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Uses a family discussion and a series of cartoons to explain who pays for price supports under the different kinds of programs. Explains the impact of alternative programs. (Agrafilms, Inc.) Film.
Uses a family discussion and a series of cartoons to explain the farm surplus problem. Illustrates how and why surpluses arise. Provides alternatives which might solve the problem. (Agrafilms, Inc.) Film.
Tells the story of the button industry and its development in Muscatine, Iowa. Reviews briefly the places discussed on previous programs. Explains how the button industry was only one example of local industrial development in American history, brought about by resourcefulness and presence of raw materials.
How self-sufficient is the United States? This question and its significance in an appraisal of the United States as a world power are discussed by Dr. Sumner. He reviews the materials covered during the series and concludes that the United States is a world leader today largely because of her wealth in natural resources.
Contrasts the attitudes toward love developed by the lyrics of popular songs and the blues. Uses the concept of the idealization-frustration-despair disease to illustrate the orientation of the lyrics of most popular songs. Shows that the blues present a more realistic rather than magical treatment of love. Questions whether popular songs make attainment of emotional maturity more difficult. Featured guest is Clancy Hayes, jazz singer.
Discusses the world from which the conquistadors came. Describes their lands of origin on the Iberian Peninsula and traces their ancestral antecedents. Appraises these Europeans who first established American empires. (KETC) Kinescope.
Father Linehan uses charts and diagrams to explain the interior structure of the Earth and the transmission of Earth waves through the various layers of the Earth. Dr. Gould emphasizes two facts: (1) seismology is a science that permits us to develop an x-ray picture of the Earth’s interior and, turning to Antarctica, he notes (2) that ice, in the Antarctic, is a rock and hence satisfactory for seismic x-raying. Using film Father Linehan describes the first seismic study ever made at the South Pole to determine the ice depth.
Drs. Gould and Zumberge discuss the extent,volume, structure and general dynamics of the Antarctic ice cap. Dr. Zumberge explains the techniques of the glaciologist and illustrates with film taken at Camp Michigan the kinds of glaciological studies he and his colleagues were pursuing over there. They conclude the program with a discussion of what is now known about Antarctic glaciology and what remains to be studied.
Discusses the geography of Latin America, including information on area and population. Designed for the average North American viewer. (KETC) Kinescope.
Rabi and Viereck join Louis Lyons to discuss the freedom of the individual with their emphasis on the scientist and the artist. They agree there is no great cause for concern over the freedom today of the scientist or artist in terms of the freedoms and that they gain these freedoms through laws which bind them in their own professions. Included in the program is a spirited debate on scientific achievement and the necessity to combat mass determination of taste, particularly in the mass communications. Guests are Isidor I. Rabi, Higgins Professor of Physics, Columbia University; Nobel Prize winner in physics, 1944 and Peter Viereck, poet, professor of history, Mount Holyoke College; Pulitzer poet, 1949.
Discusses United States foreign policy. Presents viewpoints concerning the relationship of foreign policy to military policy. Questions the possibility of atomic war. Concludes that the most important problem today is the use of force. Featured guests are Mr. Hans J. Morgenthau, University of Chicago, and Mr. S.L.A. Marshall, Editorial Writer for the Detroit News. (WOSU-TV) Film.
Discusses religion as a force of individual freedom. Stresses the theses that the family is the core of freedom and freedom can be found only in obedience. Featured guests are the Reverend John Courtney Murray, S.J., Woodstock College, the Right Reverend Stephan J. Bayne, JR., Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, Washington, and Barbara Ward, Editor of THE ECONOMIST. (WOSU-TV) Film.
Discusses liberty as a changeable concept, the "climate"for liberty, and threats to freedom. Stresses individual responsibility to institutions, community, and government. Featured guests are Mr. Paul Hoffman, United States delegate to the United Nations General Assembly, and Dr. Clinton L. Rossiter, Professor of Government, Cornell University. (WOSU-TV) Film.
What are the remains of marine animals found on mountain tops? Obviously, says Dr. Harbaugh, in the mountains there is material that was once on the bottom of the sea. In describing the process of mountain building, Dr. Harbaugh turns to the Appalachians and retraces the rise of these heights form a shallow sea that once lay in the eastern US. His guest is Dr. Robert R. Compton, associate professor of geology at Stanford University who has conducted research for the US Geologic Survey and has spent many years making detailed geologic maps of over 1,200 square miles in California.
A pile of dirt and a granite boulder seems as different as day and night, yet the dirt is produced form the granite. In this program, Dr. Harbaugh and his guest, Dr. Kurt Sarvos, demonstrates the process by which granite is converted into soil. Dr. Servos, a graduate of Rutgers University with MS and PhD degrees from Yale, is a specialist in mineralogy. Formerly curator of geology in the New York State Museum, he is now assistant professor of mineralogy at Stanford University. Among the demonstrations in the program are the violent shattering of a mineral through heating, chemical attack of acids on rocks, and different forms of oxidation. Dr. Harbaugh also introduces the concept of “rock cycle” through which granite may turn to soil and the soil, in turn, may be reconverted to granite.
Because “Robbie” the cartoonist for Fignewton’s Newspaper is ill, Fignewton asks Brushy, Linda, Skip and Susie-Q to draw the cartoon illustrations. They draw pictures of where to play and where not to play in the community.
When Skip learns it is time for the children at school to have their shots, he decides to hide and miss the shots. The others decide that he can’t join them in their later fun if he is going to be ill because he didn’t look after his health.
Explains that a major problem of jet propulsion is increasing the speed of the expanding gas in the jet engine. Shows how the speed is increased by the addition of heat, more gas,and heavier molecules. Points out that there is no limit tot he speed that gas will move through the end of propulsion chambers if a material can be obtained that will stand the increased temperature. (New Mexico College of A.& M.A.)
Fignewton’s Newspaper is conducting an art contest, which in part consists of having the children guess the titles of well-known paintings and guess how other art objects are made.
Reviews the principles of sound and its transmission as it applies to rocket propulsion. Using the V-2 rocket motor as an example, the orientation of a typical rocket motor, including the types of materials used for fuels, is explained. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.)
The V-2 was called the A-4 by the Germans and as such should have been the fourth in the A series of missiles. Actually it was the fifth since the A-5 was predecessor to the V-2. The A-4 incorporated most of the latest rocket knowledge and even extrapolated by increasing the dimensions greatly over any missile that had previously been built. Pumping of propellants and cooling of the motor were two major problems that were solved. Since the collapse of Germany, the V-2 has been used in several novel experiments.
Contrasts pulse jets, turbojets, and ramjets to a true rocket. Compares the operation of a true rocket engine with that of a jet engine, and explains the operation of the three types of jet engines showing the advantages and disadvantages of each. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.)
This program deals chiefly with the work of Gregor Johann Mendel, one of the greatest biologists of recent times. The question to which he devoted himself was this: What order, of any, exists in the transfer of characteristics from parent to child to grandchild? In developing his theory, he studied the reproduction of common green peas, and Dr. Roney shows film clips which reproduce some of Mendel’s early experiments. He explains the terms derived by Mendel to explain biological inheritance. Demonstrations are shown which illustrate factors in reproduction and inheritance, and the program concludes with a summary of Mendel’s contributions to biological sciences.
Introduces heredity, as that which concerns what is biologically transmitted from one generation to the next, and the first question which the series seeks to answer is, what is inherited? Dr. Roney examines facts and fallacies connected with such questions as, is blood a heredity carrier? Are mental illnesses and diseases inherited? Also, some patterns of inheritance, and who gets what characteristic from whom? Dr. Roney explains three sources of heredity information, and finally some of the results from studies in the area concerning genes and heredity.
Presents principles of good staging for the panel and interview types of television programs. Points out common errors of staging and demonstrates methods to be used in good program staging. Suggests ways to make the most of available props and how to create general utility props at modest cost. Features Verne Weber.
Presents a debate on the problem of radioactive fallout from nuclear tests and the advisability of nuclear disarmament. Debates such pertinent questions as : "Does radioactive fallout from nuclear tests present a formidable danger to present and future generations?", "Will nuclear disarmament affect national security?", "Is continued testing necessary to insure future development of nuclear power for peaceful uses?" Features Dr. Edward Teller, Professor of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology, and Dr. Linus Pauling, Professor of Chemistry, California Institute of Technology. (KQED) Kinescope.
Fruit and vegetables are the familiar products examined in this program. Bill Smith journeys to the farm to see how peas are harvested, processed, and packed – a highly mechanized operation. He visits a strawberry patch where the luscious, red fruit is being picked. As a side trip he visits a carton factory to see how frozen food containers for peas and strawberries are made.
A grandfather nostalgically relates his boyhood memories of Christmas past to his grandson in this new adaptation of Dylan Thomas' classic story. Winner of the American Film and Video Festival 1988: Blue Ribbon, Literary Adaptations for Young Adults.
Jim Scott, Gian-Franco Romagnoli, Robert Gaffney, Paul Rader, Roy Brubaker, W.O. Field, William H. Terry
Portrays the unique and critical role of the sun in the drama of our own planet. Traces the history of man's study of the sun, and explains how solar towers, rockets, and balloons are used in the study of the sun. Describes the communications system established by the National Bureau of Standards to coordinate work on solar disturbances and their enhanced X radiations and particle streams.
In this program research scientists explore a mystery that has baffled man for ages – the life process itself. To gain knowledge that someday might answer questions such as, “How do plants make food?” and “What will control the spread of cancer?” Scientists at the United States Atomic Energy Commission’s Argonne National Laboratory are experimenting with the simplest forms of plant and animal life. One avenue of research is centered on the study of algae, one-celled green plants commonly found in pools of stagnant water. The algae were singled out because, like man, they are basically chemical factories – only infinitely more simple in structure. Scientists explain, in this program, how they have succeeded in growing algae in pure “heavy” water, a rare form of water that has hydrogen atoms that are twice as heavy as Normal hydrogen atoms.From a unique “algae farm” the scientists harvest these tiny plants. Their crop gives them chemicals that have heavy hydrogen in place of ordinary hydrogen atoms. Other larger plants are being grown successfully in mixtures of heavy water and ordinary water, and these also are valuable chemical factories.The scientists found that organisms growing in heavy water grow at a slower rate and have different nutritional requirements than organisms growing in ordinary water. From these findings, research scientists are exploring the possibility that heavy water might cause a slow-down in the aging process. Scientist has experimented also with mice to determine what effect heavy water has on animals. Already, they have succeeded in replacing about 30 percent of the normal water in mice with heavy water. Scientists have found that heavy water retards the growth of mice and that tissue which normally grows the fastest appeared to be the most retarded in growth. This latter finding may someday have a bearing on understanding cancer in humans and may lead to a breakthrough in its treatment.Other startling biological effects also have been demonstrated in organisms which have been given doses of “heavy” carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen. In these experiments, scientists were able to alter the growth of the organisms. These alterations may hold further clues to the life process.
A few years ago history was made at the United States Atomic Energy Commission’s Argonne National Laboratory where this program was filmed. This is the story of the dedicated research scientists whose search for truth ended a fallacy in chemistry which had existed for more than half a century. Although their efforts were not as exciting as the discovery that the world was round and not flat, the scientists at Argonne disproved that a group of elements called “inert gases” would not react with other elements to form compounds. This is not to imply that these elements – helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon – did not have utility. Helium is the gas used to send balloons aloft. Neon, argon, and krypton are used in light bulbs: xenon in high speed photographic cells; and radon in medical therapy to irradiate cancer cells. What the Argonne scientists investigated was the atomic structure of these elements. For years it had been falsely believed that the electrons within these elements could not combine with electrons within the atoms of other elements. Following a report of Canadian scientists, the researchers at Argonne found that, instead of picking up electrons from other atoms, some of these so-called “inert gases” actually gave up electrons when combined with other elements. Using Krypton, xenon, and radon, in separate experiments, the Argonne scientists succeeded in making compounds which previously were unheard of. In fact, they also found at least one xenon compound for which they weren’t looking. This was xenon trioxide, a powerful explosive, made from xenon and oxygen. Many new uses will doubtless be found for these new compounds, according to the scientists. One might be the use of xenon tetrafluoride to store large quantities of fluorine as an oxidizing agent in rocket fuel.
Had it not been for the study into the nature of matter itself, the twentieth century probably would be without television, atomic power, and space satellites. This Program looks into a branch of science called particle physics, a study of sub nuclear particles. The experiments are being carried out at the Atomic Energy Commission’s Argonne National Laboratory. This is the story of experiments in a field where the lifespan of one of the subjects can be less than a billionth of a second and where the subject has no mass or shape –terms almost impossible for the layman to visualize yet alone comprehend. One of the particles which scientists know little about is the neutrino, a neutral particle carrying no electrical charge, but which some day may yield the key to the universe. Scientists say the neutrino does not have mass and the only way it can be observed is by collecting trillions of them and forcing them to collide with other particles, and then observing the damage of that collision. To accomplish this collision, a maze of machinery and nearly infinite timing and precision is required. This program reports on some of these experiments and the machinery employed. For these experiments, where the sub nuclear particles are in existence less than a few billionths of a second and are without mass, scientists have invented various detection devices. A sophisticated electron detector can observe and record these collisions in a manner similar to conventional radar which can follow aircraft. Another method which the program illustrates is high-speed photography which is capable of following the collision in the same way vapor trails from a high-altitude jet can be photographed without the camera capturing the plan itself. The ambition of the sub nuclear physicist is to unify all of nature’s phenomena into coherent sets of laws. His eventual goal is to find the answers that are at the core of the universe.
Electrical power to heat and light American homes and industries in the future will be furnished by plutonium. This program reports on plutonium, one of the eleven man-made elements, which as a future source of fuel will produce two million times more energy than coal. Plutonium did not exist on earth until less than a quarter-century ago when it was born in a nuclear reactor. Born in a wartime program to obtain material for the atomic bomb, plutonium is finding important peacetime uses because it is a potent nuclear fuel. In fact, 99 percent of all uranium that is mined must be converted into plutonium in a reactor in order for mankind to use its latent energy. It has been estimated that the reserve of uranium that can be converted into plutonium represents hundreds of times more energy than the nation’s combined reserves of coal, oil, and natural gas. Against this background of the importance of plutonium, the program shows some of the elaborate precautions that must be taken in handling it. Plutonium is highly toxic. It burns easily in air. Its metallurgical properties make it extremely difficult to work with. At the Plutonium Fabrication Building, the cameras capture the elaborate precautions employed, revealing how plutonium is combined with uranium and other elements and shaped into wire-thin rods of fuel. As the program points out, 25 years ago the word plutonium could not be found in the dictionary, but tomorrow – through scientific research – the word plutonium will be as common as the words coal and oil are today.
Explains how a child learns ethical and spiritual values. Discusses the process through which a child develops a mature understanding of God. Answers questions concerning the telling of lies, stealing, using the concept of God to punish, and whether or not a child should go to church if his parents do not. (KECT) Kinescope.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman points out that women prisoners do not present the same problems as men do. However, the situation is serious and approximately 10,000 women are in prison today. Lohman describes the problems which arise when these women are removed from a conventional social life. Filmed scenes illustrate the activities of women in prison and a female inmate is interviewed. Miss Kinsella and Lohman discuss her experiences in working with imprisoned women and their parallels with the male offender problem.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman explains that the failure of the American prison system is due to attempts to induce reform through external processes of security, harsh discipline and regimented life. Scudder and Lohman discuss the progress gained in self-governing prisons where the inmates’ role is changed from one of responding to orders to one of a creative source. Films are used to show inmates in various prison settings and an inmate is interviewed to bring out his feelings about these types of prisons.
In this program, a youthful prisoner relates his experiences in a training school. Following a description by host Lohman of standard roles attributed to these schools, filmed scenes are shown to examine activities designed for younger inmates. Boone and Lohman explore the misconceptions inherent in the term “training school.” They examine the actual function and operation of this type of institution.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman explains that a major portion of the crime problem is a result of what society does about initial and relatively less serious crime. An interviewed inmate tells that he was less damaged by his prior criminal experience than by his prison experiences. Public sentiment has not kept pace with the progress of penological attitudes, say Lohman and Bates. This is a cause of prison experiences making an inmate more dangerous to the public. They emphasize that a prison must make offenders self-reliant, rather than dependent, and indicate methods by which this can be accomplished.
In this program, the activities of prison personnel are shown via film clips and criminologist Joseph D. Lohman describes the skills necessary for the intelligent operation of a penal institution. A guard who has served through several political changes in administration tells of problems created by the lack of tenure needed to build a professional force. Lohman and Alexander discuss the need for professional jail administrators and staffs and the related need for a wide variety of professional services to bring prisons up to the standards set by modern penological knowledge.
In this program, Criminologist Joseph D. Lohman charts the growth and increasing complexity of the crime problem which has accompanied the development of an urban, industrial culture in the U.S. He shows a corresponding inadequacy in the control and treatment of crime and criminals. An interviewed inmate points out these inadequacies and the need for individual treatment, which is pointed out by Harrison and Lohman, also. Harrison notes that differences in crimes and criminals indicate needs for individual treatment.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman addresses the untouched correctional frontier between pre-conviction detention, and imprisonment in state institutions. Films show the variety of activities that must be incorporated in a county system. Powers and Lohman delve into the elements necessary for an integrated county system and Lohman and Wright establish how such a system works.
Explains how the development of the computer has made possible the automatic control of routine tasks in government, industry, and general business. Includes demonstrations of the use of computers by the Social Security Administration, by a medium-sized industrial plant, by a machine corporation, and at an oil refinery. Comments on the value of computers in administration and management.
Considers the question, "Will machines ever run man?" Concludes that although the computer is the machine most like man himself, it is not the machine but man who determines what is to be done.
Traces the history of computer development from the first mechanical calculators to ENIAC, the first electronic computer. Explains in lay terms how a modern digital computer stores both data and instructions in number form.
Mr. Hoffer begins his discussion of “The New Age” by pointing out that it is generally, though falsely, referred to in America as the “Age of the Masses” (i.e. mass communications, mass consumption, mass production). He explains that it is no longer the masses who control the political and economic life of the country. In politics, it is the intellectual who is the general, the diplomat, the ruler. Economically, with the rise of automation, it is the intellectual with the machine who is replacing the many laborers and their hands. Mr. Hoffer then compares the intellectual of the past and present in this country. In the past, the intellectual of America, in much the same manner as today’s European, Asian and African intellectual, was a colonial and ruled with the attitude of a colonial. He demanded absolute obedience and power, and his interests were not so much with the needs of the masses as with the construction and initiation of imposing works and great ideas. In contrast to the “Old Colonialism” of America’s intellectual of the past, the “New colonialist” intellectual of America today rose from the masses and his interests lie with the needs and demands of the masses. Mr. Hoffer describes the “New Colonialist” intellectual as “the man in the business suit who looks like everyone else.” Economically, he is interested in wages, clothing and feeding the people. Politically, he wants not blind obedience but the enthusiastic approval and support of the masses for his projects and ideas. He concludes by stating his believe that the “Old Colonialism” of today’s European, Asian and African intellectual leaders should learn from the “New Colonialism” of America.
Mr. Hoffer discusses with Mr. Day how change affects an individual’s self-esteem. He considers change in relation to the problems of African-Americans, the under-developed countries of Asia and Africa, and popular upheavals in communist countries. He says: “Times of drastic change are times of passion. We can never be fit and ready for that which is wholly new. We have to adjust ourselves, and every radical adjustment is a crisis in self-esteem. We undergo a test; we have to prove ourselves. A population subjected to drastic change is thus a population of misfits, and misfits live and breathe in an atmosphere of passion.”
Mr. Hoffer discusses with Mr. Day the question of what happens when intellectuals gain control of a country. He explains why he believes that Asian and African intellectuals fear America, suggests that a society controlled by intellectuals is not conducive to creative activity, and explains his view that a scribe – a man of words – is a dangerous man when he becomes a man of action. Mr. Hoffer maintains that an intellectual is not at home in a free society.
Presents Eric Hoffer in an extended dialogue on man's weaknesses and how they relate to the total process of learning to become human. Describes human nature as highly unnatural in comparison with the simplicity of the physical sciences. Reviews man's struggle to survive by attempting the impossible and overcoming his weakness.
Reveals the intense feeling for the weak individual and the place in society which Eric Hoffer has achieved. Describes working as source of power for these people. Focuses on Hoffer's systematized mode of living with its inherent difficulties for the weak individual.
San Francisco longshoreman and author-philosopher Eric Hoffer began more than fifteen years ago to identify in his thought the nature of the “true believer,” the inspiration for his book on the subject. After writing the book, he turned his thoughts to the underdeveloped nations of the world, leading him to a consideration of the effects of change. Suddenly, Mr. Hoffer found himself thinking about juveniles; concluding that nations, as people, can be juvenile and that “true believers” are, in fact, perpetual juveniles – “true believers” such as General de Gaulle of France, Premier Khrushchev of Russia, and Premier Sukarno of Indonesia. His conclusion from all this is that each human being has one central preoccupation, - one train of thought- to which all of his thoughts are related.
Reviews Eric Hoffer's views on man as a truly free being. Describes check of absolute power and struggle away from the animal in man as prerequisites to freedom. Reveals play as one of the best times for man to receive insight.
Mr. Hoffer examines the role that works plays in self-esteem as well as the effects of growing automation upon this self-esteem. He comments on the basic human need in all societies, in every period of history, for self-realization. It is, he feels, the feeling of worth derived from productive activity whether it be manual labor or the creation of art, literature and philosophy. Mr. Hoffer points out that early science grew out of Western man’s conception of God as “a master scientist,” and that Leonardo da Vinci, for his art, investigated anatomy and became interested in science because he believed it was “God’s work.” He then traces the development of machines from early civilization to what he terms, “present day over-mechanization and automation.” Today’s fast-growing automation and shrinking labor market is turning early man’s dream of luxury and leisure into a nightmare. Unemployment among workers is outstripping the ability of today’s economy to supply jobs for the unskilled. Mr. Hoffer cites current unemployment figures and projects them into the future, commenting that “when man is cut off from the chance to exercise his skills, he loses his confidence, his joy for life, and his sense of worth. Where you have people without a sense of usefulness, you have a potentially explosive situation ideal for the growth of hatred, bigotry and racism.”
Mr. Hoffer argues that the men working beside him as longshoremen on the San Francisco docks are “lumpy with talent.” Genius, he notes, is not rare, it is wasted; and the talent of the workingman is a kind of common sense practicality. Wherever this talent exists among working men, they do their jobs without “all that fuss” which he considers to be characteristic of the underdeveloped countries of the world. Then, Mr. Hoffer raises a question regarding the forces that bring about creative periods in our history – periods that began quite suddenly and ended just as suddenly. He cites, as examples, “the period of cave drawings,” “the Age of Pericles,” “the Florence of the Renaissance,” and “the flowering of New England,” Mr. Hoffer contends that it was not because there was more talent during these periods (“the artists of Florence,” he notes, “were the sons of shopkeepers, and tailors.”), but rather that others forces which exist in every period of history were at work and these forces freed the talent.
In this program, Mr. Hoffer explains why he believes it is the West and not the East that demonstrates mysterious and unnatural behavior in times of stress and change. His interest in the East and Middle East began in 1955 with the emergence of the new nations of Africa and the East. Their desire for self-rule, for modernization, was, and still is, being accompanied by terrorism, riots and violence. The west, on the other hand, finds that it does not have to resort to these tactics of violence because change has taken place in an orderly way. Mr. Hoffer’s conclusion is that this was the unnatural way… this was not normal human behavior. This orderliness and practical sense that keeps us going is due, he feels, to the rise of the autonomous individual who has the ability to make his own decisions and who must save his soul by his own efforts. This individual did not rise in the Eastern societies mainly because the secular and political powers were one in much the same manner as communism is today. In this way, a man’s religion and political faith were one, and therefore, there was never a conflict. In our society, these faiths are “fighting each other.” It is this struggle within Western man to reconcile these forces that has given rise to the autonomous individual capable of controlling his destiny in an orderly and practical manner. Mr. Hoffer then discusses this practical streak in the Westerner and the antagonism between the practical and the intellectual. Our society, unlike that of the Greeks, is dominated by the masses or the practical man, not by the intellectual as is the general belief. “Any society shaped and dominated by the intellectual,” Mr. Hoffer concludes, “Will not allow practical actions to be a gateway to man’s feeling of a sense of worth. Since our society is governed by practical considerations, it is dominated by the masses and not by the intellectuals.”
Discusses the training of the men who represent the U.S. overseas. Describes the embassies and the men we have abroad, the history of our diplomatic service, and its present organization and budget. Considers the adequacy of the present program, with suggestions for the future. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Describes and compares the extent and variety of American business with other countries. Appraises the importance of imports to the American economy and of our exports to the economies of other countries. Explains the trade story through the use of blocks.
Describes the organization of American states and appraises its effectiveness. Discusses U.S.-Latin American relations and considers how they can be improved.
Shows numerous paintings and discusses factors in the world today which lead artists to produce such paintings. Points out that war, mechanization, anxiety, and insecurity, speed and motion, and emphasis on the individual are some of the concerns of today's artists. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Points out and discusses the values to be gained from the process of creating. Invites the viewer to draw a still life and shows five art students working creatively in various media.
Explores astronomy's present conception of the universe. Reviews the physical make-up of the Milky Way Galaxy and its rotation and motion through space, explains how galaxies are classified, and discusses two conceptions of the evolution of galaxies. Concludes with speculation concerning the possibilities of other planet systems supporting life similar to our own. Features James S. Pickering of the American Museum, Hayden Planetarium.
James S. Pickering discusses the gradual conception and changing picture of the Local or Milky Way Galaxy from an all-embracing universe to just one of the countless galaxies. Its probable appearance is given with its dimensions and stellar population. Also discussed are the reasons for our belief in the present estimate of its size and physical make up.
Discusses the five smallest planets of the solar system, describing their appearance, position, motions and physical properties. Illustrates with models, diagrams, charts, and photographs. Features James S. Pickering of the American Museum & Hayden Planetarium.
Discusses the classification of the stars, their physical properties, magnitude, size, and possible evolution. Explains the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for star classification based on magnitude and spectral classification. Uses charts, diagrams, and photographs to show the giant and super-giant stars, population one and two stars, variable stars, and nova and super-nova. Includes a brief discussion of star evolution. Features James S. Pickering of the American Museum--Hayden Planetarium.
Discusses the various instruments and methods used in gaining knowledge of stellar composition and in studying objects in space. Reviews the development of the telescope. Uses diagrams, photographs, and models to explain the importance of photography, the spectroscope, and radio-astronomy in unlocking the secrets of the universe. Features James S. Pickering of the American Museum, Hayden Planetarium.
Discusses the four planets largest of the solar system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Uses charts, models, mechanical devices, and photographs to explain their physical properties, appearances, movements, and satellites. Features James S. Pickering of the American Museum-Hayden Planetarium.
Discusses the process of revision through which a painting is developed, revealing how the artist uses his skill, knowledge, and experience to shape his ideas into a finished work of art. Compares many drawings and sketches with the paintings based upon them.
Discusses line, form, and symbol as conventional devices for communication in the visual arts. Demonstrates some of the conventions used for communication in the theater and the dance. Illustrates the communication of ideas, using pictures by Picasso and others.
Two artists demonstrate the creative process by reacting to a stimulus presented by a psychologist. Defines creativity and outlines the elements composing it; stresses the influence of environment on the creative impulse.
Suggests ways of beginning in art and stresses the importance of making use of past experience. Shows students producing visual symbols which are suggested by a number of abstract ideas presented verbally. Encourages viewers to exercise the creativity that each possesses. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses the role and status of artists in society. Considers the sources of support of artists and suggests that artists are necessary to any society. Includes participation by Mark Van Doren, the author, and Philip Evergood, an American painter. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Describes the critic as having a responsibility to society while expressing his own point of view. the critic does not attempt to educate but rather to observe keenly and to report and comment upon the arts. Features critics from the New York Herald-Tribune, Time magazine, and the New York Times. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses three major problems which interfere with the treatment of the mentally ill, showing the effect of overcrowding in hospitals, lack of trained personnel, and poor commitment procedures. Dr. Daniel Blain and Dr. H.L. Kozol offer possible solutions to the problems under consideration.
Present a tour of the Eastern State Hospital for the mentally ill in Lexington, Kentucky. Explains how the hospital is organized, and describes innovations which have been introduced such as opens wards and mixed dayrooms. Shows what happens to a patient from the time he is admitted until he is ready for release.
Summarizes early methods of treating the mentally ill, culminating in the discoveries of Freud in the field of psychology and psychiatry. Defines psychodynamic and organic analysis, psychologist and psychiatrist, psychotherapy, neurosis, analytic psychotherapy, supportive therapy, group psychotherapy, and socializing therapy. Distinguishes between psychodynamic therapy and organic research. Concludes with remarks on the quantity of work currently being done in the field of psychodynamic research.
Discusses and shows the use of psychosurgery and shock therapy in the treatment of the mentally ill. Outlines the development of psychosurgery, and electric shock therapy; points out the uses and dangers of both, and discusses their future utilization as treatments for mental illness. Features Dr. Walter Freeman and Dr. Douglas Goldman.
Discusses the benefits and problems involved in using tranquilizing drugs with the mentally ill. Shows how drug therapy is being utilized. Includes views of a tour through a research laboratory where work is conducted on the effects of drugs. Features Dr. Douglas Goldman.
Discusses the free or open mental hospital. Includes views of a visit to the St. Lawrence State Hospital in Ogdensburg, New York. Explains how the open hospital operates, the difficulties involved in its administration, how patients respond, and how the system has succeeded. Features Dr. Herman Snow.
Discusses the nature and importance od adult learning, and points out the fallacy of thinking that the school is the only place where education occurs. Explains that adult learning is the gaining of wisdom and understanding and is for everybody, regardless of formal schooling. States that "adults are more educable than children as children are more trainable than adults," and stresses that when we cease to learn our mind starts to die. (Palmer Films) Film.
Distinguishes between morality and virtue, and discusses good and bad love. Points out that the three bad loves are love of money, pride, and romantic love, and explains both that Adler's and Freud's views of love. Presents and defines the commands of love--love God, love thyself, and love others--and illustrates how bad love can defeat good love. (Palmer Films) Film.
Discusses the nature of opinion as contrasted with knowledge. Points out that where opinion can be right or wrong, knowledge can not be wrong. States that opinions are subject to conflict, and gives various examples of opinion such as majority rule, opinion polls, and controversy. (Palmer Films) Film.
Discusses fraternal love, and differentiates it from sexual love. Explains Aristotle's idea of human association based on utility, pleasure, and excellence. Distinguishes between justice and love, and depicts a society based on love and friendship rather than justice. (Palmer Films) Film.
Discusses the essentials of love, and explains how sexual love and erotic love can be combined. Distinguishes between sexual desire and sexual love, outlining the elements of both. States that if sex or want come first, love is short lived but that love will last if it comes first. (Palmer Films) Film.
Discusses the psychological difference between knowledge and opinion, and describes the skeptic point of view. Compares knowledge and opinion in relation to truth, and states that most of the things learned in school--history, geography, geometry--are right opinions, not knowledge. Presents Adler's views, and quotes from great philosophers. (Palmer Films) Film.
States that people read for pleasure, information, and enlightenment. Explains what enlightenment means and how to read for this type of learning. Points out that to gain enlightenment, a person should actively read books that are challenging. Gives suggestions for active reading. (Palmer Films) Films.
Presents the case for television as an instrument for learning, and explains the obstacles that stand in the way of successful educational television programs. Suggests how to watch an educational program if it is to help in learning. (Palmer Films) Films.
Discusses the role of conversation and discussion in the life of learning. Gives the three methods of teaching--indoctrination, lecturing, and questioning. Suggests how adult conversation can serve as the means of learning. (Palmer Films) Film.
Describes various kinds of art and their distinct differences. Distinguishes between the productive and the cooperative arts, and states that the latter consists only of farming, healing, and teaching. Explains and illustrates the differences between useful arts and fine arts. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
In the concluding program on this subject, Dr. Adler deals with the two general considerations of aesthetics and ethics. On the side of aesthetics, he draws a comparison between beauty in art and beauty in nature. He also deals with the problem of intellectual and moral content of art, the consideration of freedom of the arts, and concludes by comparing the importance in human life of producing as opposed to appreciating works of art.
Defines fine art and distinguishes between the terms liberal and servile as applied to the arts. Points out that a work of fine art has individuality, originality, and says something. Depicts modern painting as a revolt against the public's lack of aesthetic understanding. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Explains that Wellmet House attempts to rehabilitate the mentally ill not by gaining conforming behavior but by helping them relate to other people in natural and unstructured ways. Points out that half of the residents are mentally ill and the other half are college students from nearby universities who staff Wellmet House. Emphasizes the need for each patient to find individual expression. Shows patients and staff at dinner, parties, the local pub, and a house meeting.
Shows children in Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant section learning about their African heritage through classroom activities and "digs" in vacant lots and urban renewal areas to locate artifacts linking them to their 19th century ancestors. Explains that under "Project Weeksville" the black children are piecing together the history and organization of this self-sufficient black community which existed in the early 1800s. Examines how the Bedford- Stuyvesant residents held off white raiders during the Draft Riot of 1863.
Condensed version of "Gift of Choice" episode of Population Problem. Reports on experiments being carried out to determine the factors controlling pregnancies both to aid those who want children and to control fertility for those who want to limit family size.
Probes, in documentary style, the attempts which are made to solve the problems which have been brought about by the urban population explosion. Cites slum areas, racial unbalance in the schools, and the needs of untrained or illiterate rural immigrants as some of the elements involved. Points out projects in urban renewal and urban rehabilitation, bussing children from one school district to another, and antipoverty programs as attempted solutions.
Examines the various means of delivering nuclear weapons to distant targets and protecting these delivery systems from surprise attack. Discusses how the vulnerability of bombers to nuclear attack led to the development of various kinds of protected missile sites. Reviews the effectiveness of the U.S. defenses against bomber and/or missile attack.
Examines Supreme Court rulings regarding civil rights, reapportionment, and criminal procedure in the light of subsequent consequences of these decisions. Interviews allies and critics of the Warren Court, who evaluate the decisions. Reveals that for Earl Warren, the role of the court was that of responding to human needs.
Presents Arnold Toynbee, an historian, and James Beveridge, the film producer, discussing the common bonds of the four major faiths: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. Toynbee and Presents Arnold Toynbee, an historian, and James Beveridge, the film producer, discussing the common bonds of the four major faiths: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. Toynbee and Beveridge briefly discuss and analyze how the religions differ and how they agree. Uses narrated film segments of actual religious ceremonies and observances to provide illustrations on how the four religions give meaning to Christ, and Toynbee's opinion that as the world moves closer together, the individual will have greater choice in selecting a religion to meet his needs, rather than a choice based primarily on culture.
Studies the return of romanticism to contemporary poetry through the poetry of Robert Duncan and John Wieners. Presents Duncan reading several poems, including "The Architecture," and excerpts from "A Biographical Note" and "A Statement on Poetics." Shows Wieners, a student of Duncan, reading "A Poem for Painters," "Cocaine," and an excerpt from an unpublished prose work.
Reveals a candid portrait of Ralph Ellison, author of The Invisible Man. Presents Ellison discussing the function of the writer in society, how he came to write The Invisible Man; his own involvement with the work, and how he feels a work of art should engage all of a writer's being. Features the author reading from this work and commenting on the contribution which the Negro church has made to the eloquence of most Negro writers.
Depicts the values of a wilderness area through the experiences of a young city boy visiting the Great Swamp in New Jersey. Illustrates how Joey learns about the balance of nature. Explains the importance of the refuge to people and for animals and plants.