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This is the eighth in the series of “Heritage” series. Featuring Dr. T.V. Smith, Maxwell Professor of Poetry, Politics and Philosophy at Syracuse University. Dr. Smith is host to Dr. M. Graham Netting, director of the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, and
Robert Taylor, chief editorial writer for the Pittsburgh Press. The three of them discuss “Science: The Discipline of Truth,” with attention to historical concepts of science and the implications of science and science education in the world today.
Discusses politics as the discipline of goodness. Emphasizes the principles, interests, and discipline of politicians and politics. Featured host is T.V. Snith, Maxwell Professor of Poetry, Politics, Philosophy, Syracuse University, who relates his experiences to the subject of "goodness." (WQED) Film.
On his PLATFORM programs, Dr. Thomas A. Dooley speaks his mind on the image of America in Southeast Asia. He calls for a renewal of the traditional American approach to under-developed countries --the approach through American individuals and voluntary organizations rather than heavy reliance on government agencies. “The most powerful tool we have is the human personality. Education is the most important thing we have to offer to Asia, and people are the only ones who can bring education. Books and propaganda leaflets cannot do it. The tremendous value that I wish more people in Washington would realize is the value of the individual person. If we would just flood these countries with individual young American men and women we could accomplish a great deal. We need people who will live and work with these people in their villages.” Dr. Dooley points out that the Communists realize that the future of Asia lies in the villages. They are making an intensive effort through local people to identify America with the hated French colonialism. He says the Communists attack the spirit of America and we too often counter with mere boasting about our material achievements. Dr. Dooley also discusses the “Great White Fleet” which he feels is going to cause more harm than good. He believes the term “Great White Fleet” is an unfortunate one since it fails to recognize the Asian distrust of the white man and hatred of colonialism. Fleets were instruments of imperialism in the past and a great aircraft carrier in a harbor of Asia or Africa even if it is loaded with medicine conveys another meaning to the people. His major criticism of the “Great White Fleet” is, however, that it is not a “grass roots” program designed to be an integral long-range part of the underdeveloped countries.
Dr. Parran reviews the growth of international health programs during the past twenty-five years. He discusses the work of the League of Nations, U.S. plans for improving health in South America, relief agencies in Europe following World War II, and public health in the Soviet Union. Presents his views on cooperative assistance programs in underdeveloped countries, technical aid, and training programs.
Dr. Parran discusses the problems involved in setting up a graduate school of public health. After World War II, the AW Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust sought an opportunity to aid public health. The decision was made to form a graduate school of public health at the University of Pittsburgh, containing facilities to train students, a research center, and a free outpatient clinic for welfare cases. Dr. Parran talks of his problems in setting up the school, forming a faculty, settling problems arising from conflicting philosophies, and other facets of establishing the school.
Former US Surgeon General Dr. Thomas Parran discusses his history as a medical doctor working for the United States department of health. Included are stories on his family background, experiences at medical school, and time as a public health worker where he was involved in stopping outbreaks of smallpox, typhus, and syphilis. Dr. Parran is interviewed by Adolph Schmidt, Roger James Crabtree, and Emory Bacon.
Dr. Parran reviews the changes in Public Health Service during his years as United States Surgeon General. He discusses the breakthrough in the control of venereal disease, how the Roosevelt Administration brought a new concept to public healthand the changing ideas of the American people toward health programs. Concludes by pointing out the effect of World War II on public health service.
Dr. William Menninger, the president of the Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kansas, has played an active part in the educational phase of psychiatry for many years. He received his M.D. from the Cornell Medical School in 1924, and he did post-graduate work in psychiatry at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington in 1927. Dr. Menninger has been advisor to several government committees, has received honorary degrees, has been officer and member of many well-known medical societies and has published numerous articles. Dr. Menninger here explains how he was influenced by his father’s interest in psychosomatic medicine. He notes that he first planned to be a medical missionary. He describes his studies of men under stress in wartime and relates that men released from military service for psychiatric reasons would make personnel for 117 divisions. He is interviewed by Fahey Flynn, Columbia Broadcasting System newsman.
Discusses the early beginnings of the theater. Explains the techniques of the Greek theater and how playwriting developed. Illustrates the chorus technique with a scene from Oedipus the King.
Discusses the Shakespearean theater and neo-classic drama. Tells of realism, not only in plays, but in the theater itself. Demonstrates early realism with a scene from Hedda Gabler.
Discusses the benefits and problems involved in using tranquilizing drugs with the mentally ill. Shows how drug therapy is being utilized. Includes views of a tour through a research laboratory where work is conducted on the effects of drugs. Features Dr. Douglas Goldman.
Introduces Duro Ladipo, the founder, director, playwright, composer, and principal male actor of the Duro Ladipo Traveling Theatre Company of Oshogbo, Nigeria. Explains how Ladipo became interested in drama and music. Shows members of the company touring Nigerian villages.
The program describes the kinds of housing the early settlers built, from the earliest lean-to type, hastily thrown together to protest the people as soon as they landed on these shores, on through the way they learned to make thatched roofs, then later cut logs for building. The use of handmade bricks, and the change of ways in making fireplaces from the original stick-covered-with-mud ones to brick ones follows in the story. The various ways of building sturdy walls by notching of logs in various patterns and cuts is shown. Songs include “The Tailor and the Mouse,” “Little Mohee,” and “Cockels and Mussels.”
The story of money is one of a way of life, says Bash in this program. Money was not always coin or paper notes. There were many things which early pioneers could use to buy things. In Virginia, they used tobacco; in South Carolina, rice; Indians used shells and beads; trappers of the North could buy a gun with furs, and the man of New England used fish or timber for payment. Songs include “Sixpence,” “When I Was Single” and “Ribbon Bow.”
Discusses the early steps in the nominating process. Explains and illustrates the makeup of the national committee, the role of the national chairman, the importance of selecting a favorable convention site, apportionment of delegates, and state, county, and precinct organizations. Discusses a cartoon of the county chairman. (Dynamic Films) Film.
Tells the story of the need for and construction of the Cumberland Road in the early 1800's. Points out how it unified the East and West, promoted trade, led to the establishment of many modern cities, enhanced nationalism and gave impetus to overland travel to western frontiers.
The program -- and the series -- is introduced by explanation of the cage in the title of the series. The cage symbolizes the restraints, chains, cells and prisons in which the mentally ill were kept by societies ignorant and afraid of the true nature of insanity. It also represents the progress man has made in freeing the mentally ill from these restraints as more has been learned about this problem. This program outlines the history of the treatment of insanity from earliest times through the end of the middle ages. The narrator, Mr. Stephen Palmer, describes some of the misapprehensions about insanity, some of the ways the ancient Greeks and Romans treated it, and what happened to classical thought on the subject after the fall of the Roman Empire. The influence of the rise of the Roman Catholic Church, the belief in angels, devils and magic, the methods used by the Holy Inquisition to cure madness are presented in the narration: pictures, statues, and old engravings are all used.
The program begins with the days following the Civil War, when men first drove cattle westward to the range lands of the southwest, where only the buffalo had grazed before. The importance of meat to the country is shown, and the development of great herds, which roamed the open unfenced country until it was later settled and fenced. The life of the cowboy, the reason for his wearing his particular costume, chaps, kerchief, sombrero, is explained. Bash tells tales of the cowboy’s job herding, branding, and also driving the cattle on the long trek up the trails to market and shipping centers. Songs include “Cowboy’s Dreams,” “The Chisholm Trail,” and a lively dance is done to “Cindy” when the cowboys reach town.
Discusses the earth from the standpoint of an object in space. Reviews briefly the make-up of the solar system. Uses charts, models, photographs, and film clips to explain and show the earth's movements in space, physical make-up, atmosphere, and seasonal changes, and tells us how these characteristics affect the earth's inhabitants. Features James S. Pickering of the American Museum-Hayden Planetarium.
Uses Demonstrations to explain echoes and how the ear functions. Tells how sound can bounce to produce an echo. Stresses ear care. Discusses how and why animals ears are shaped as they are. Shows how to make a harp out of rubber bands. (WCET) Kinescope.
Traces the development of American jazz dance, from tap dancing through the stylized theatrical form of the 1900's and orchestrated jazz of the Thirties, to the cool, abstract music of the Sixties. Demonstrates the basic steps of tap dance (sand shuffle, waltz clog, time step, buck and wing) as performed by Honi Coles. Presents Paula Kelly, Dudley Williams, and William Luther dancing to "Storyville, New Orleans" and the music recorded by Jelly Roll Morton, and Grover Dale and Michel Harty dancing in "Idiom 59" and to recorded music of the same title by Duke Ellington. Presents John Butler's choreography of music by Gunther Schuller, variations on a theme by John Lewis.
Presents a discussion of economic growth as a national goal. Reviews the causes and effects of inflation, unemployment, and rate of growth. Points out the effect of education on new employment patterns. Compares American and Soviet rates of expansion. Discusses problems of automation, standards of living, and the individual initiative in our economic position.
Discusses the use of western capital for the industrial development of the under-developed areas of the world. Presents an analysis of long range foreign aid policy to help secure peace. Features Dr. Harlan Cleveland, Dean, Syracuse University, John E. Hull, General, United States Army (retired), and host Dr. Huston Smith. (KETC) Kinescope.
One segment of episode 205 of PBL. Interviews industrialist Edgar Kaiser on such issues as the nation's health problems, housing needs, and capitalism. Contrasts his attitudes with those of the student generation. Indicates that Kaiser believes Medicare and Urban Renewal should be in the hands of private enterprise and business should compete in and with Communist countries.
Examines the potentiality of education on the sub-verbal level. Discusses the training of the special senses such as vision and the autonomic nervous system. Points out the need for research and application of training on the sub-verbal level in order for man to attain a higher capacity for thought. Features Aldous Huxley, author and lecturer. (KETC) Kinescope.
Delegates from Australia, the Union of South Africa, and the Gold Coast discuss the problems of education both in the United States and abroad. Each of the delegates to the forum was the guest of a school during his twelve-week stay, and during that time, each had a good opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of the American school system. One of the students attended a private school here, while the other two attended public schools. Like the blind men who "see" the elephant with their hands, and then attempt to describe it, each of the three has a somewhat different impression of school life here. However, each of the schools which they have attended seems rather typical of one trend or another in American education. In discussing education in this country, they deal with, among other problems, the question of objective as opposed to essay-type examinations, private and public schools, and the differences between the standards in wealthy and less prosperous communities. Both of the delegates from Africa seemed to feel that, while American students are fairly well-versed on the history and problems of Europe, they seem to know comparatively little about other sections of the world. The exchanges between the delegates from the Union of South Africa and the Gold Coast concerning segregation are interesting. Since two of the participants are from the English Commonwealth, it was inevitable that there should be examination of the educational problems growing out of colonial rule.
Delegates from Australia, the Union of South Africa, and the Gold Coast discuss the problems of education both in the United States and abroad. Each of the delegates to the forum was the guest of a school during his twelve-week stay, and during that time, each had a good opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of the American school system. One of the students attended a private school here, while the other two attended public schools. Like the blind men who "see" the elephant with their hands, and then attempt to describe it, each of the three has a somewhat different impression of school life here. However, each of the schools which they have attended seems rather typical of one trend or another in American education. In discussing education in this country, they deal with, among other problems, the question of objective as opposed to essay-type examinations, private and public schools, and the differences between the standards in wealthy and less prosperous communities. Both of the delegates from Africa seemed to feel that, while American students are fairly well-versed on the history and problems of Europe, they seem to know comparatively little about other sections of the world. The exchanges between the delegates from the Union of South Africa and the Gold Coast concerning segregation are interesting. Since two of the participants are from the English Commonwealth, it was inevitable that there should be examination of the educational problems growing out of colonial rule.
Teenagers from Korea, Norway, Sudan, and the United Kingdom explain their views on American high school students after visiting American school rooms. Compares education in the United States with that of other countries. (WOR-TV) Kinescope. 1958
Teenagers from France, Ghana, India, and Israel discuss the pros and cons of Americans education. Questions whether or not American education is challenging. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Presents a look at world illiteracy. Suggests the use of an already proven method of combating illiteracy in order to help the people of underdeveloped areas. Emphasizes that people are on the move and must be helped. Features Dr. Frank Laubach, missionary, educator, and author. (KETC) Kinescope.
Comments on the importance of a disciplined mind and outlines the methods of obtaining intellectual discipline in a democratic society. Answers objections and comments on a filmed illustration. Featured personality is Arthur Bestor, professor of history at the University of Illinois.
Indicates that we need education that deliberately tries to cultivate the following three freedoms: "freedom from"--the condition of being free from constraint; "freedom of"--freedom of thought, of religion, of speech, and of press; and "freedom to"--the opportunity to make choices and to act on those choices. Featured personality, R. Freeman Butts, is a William F. Russell Professor in the Foundation of Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.
States that educational conservatives look for guidance to wise men as Edmund Burke, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and John Henry Newman in England, and Irving Babbit and Paul E. More in America. The cultural conservative contends that liberal education necessarily is traditional, and that it is intended to conserve the heritage of our civilization. Featured personality is Russell Kirk, research professor of political science at C. W. Post College, Long Island University.
States that reconstructionism is, above all, a goal-centered, future-oriented philosophy of education. It is one of the fundamental assumptions of reconstructionists that education has unprecedented tasks that would not exist in a more normal, less revolutionary, or less dangerous time. Featured personality is Theodore Brameld, professor of educational philosophy at Boston University.
The two essential elements of life adjustments education: 1)to help develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes for dealing with immediate situations of everyday life; 2) to develop an understanding of persistent aspects of situations recurring through life. Features Professor Florence Stratemeyer of Teachers College, Columbia University. Kinescope.
The quotation from George E. Partridge's Genetic Philosophy of Education, "All education is moral, for the end of all teaching is to complete the moral growth of the child, and to impart to him the moral ideals of the race," provides the theme for this program. Suggests that the key to strong character is to define for young people what is the right thing to do and to challenge them to build moral and spiritual strength with a positive approach. Featured personality is Ernest M. Ligon, professor of psychology at Union College in Schenectady, New York.
Emphasizes the fact that our national strength depends more on high level of educational achievement than on any other factor. Indicates that we must come to realize this, and that we must be willing to spend a larger proportion of our national income on education, provide an educational challenge for our young people, and discover the best talent and see to it that this talent is developed to the highest possible degree. Featured personality is Harold W. Stokes, president of Queens College in New York City.
Those who believe in education for psychological maturity draw heavily on the insights of modern depth psychology – stemming from Freud, Jung, Adler, Sullivan, and others – about how the human mind develops and why people behave as they do. A quote from one of Dr. Jersild’s book, When Teachers Face Themselves, sets the tone of this program: “Education should help children and adults to know themselves and to develop healthy attitudes of self-acceptance.” Dr. Jersild proposes that efforts to promote self-understanding should be incorporated into the nation’s total educational program. He also answers objections and comments upon a filmed illustration.
Teenage delegates to the New York Herald Tribune Forum discuss the objectives and faults of American education. Comments are made on the place of the bright student, freedom of choice, size of schools, emphasis applied to subject matter, and how well education challenges the student.
Herald Tribune Forum delegates from Lebanon, France, India, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Germany, and the Union of South Africa compare education in the U.S. with that of their countries. Includes comments on teaching methods, classroom procedures, and co-education. (WOR-TV) Kinescope. 1957
The first program deals largely with Steichen’s life and his development as a photographer. He comments on the first camera he use (a Kodak), the years before he came to New York City, his “romantic” period in the 1890’s, his work with photography for advertising, his stay in France when he was for a while very active as a painter, his reactions to modern art, and his feelings about the influence of painting on his photography. Steichen’s photographs are used throughout the program to complement his description of life and work, and he often gives detailed analysis of these photographs.
The first part of the program is devoted to Steichen’s memorable and world-famous exhibit, “The Family of Man.” Steichen explains his preoccupation with the forms and development of human life; the exhibit, and many of the photographs shown during the course of the program, emphasize the preoccupation. Steichen and Rene d’Harnoncourt also discuss his association with the fashion magazine Vanity Fair, his ideas on journalistic photography, and his work in Hollywood and in advertising, his photographic experiments, his experiences during World War I, his exhibitions and the ideas governing them, his work now in progress, and his plans for future exhibitions.
The third program consists of a detailed analysis of photographs. Steichen and a young photographer move from picture to picture while Steichen explains the mechanical and technical problems they presented and the ideas or interests that prompted his focusing on one or another subject. They also examine pictures taken by such noted photographers as Lewis Hines and Edward Weston. Of particular interest are Steichen’s comments on symbolist photography and his reasons for abandoning experiments he began in this area. At the program’s end, Steichen speaks generally about the future of photography, and of the things we have to learn about and from our fellow man.
The format of this final program is different from that of the preceding three. On the sound track is a pre-recorded conversation with Steichen, and on the screen is a series of Steichen’s own photographs, and those of other photographers, from the “Family of Man” collection. Steichen’s remarks form a commentary explaining and describing some general principles of photography, and the details of completing this particular exhibit.The basic element, says Steichen, is love: love of life and of mankind.
In this program Mrs. Roosevelt tells of her first meeting with FDR, his personality as a young man, their wedding, FDR’s political beginnings, his mother and Louis Howe. She then tells of his illness and his recovery. She talks of his outstanding personality and his friends, his enemies, and his confidence in the people who worked with him.
Mrs. Anna Eleanor Roosevelt discusses her life after the death of her husband. She tells of her transition to the official duties at the United Nations, answers questions about Senator Mccarthy, the racial situation, current trends to re-evaluate American education and her relationship with the Russians. (WQED) Film.
In this program, Mrs. Roosevelt talks of her husband and his philosophy, religion, friendships and courage. She tells of D-Day in the White House, Pearl Harbor Day, and FDR’s moments of relaxation. She talks about Communism, war, leadership in the world today, and about the future.
Discusses the production of electric power in the United States. States that a heritage of our land is our system of rivers and lakes, particular when this water power is harnessed to provide electricity. Discusses the use of dams, thermal power plants, and generators in the production of electricity. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
Uses laboratory experiments to illustrate how chemicals liberate energy in the form of electricity. Explains the part Italians Galvani and Volta played in discovering the principle of electricity from chemicals. Demonstrates the reaction between zinc and lead in generating heat and electricity. Shows the types of electrical cells uses today. (KQED) Film.
Max Lerner and five Brandeis students discuss: Who really owns America? What are the chances of moving from one society to another? Do the elites really run America? Is the dictatorship of the elite a conspiracy? Are there conflicts among the elites? Has American business gone soft because their leaders do not understand the urgency of the situation today? Is there a military elite? Does the intellectual elite have control in America? Have the intellectuals failed to make clear to the public that they are in danger of their own destruction? Is democracy lost in the social anarchy that there is today?
Discusses problems arising when children become curious about sex and birth. Explains how parents can prepare themselves for this time, why questions must be answered, and how to proceed for mutual benefit of child and parent. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Explains why energy is necessary, where it is obtained and why more energy is needed. Defines and gives examples of kinetic and potential energy. Uses charts and diagrams to show how energy is used and how much is available. Points out the importance of nuclear energy for the future. (WQED) Film.
Considers the question, "Will machines ever run man?" Concludes that although the computer is the machine most like man himself, it is not the machine but man who determines what is to be done.
Presents the story of the English settlements along the Atlantic seaboard--first in Virginia, then in New England, Maryland, and the Carolinas. Explains how England later consolidated her holdings by taking the middle area from the Dutch. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the discussion of episodic form from the preceding program, "Episodic Form: Part 1". Illustrates the use of episodic form in the funeral march and other independent pieces unrelated to minuets marches, and such clear-cut types. Presents examples from Chopin and Debussy to point out (1) the greater continuity achieved by connecting up the three main segments of episodic form (by links, cadence-avoidance, etc.) ; and (2) the new effects possibly by rewriting the third segment and sometimes modifying it.
Discusses episodic form and its use. of the principle of contrast. Illustrates the structural scheme of episodic form in which an opening binary or ternary segment is followed by a contrasting binary or ternary section, after which the first segment is repeated. Explains how the middle part exhibits the qualities of a foil or episode, having a new theme, a new character or "mood", and generally a new key or tonality.
Here, Dr. Jones defines the episodic principle as the simple rondo-form combining the two principles of repetition and contrast and illustrates the principle with a selection from Haydn. Concluding the series, he presents a selection from Beethoven’s “Quintet for Winds and Piano,” in which the repetitions between the contrasting episodes are varied.
In what sense can Americans be equal? Not in looks, or in talents, but in opportunity, decide Dr. Wriston, Mr. Canham, and Martin S. Ochs, editor of the Chattanooga Times. Equality of opportunity, they state, is essential in a democracy. Turning in more detail to the system of democracy in this country, the three panelists discuss possible reforms within the operations of the Congress, the executive branch of the federal government, and the state governments. Among their suggestions are the consolidation of urban areas and school districts, the reform of self-limiting tax laws, the reform of election districts, and a re-examination of existing corporate law.
Maestro Dohnanyi and his guests discuss his early days as a composer. He plays two of his own selections: “Intermezzo, Opus No. 2” and “F Minor Rhapsody.”
Maestro Dohnanyi and his guests discuss his days as a composer in Vienna. He plays parts of “Winterigen,” “Humoresque,” and the entire “Minute” from his own composition “Suite, Opus No. 24.”
Dohnanyi and his guests discuss the compositions which the Maestro wrote in Budapest. The numbers he plays on this program are “Variations on Hungarian Folk Songs,” “Ruralia Hungarica,” and “Pastorale.”
Dr. Harbaugh describes the work of water, the most important agent at work in forming the finer features of the face of the Earth. He describes the hydrologic cycle: the round trip that water takes in evaporating from the ocean, precipitating on the land, and flowing back to the ocean. His guest is Ray K. Lindsey, associate professor of hydraulic engineering at Stanford University. Formerly a member of the faculty of the U.S. Department Graduate School and the University of California, he was a participant in the UNESCO Symposium on Hydrology in Ankara, Turkey (1952) and UN consultant to the Yugoslavian Hydro-matero-logical service. They discuss the mechanics of water: the way it can suspend materials and carry them along.
Miss Pearson shows how paint is a medium: water color, poster paint, and oil. She illustrates how it works, how it mixes, textures and application. Examples of works of art in these paint media are shown.
Explores the significance of ethnic dance in the field of formal dance. Presents a variety of West Indian dances. Explains their derivations and movements. Includes Bele, a West Indian adaptation of the minuet; Yanvallou, a voodoo dance; and Banda, a Haitian dance about death. Features Geoffrey Holder and Carmen de Lavallade.
Explores the significance of ethnic dance in the field of formal dance. Presents a variety of West Indian dances. Explains their derivations and movements. Includes Bele, a West Indian adaptation of the minuet; Yanvallou, a voodoo dance; and Banda, a Haitian dance about death. Features Geoffrey Holder and Carmen de Lavallade.
Mr. Ormandy discusses, with his guests, the relationship of the musician to the audience, the influence of the conductor in determining the orchestral personality, and problems of choral conducting. He concludes with an explanation of the relationship of the soloist and the conductor.
Mr. Ormandy discusses, with his guests, the duties and responsibilities of the music director. Explains the problems of programming, personnel changes in the orchestra, keeping standards, placement of instruments, and the importance of the conductor. he also expresses his views concerning the relationships between the conductor and orchestra, and the duties of the music critic in America today.
Mr. Ormandy discusses working out musical interpretation and technical aspects, the evolution of conducting and its relationship to the development of the modern symphony orchestra, domination of the orchestra by the conductor, modern music, twelve-tone music, and the role of the music critic.
Mr. Ormandy discusses a serious musician’s views of rock and roll music, how to interest young people in good music, opera in English, how high orchestral performance standards are maintained, and whether electronic instruments are the basis of a new music.
The panel takes up the importance of the national convention in drafting a party platform and important intra-party conflicts which have developed over the drafting of such platforms at recent conventions. Along these same lines, the panel considers the procedure used to draft the platform and the question of whether the platform is drafted to represent the policy position of the candidate or for the candidate to stand on.
A panel here considers the advantages and disadvantages of the convention systems as it now operates. Speakers also discuss suggestions for improving the convention as a nominating device, alternatives methods for nominating a president and vice president, and the problems and advantages of these alternatives.
Evaporation is shown to be a cooling process. The degree of evaporation of water illustrates humidity. Evaporation of water and other liquids is shown. Alcohol and acetone evaporate more readily than water. Solids can evaporate. This is called sublimation. Illustrations are dry-ice and iodine.
Dr. Clinchy discusses the problems involved in educating individuals for tolerance, including such questions as: Where do you meet strangers? What good may come out of a meeting of strangers, if such a meeting may provide conflict? Is conflict itself a good thing? Should individuality or homogeneity be encouraged in a society? What place does education have in preparing people for toleration? Can you condition people’s emotions? Dr. Clinchy makes the point that one essential for toleration is the assumption of responsibility. Toleration is not, and should not be, synonymous with indifference, and individuals must work actively to eradicate old prejudices and mistrusts, he concludes.
Discusses architecture as a clue to cultural change. Shows how, in the early 1900s, architects sought inspiration in traditional European styles, and a melange of modified Greek Revival, Italian Renaissance, Norman manor, and Tudor half-timber homes sprang up. Indicates that although earlier innovators Henry H. Richardson and Louis Sullivan had proposed a fresh approach to domestic architecture, it was not until the impact of Frank Lloyd Wright that public opinion shifted. Paralleling this movement toward "organic" architecture, the Bauhaus school of "functional," "abstract," and "international" styles began to flourish. Points out that in modern architecture we can detect the combined influences of these original thinkers in the emphasis on functional simplicity and the ingenious use of natural materials.
Traces the history of imperialism from the 15th Century to the present, Explains the reasons which lead to empire building by nation states. Discusses the geographical, economic, and political changes brought about by colonialism.
Discusses the nature of perception and knowing. Illustrates how experiences involve a transaction between perceiver and the thing of event perceived. Demonstrates the "trapezoid window" illusion created by Adelbert Ames, Jr. Relates perception and knowing to communication. (KQED) Film.
Discusses human action and its causes. Compares voluntary and involuntary response. Uses a slow motion film clip to demonstrate the startle response. Concludes with a demonstration to show that voluntary effort has its causes. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses briefly the scope of psychology. Uses charts, models, and demonstrations to explain how the eye function. Illustrates size constancy and distance in perceptions. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses methods used by composers to create variety in their musical sentence structure, or extend originally "regular'' phrases to longer proportions. Illustrates the following methods of extension: (1) cadence extension; (2) repetition, exact or sequential, in the body of the phrase; and (3) augmentation, or lengthening of note-values.
Presents an interview with exiled South African essayist and short story writer, Mphahlele, who discusses the advantages and disadvantages of a writer in exile. Reveals that he feels he has absorbed both the European and African traditional ways of life but shows he remains gloomy about creative writing in a divided society. Discusses the author's autobiography and the impact of emerging African literature.
Portrays some of the learning of both students and instructors at the Harvard Medical School. Presents discussions of an instructor's first lecture, the meaning of academic freedom, and the reasons why a teacher must also be a researcher. Demonstrates a bedside teaching situation, a clinical conference dealing with pathology, and a brain-cutting operation conference.
Bash traces the development of drama and entertainment from the medieval days of acrobats at fairs, to the present. She demonstrates use of early puppets and marionettes, speaks of the troubadours and minstrels, and describes the pantomimes of the Harlequin and Columbines. The Lillian Patterson dancers assist in presenting the pictures through dance and acrobatics, and Bash ends the program by taking a very modern merry-go-round ride. Songs are “The Little Marionette” and “Jumping Jack.”
Presents a debate on the problem of radioactive fallout from nuclear tests and the advisability of nuclear disarmament. Debates such pertinent questions as : "Does radioactive fallout from nuclear tests present a formidable danger to present and future generations?", "Will nuclear disarmament affect national security?", "Is continued testing necessary to insure future development of nuclear power for peaceful uses?" Features Dr. Edward Teller, Professor of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, and Dr. Linus Pauling, Professor of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology. (KQED) Kinescope.
Discusses jealousy and fighting for attention among brothers and sisters. Tells what parents can do to overcome sibling rivalry. Answers questions concerning acceptance of only one brother and sister and not the others, treatment of siblings with respect to gifts, punishment, privileges, and loyalty of brothers and sisters for one another. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Tells the story of farm life in early America. Explains how the farmer once raised his own animals and used them for the many things he needed. Visits a farm to see farm animals. (KQED) Kinescope.
Discusses rational and irrational fears with illustrations from real-life situations. Distinguishes between these two types of fears, and suggests ways of controlling them through a system of unlearning the original fear by gradually making it pleasant. (KOMO-TV) Kinescope.
Fences tell a story about the way of life of the people who built them, the use to which the land was put and something of the personality of the builder. Bash Kennett tells of early fences and takes a tour through the countryside, showing how one can imagine the story of each farm or house from the fence which surrounds it. She tells the story of the early fence-viewer, whose chain measure was the basis of the measurement of today’s mile and city block. Songs include “The Bird Song” and “The Sow Who Got the Measles.”
Provides a historic background for the collegiate-level debate and emphasizes the need for debate and reasoning skills for military officers as well as civilians. Exalts free speech and right to debate are inherent to democracy. Gives an overview and describes the process of the tournament. 1961's debate topic is "that the United States should adopt a program of compulsory health insurance for all citizens." Shows the awards ceremony before the final round of the tournament. Follows the final round of King's College (negative position), who are defeated by Harvard (affirmative position). Features Elvis J. Stahr acting as Secretary of the Army in the year before becoming IU's 12th president.
Brushy writes a prize-winning poem for the school safety contests:
“It isn’t enough just to know every rule,
You should practice them all, for real safety at school.”
Sharing and taking turns with others can be the best way to play and Brushy and Susie-Q show us what happens when you don’t play this way. They never had any fun because they fought over things they wanted to play with. But, mother taught them by sharing they could each have more fun.
Bash Kennett tells about the art of craving the figureheads which graced the prow of sailing vessels in the past. She shows figureheads of all types and sings “Pretty Kitty” and “Wanderin.”
Joan Jockwig Pearson presents the elements of good design and its application to everyday living in buildings, clothing, furniture, and automobiles as well as in actual objects d’art.
Dramatizes a situation in which four persons, faced with possible death, reexamine their personal philosophies. An intellectual whose god is pure reason begins to realize his basic loneliness. An American businessman who must rely on cold organization reveals himself as warmly human. His wife turns from agreement with the intellectual's original view to agreement with her husband's new attitude. A German guide, a former Nazi who has lost the collective, totalitarian world he understands, leaves apparently to seek death in the mountains.
In this last program Professor Woodworth summarizes the points he has made in the course of the series. Then, as a climax to the study of the symphonic form, Professor Woodworth conducts the Cambridge Festival Orchestra in a performance of the final movement of Mozart's Symphony Number 38, and then in a complete performance of Prokofiev's Classical Symphony, showing the transition from the 18th Century to modern music.
Discusses the various instruments and methods used in gaining knowledge of stellar composition and in studying objects in space. Reviews the development of the telescope. Uses diagrams, photographs, and models to explain the importance of photography, the spectroscope, and radio-astronomy in unlocking the secrets of the universe. Features James S. Pickering of the American Museum, Hayden Planetarium.
Discusses finishing techniques in ceramic sculpture. Explains how the finish must make the sculptured work permanent and at the same time enhance its feeling and form. Shows the method of firing ceramic pieces in the kiln. Demonstrates different methods of finishing the pieces including staining, waxing, and the application of different types of glazes. Concludes with a discussion of ancient and modern polychrome sculpture. Features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
Discusses and explains the zones of a candle flame. Shows the differences between a candle and a burner flame. Uses experiments to illustrate and define air density and convection currents. (KQED) Film.