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Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Discusses the Standing Committee, functions of the Committee system, and the role of the majority and minority leaders in congress. Presents opinions on seniority and the selection of committee members and officers. Features Dr. John T. Dempsey, Professor of Political Science, University of Detroit, and members of Congress. (WYES-TV) Film and kinescope.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Brings together four prominent Negro leaders who discuss American Negroes' movement for racial and social equality, and their own motivations, doctrines, methods and goals. Features Negro leaders James Baldwin, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, and Dr. Kenneth Clark as host.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Investigates some of the ways in which man is influenced and changed by society. Demonstrates the effect of group pressure to conform and shows the consequences of publicly stating ideas contrary to one's private beliefs.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Presents several interviews with Vladimir Nabokov, during which he talks freely about his life and work, his feelings about what the literary masterpieces of this country are, and what he thinks of American writing. Discusses the way he writes, and his past. Shows him informally walking about the village of Montreux, Switzerland, collecting butterflies and playing soccer and chess. Closes with a discussion, by Nabokov concerning his forthcoming novel.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Documents the life and work of William Carlos Williams, poet, Pulitzer Prize winner, and physician. Illustrates his work with selected readings from letters, poems, and the autobiography of the poet. Shows still photographs of the poet as a young man and in his later years with his son, also a physician, practicing medicine in the local hospital.
Jim Scott, Gian-Franco Romagnoli, Robert Gaffney, Paul Rader, Roy Brubaker, W.O. Field, William H. Terry
Portrays the unique and critical role of the sun in the drama of our own planet. Traces the history of man's study of the sun, and explains how solar towers, rockets, and balloons are used in the study of the sun. Describes the communications system established by the National Bureau of Standards to coordinate work on solar disturbances and their enhanced X radiations and particle streams.
John Beard, Executive Director, Fountain House, Robert Kaiser, Gary C. Bergland, Larry Novak
Shows how Fountain House, located in the "Hell's Kitchen" section of New York City, reintegrates patients returning from mental institutions as functioning citizens. Explains that the house is non-residential and most of the people who come there do not have jobs. Records how Fountain House helps its people find housing, provides vocational training, arranges jobs with nearby businesses, and offers community services in the house itself. Includes conferences between patients and staff at the house and at places of work.
Discusses the beliefs, concepts, and attitudes which have influenced the novels of John Updike. Presents several selections from short stories read by the author and accompanied by scenes which depict the narration.
Introduces the music of the woodwinds. Presents the story of their evolution from outdoor performances to the concert hall. Includes the following: the Second Movement of Haydn's Divertimento in B Flat Major; the First Movement of Antonio Rosetti's Wind Quintet in E Flat; and the Pastorale of Gabriel Pierne.
The last meeting of the Herald Tribune Youth Forum was a meeting of the complete group at the U.N. General Assembly hall. Episode nine deals more or less with world problems. The role of the U. N. in world affairs is considered, particularly the problem of colonialism and the U. N.s ability to regulate trusteeships and mandates. The problem of "power politics", and the necessity to align with one side or the other, is presented by Vangala Ram, the delegate from India: "The only real moment of strangeness I recall was during a conversation about world politics. The participants seemed to think that the only powers worth considering in today's world are the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R." Peter Hudson of the United Kingdom later countered this, saying: "Today neutral countries are not the strong countries. They use neutrality to justify their weakness, either because they don't want to be strong or because they are too small to be strong."
The delegates tell about their reactions to their visit, and discuss the attitudes that they have formed while here. The students represent Switzerland, Japan, Thailand, Jordan, and Norway
Questions a woman's right to terminate pregnancy in the first three months through legalized abortion. Points out that increased accessibility to abortion would decrease the number of unwanted children, many of whom presently become socially maladjusted or mentally ill. Opposes legalized abortion in that the embryo is a human being, even though it cannot independently sustain life, and that often women only "think" they want an abortion. Emphasizes that most abortions are sought by married women.
This series, aired from 1954 through 1958, is built around the annual New York Herald Tribune World Youth Forum, which hosts approximately thirty foreign high school students from around the world in the US. The World Youth Forum features the high school students discussing problems of concern to America and the world. Discussions are presided over by Mrs. Helen Hiet Waller, World Youth Forum Director, with a maximum of encouragement to free expression. In this program from 1957, students from the United Kingdom, Union of South Africa, India, and Lebanon discuss the influence of American comics, films, and be-bop; the contribution of American education throughout the Arab world; the relative merits of British and American school systems; the relative impact of Britain vs U.S. influence in the world; and whether Britain or the U.S. has the truer democracy.
Drive-in movies, bow ties, ready-made clothes and convertible cars are commented upon by the high school students from thirty-four countries. In answer to questions from viewers of the series, the students give their impressions of the United States and its way of life. A chorus of "No!" greets the question, "If you had your choice, would you stay in the United States?" Only two boys who have ambitions to be physicians say they would like to remain here to study. Most of the others declare they feel a duty to return home and help improve the status of their own countries.
This series, aired from 1954 through 1958, is built around the annual New York Herald Tribune World Youth Forum, which hosts approximately thirty foreign high school students from around the world in the US. The World Youth Forum features the high school students discussing problems of concern to America and the world. Discussions are presided over by Mrs. Helen Hiet Waller, World Youth Forum Director, with a maximum of encouragement to free expression. In this program from 1957, students from Brazil, Finland, Japan, Jordan, and Singapore discuss the question of universal misunderstanding of teenagers. Although they are divided on the seriousness of the problem, they indicate that the misunderstanding between parents and teenagers does exist in their countries.
This series, aired from 1954 through 1958, is built around the annual New York Herald Tribune World Youth Forum, which hosts approximately thirty foreign high school students from around the world in the US. The World Youth Forum features the high school students discussing problems of concern to America and the world. Discussions are presided over by Mrs. Helen Hiet Waller, World Youth Forum Director, with a maximum of encouragement to free expression. In this program from 1955, students from Pakistan, Vietnam, South Korea, Nigeria, and South Africa discuss the cultural differences and similarities between their countries and the USA. Contemporary high school students may have to disobey their parents in order to push new ideals ahead, though disagreeing with one's parents is a difficult thing to do. The student panelists point out that they have had to adjust to more changes in these past seventeen years than our ancestors did in the last 700.
Teenagers from Pakistan, Vietnam, Germany, and Yugoslavia discuss socialism in Yugoslavia and Russian Communism. Questions the definition of the word "freedom." Analyzes the prospects of reunification for Germany and Vietnam. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
In discussing communism as an internal problem, students from Britain, Norway, India and the Philippines deal in a rather inclusive manner with this difficult issue. In a most lively discussion, the panelists examine the topic from numerous angles, but stress particularly how we can at the same time control communism and protect civil liberties. Whether politicians should deal with internal communism, and whether it would be advisable to outlaw the communist party are also considered. In this connection several related problems are brought to light: Would the party be more difficult to control if it were forced completely underground; would there be danger of confusing liberals and other nonconformists with communists? An attempt is also made to define subversion, and several opinions are presented. Whether or not congressional committees are operating fairly and successfully is also discussed. One student expresses the fear that men may be unnecessarily hurt because of the fact that a committee may publicly suggest that he is guilty of some act, and yet is not empowered actually to establish that guilt or innocence. While much of the discussion centers, around the problem in the United States, several of the students describe what is being done in their own country about the problem, and the point is made that the solution for one country may not necessarily be the answer for another.
This series, aired from 1954 through 1958, is built around the annual New York Herald Tribune World Youth Forum, which hosts approximately thirty foreign high school students from around the world in the US. The World Youth Forum features the high school students discussing problems of concern to America and the world. Discussions are presided over by Mrs. Helen Hiet Waller, World Youth Forum Director, with a maximum of encouragement to free expression. In this program from 1956, students from Finland, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Vietnam discuss whether American children have too much freedom.
Presents members of the New York Herald Tribune World Forum and forum director Helen Hiett Waller. Reveals that the Indian and the Yugoslav forum members oppose any type of international military pact, while Norwegian delegate defend the North Atlantic Treaty organization. The Iranian delegate appraises the pros and cons of the argument.
A prediction that the white South Africans will suffer if they do not adapt themselves to the "changing times" by eliminating segregation is made by Lebricht Hesse, Gold Coast delegate, in this discussion on racial problems. Other panelists represent the Union of South Africa, Denmark and Indonesia. The Union of South Africa delegate contends that the white South African government will give the Negro his freedom as soon as he has been "educated and civilized". Concluding the discussion, Erik Jorgensen of Denmark said that "you can't separate black and white and work for a peaceful world.”
Delegates from Australia, the Union of South Africa, and the Gold Coast discuss the problems of education both in the United States and abroad. Each of the delegates to the forum was the guest of a school during his twelve-week stay, and during that time, each had a good opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of the American school system. One of the students attended a private school here, while the other two attended public schools. Like the blind men who "see" the elephant with their hands, and then attempt to describe it, each of the three has a somewhat different impression of school life here. However, each of the schools which they have attended seems rather typical of one trend or another in American education. In discussing education in this country, they deal with, among other problems, the question of objective as opposed to essay-type examinations, private and public schools, and the differences between the standards in wealthy and less prosperous communities. Both of the delegates from Africa seemed to feel that, while American students are fairly well-versed on the history and problems of Europe, they seem to know comparatively little about other sections of the world. The exchanges between the delegates from the Union of South Africa and the Gold Coast concerning segregation are interesting. Since two of the participants are from the English Commonwealth, it was inevitable that there should be examination of the educational problems growing out of colonial rule.
Teenagers from Korea, Norway, Sudan, and the United Kingdom explain their views on American high school students after visiting American school rooms. Compares education in the United States with that of other countries. (WOR-TV) Kinescope. 1958
Teenagers from France, Ghana, India, and Israel discuss the pros and cons of Americans education. Questions whether or not American education is challenging. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Teenage delegates to the New York Herald Tribune Forum discuss the objectives and faults of American education. Comments are made on the place of the bright student, freedom of choice, size of schools, emphasis applied to subject matter, and how well education challenges the student.
The members of the third panel in discussing "The World We Want," talk about how Americans take criticism and then branch out to comment on the policies of the West in Asia and in Western Europe. The question of American economic aid in Southeastern Asia is examined and there is a lively give-and-take on the true purpose of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization --is it a purely defensive alliance or is it planned just to fight Communism
Students from Switzerland, Thailand, Pakistan, and India discuss the habits and customs of their countries. The individual flavor of each of their cultures is shown in their often strongly divergent points of view. While the discussion begins with a brief description by each of the students of his religion, in a rather relaxed manner, the topics which are aired later in the program produce a lively give-and-take discussion. The student from Pakistan describes Islam as a faith which stresses the belief in one God and the equality of all men, while the student from India speaks of Hinduism as emphasizing transmigration -- the attainment of oneness with reality -- with God as a means to that end. Thailand's representative characterizes Buddhism as being closely related to Hinduism, particularly in the belief in transmigration, but she goes on to point out the qualities of passivity and contentedness which Buddhism encourages. The most significant aspect of Christianity is seen as its sense of "nearness to God" by the student from Switzerland. Some discussion of the desirability or feasibility of a single world religion seems to show that each was loathe to sacrifice his own way of life, despite the fact that they all felt they had much in common. The role of religion in education is also discussed. United States foreign policies come in for some scrutiny, particularly the question of military versus economic aid. While the discussion does not always seem to stick to the topic too closely, this is most welcome, since, as the participants become more involved, they become less inhibited. This shows very clearly how much each has been influenced by his country's culture, and this presents a lively picture of that culture in action.
Delegates from India, Korea, Norway and the United Kingdom thrash out the controversial question of U.N. membership for Red China in a lively discussion during this program. "Actually it is not a question of whether we like a country or its government. The fact is that it—the country—should be recognized," Norway says and the Korean delegate comes back with, "Nations that don’t love peace should not be admitted to the U.N." The conversation swings into a second heated discussion on the effectiveness of competition between the United States and Russia to aid underdeveloped countries.
Delegates representing Australia, Guatemala, Norway and Turkey compare their own schools with those they have come to know in America. Girls and boys split over the value of coeducation with the males in favor and the girls opposed. Says the Australian delegate, "Maybe girls are afraid to let boys find out how intelligent they are." The girls also think American girls are too clothes conscious and suggest uniforms for students. Other comments include envy of the American student's freedom to work part time, lack of respect for the teacher, appreciation of the modern equipment in American schools and surprise at the American custom of "going steady."
The problem of communist aggression is discussed by representatives of India, the Philippines, Korea, and Norway. This discussion concerns itself mostly with the situation in the East, since three of the four panelists come from that region. Much of the discussion involves the recent emergence of strong nationalist tendencies in the far East. The delegate from the Philippines explains how the leaders of these young countries, only recently having gained their independence, are loathe to consider regional federation out of a fear that they will once again sacrifice that independence. Some of the problems facing Korea in her attempts to reunite are also discussed at some length. The problem of admitting Red China into the United Nations is also examined, and the possibility of using that admission as a bargaining point to curtail further aggression, or to obtain some workable solution to the Korean problem. Whether or not Japan should be re-armed, and under whose auspices, is another question the group considers. This raised several interesting viewpoints, particularly the fact that there is still considerable suspicion of Japan by other peoples in that area. There is also much consideration of the role of the United Nations in curtailing aggression, and of whether or not the organization could act more efficiently if more of the Red bloc, such as China, were members.
A panel of high school students representing Germany, the Philippines, Israel, Ceylon and Iran are divided in opinion as to whether or not US aid acts as a war curb. The panel agrees that aid is necessary to the economic development of their countries, but two of the speakers point out that American aid has a detrimental side as well. The delegate from Iran states that, in his opinion, American economic aid to Iran has not worked and has pointed up class differences by providing big salaries for some while leaving the unemployment problem unsolved. The Israel delegate answers, however, by saying that his country is using American aid to "great benefit… This serves the cause of peace."
Is fear the main element preventing war at the present time? Is fear an adequate basis on which to build a lasting peace? Is the UN the answer? These are some of the thought-provoking questions which four forum delegates consider in this second program. The teen agers compare their own war experiences, which range from the Italian invasion of Ethiopia to the German occupation of Norway. An ironic coincidence is revealed as the Australian delegate tells how her father was held prisoner in Germany and the German student, in turn, relates his father's imprisonment in Australia.
The tension between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East is expressed in very personal terms as delegates from Israel, Jordan and Lebanon discuss how the political situation affects their own lives. The young delegate from Israel explains that even the women and girls in her country must know how to handle a gun in case of a full-scale outbreak of hostility between the one and a half million Jews and forty-five million Arabs. However, the unrehearsed discussion also brings out the many problems which Israel and the Arab countries must face in common such as illiteracy, low standards of living and lack of water. The young people express fear of another devastating war arising out of the still tense situation.
[motion picture] Focuses on William Geer, lecturer in modern civilization and history, University of North Carolina, and Lloyd Reynolds, calligrapher and art historian, Reed College. Illustrates each man's individual style of teaching through samples of lectures, methods of counseling students, philosophies, and interviews with present and former students. Illustrates how these two men successfully challenge students to think about things they have not contemplated before and to enjoy doing it.
With frankness and sincerity, the young delegates describe their initial picture of America and the American way of life. They offer opinions formed before arriving in this country for the forum. The Italian delegate criticizes America's "Reader's Digest" mind and the Malayan girl speaks of her disappointment at seeing no flowers or green trees or birds and of her discomfort in the January cold. Drawing upon his knowledge of US soldiers stationed in his country, the Korean describes his impression of America. Although this program does not have the pace and spontaneity of the remainder of the series, the students offer some penetrating criticism of American folkways.
Continues the discussion of nationalism as a constructive force in world affairs. Teenagers from Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon, and the United Kingdom present their views on colonialism and Western foreign policy in the Middle East. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Of the five delegates represented here, four are from these areas—India, Mexico, the Gold Coast, and the Philippines—while the fifth is the French delegate. Important development activities in the four countries are listed as mass education, village development programs, industrialization and improved agriculture. Delegates also discuss the direct effect of recent important changes in their countries on their own lives. These include independence and free elections in India; World War II and the post-war victory over the Huks in the Philippines: the breaking up of tribal systems and the growing demand for independence in the Gold Coast, and the expropriation of US oil holdings in Mexico.
Teenagers from Malaya, Philippines, Greece, Iceland, Thailand, and Turkey discuss prejudices within their own countries and toward others. Criticism is made of the American soldier and tourist as representatives of the United States. Presents comments on Russia as a current problem source and the effect of tradition and war in stimulating prejudice. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Teenagers from the United Kingdom, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Indian discuss prejudices against Britain and her policies. They further discuss their preconceived notions about America and indicate how their visit has changed these ideas. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Herald Tribune Forum delegates from Israel, France, Turkey, and Lebanon discuss their prejudices against other forum delegates and their countries. They indicate that some of their prejudices have been removed through acquaintances made in the U.S. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Herald Tribune Forum members from the Gold Coast, the Union of South Africa, Ethiopia, and Nigeria discuss American prejudices towards Africans and towards African-Americans. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Four high school students representing Norway, Australia, Korea, and the Philippines will debate the subject: Resolved that the United Nations must have universal membership to be effective. This is the first of fourteen programs presenting thirty-four students from thirty-four countries who are in the United States as delegates to the 1955 Herald Tribune Forum for High Schools. The delegates, on a three month visit in the US, were selected to take part in this Forum through competitive examinations in their individual countries.
Presents members of the New York Herald Tribune World Forum and forum director Helen Hiett Waller. Teenagers from the Sudan, Israel, Ceylon, and Yugoslavia discuss American slang as an obstacle to the understanding of English and as a puzzlement and source of amusement to foreign visitors. The young people examine slang words and phrases in their own language.
All 33 of the Herald Tribune High School Forum delegates appear in their native costumes and talk of their experiences and impressions after their three month stay in four different American homes and schools. 1957 (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Teenage delegates to the New York Herald Tribune Forum discuss their visit to America. Presents their views on what they have seen, learned, and experienced. 1958 (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
All thirty-three forum delegates gather for this concluding program to summarize and compare reactions to the three months spent in this country. All of the delegates have radically changed their initial views of America, mostly for the better. In high good humor and a festive mood, the delegates scramble their national signs just before the program goes on the air much to the confusion of moderator Mrs. Helen Waller. However, she concludes this is the most spontaneous demonstration of the delegates' new understanding that race and nationality are not barriers to friendship.
Teenage delegates to the New York Herald Tribune Forum tell how their prejudices toward each other were conquered during their stay in America. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
The reactions of the countries of the free world to American foreign policy along with the reactions of the panelists to the American people are discussed on this program. Taking part are students from Great Britain, the Philippines, Israel, and the United States. The student from the Philippines raises many interesting points regarding the Asian attitude toward US foreign policy. Although he makes quite clear the fact that these are not his own views, he feels that many people in that part of the world exhibit a distrust of US policy because of a fear that there are "strings attached.” He goes on to show how this fear grows out of Asia's bitter experiences with colonialism, and her identification of the United States with that policy. Some of the problems growing out of America's desire for European and Asian Federation are also examined by the group, such as the fear of the smaller nations that they will be dominated by the larger ones, and Britain's fear of losing her Asian holdings. A comparison by the students of the situation in Asia as compared to that in Europe, showed a strong feeling that each faced many different problems in achieving federation. The inability of many people in the United States to distinguish between communism and socialism is strongly criticized by the delegate from Britain, who points out that he, after all, "comes from a welfare state." Some very alert discussion centers around the reactions of foreign students to the attitudes of American youngsters, and what is described as their "fear of solitude. The American student offers as explanation the necessity to stress citizenship, teamwork, and a sense of "American-ness" in order to bring together all of the varying cultures that make up America.
Examines Supreme Court rulings regarding civil rights, reapportionment, and criminal procedure in the light of subsequent consequences of these decisions. Interviews allies and critics of the Warren Court, who evaluate the decisions. Reveals that for Earl Warren, the role of the court was that of responding to human needs.
The panelists discuss what the word "American," in reference to a citizen of the United States, means in different parts of the world. Race problems and prejudices as viewed in different parts of the world also are dealt with by these four high school delegates.
The delegates discuss Britain's reaction to "the United States' humiliation in its satellite rivalry with the USSR" and what America is famous for in each of the representatives' countries.
Teenagers from Greece, Malaya, Egypt, and Thailand tell why they prefer not to be Americans. Discusses relations between children and parents. Presents first impressions and reactions to life in the United States. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Tells how three boys write a report titled Doomsday 2000 after they lose their ballfield to an apartment project. Analyzes problems of air and water pollution, expanding population, and lack of recreational facilities. Shows the boys preparing a second report recounting how small plots of land are being used to make life more pleasant for children and adults.
Condensed version of "Gift of Choice" episode of Population Problem. Reports on experiments being carried out to determine the factors controlling pregnancies both to aid those who want children and to control fertility for those who want to limit family size.
Provides a candid view of poet Robert Creeley in his home and introduces his poetry. Presents him describing the influences of other literary figures on his works and explaining his own method of working. Includes readings of several of his poems, such as "La Noche," "The First Time," "The Place," and "Someplace."
Discusses the political history of Brazil and her relations with the U.S. Considers Brazilian art, economic problems and potentialities, and the role of U.S. business in Brazil. A photo series presents the land and the people. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Shows that the traditional life of the Polynesians of American Samoa is being altered and challenged by its governing authority, the United States, and that a potential conflict exists between the western goals of education which stress independent thinking and the cultural values of Samoa which emphasize obedience to the family and respect for authority.
Discusses business and labor in terms of the formulation of public policy. Considers the questions of denomination of the two parties by either of these interest groups. (KETC) Kinescope.
Presents an introduction to Anne Sexton and a view of her poetry. Describes how she began writing poetry and includes her reading "Her Kind," "Self in 1958," "Ringing the Bells," "The Addict," "Young," "Those Times," "Little Girl, My String Bean, My Lovely Woman," and "Live."
Discusses the reality of atoms and their importance in understanding the physical universe. Uses animation to explain what happens to atoms during thermal agitation. Demonstrates the audible reality of atoms with a Geiger counter and visual reality by the use of a cloud chamber. Features Dr. Edwin C. Kemble, Professor of Physics, Harvard University. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Representative photographs by the turn-of-the-century French photographer, Eugène Atget, with explanatory analysis by Berenice Abbott, a former protège of Atget.
Depicts a typical day in the life of the Indian musician, Bismillah Khan. Shows him in meditation on the banks of the Ganges, shopping in the market, worshiping, relaxing with his family at home, and performing on the shehnai, a classical reed instrument formerly restricted to court and temple ceremonies.
Describes Project WILL, a plan designed to promote racial understanding between black and white high school students in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Relates how one staff member becomes disillusioned during the federally sponsored project conducted in two six-week sessions, and challenges the premise of the experiment. Indicates that although the students were supposed to be making their own decisions, they actually had no control over the project.
Opens with an interview involving Nkosi, Soyinka, and featured guest, Achebe. Focuses on the craft and work of Achebe himself and questions whether he deliberately avoids passing moral judgment. Shows Achebe discussing the influences which have shaped his artistic life and recounting experiences from a U. S. visit. Closes with an examination of the traditional novel and a possible new African novel form.
Discusses Christianity not only as ideology, but also as a historical religion, focusing upon Jesus. Surveys the human aspects of Jesus, and contrasts standards of values in the world with the teachings of Christ.
Discusses the discovery and exploitation of the natural resources of the West--minerals, grazing, lumber--plus agricultural development of the Great Plains and the Pacific Coast valleys. Also, considers communications in the West--stage lines, railroads, and the telegraph. (KETC) Kinescope.
Employs dance routines and originally scored music to portray differences in marriage rituals of three societies. Emphasizes the basic motive behind the selection of marriage partners, the rituals that join them, and the values that guide their relationships. Compares Americans, the Bantu of Africa, and the Muria of India.
Introduces four major choreographers--Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey, Charles Weidman, and Hanya Holt--who revolted against the conventions of ballet to produce American modern dance. Employs film clips and still photographs taken in 1934 to show the dancers and their teachers during the beginning days at Mount Bennington College. Each choreographer explains her/his view of the meaning dance should have within the arts. Includes a full production of Doris Humphrey's Passacaglia by the American Dance
Shows how animal tracks may be identified and explains how various types of tracks are classified. Demonstrates the making of track stamps through the use of potatoes. Discusses the making of plaster casts of tracks and the wiring of stories using tracks. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses the problem of meteorite damage during space travel. Demonstrates the Navy's full-pressure space suit for emergency exit. Explains the difficulties of escape and survival in space. Features Captain Charles F. Gell of the Naval Air Material Center in Philadelphia, and Dr. Fritz Haber of Avco Manufacturing Corporation.
Discusses protective devices for flyers in space. Demonstrates the Air Force partial pressure suit. Explains the effects of "explosive decompression." Presents a design for a three-stage rocket vehicle, and points out special features of the cabin unit. Features Colonel Henry M. Sweeney, former director of research at the School of Aviation Medicine at Randolph Air Force Base, and Mr. Krafft A. Ehricke of General Dynamics Corporation.
Introduces Duro Ladipo, the founder, director, playwright, composer, and principal male actor of the Duro Ladipo Traveling Theatre Company of Oshogbo, Nigeria. Explains how Ladipo became interested in drama and music. Shows members of the company touring Nigerian villages.
Records the poetry and personality of Gwendolyn Brooks and the Chicago environment which provided the sources for most of her materials. Features Miss Brooks reading several of her poems, each accompanied by scenes of the people or locale described. Examines her method of working, the things she finds most pleasant in life, and the thrill of winning the 1950 Pulitzer Prize for poetry.
Employs dance routines and originally scored music to portray the formation of human personality in three societies. Demonstrates the authoritarian, cooperative, and dwarfed personality types. Points out how personality types perpetuate themselves. Compares Americans, Alorese of the Dutch East Indies, and the Hopi Indians. (KUHT) Film.
Explores India's most critical problem and examines proposed solutions. Discusses the agricultural crises and the social customs which interrelate with the population problem. Shows the educational strategy to control the size of families. Presents illuminating accounts of major aspects of life in contemporary India.
Presents an historical examination of Japan and the factors involved in the solution of her population problem. Surveys crowded, modern Japan and illustrates change by focusing on a family and by tracing Japan's history with a fast-moving blend of art prints. Deals specifically with legalized abortion and birth control meetings and documents the advantages that a balanced population provides for Japan.
Introduces the subject of Japanese Brush Painting. Explains the use of the brush painting materials. Discusses the Japanese approach to art. Artist-host T. Mikami paints samples of the subjects to be covered in the series. (KQED) Kinescope.
An interview with Senegalese President Senghor who discusses his poetry, the environment his poems reflect, and his attitude toward the blending of African and Western culture. Selected readings of his works are presented in English.
Presents several Southerners who advocate viewpoints and actions which are at variance with extremists on both sides of the civil rights issue. Interviews Governor Carl E. Sanders of Georgia; R. E. McIver, a businessman of Conway, South Carolina: The Reverend James L. Hooten, minister of the First Christian Church, Savannah, Alabama; Beverly Briley, Mayor of Nashville, Tennessee; and Eleanor Sheppard (Mrs. Thomas E.), Mayor of Richmond, Virginia. Indicates that the differences of attitudes and approaches to civil rights presented provided insight into a range of viewpoints which would add sanity and stability to the South in the present period of crisis.
Describes the nature and use of artificial radio waves generated by man; examines the ionosphere, and explains its critical role in passing, reflecting, and absorbing radio waves; discusses natural radio waves from space, a knowledge of which is providing fresh insight into the features of the universe. Includes views of observatories and equipment used by radio astronomers.
Provides a close look at the works and creative philosophy of Robert Erickson, a composer and inventor of musical instruments. Illustrates Erickson composing an original composition, '9 1/2 for Henry (Orville and Wilbur)," which integrates the sounds of modern technology with traditionally-produced music. Follows Erickson as he tapes the sounds of automobiles, airplanes, and wind, mixes the sounds in his studio, and attends the presentation of the final work.
Satyajit Ray, noted Indian film maker, explains the underlying philosophy guiding him in the production of his films, which he sees as a confluence of Eastern and Western cultures. Ray's main objective is to make his audiences see and think about issues such as poverty and politics.
Bash tells of the new state's mountains, tundra and the cities on the coast. She tells of the modern farmer, salmon fishing, mining and the Eskimos. Her songs include "Greenland Fishery," "Sacramento," and "Jennie Jenkins."
Bash tells how the use of medicines developed and how people learned to use beneficial plants. She tells the story of the original pharmacy in this country and the modern drugstore ... from bitter root to sugar-coated pills. Songs include "The Apothecary Shop," "Little Mohee," and "Buckeye Jim."
Bash Kennett tells the story of typical activities in the southwest in the days when the great cotton farms were developed. She pictures the "grubber" who removed tree stumps, the planting activities and harvesting. The Patterson Dancers re-enact a Saturday night dance which might have taken place in a "brush arbor." Songs include "Lazy River," "Pick a Bale of Cotton," and "Polly Wolly Doodle."
Bash tells the story behind many of the sayings we use today. She tells of historical events and circumstances leading to the use of such phrases as: to pull up stakes; in the nick of time; lock, stock and barrel, and to fly off the handle. Songs include "Grey Goose," "Cockle Shells" and "Big Rock Candy Mountain."
Bash tells the story of the building of the missions in California and describes the long voyage made by Father Serra and other Padres as they moved north from Mexico. Life in the mission community is described. Songs include "Adelita" and "Sombrero Blanco." The Lillian Patterson dancers perform a dance of the period of the latter song.
This program in the series is a signing survey of America at work, play, in love and the songs of the children. Bash sings some of her favorites including "Liza Jane," "Prisoner of Life," "Every Night When the Sun Goes In," "The Fox," "The Riddle Song," "Dig My Grave," "If I Had a Ribbon Bow," "Hullabaloo Belay," and "The Titanic."