was not covered by the Missouri Compromise. The Southerners fought to hold their equal advantage in the Senate – they had long ago lost the House. In the end they had to take the “half loaf” which the Compromise of 1850 offered, but they were unhappy and fearful of the future. Yet a few years of prosperity lulled all into a feeling of security and hopes began to build. Then came the question of the route of the transcontinental railroad. Next, the Kansas-Nebraska Act. From 1854 the way led steadily downhill toward sectional conflict, this time with guns, rather than orators, barking. The Republican Party was uncompromisingly a Northern, anti-slavery faction – the last real bond which had hitherto resisted sectional friction was now gone, the national political party. The South was outnumbered in the legislature. Its victory in the judiciary – the Dred Scott decision – only roused its opponents to more determined action. The success of the Lincoln candidacy could mean the coup de grace. The South conditioned itself for that possibility.
Drive-in movies, bow ties, ready-made clothes and convertible cars are commented upon by the high school students from thirty-four countries. In answer to questions from viewers of the series, the students give their impressions of the United States and its way of life. A chorus of "No!" greets the question, "If you had your choice, would you stay in the United States?" Only two boys who have ambitions to be physicians say they would like to remain here to study. Most of the others declare they feel a duty to return home and help improve the status of their own countries.
How self-sufficient is the United States? This question and its significance in an appraisal of the United States as a world power are discussed by Dr. Sumner. He reviews the materials covered during the series and concludes that the United States is a world leader today largely because of her wealth in natural resources.
This series, aired from 1954 through 1958, is built around the annual New York Herald Tribune World Youth Forum, which hosts approximately thirty foreign high school students from around the world in the US. The World Youth Forum features the high school students discussing problems of concern to America and the world. Discussions are presided over by Mrs. Helen Hiet Waller, World Youth Forum Director, with a maximum of encouragement to free expression. In this program from 1955, students from Pakistan, Vietnam, South Korea, Nigeria, and South Africa discuss the cultural differences and similarities between their countries and the USA. Contemporary high school students may have to disobey their parents in order to push new ideals ahead, though disagreeing with one's parents is a difficult thing to do. The student panelists point out that they have had to adjust to more changes in these past seventeen years than our ancestors did in the last 700.
Explores the news room of a modern metropolitan daily newspaper. Describes the role of the City Editor, News Editor, rewrite man, and copy boys. (KETC) Kinescope.
Describes the work of the newspaper reporter. Joins the Police Reporter on his regular beat, and covers a feature story at the zoo. Through an interview with the Managing Editor, indicates that a newspaper does more for its readers than reporting news. (KETC) Kinescope.
Tells the story of Buddha and how he grew up to go out alone seeking eternal life. Explains that Buddha accepted the basic principles of Hinduism, but thought them cumbersome and would not abide by rules of social distinction. Relates how, after much hardship and failure, he finally arrived at a position near benevolence and began to preach his simple religion.
Illustrates the similarity of Buddhism to the other great religions. Compares a Buddhist approach to life to a doctor's approach to a medical problem. Indicates symptoms, diagnosis, prescription, and treatment. Describes the treatment as concerning itself with knowledge, aspiration, speech, behavior, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and meditation.
Explains the two main divisions of Buddhism--Hinayana and Mahayana--and the basic causes underlying the division. Surveys the missionary movement of Buddhism and its progress in Japan, resulting in a division called Zen Buddhism, which scorns reason and operates on intuition.
Mr. Peck opens the program by introducing a film clip which shows the raising of the free Indian flag at the UN. Mr. Talbot, Executive Director of American Universities Field Staff, explains the complexity of India. The discussion begins with a consideration of the Congress Party and its problems since independence, with references to Gandhi and Nehru. It is agreed that a real understanding of India depends on a knowledge of the country’s internal development. A five-minute film illustrates efforts to control malaria and the contrast between old and new methods of agriculture. It is concluded that the best way to fight Communism is to strengthen India internally, rather than press her to declare against Red China.
The Friendly Giant reads the book, Chicken Little, Count-to-ten, by Margaret Friskey, illustrated by Katherine Evans, and published by the Children's Press. After the story, Rusty shows how chickens drink. (WHA-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses Christianity not only as ideology, but also as a historical religion, focusing upon Jesus. Surveys the human aspects of Jesus, and contrasts standards of values in the world with the teachings of Christ.
Reviews the early years of the church when the gospel was spread by a group of ex-fishermen and tentsmen. Points out that "the good news" was not an example of the ethical teachings of Jesus, but was related to the actual experiences of the people. Discusses the concepts of the early disciples as being rooted deep in their experiences concerning incarnation, atonement, and the Trinity.
Explains the three basic symbols of Christianity--the church, the vine and branches, and the body. Diagrams the spread of the three largest Christian groups--Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Greek Orthodox--and emphasizes the main beliefs of each of these groups.
Discusses the weather of the United States and its effect on human comfort. Points out the nature of the country's agriculture as valuable bequests from our land. Shows how our climate differs from that of Alaska and Hawaii and the resulting differences in life and culture. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses the supply of coal and iron ore in the United States. States that America has 4000 years supply of coal--this in spite of the fact that the U.S. produces thirty per cent of the world's supply. Points out that the reason for this large supply is that our mines are five times as productive as those of other nations. Uses maps to show the location and size of our supplies of iron ore. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
Describes the life of Confucius as being that of a teacher and a statesman. Explains that Confucianism grew out of a question concerning how men could learn to live together without destroying each other. Points out that when spontaneous tradition breaks down it must be replaced with deliberate tradition, and reviews how this was done by those teachings called Confucianism.
The Friendly Giant reads the book, Cowboy Small, by Lois Lenski, published by the Oxford University Press, to Jerome the giraffe. Then he tries to find a ten-gallon hat for Jerome. (WHA-TV) Kinescope.
This series, aired from 1954 through 1958, is built around the annual New York Herald Tribune World Youth Forum, which hosts approximately thirty foreign high school students from around the world in the US. The World Youth Forum features the high school students discussing problems of concern to America and the world. Discussions are presided over by Mrs. Helen Hiet Waller, World Youth Forum Director, with a maximum of encouragement to free expression. In this program from 1956, students from Finland, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Vietnam discuss whether American children have too much freedom.
A prediction that the white South Africans will suffer if they do not adapt themselves to the "changing times" by eliminating segregation is made by Lebricht Hesse, Gold Coast delegate, in this discussion on racial problems. Other panelists represent the Union of South Africa, Denmark and Indonesia. The Union of South Africa delegate contends that the white South African government will give the Negro his freedom as soon as he has been "educated and civilized". Concluding the discussion, Erik Jorgensen of Denmark said that "you can't separate black and white and work for a peaceful world.”
Discusses the production of electric power in the United States. States that a heritage of our land is our system of rivers and lakes, particular when this water power is harnessed to provide electricity. Discusses the use of dams, thermal power plants, and generators in the production of electricity. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
Presents the story of the English settlements along the Atlantic seaboard--first in Virginia, then in New England, Maryland, and the Carolinas. Explains how England later consolidated her holdings by taking the middle area from the Dutch. (KETC) Kinescope.
Mr. Albert Ravenholt, correspondent of the American Universities Field Staff and staff correspondent for the Chicago Daily News, and Dr. George A. Peek, Jr., assistant professor of political science at the University of Michigan and coordinator for the series, focus their first discussion of the "tension areas" in the Far East on Formosa. Mr. Ravenholt, considered one of the nation's best-informed men on the Far East, comments on the important strategic position of Formosa, the complicated internal "police state" condition of the Island, and how the situation affects the United States. He explains that the Chinese communists are building up their forces along the China coastline. They may be planning to attach Formosa directly, to capture the Chinese Nationalist held islands closer to the mainland, or to force a diplomatic settlement concerning the possession of Formosa. The latter would then involve the issues of recognition of Red China and admission of that country into the United Nations. The United States is sending to Formosa economic and military aid totaling three to four million dollars per year, Mr. Ravenholt points out. This aid not only consists of building up the defenses of the Island, but also improving the diet of the Nationalists soldiers, improving their uniforms, constructing air fields and bridges, and making agricultural improvements. Finally, Mr. Ravenholt stresses the need for the U.S. to begin thinking of what kind of support we are willing to extend to the Chinese Nationalists in the event of war, and the need for thinking about the kind of non-communist Chinese leadership which we would like to have evolve in the future.
The members of the third panel in discussing "The World We Want," talk about how Americans take criticism and then branch out to comment on the policies of the West in Asia and in Western Europe. The question of American economic aid in Southeastern Asia is examined and there is a lively give-and-take on the true purpose of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization --is it a purely defensive alliance or is it planned just to fight Communism
Describes Paris in the early 19th century and the operas written there by various composers and the beginning of individual French Operatic styles. Describes FAUST and CARMEN as the better known beginning works of French opera, presenting portions of each with piano and voice. (Univ. Calif. Ext.) Film.
Describes Paris in the early 19th century and the operas written there by various composers and the beginning of individual French Operatic styles. Describes FAUST and CARMEN as the better known beginning works of French opera, presenting portions of each with piano and voice. (Univ. Calif. Ext.) Film.
Gives an overview of the French Empire in North America with emphasis on its beginnings in the fishing and fur trade, missionary affairs and rivalry with Native Americans.
Discusses how sentences are put together to form the "explaining paragraph." This paragraph structure begins with a generalization from which specific ideas are developed and is followed by a summarizing generalization. Shows that the same developmental patterns are used in mathematics, music, and poetry.
Discusses how generalities in a paragraph should be supported by evidence. List vague, technical specific, and descriptive detail as the three kinds of detail that a writer uses as evidence. Illustrates that technical writers, poets, scientists, and novelist use the same paragraph patterns in their writing. (WQED) Kinescope.
Discusses the worldly desires of all people--pleasure, wealth, fame, and power--and the ways in which they are related to Hinduism and the caste system. Points out that obtaining these worldly desires is not always satisfying. Explains the symbol of the Hindu view of God.
Outlines the four yogas, or paths, to a union with God, and states that individuals should use their own resources to move themselves along these paths. Points out that the material wants or being, awareness, and happiness are only ways to man's deeper desires and that God will answer these needs.
Explores the belief of reincarnation as it relates to the ultimate union of the soul of man with God. States that the soul moves through several material worlds--the one we know, several higher, and several lower, depending on how well one has lived in the world of action--on its journey to the final liberation from all material worlds. Reviews Hinduism, stressing that ultimately God is infinite and that salvation is union with God.
The British colony of Hong Kong is the second "tension area" discussed by Mr. Ravenholt, Professor Peek, and their guest Dr. John W. Hall, director of the Center for Japanese Studies at the University of Michigan. Describing Hong Kong as a "window in the bamboo curtain," Mr. Ravenholt explains that the colony, made up of 76 islands and a peninsula, is the crossroads of the world where there is fairly free travel across the border into Red China. Here we are able to get a picture of what is happening in Communist China. The picture is not complete, he points out, but we are able to determine general trends in that vast country. It is now becoming apparent, according to Dr. Hall, that China is emerging as a major power for the first time in over 150 years. With this accumulation of power there is a natural "spilling over" into other countries such as North Korea. The grassroots level is the source of this new found power. The Communist Government of China has succeeded in organizing the peasantry. Mass organizations have been established with chapters in every village. Here the leaders are trying to change the Chinese society--trying to make it a community-centered society instead of the traditional family-centered society. The country has also been "westernized" and it now has the largest standing army in the world. Concluding the discussion, Mr. Ravenholt predicts that, in time, Red China will pose as a rival to the Soviet Union.
Considers England's relations with her colonies after defeat of France. Points out her mistakes which led to antagonism and finally to open revolt by the Americans. Outlines the conditions the conditions that led the British to follow their disastrous course. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discussion of Russia's industry and agriculture and what that means for Russia as a country and its potential threat to the United States. This is the second episode in the series and is the second out of three discussing Russia.
The discovery of the New World by Columbus was really an accident, but one of those accidents which had been long in getting ready to happen. The Crusaders opened new lands to Europeans and made the first direct contact with things which Europe if she did not actually need, most certainly could use to her advantage. The Italian Merchants perfectly placed geographically and old hands at trading became the middlemen in the trade which developed. Soon other European merchants began to dream of ways of circumventing the Italians and becoming the middlemen themselves. The Turks added taxes to the goods which passed through their lands and hence the European found himself paying not only the Italian middleman but also the Turkish infidel for goods which were no longer luxuries, but which now had become necessities. New routes had to be found and these almost inevitably had to be water routes. Then into Portugal came an Italian from Genoa. Columbus believed that by sailing a few thousand miles to the west he would be able to reach Cathay and the Indies. In October, 1492, he did find land, but it didn’t fit the description which Marco Polo had given of the Orient. Soon it became evident that Columbus had actually discovered a new and uncharted world. No one was particularly happy about these two continents which blocked the western route to the Orient.
Mr. Peek suggests that the aspect of French politics most familiar and perplexing to Americans is the quick turnover of premiers. Mr. Wit states that this is less important than it seems, for through the rise and fall of twenty Prime Ministers, there were only four foreign ministers. A film shows French involvement abroad, toughing on French internal problems. It is agreed that France is an essential ally but no longer a first-class power. We should assist in bringing her commitment s into balance with her weakened capacity.
One of Miss Fosdick’s key points is that England’s allegiance to the Commonwealth countries comes before her allegiance to her other allies, including the United States. A film shows two of the strongest factors in recent British history –the blitz of London and Churchill. It is agreed that our differences with England are less significant than the policies we have in common and that we can learn a great deal from Britain’s long experience in international diplomacy.
Like the young lad who decided to leave home to start out on his own, the Young USA found that independence brought problems of its own, along with responsibilities and many terrifying challenges. First, there was the problem of organizing a central government which could mold thirteen sovereign commonwealths into a truly United States. The Articles of Confederation experiment failed because it denied the Central Government the necessary strength to enforce its laws. Then a fortuitous chain of meetings and discussion ultimately led to the gathering in Philadelphia of May 1787, out of which came the remarkable Constitution. After eleven years the bitterly contested ratification was complete and the first stage of the so-called “critical period” was passed.
Explains how industry grew after 1865 to made the U.S.A. one of the leading industrial nations by the early years of the twentieth century. Discusses factors which produced this growth--chiefly American enterprises and inventiveness. (KETC) Kinescope.
Outlines the content of the thirteen motion pictures of THE QUILL series, and examines reasons why one should want to write better. Stresses style that is pleasant and simple; sentences that are powerful, clear, forceful, and say precisely what one wants to say; and paragraphs that are persuasive, meaningful, and friendly. (WQED) Kinescope.
Explains why opera is not popular in America and what changes are necessary before opera will be accepted by the public. Points out that modern operatic performances are in two areas--grand opera and new opera experiments--and that there is considerable variety in the different periods of opera. Presents an aria from the dagger scene of Verdi's opera, Macbeth. (Univ. Calif. Ext.) Film.
There are many reasons why Americans are inclined to shy away from opera, and some of those reasons are good ones, says Dr. Jan Popper as he introduces opera to the layman. But, he points out, there is opera for every taste – from the Spanish dances of Bizet to the serenity of Wagner and to the languishing harmonies of Puccini. Thus this lively little Czech begins his discussion of opera, a discussion which is punctuated with demonstrations at the piano by the noted musician and by musical interjections form opera singers.
A panel of high school students representing Germany, the Philippines, Israel, Ceylon and Iran are divided in opinion as to whether or not US aid acts as a war curb. The panel agrees that aid is necessary to the economic development of their countries, but two of the speakers point out that American aid has a detrimental side as well. The delegate from Iran states that, in his opinion, American economic aid to Iran has not worked and has pointed up class differences by providing big salaries for some while leaving the unemployment problem unsolved. The Israel delegate answers, however, by saying that his country is using American aid to "great benefit… This serves the cause of peace."
Presents filmed lecture of Dr. Huston Smith describing the religion founded by Mohammed as one of precision and orderliness in which the believers must submit themselves to God. Points out differences between the Bible and the Koran and tells the story of how Islam and the Koran were formed. Explains the elements of the "straight path" as the way to salvation.
Presents filmed lecture of Dr. Huston Smith outlining the five great religious practices of Islam--a creed, praying, charity, observance of the holy month, and the pilgrimage to Mecca. Highlights the teachings in the Koran as they pertain to economics, sex, and the use of force. Notes that Islam is gaining in popularity as a religion.
Discusses and explains Italian realistic opera and its major composers and their works. Gives a broad overview of the works of Puccini, illustrating with piano and voice, portions of La Boheme and Madame Butterfly. Points out that Italian realism began in 1890 when Mascagni completed his one-act opera, Cavalleria Rusticana. (Univ. Calif. Ext.) Film.
Surveys Jewish history as it relates to the Jewish religion. Points out the conviction of the Jewish people that every man has the right of justice, purity, and truth, which even the power of kings cannot erase. Discusses belief of the Jews that they are "the chosen people" and must rise above situations since they were elected, not to special privilege, but to special responsibility. Outlines the concept of the Jewish people that even though suffering, they will have learned more deeply the meaning of freedom and justice. Features Dr. Huston Smith, associate professor of philosophy at Washington University.
The law of Judaism is divisible into two groups: ethical and ritualistic law, according to Dr. Smith. He discusses each and explains the Torah and the Ten Commandments of the Jewish faith.
Describes the polygraph or lie detector. Actual tests are made with graduate students posing as subjects. Some of the uses of the device in criminal detection, industrial and security work are explained. (Hofstra College & WPIX) Kinescope.
Shows how manufacturing develops according to the availability of natural resources. Explains how our rich supplies of coal, gas, electricity, and metals, as well as our favorable climate and adequate transportation system, all have enabled our country to build a manufacturing industry which produces one-half of all manufactured goods in the world.
Discusses the mid-nineteenth century push to the Pacific. Characterizes the period as one of adolescent optimism, cockiness, and self-assurance, idealism, and disregard for other's rights and feelings. Suggests that by reaching the Pacific, Americans had fulfilled their destiny. (KETC) Kinescope.
Considers immigration to the U.S.A from the post bellum years into the twentieth century. Discusses the areas of origin of the immigrants. Relates how they filled up the frontier and the Middle Border and furnished labor for the expanding industry of the East. (KETC) Kinescope.
Popper paces the series well as he goes into a discussion of the composer, Mozart. He points out Mozart’s versatility, saying that he composed symphonies, piano concertos, chamber music, church music and opera. Here again Popper spends a great deal of time at his own piano, now leaning forward to make some point, now letting his hands run gently over the keys as he talks.
Popper paces the series well as he goes into a discussion of the composer, Mozart. He points out Mozart’s versatility, saying that he composed symphonies, piano concertos, chamber music, church music and opera. Here again Popper spends a great deal of time at his own piano, now leaning forward to make some point, now letting his hands run gently over the keys as he talks.
Explains National and Folk Opera, how it developed, and the prominent composers of various countries. Discusses and illustrates, with piano and voice, the music of various composers and demonstrates three popular folk dances typical of many national operas. (Univ. Calif. Ext.) Film.
Explains new and important number concepts in modern mathematics. Indicates the pattern of how new numbers arise. Presents some of the history, characteristics, and uses of negative, irrational, transfinite, and complex numbers as well as quaternions. (University of Michigan Television) Kinescope.
Shows that by careful selection of nouns and verbs, weak adjectives and adverbs can often be omitted. Stresses that one forceful word is better than two weak words. (WQED) Kinescope.
The Friendly Giant shows Jerome the giraffe some of the pictures in the book, Tommy Tittlemouse Nursery Rhymes, illustrated by Katherine Evans, and published by the Children's Press. Jerome tries to guess the nursery rhyme that goes with each picture, and the Friendly Giant reads all the rhymes that Jerome does not know. (WHA-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses the dependence of U.S. economy on oil. Points out that even though we produce one-half the world's supply, we must still import one million barrels of oil a day. Forecasts future problems for this country because of this high rate of consumption which will exhaust proved oil reserves in 14 years.
Discusses the characteristics of the operetta, how it emerged out of various opera types in the 18th century, and summarizes the more important works and their composers. Highlights the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan, and presents a vocal duet from the Mikado. Describes the productions of Johann Strauss and explains why his music is still favored today. (Univ. Calf. Ext.) Film.
This installment tells the story of Colonial North America, as recalled by John Francis “Jack” Bannon, S.J., a Saint Louis University historian and internationally-renowned scholar brought history and the story of America to life.
The Nation chose one of its greatest all-time citizens, Washington, to guide the country through the first important years. Washington and his cabinet and the Congress set sound precedents and proved the workability of the government that the new Constitution had blueprinted. That men should read the blueprint differently was inevitable. Strong leaders like Hamilton and Jefferson differed in their conception of the government, but each man and each group of followers must share much of the credit for the successes achieved in the second stage of the “critical period.” The Constitution was working, and there was no reason to think that the change of management which the election of 1800 promised would affect the process.
The Friendly Giant reads the book, Raindrop Splash, by Alvin Tresselt, illustrated by Leonard Weisgard, and published by Lothrop, Lee & Shepard. After the story, the Friendly Giant and Jerome the Giraffe talk about how you can keep dry when it rains. (WHA-TV) Kinescope.
Demonstrates how are memory operated to maintain prejudice, and shows how people remember things which are favorable to their own beliefs. Discusses the various points of view concerning prejudice--historical, economic, sociological, and psychological. Points out the use of stereotypes in mass media, and cites examples of the way in which mass media can break down these stereotypes. (Hofstra College & WPIX) Kinescope.
"How stable is their political leadership? How strong is their military power?" Discussion of Russia's political leadership and military power, and what that means for Russia as a country and its potential threat to the United States. This is the first episode in the series and is the first out of three discussing Russia.
This program presents sentence variety, with a quick glance at some debatable points in grammar. Professor Peterson gives his opinion on such question as whether or not it is wrong to end a sentence with a preposition.
Explains and demonstrates logarithms, the slide rule, and other methods for simplifying computation. Through the use of models and charts, presents finger multiplication, the lightning or cross method of multiplication, and Napier's "bones." Explains the development and application of logarithms. Shows how a log table is constructed and used. Relates this to a model of a slide rule, and demonstrates its operation and uses. Indicates the many other uses of logarithms in representing important relationships in such areas as electricity and chemistry. (University of Michigan Television) Kinescope.
Four high school students representing Norway, Australia, Korea, and the Philippines will debate the subject: Resolved that the United Nations must have universal membership to be effective. This is the first of fourteen programs presenting thirty-four students from thirty-four countries who are in the United States as delegates to the 1955 Herald Tribune Forum for High Schools. The delegates, on a three month visit in the US, were selected to take part in this Forum through competitive examinations in their individual countries.
Discusses the question, "How do wee find meanings in the things we see and hear that leave deep impressions on us?" Points out that for a writer, it is not enough just to remember; a current meaning must be expressed. Examples are quoted from Conrad, Wolf, Keats, and others. (WQED) Kinescope.
Considers some of the procedures the expert worrier uses to develop his skill. Reviews the psychological and the physiological characteristics of the expert worrier, and emphasizes that too many people are being treated by a psychologist when they should be receiving treatment from a competent physician. Shows, through experiment, the way in which thinking involves motor action, and relates this to the worrier with internal disturbances. (Hofstra College & WPIX) Kinescope.
Emphasizes that the expert worrier should talk about his troubles to only two people--his doctor or his psychiatrist or psychologist. Notes that expert worriers are more intelligent than the average person, but they must be shown that manifestations of worry originate in themselves. (Explains the differences between a psychologist, psychiatrist, and psychoanalyst. Sums up the worry emotion in terms of physical activities, their causes, and means of correction. (Hofstra College & WPIX) Kinescope.
traces the rise and decline of Spanish influence in the Americas. Discusses Spain's efforts to exclude other peoples from the New World. Stresses England's determination to break the Spanish hold, particularly after Spain's discovery of the riches of Mexico. (KETC) Kinescope.
A book about a little French girl, her duck and her sheep. We look through the giant’s pipe to see the Eiffel Tower –and sing a French song. The book is by Francois, published by Charles Scribner and Sons.
Discussion of the manufacturing and production of steel in the United States as well as a brief discussion of other minerals, including zinc and aluminum.
Stresses simple sincerity as the basis of good style in any kind of writing from business letters to short stories. Points out that many people lose their naturalness when they begin to write. Discusses outstanding authors, such as Mark Twain, Somerset Maugham, and Shakespeare, and illustrates their simplicity of style with selected readings from each.
Discusses good style as a portrait of the writer and stresses the importance of developing a style that permits the reader to sense the writer's personality. Considers the personality of five writers as revealed by their styles: Sherwood Anderson, Irwin Shaw, Robert Nathan, Ernest Hemingway, and Mark Twain. (WQED) Kinescope.
Reviews the characteristics and types of operas of various periods and suggests ways of developing more public interest in opera. Points out reasons for public opposition to opera and how opera might be made available to more people. States that because of the small demand for talented youth there is a waste of musical talent in America. (Univ. Calif. Ext.) Film.
Presents the story of Laotzu and his book The Way of Life. Discusses the basic concept of Taoism--creative quietude. Characterizes this belief as one which does not favor competition, but rather allows man to seek his own level with his fellow men and with nature.
It was in the decades of the 1820’s and the 1830’s, often referred to rather broadly as the “Age of Jackson,” that sectional differences began to complicate national life. The Missouri Compromise fight had set the stage. The truce was soon troubled by a series of squabbles over the tariff, which grew to such a degree of intensity that the doctrine of nullification emerged. That storm blew over but it left damage in its wake – the lively discussion over the proposal to annex Texas showed that all was not quiet under the surface and the abolitionists did not exactly throw water on the live embers. During the period the West had a chance to assert itself under Jackson’s leadership and the “common man,” with the frontiers man president as a symbol, began to come into his own. A new political party emerged which for a time seemed likely to unite the states-rights South and the West. Adding to the stress of the time were the distressing economic problems of the Panic of 1837.
Reviews U.S. history from its beginnings, with emphasis on the heritage of freedom and the basic principles of the Declaration of Independence which together account for the nation's greatness. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the early twentieth century change from the laissez-faire attitude in government to one of regulation of big business to help protect the American public. Considers the efforts of reformers and the Progressive party led by Theodore Roosevelt. (KETC) Kinescope.
The USA withdrew and sought to lead its own life. The nation tried to return to “normalcy.” In an unstable world Americans knew amazing prosperity and, while it lasted, lived with carefree abandon. Then came the day of reckoning. The first stages of the Age of the Great Depression were confusing and painful.
A historian and a geographer from the University of Michigan, Professor John W. Hall and Professor George Kish, join Professor Peek and Mr. Ravenholt to discuss the problems of rural Asia. The rural Asiatic situation is summed up simply by saying that in that part of the world there are too many people living on too little land and using primitive methods and equipment. Most of the Asiatic people are living at the subsistence level while many witness starvation yearly. Professor Hall displays pictures he took while in Japan recently to illustrate the primitive buildings that house the Japanese farmer and the outmoded farming methods which these farmers are practicing today. The panel discusses these problems of too little food supply and tremendous population growth. Another problem is the condition of the concentration of land ownership. In the struggle to win this "twilight zone" over to their side, both East and West have social reforms to alleviate this condition. The Soviets offer the idea of collective farming. According to Professor Kish, however, this idea is gradually being replaced by the state ownership plan. The democratic plan, on the other hand, advocates individual ownership of the farm land. In order for this plan to be effective, however, the attitude of the Asiatic farmer must be changed--he must be convinced that he can better himself. Final success, then, depends upon the U.S. exporting skills, techniques and machinery along with financial support to the rural areas of Asia.
September 1939 brought war. American apprehensions increased and neutrality grew less and less tenable. The Japanese military settled the conflict of attitudes in early December, 1941. Americans went to war and this time no one, save possibly the Russians, and with little reason, would dispute awarding them the real victors. But, unfortunately, only two of the totalitarian powers were defeated.
Shows man's first effort to count with symbols, and demonstrates how Egyptian and Babylonian mathematic have contributed to our present number system. Stresses this contribution in terms of the essential elements of a modern numeration system: base, place, symbols, zero, decimal point. Through models, demonstrates and explains certain physical methods of writing and reckoning with numbers. Devices shown are the English tally stick, quipa, abacus, and counting board. From these, such words and ideas are identified as "sock, bank, carry", and "borrow". (University of Michigan Television) Kinescope.
Traces development in Big Business, supported by the Republican Party, which led to efforts by the farmers and by labor to protect their share of opportunity. Discusses the growth of the Granger movement and the beginning steps toward unionism. (KETC) Kinescope.
Considers the earliest peoples to come to America, namely, Vikings, Chinese, and much earlier, the American Indian. Studies these early civilizations and reviews the relationships between the Indians and their European conquerors. (KETC) Kinescope.