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Describes the role of the production crew--the designers, craftsmen, and technicians. Demonstrates the procedures followed by the production staff in the creation of the play. Shows where they work, how they perform their jobs, and the tools which they use.
Tells the story of traveling by stagecoach. Explains how stagecoaches were made and used. Uses 19th century pictures and illustrations of early stages and discusses the dangers encountered during their trips. Host Bash Kennett plays guitar and sings the songs "Black Eyed Susie," "Every Night When The Sun Goes In" and "Old Joe Clark."
Describes the fundamental relationships existing between music, staging, and words in the successful and meaningful production of an opera. Stresses the importance, on the part of the stage director and the actors, of understanding the language of the music in arriving at staging procedures. Shows correct and incorrect examples of fitting stage movement to the music using selections from Don Giovanni, Faust, and Carmen. (WQED) Kinescope.
Part 1: Shows the gearshift positions, explains how to start the engine, and gives the correct way to handle the gearshift when starting and stopping the car. Discusses down-shifting, backing, stopping, staring and backing on an upgrade. Part 2: Discusses the necessity of recognizing at a glance what traffic signs mean, the importance of knowing your own lane, and the proper speed to travel according to the driving situation. explains the importance of safe following distance and understanding the total traffic picture. Gives the roles to follow when passing other cars. (Cincinnati Public Schools and WCET) Kinescope.
Discusses the appearance of the skies and explains how to locate constellations and individual stars. Describes the celestial sphere and explains how to use star charts and the telescope. Uses diagrams, charts, and models to show the beginner how to study the skies effectively. Features James S. Pickering of the American Museum-Hayden Planetarium.
Dr. Joel Hildebrand illustrates the "laws of chance" or "probability." Discusses fallacies of what is "normal" and "abnormal." Points out the variability of human beings by discussing the "average man." Emphasizes limitations in what can be predicted. (KQED) Film.
Discussion of the manufacturing and production of steel in the United States as well as a brief discussion of other minerals, including zinc and aluminum.
Louis Simpson, a poet and teacher at the University of California at Berkeley, relates that Stephen Spender’s interest in the relationship between poetry and the subjects of war and politics goes back to his days at Oxford. He discusses Spender’s activity during the Spanish Civil War and World War II and says his poems of war and love have a panoramic sweep. Spender then reads “Two Armies,” “The Guns,” “The Window,” “Ice,” “The Little Coat,” “Song,” and “Elegy for Margaret.”
Dr. St. Clair Drake states that the middle class is not only based on the economy, but is a way of life. Black middle and upper classes parallel those of the whites, yet he is "still a brother" and without a "mental revolution" will never escape the bonds of prejudice.
One segment from episode 119 of PBL. Describes the campaign to save Illinois' archaeological sites from urban and industrial expansion. Interviews Stuart Struever, archaeology professor at Northwestern University, who explains the significance of the sites. Shows Struever and others surveying and digging at sites. Ends with the suggestion that the area's heritage could be saved with the help of others.
The story is one of the most significant and exciting in the whole history of science. It started with the “impractical” observation of a line in the solar spectrum with no then-known earthly counterpart. With guest, Captain Albert R. Behnke of the United States Navy, Dr. Hildebrand traces the unfolding story through discoveries of vast scientific value to applications in aeronautics, deep diving, and high altitude flying. In summary, Dr. Hildebrand discusses the revelation of the source of the sun’s energy and the possibility of obtaining inexhaustible supplies of energy to serve the needs to men.
Discusses Alaska's proximity to Russia and its importance as a base of warning in the event of a surprise attack. Depicts the nature of the warning systems and military installations. Interviews military leaders to comment on the extent of our defenses in Alaska.
Discusses style as related to form, space, color, line, and scope of treatment. Illustrates these elements with paintings by Avery and Pickett. Demonstrates and discusses various methods of applying pigment and illustrates their effects in works by Sawyer and Wilson. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Stresses simple sincerity as the basis of good style in any kind of writing from business letters to short stories. Points out that many people lose their naturalness when they begin to write. Discusses outstanding authors, such as Mark Twain, Somerset Maugham, and Shakespeare, and illustrates their simplicity of style with selected readings from each.
Discusses good style as a portrait of the writer and stresses the importance of developing a style that permits the reader to sense the writer's personality. Considers the personality of five writers as revealed by their styles: Sherwood Anderson, Irwin Shaw, Robert Nathan, Ernest Hemingway, and Mark Twain. (WQED) Kinescope.
Defines and discusses subject matter and content on art. Illustrates these concepts with pictures, prints, sketches, and selections from literature. Includes a brief discussion of art forms in which style and technique have become the content. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Summarizes the American nominating process from the early days to the emergence of the two-party system between 1830 and 1860 and the main political developments through 1952. Shows key Republican and Democratic candidates from 1912 through 1952 and headlines from the files of the New York Times dating back to the 19th century. (Dynamic Films) Films.
Host Bash Kennett discusses the history of sugar production. Early American methods of maple syrup making are described. The process of growing and refining sugar cane in Hawaii is summarized and shown in pictures. Finally, detailed film of growing, harvesting and refining sugar beets in the Western U.S. is shown (film provided by Western Beet Sugar Producers, Inc.). Songs performed include "Sugarbush" by Josef Marais and "How Lovely Cooks the Meat."
Reviews the characteristics and types of operas of various periods and suggests ways of developing more public interest in opera. Points out reasons for public opposition to opera and how opera might be made available to more people. States that because of the small demand for talented youth there is a waste of musical talent in America. (Univ. Calif. Ext.) Film.
Dr. Feinberg summarizes his previous lectures and adds some interesting observations on various aspects of humor. A “drunk” routine, a device used so frequently by comedians, is presented and analyzed.
The importance of Sunday customs in the southern part of the country is described. The activities of the week, the tilling of the fields, the house chores, the sewing and gardening all came to a climax looking forward to Sunday. The families met at church, where the men and women then planned get-togethers for the afternoon. Of course, food was all-important, huge spreads of hams, yams, two-story biscuits, etc. At the meal, a house-raising is discussed, and the custom of helping neighbors to build a house is pictured. Songs include “Way Down Yonder in the Paw Patch,” “I’m Just a Poor Wayfarin’ Stranger,” and “Mr. Banjo.”
“Trade is a two-way street. If you want to sell, you’ve got to buy,” says Ed Harvey in this program, after a discussion of international trade and the relation of surplus to tariff. A trip through Washington, D.C., and cartoon sequences of the surplus problem and the import-export balance are featured in the program.
Mr. Hoffer argues that the men working beside him as longshoremen on the San Francisco docks are “lumpy with talent.” Genius, he notes, is not rare, it is wasted; and the talent of the workingman is a kind of common sense practicality. Wherever this talent exists among working men, they do their jobs without “all that fuss” which he considers to be characteristic of the underdeveloped countries of the world. Then, Mr. Hoffer raises a question regarding the forces that bring about creative periods in our history – periods that began quite suddenly and ended just as suddenly. He cites, as examples, “the period of cave drawings,” “the Age of Pericles,” “the Florence of the Renaissance,” and “the flowering of New England,” Mr. Hoffer contends that it was not because there was more talent during these periods (“the artists of Florence,” he notes, “were the sons of shopkeepers, and tailors.”), but rather that others forces which exist in every period of history were at work and these forces freed the talent.
Discusses the area of general semantics. Develops the idea that one's language determines the limits of one's world. Illustrates the way in which undifferentiated reactions to words leads to a communications deadlock. (KQED) Film.
Distinguishes between statements of inference and statements of fact and discusses the consequences of confusing the two. Illustrates the manner in which most people make declarative statements that are mistakenly assumed to be statements of fact. Shows how behavior is affected when people tend to misunderstand each other and fail to assess situations realistically.
In this opening program, Dr. Irving Lee presents his viewpoint of general semantics – the science of the relations between symbols and the study of human behavior as a reaction to symbols.
Discusses the consequences of forgetting that words only point to things and are not the things themselves. Attention to words alone may lead to unrealistic behavior, because language made it easy to distort what we are describing. It is easier to exaggerate in our speaking than to be precise. This tendency to exaggerate is based partly on a failure to limit our description or judgement of a person or thing to a particular time and context. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
Considers the consequences of the "disease of allness", an attitude present in the person who implies or believes that what he knows or says about a thing is all that can be said. When "allness" exists, learning is hindered, and tension is likely to develop in human relations. The world of change in which we live makes it impossible to say all there is to say about anything. Failure to recognize this leads to bigotry. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
Considers the differences between a good and a bad observer and relates these differences to talking sense. Points out that the use of conclusions based on observation of similarities alone results in a limitation of our awareness of the world, while the use of conclusions grounded on observation that also considers differences is a mark of the mature mind.
Discusses the variations in meanings of words and how these variations affect the communication process. Shows that words used by a speaker in one way and interpreted by a listener in another results in "bypass" or misunderstanding. Stresses that meaning is not in words but in speakers and listeners. Recommends that attention not be focused on words, that listeners be interested in what speakers mean, and that speakers try to make themselves understood by listeners.
Each year on July 7, the seventh day of the seventh month – the festival of the stars is celebrated in Japan. Artist T. Mikami tells the history of this festival, which is based on the legend of Shokujo, the daughter of the King of the Heavens, who fell in love with a herd boy. Shokujo and her lover were permitted to see each other only once a year, as the Milky Way would overflow and be impossible to cross. Each year at the festival of stars, the Japanese pray it will not rain and they decorate their homes with bamboo trees, from which they hang strips of colored paper upon which poems about lovers are written. Brush paintings of bamboo are drawn by Mikami.
Presents the story of Laotzu and his book The Way of Life. Discusses the basic concept of Taoism--creative quietude. Characterizes this belief as one which does not favor competition, but rather allows man to seek his own level with his fellow men and with nature.
Discusses the basic narcotic drugs and their relationship to crime. Includes a filmed sequence of an addict undergoing withdrawal and receiving a shot that assuages him. Points out that crime committed by the drug addict is a secondary effect. (KQED) Kinescope.
Documents Ansel Adams as he discusses light, interpretation, the use of different filters, exposures, ranges, and magnification, illustrating each from his own vast collection of photographs. The presentation centers around his demonstrations of various techniques to achieve given effects.
Presents an historical survey of colonialism as practiced by Britain and France. Discusses the methods of rule and the phases of colonization of each. Uses film clips, phots and charts to show how each has moved from direct colonial rule to cooperation with their colonies.
Reviews the activities of the United States in the area of colonialism. Discusses the colonies of the U.S. past and present. Outlines the course of action taken in helping the various territories in achieving self-government.
Explores the nature of technology itself and demonstrates its use, both to increase the competitor's share of the market and to expand the range of the market. Shows that industrial technology's first attempt is to reduce production costs or to give the product an edge over its competition with the hope of greater profits. Shows, too, that technology has served to create whole new markets--for example, the harnessing of electricity. Demonstrates that industrial research and development have progressed from the stage of the lone inventor to that of the highly-organized corporate effort.
In this discussion, Dr. Jones explains thatternary form is the repetition of an opening section of a composition after further development of the theme. This repetition brings the opening in to a relationship of tension with the rest of the piece since it closes or completes the structure, which would collapse without the repetition.
Discusses the use of terra cotta clay in sculpturing. Shows the modeling of a figure in terra cotta clay. Explains the nature of this medium and the problems of working with it. Tells how terra cotta clay differs from ordinary modeling clay. Demonstrates the "inside-outside" method of working with terra cotta. Illustrates with examples of completed figures in different kinds of terra cotta clay. Features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
Precision and perfection are the watchwords of today’s Space and Atomic Age. Nothing can be overlooked everything must be checked and rechecked before the “go” signal can be given. A crack in a missile’s fuel line, invisible to the human eye, can be disastrous. A defect in an atomic reactor, while not disastrous, can mean costly and time-consuming repairs. This program examines “non-destructive testing”, a new-comer, yet one of the most important engineering techniques. Non-destructive testing is simply a method of examining an object for defects without destroying it in the process. It is unlike other testing methods such as automobile test, for example, in which the vehicle is pushed to its maximum performance before it ends up on the junk pile. The television cameras are at the Metallurgy Division of the United States Atomic Energy Commission’s Argonne National Laboratory, where scientists are using such non-destructive testing techniques as X-rays, gamma rays, and neutron radiography. At Argonne, neutronradiography is an invaluable aid to pinpoint what happens to uranium or plutonium fuel that sustains a chain reaction in an atomic reactor. The knowledge gained through this technique is important in designing the atomic power plants of today and tomorrow. Also shown are the ultrasonic testing methods used to detect imperfections by “bouncing” sound waves through objects that are being tested. One of these methods converts sound waves into electronic signals to show television pictures of hidden defects. The value of these non-destructive testing methods becomes increasingly more important as the tolerances become smaller and smaller for the new atomic reactors, space vehicles, and aircraft engines that are being constructed.
In this program, Dr. Jones illustrates textural contrast, i.e., the setting of passages of homophonic texture against polyphonic passages in the same composition, with examples from Palestrina, Bach and Handel. Thematic contrast is explained as the juxtaposition of themes of contrasting characters in somewhat the manner of conflict in drama.
Miss Pearson explains texture and color in nature as in grass, rocks, sand, clouds, and water. Happy colors and sad colors can be used, she says, to create mood. She explains how to combine texture and color for interest and design.
Fignewton Frog (puppet) and Dora (person) tell a story about a contest put on by the fictional magazine "Nest Beautiful" for the best picture of a bird's nest. They then recommend books about birds for children that can be found at the library. Includes drawings by Robert Robison.
Examines the actor's contribution to theatrical production. Discusses two basic steps in the actor's creation of the character which he portrays: visualization and expression. Demonstrates by following the actor and director through a study-analysis discussion and a rehearsal of Romeo and Juliet.
Dr. Maria Piers discusses how parents feel about the adopted child, how and when to tell a child he is adopted and does the adopted child have special problems.
In the concluding program on this subject, Dr. Adler deals with the two general considerations of aesthetics and ethics. On the side of aesthetics, he draws a comparison between beauty in art and beauty in nature. He also deals with the problem of intellectual and moral content of art, the consideration of freedom of the arts, and concludes by comparing the importance in human life of producing as opposed to appreciating works of art.
It was in the decades of the 1820’s and the 1830’s, often referred to rather broadly as the “Age of Jackson,” that sectional differences began to complicate national life. The Missouri Compromise fight had set the stage. The truce was soon troubled by a series of squabbles over the tariff, which grew to such a degree of intensity that the doctrine of nullification emerged. That storm blew over but it left damage in its wake – the lively discussion over the proposal to annex Texas showed that all was not quiet under the surface and the abolitionists did not exactly throw water on the live embers. During the period the West had a chance to assert itself under Jackson’s leadership and the “common man,” with the frontiers man president as a symbol, began to come into his own. A new political party emerged which for a time seemed likely to unite the states-rights South and the West. Adding to the stress of the time were the distressing economic problems of the Panic of 1837.
Uses photographs and diagrams the explain the age of the universe. Discusses the age of the earth, compositions of the milky way, how stars are formed, and cosmic development. Points out the difference between mechanical and evolutionary changes in the universe. Explains the uncoiling spiral of a new galaxy, and speculates on the duration of our own solar system. Features Dr. Bart J.Bok, Professor of Astronomy, National University of Australia. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
For centuries men have dreamed of turning common elements such as lead and zinc into more precious metals such as gold and silver. Today, nuclear scientists are looking beyond this and are inventing new elements which are more valuable than gold. This program, “The Alchemist’s Dream,” looks into these new elements –like curium and berkelium –which were unheard of a few years ago. Using an instrument called a cyclotron –an atom smasher –scientists at the United States Atomic Energy Commission’s Argonne National Laboratory are making new elements which do not exist in nature. In a manner of speaking, scientists at Argonne are working in an “atomic shooting gallery.” Houses in a special room behind seven –foot thick concrete doors, a cyclotron bombards target atoms of curium with a beam of a special variety of hydrogen nuclei, resulting in the making of a new elements, berkelium, one of eleven elements which have been “invented” by science. Behind heavy concrete walls, painstaking precautions are taken in the manufacture of these new elements because of harmful radiation, a byproduct of atom splitting. Though these experiments yield only small amounts of the new elements, they enable scientists to work out their chemical properties. This research provides new information on how atoms are put together. It also tells the scientists what to expect when larger quantities of the new elements are available. Already, some of these man-made elements are furnishing the power for satellites and remote weather stations. A small quantity of one of the new man-made elements, californium, scientists predict, could produce enough energy to do the job of a nuclear reactor weighing several tons.
Discusses alcohol as a measurable cause of crime, using filmed sequences and dramatic episodes to show how alcohol breaks down inhibitions, provides a sense of false security, and impairs judgment. Points up the relationship between alcohol and traffic accidents. Features Dr. Douglas M. Kelly.
In this episode, Dr. Smith, Jr., analyzes the English writing system and traces the origin, development and spread of the alphabet. He spends a short time discussing other important writing systems, including Sanskrit, Chinese, and Arabic, and discusses the significance of hieroglyphics in the development of written language.
Show how the black keys on the piano can be an alphabet of music all by themselves. Demonstrates the black key scale is characteristic of much folk or primitive music and show how it has been used by many modern composers. (University of Rochester) Film.
Describes the white keys of the piano as part of the composer's language. Shows different colors and tonal qualities of various white key scales. Demonstrates transposition and shows the great variety possible in seven white piano keys. (University of Rochester) Film.
Discusses and illustrates physical characteristics of the bird. Explains the skeletal system, covering of feathers, and uses of the beak and feet. Outlines graphically the ancestry of the bird. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
“American education is easy, lazy, and noisy.” With this statement four panelists, from India, Greece, Union of South Africa, and England, begin their discussion of American education. What are the aims of American education? Should education in a democracy be democratic education? How can a school system give students both a general introduction to culture and advanced technological training? Should everyone receive the same education? How are standards set for the schools and for the students? The debate centers around these topics and provides not only a new look at American high schools and colleges, but also at the educational systems of other countries.
Reviews U.S. history from its beginnings, with emphasis on the heritage of freedom and the basic principles of the Declaration of Independence which together account for the nation's greatness. (KETC) Kinescope.
Outlines and explains the life cycle of the salamander and shows some common salamanders of New England. Show how to set up a terrarium for keeping salamanders as pets. Also considers ferns, mosses, and club mosses suggested for use in a terrarium. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Shows close-ups of toads and frogs of New England. Pictures various kinds of frogs and toads, explains how to identify their eggs, and presents extreme close-up views of the action of polliwogs. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Using mythological conceptions of the man-beast, Dr. O’Doherty traces the artistic conception of the animal and the combination of animal and man from ancient Greece to the Orient. He discusses the blind and terrible energy of the animal and points out man’s concept of the animal’s development from God through man to the animal itself.
Discusses the relationship of body type to personality and criminality. Examines the characteristics of the ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Compares the historical analyses of body physic with current theories. Relates characteristics of introversion and extroversion to criminal tendencies. (KQED) Kinescope.
Poindexter tells this Grimm fairy tale about an apprentice lad who starts for home with his wages and begins trading. He trades his gold for a horse, his horse for a cow, the cow for a pig, the pig for a goose, and so on, until he has nothing.
The basic unit of life –the cell –could not be studied in detail until recently. The electron microscope first enabled man actually to see its delicate construction. This program deals with a detailed description of the structure of a cell, and an analysis of the role each part plays in maintaining life. Dr. Saltman shows films of cells dividing, and photographs taken under the strong magnification of an electron microscope.
Dr. Wriston is joined by August Heckscher, president of the Twentieth century Fund, and William P. Bundy, Assistant Secretary of Defense and coordinator of the President’s Commission on National Goals, for a discussion of a national plan for the arts and sciences. The chief question is that of finding support, particularly for the arts. Should artist be given subsidies? Why are there so few artists in a society that contains such a high proportion of men and women truly appreciative of the arts? The three panelists describe the kinds of education that can develop artistic or scientific abilities, and also comment on the role of women in the arts and sciences. They conclude by agreeing that much can be done to stimulate creative effort through private investment, universities and perhaps government support.
We live at the bottom of a tremendous sea of air (the atmosphere) much as fish live in the ocean. This sea of air exerts a pressure upon us. A barometer is shown and its use illustrated in measuring atmospheric pressure. Such data are shown in a weather map. The effect of pressure is shown in that hot water is made to boil by “cooling” it, i.e. reducing the pressure above the liquid.
Discusses the early twentieth century change from the laissez-faire attitude in government to one of regulation of big business to help protect the American public. Considers the efforts of reformers and the Progressive party led by Theodore Roosevelt. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the relationship of eating to the emotional and physical well being of the young child. Explains appetite changes, continued use of the bottle, demand feeding, and punishment in relation to eating habits. Answers questions concerning the child who refuses to eat, personal eating habits, food binges, eating between meals, and thumb sucking after meals. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Demonstrates and discusses the techniques of bathing infants. The demonstration is preceded by an explanation of past and present practices in infant bathing and is followed by suggestions for treatment of such conditions as cradle cap and diaper rash. (WQED) Kinescope.
Discusses the responsibilities of the two-party system and explains the requirements of an effective party system. Includes discussion of "batting averages" of the Presidents with regard to the bills brought before them and in living up to party platforms. (KETC) Kinescope.
Hand puppets enact the story of a man and wife who were too lazy to plant their own pear trees. Their neighbor tells them they may have all the pears that fall from the tree on their side of the fence.The husband goes to fetch wood and meets a bear who agrees to carry wood to the wife if he can have some bread pudding. The selfish husband and wife eat all of the pudding before the bear arrives. When he sees he has been tricked, the bear upsets everything in the house and leaves. He comes to the pear tree and decides to take the pears. Just then the wife sneezes, the bear thinks they are shooting at him so he drops the pears and runs away. The neighbor comes by and recovers the pears that were dropped, leaving the lazy man and wife with nothing.
Discusses the development of printing. Describes how printing is developed from simple writing on papyrus to decorated books written on parchment and vellum. Explains the origins of and differences between parchment and vellum. Discusses paint,ink,and writing techniques of the Middle Ages. Illustrates with collector's items. (USC) Film.
Introduces the series, SCIENCE AND HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY, by discussing the reasons for calling the conference. Surveys the problems to be discussed. Features Dr. Huston Smith, Professor of Philosophy, Washington University. (KETC) Kinescope.
Students representing Spain, Burma, Denmark, France and Egypt evaluate their visit to the United States. Most of the discussion is concerned with the students' reaction to life in the United States. The students contrast the American culture with their own, emphasizing the fact that each of their cultures is comparatively ancient, and thus, there seems no need consciously to "be'' a member of that culture, while they sense the need of American youngsters to "be" consciously American. The problem of segregation is also considered. "Teamwork," and the way in which competition and cooperation are treated in American schools are quite interestingly examined, as is the question of conformity and individualism. One student was particularly intrigued with what American youngsters mean by "personality," and why such a premium is placed on it.
Traces the history of the black American's participation in the armed forces of the United States, from the Revolutionary War to the war in Vietnam. Reveals little known facts about blacks such as segregation in the military prior to 1947, the first soldier to fall in the Revolutionary War was black, black soldiers were the first to receive the Croix de Guerre in World War I, and over 1,000,000 Negroes served in World War II. Points out that black soldiers have served in the American wars, whether they were accepted socially or not.
Dr. Bernard Boyd, University of North Carolina, discusses the Book of Hosea from the Bible. Analyzes the relationship of Hosea and his wife Gomer as a metaphor for God and the faithless people.
An enthusiastic discussion from Dr. Bernard Boyd, University of North Carolina, on the Book of Nahum from the Bible. Presents the text as historically oriented writings dealing with the human experience in those times.
The USA withdrew and sought to lead its own life. The nation tried to return to “normalcy.” In an unstable world Americans knew amazing prosperity and, while it lasted, lived with carefree abandon. Then came the day of reckoning. The first stages of the Age of the Great Depression were confusing and painful.
Discusses the relationship of heredity to criminality. Points out common misconceptions concerning physical characteristics as a cause or recognizable symbol of crime. Explains the fallacies in Lombroso's theories of criminality. Stresses the need for education in the area of genetic inheritance as related to criminal tendencies. Features Dr. Douglas M. Kelly.
Tells the story of John Deere's invention of the steel plough. Outlines the development of the plough in America and its significance to the growth of agriculture. Discusses the life of John Deere and his work at Grand Detour, Illinois.
Tells the story of the buffalo. Describes an Indian buffalo hunt. Discusses the buffalo's importance to the Indian and the settler. Explains how they provided food, clothing, and shelter.
Discusses burn injuries in general and new techniques and materials used by the medical researchers to treat burns. Shows patients in various stages of recovery from effects of serious burns. Shows researchers at the Brooke Army Medical Center in Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
With Fignewton handling the make-do puppets and Dora narrating, this is the story of a butterfly, who because she helped her friends, managed to migrate anyways, in spite of her first intention to stay at home. The story show that many butterflies, like birds, migrate.
After explaining the uses and preparations of candles in early times, Bash takes a film trip to a modern candle factory and compares techniques of the two ages. She sings “Dublin City” and “How Old Are You.”
The importance of men who have learned to work with wood is Bash’s theme in this program. She tells of early settlers who had to do their own building and carving with crude tools. Through film, she then introduces a modern carpenter who demonstrates the use of a collection of historic tools, including one which was used to make wagon spokes. Songs include “Polly Put the Kettle On” and “Ham and Eggs.”
Discusses the evidence and arguments for the Darwinian theory of man's nature and origin. Outlines the Theory of Evolution as it applies to plants and animals, and applies this theory to man, considering both physical and mental evolution. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Visits the Brookfield Zoo to solve the mystery of how a large group of animals lost their toes. Explains how hoofed animals developed from ancestors with toes. Uses film clips of the dik-dik, giant eland, sable antelope, kudus, sitatunga, babirussa, and the hippopotamus. Tells the story of the mysterious Pere David Deer discovered in China.
Discusses the special problems faced by the child with cerebral palsy and explains how physical disability, psychological problems, mental subnormality, and the great number of clinical types adds to the complexity of this affliction. Uses filmed sequences to show the problems faced by many parents whose children are afflicted, and stresses the importance of cooperative teamwork by psychologists, physicians, therapists, social workers, teachers, and parents. Features Dr. William Cruickshank of Syracuse University.
Depicts man as the end link in "The Chain of Life" and indicates that he is limiting his own survival by destroying other links in the chain. Explains that a healthy environment is as essential to the survival of man as to plants and animals, since man must ultimately consume plants and animals. Points out that pesticide controls can be biological rather than chemical, but consumers prefer "pretty" fruit to the blemished skin of safe fruit. Emphasizes that industries prefer chemical to biological control for economic reasons.
This program is concerned with the role of the business manager, the person who brings together the land, the resources, the necessary labor, and the capital or means of production and sets all these turning to manufacture the things that people need or want. To indicate the functions of the business manager, the program visits a laundry – operated as a proprietorship, a filling station – operated as a partnership, and a large corporation. In dealing with the corporation, the program shows the varied responsibilities of Donald Douglas, general manager of the Reflective Products Division of the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company.
A historian and a geographer from the University of Michigan, Professor John W. Hall and Professor George Kish, join Professor Peek and Mr. Ravenholt to discuss the problems of rural Asia. The rural Asiatic situation is summed up simply by saying that in that part of the world there are too many people living on too little land and using primitive methods and equipment. Most of the Asiatic people are living at the subsistence level while many witness starvation yearly. Professor Hall displays pictures he took while in Japan recently to illustrate the primitive buildings that house the Japanese farmer and the outmoded farming methods which these farmers are practicing today. The panel discusses these problems of too little food supply and tremendous population growth. Another problem is the condition of the concentration of land ownership. In the struggle to win this "twilight zone" over to their side, both East and West have social reforms to alleviate this condition. The Soviets offer the idea of collective farming. According to Professor Kish, however, this idea is gradually being replaced by the state ownership plan. The democratic plan, on the other hand, advocates individual ownership of the farm land. In order for this plan to be effective, however, the attitude of the Asiatic farmer must be changed--he must be convinced that he can better himself. Final success, then, depends upon the U.S. exporting skills, techniques and machinery along with financial support to the rural areas of Asia.
Discusses the importance of measuring a child's capabilities by his organismic age rather than his calender age. Explains how organismic age is figured. (University of Michigan Television) Kinescope.
Discusses and demonstrates the use of the versatility of the instrument and explains how effects are produced. Features Rey de la Torre. Includes the following illustrative selections: Llobet, "Catalonian Melody"; Terrega, "Tremolo Study"; Sor, "Theme and Variation"; and Albenize, "Leyenda."
This program is a summation of the first development of the symphony as conceived by Haydn, Mozart and the early Beethoven. The examples used to show this development include the Minuet and Trio of Mozart's 39th Symphony, and the finales of Haydn's Symphony Number 102, Mozart's Symphony Number 41, and Beethoven's Symphony Number 1. Musical ideas and their development are explored in terms of a consistent classical pattern.
To begin a series on the symphony, states Professor Woodworth, one must start at the beginning, with the first movement of the piece. In the classical symphony, the first movement introduces all the musical elements which will be present throughout the four movements of the work. Using the first movement of Mozart's 34th Symphony as an example, Professor Woodworth explains the musical concepts of exposition, recapitulation and coda. He ends by remarking, "A symphony is a structure of sounds in motion in time. It conveys no specific ideas other than musical ideas."
Defines "classical realism," putting special emphasis on definitions of each of the two words. Explains the theory's basis in the 'natural law' and the theory's application to modern educational problems. Answers objections and comments on a filmed physics class discussion in which the teacher uses the classical realist approach. Featured personality is Harry S. Broudy, professor of education at the University of Illinois.
Discusses various aspects of the colonial overseas empires and suggests how these aspects affected the future nations. Reviews some of the economic aspects of the colonial Latin Americas. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses present day attitudes toward colonialism and how they differ from the colonial ideal of the past. Sir Andrew Cohen, ex-colonial official in Africa, answers questions concerning the making of colonial policy, how the colonial mind has changed and what the modern colonial official sees as his function.
Stoessinger analyzes the modern colonial mind in a time when “Colonial Official” has become a bad word phrase. He interviews French and Belgian colonial officials in an attempt to show the changing role of the colonial official in the world today. The modern colonial official wants to set men free, to eliminate the color bar, and to serve as a civil servant, his guests claim.
Reviews the progress of the Communist Party in Japan from pre-war days to the present. Includes film footage showing the release from prison of leading communist leaders just after World War II. Discusses the high degree of trained leadership, the party and the party's influence in politics.