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Discusses the Shakespearean theater and neo-classic drama. Tells of realism, not only in plays, but in the theater itself. Demonstrates early realism with a scene from Hedda Gabler.
Reviews the life of John Milton, using drawings, etchings, lithographs and photographs to illustrate times and places important to the author. Interprets his writing with excerpts from "L Allegro," "Lycidas," "Samson Agonistes," and "Paradise Lost."
Presents an edited version of a speech delivered in September, 1958 to Boston's Atlantic Treaty Association. Provides an analysis of NATO, its effectiveness in dealing with current world problems and its future directions if it is to continue to be a force for peace. Speaker is Paul-Henri Spaak, secretary-general of NATO.
Reviews the life of Victor Hugo, using drawings, etchings, and lithographs to illustrate the places and events connected with the author. Interprets his writing with excerpts from Les Miserables, Notre Dame de Paris, and Toilers of the Sea.
Discusses the early beginnings of the theater. Explains the techniques of the Greek theater and how playwriting developed. Illustrates the chorus technique with a scene from Oedipus the King.
A panel here considers the advantages and disadvantages of the convention systems as it now operates. Speakers also discuss suggestions for improving the convention as a nominating device, alternatives methods for nominating a president and vice president, and the problems and advantages of these alternatives.
This program considers the role of the president and the significant changes in that role during the past half century. Interviews and discussion also consider the presidential role as administrator of public policy and political leader; the methods used for nomination of candidates for the presidency, and the development of the convention system.
Topic of program is the pre-convention strategy of the candidates, and content covers the factors which make a candidate available for his party’s nomination, the advantages and disadvantages of frankness on the part of an aspiring candidate, and the political hazards of the preference primary campaign,
Convention floor strategy, nomination speeches and voting procedures are discussed in this program. Other topics consider include the techniques and practices used to influence the delegates in favor of particular candidates, the functions of nominating and seconding speeches and special problems connected with the nomination of the vice president.
Reviews the life of Oliver Goldsmith, using drawings, etchings, and lithographs to illustrate the events connected with the author. Interprets his writing with excepts from "The Deserted Village, "She Stoops to Conquer," "Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog," and "The Vicar of Wakefield."
Born into the British nobility in 1788, George Gordon, Lord Byron, managed to crowd into the thirty-six years of his life enough travels, adventures, and romances to make him the most famous, and notorious, of the Romantic posts. After a formal education at Harrow and Cambridge, he traveled to Greece and the Near East, and from his experiences on this trip brought forth poems including “Maid of Athens,” “Childe Harold,” and many others. After an unhappy marriage, he was forced to leave England, and traveled on the Continent. It was during this period that he wrote his great epic satire “Don Juan,” of which the lovely lines about the isles of Greece form part. His sympathy for Greece led him to return there to help fight for independence against the Turks, and it was there that he died in 1824.
Reviews the life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, using etchings, drawings and lithographs to illustrate the events and places connected with the author. Interprets his writing with complete readings of "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and "Kubla Khan."
Here, working politicians consider selection and preparation of the convention site, the role of the National Committee in the organization and operation of the convention, the functions of standing committees of the convention, and settlement of disputes in seating of contested delegates.
National political leaders and newspapermen meet in a panel discussion to consider the main issues, strategies and personalities developing in the 1956 presidential campaign. Questions before the panel for consideration include: What will be the main issues in the coming conventions? Will they dominate the personalities or be controlled by the personalities? Who will be the influential leaders in each of the conventions? Who are the strongest candidates for the nominations of the parties? What is their relative strength? Is there a chance for a “dark horse” in either party?
Reviews our use of labels to classify people when these labels actually refer to but one characteristic of a single person. Points out the way in which we tack many other ideas onto these labels and form stereotypes. This is illustrated when several people are brought before a group and the group is asked to make choices concerning their occupations from a list provided them.
Considers some of the procedures the expert worrier uses to develop his skill. Reviews the psychological and the physiological characteristics of the expert worrier, and emphasizes that too many people are being treated by a psychologist when they should be receiving treatment from a competent physician. Shows, through experiment, the way in which thinking involves motor action, and relates this to the worrier with internal disturbances. (Hofstra College & WPIX) Kinescope.
Shows Ansel Adams photographing an old house and its inhabitants from many perspectives and with many purposes in mind. He explains that sensitive photographers can become photo-poets.
Discusses how the size, shape, and location of the land mass of the United States accounts for our country's growth to a world power. Features a brief travelogue of the United States.
Shows the relationship of the Constitution to the issue of prior restraint on freedom of expression. Presents the case of Burstyn v. Wilson challenging the constitutionality of New York State's film censorship system and Cantwell v. Connecticut involving questions of freedom of speech and religion. Discusses the questions pertaining to freedom of speech when multiplied via recordings or film, and how the claims of free expression can be weighed against claims for local, state, or federal protection.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Depicts Michael McClure, an experimental poet who has written in many styles, and Brother Antoninus, a Dominican lay brother who is distinguished as a poet because of his unique combination of poetry reading and dramatic encounters with his audiences. Touches upon McClure's use of hallucinogenic drugs for achieving poetry that speaks directly out of the emotions and his experimental system of developing poetry through the use of words printed on cards which are shuffled to create poems at random. Places the viewer in the audience during one of Brother Antoninus' celebrated readings.
This is a legend about the sun goddess – on whom the world depends for light – who became angered and hid in a celestial cave and refused to shed her light on the world. A rooster’s crow, a fire and a big mirror were used to lure her from her cave. Mr. Mikami illustrates the story with a brush painting of a rooster.
Describes the fundamental relationships existing between music, staging, and words in the successful and meaningful production of an opera. Stresses the importance, on the part of the stage director and the actors, of understanding the language of the music in arriving at staging procedures. Shows correct and incorrect examples of fitting stage movement to the music using selections from Don Giovanni, Faust, and Carmen. (WQED) Kinescope.
Tells the Japanese legend about a cedar tree which stands in front of the temple in Nara, Japan. The tree is said to be the spot where an old and grieving mother found her grow son who had been carried away by a hawk while he was still an infant. Illustrates the story using Japanese brush painting techniques. Shows how to paint a hawk.
Mr. Goldovsky discusses his basic philosophy of the Opera in English and demonstrates his production techniques with excerpts from Rigoletto, and his own personal story of the need for the broader concept and acceptance of opera.
Tells and illustrates the Japanese legend of a beautiful princess and the part she plays in making Mt. Fuji a volcano. Demonstrates the brush painting techniques used to paint Mt. Fuji.
This is the tale of the historical Japanese figure, Lord Nobunaga Oda, an impoverished Samurai. The Samurai’s clever wife finds a way to help her husband obtain a beautiful stallion. Mr. Mikami demonstrates the steps involved in drawing a horse.
Tells and illustrates the Japanese legend of a man who roamed the streets of Kyoto at night and took men's swords. He meets his match, however, and ends up the servant of another man. Demonstrates the brush painting techPiques used in painting Benkei and the man who defeats him.
Continues the painting shown in THE CROSS. Shows the addition of the rope to the painting, binding "The Man of Sorrows" to the cross. "The process of further developing and finishing the surface of the painting has begun. (KETC) Kinescope.
Dr. Wriston discusses his views on education for positions in management and administration. He outlines the problems of administering a university, and what makes a good administrator. Concludes by providing recommendations for improving education in the United States, and how to solve the problem of quality and quantity in education. Hosted by Dr. Henry M. Wriston, former President of Brown University and Chairman of the American Assembly. His guests are John S. Millis, President of Western Reserve University and Edward Green, Executive Assistant to the President of Westinghouse Airbrake Corporation.
Dr. Parran reviews the changes in Public Health Service during his years as United States Surgeon General. He discusses the breakthrough in the control of venereal disease, how the Roosevelt Administration brought a new concept to public healthand the changing ideas of the American people toward health programs. Concludes by pointing out the effect of World War II on public health service.
Dr. Wriston is interviewed by Edward Green, executive assistant to the President on the Westinghouse Air Brake Corporation, and Dr. Joseph Zasloff, professor of political science at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Wriston discusses his life-long interest in the State Department. His interest grew while he was a graduate student at Harvard. He traces the State Department from the time of George Washington to the present. He claims the department had little serious responsibility before World War I, that in past years the Foreign Service was a corps of independently wealthy elite, and that now the United States had an extraordinarily well-trained foreign service. However, according to Dr. Wriston, the idea of a Foreign Service Institute to train diplomats as thoroughly as the military academies train military man, is a good one which has been poorly executed.
Dr. Parran discusses the problems involved in setting up a graduate school of public health. After World War II, the AW Mellon Educational and Charitable Trust sought an opportunity to aid public health. The decision was made to form a graduate school of public health at the University of Pittsburgh, containing facilities to train students, a research center, and a free outpatient clinic for welfare cases. Dr. Parran talks of his problems in setting up the school, forming a faculty, settling problems arising from conflicting philosophies, and other facets of establishing the school.
Dr. Wriston discusses diplomacy as practiced in a democracy. He explains the importance of public opinion as an influence in foreign policy and how communications media have aided in public understanding. Presents views on maintaining continuity of foreign policy under changing administrations. Concludes by pointing out the various problems involved in planning foreign policy. Hosted by Dr. Henry M. Wriston, former President of Brown University and Chairman of the American Assembly.
Dr. Parran reviews the growth of international health programs during the past twenty-five years. He discusses the work of the League of Nations, U.S. plans for improving health in South America, relief agencies in Europe following World War II, and public health in the Soviet Union. Presents his views on cooperative assistance programs in underdeveloped countries, technical aid, and training programs.
Former US Surgeon General Dr. Thomas Parran discusses his history as a medical doctor working for the United States department of health. Included are stories on his family background, experiences at medical school, and time as a public health worker where he was involved in stopping outbreaks of smallpox, typhus, and syphilis. Dr. Parran is interviewed by Adolph Schmidt, Roger James Crabtree, and Emory Bacon.
Mr. Ormandy discusses, with his guests, the duties and responsibilities of the music director. Explains the problems of programming, personnel changes in the orchestra, keeping standards, placement of instruments, and the importance of the conductor. he also expresses his views concerning the relationships between the conductor and orchestra, and the duties of the music critic in America today.
Dr. Wriston discusses the development and changes in America's foreign service program. Points out how World War II and pressing national problems brought neglect to the foreign service area.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Presents a discussion between Philip Roth, novelist and professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania, and Jerre Manginne concerning Roth's stories and plays. Illustrates the relationship of his work to that of Saul Bellow, and discusses his reactions to critics' reviews.
Presents an historical examination of Japan and the factors involved in the solution of her population problem. Surveys crowded, modern Japan and illustrates change by focusing on a family and by tracing Japan's history with a fast-moving blend of art prints. Deals specifically with legalized abortion and birth control meetings and documents the advantages that a balanced population provides for Japan.
Presents Ansel Adams as he photographs Yosemite National Park and explains how a sense of discovery and rediscovery is conveyed through his photography. Shows a collection of his photographs. Mr. Adams discusses his methods of teaching and his indebtedness to other photographers.
Students from Yugoslavia, France, Germany and the Sudan discuss the problems of communism by examining questions such as: How can a nation choose between “Washington and Moscow”? What do the different systems of government -socialist and capitalist -imply? What becomes of the individual in either system of government? Can there be socialism and democracy in the same system? What becomes of the freedoms of opinion and expression in a communist country. Do the people really have a chance to govern themselves in a communistic country? How efficient is a democracy? What is the role of the political party, and how representative of the people is a one-party system? Participants: Gojko Tanic, Yugoslavia; Catherine Marin, France; Jord-Ingo Weber, Germany; and Mohamed Abdulla Hamadien, Sudan.
Herald Tribune Forum delegates from Lebanon, France, India, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Germany, and the Union of South Africa compare education in the U.S. with that of their countries. Includes comments on teaching methods, classroom procedures, and co-education. (WOR-TV) Kinescope. 1957
Teenagers attending the New York Herald Tribune World Forum from Pakistan, India, Brazil, and England discuss their religious beliefs. Questions are raised concerning the origins of religion, the place of personal conviction, family influence, commonality of the major religions, and religion's role in preserving society.
In this concluding program on prejudices, the delegates stress some of the similarities between nations represented in the Forum group. These include Switzerland-Germany, common language and literature; Switzerland-Israel, multilingual country and neutrality; Switzerland-Finland, winter sports, neutrality; Germany-Israel, anti-Semitism in Germany, anti-German feeling in Israel; and Israel-Egypt, struggle to develop the desert, find water, be independent of foreign influence, and solve problems of refugees.
Documents Ansel Adams as he discusses light, interpretation, the use of different filters, exposures, ranges, and magnification, illustrating each from his own vast collection of photographs. The presentation centers around his demonstrations of various techniques to achieve given effects.
Employs dance routines and originally scored music to portray differences in personal contact between males and females as sanctioned by three societies. Emphasizes differences in opportunity for courtship, the patterns of association that emerge, and how these experiences relate to marriage. Compares Americans, the Bantu of Africa, and the Muria of Central India. (KUHT) Film.
In this program, criminologist Joseph D. Lohman states that parole is to many people only “a legal escape route” from the prison to the free community and he indicates that a parole system should be much more than this. The release of one inmate and an interview with a former prisoner illustrate the problems experienced on release. Meeker and Lohman explore current statistics and compare the number of prisoners who “go straight” with those who return to a life of crime. They indicate aspects of a parole system that will aid in the former prisoner’s adjustment to conventional society.
Introduces educator Welthy Fisher, her philosophy of education, and the environment in India where she works. Shows Indian teachers, trained in institutes founded by Mrs. Fisher, teaching in various villages with lectures, books, puppet shows, and opportunities for pupils to practice agricultural skills.
Discusses the special problems confronting the child with a chronic disorder such as hemophilia. Explains various types of chronic disorders and points out how social and emotional growth is complicated by a chronic illness. Tells how separation from parents and school, plus the medical treatment used, can bring on serious psychological problems. Stresses the importance of a wholesome relationship between the chronically ill child and his parents. Shows how educational training is provided for some children with chronic disorders. Features Dr. William Cruickshank of Syracuse University.
Inquiry into the farthest reaches of the universe and the awesome beauty of distant galaxies are illustrated by Dr. Sandage’s study of the galaxy M33 in the constellation of Triangulum. The purpose of the study is to re-determine distance scales to the most remote galaxies for clues to the size, shape, and age of the entire universe.
Forum delegates attempt to define Europeanism as contrasted to Americanism as they launch this challenging topic of discussion. Talk moves naturally into a consideration of a federated Europe and all five delegates agree on the desirability of a united Europe. In considering sacrifices of individual countries in an effort to achieve this unity, the German delegate points out the cynicism of his teachers about politics—the result of having to admit twice that what they had previously taught was false. Italian and French participants both comment on the lack of instruction in contemporary politics in their school systems.
Reports on family therapy, a relatively new and unusual form of psychotherapy in which a family is treated as a unit. Examines a middle class New England family undergoing family therapy. Uses a one-way mirror technique to record the candid reactions of the family. Follows their progress in nine of the thirteen actual therapy sessions.
**Part of the Mental Health series within America's crises
The future of Africa, discussed by representatives from Ghana, Ethiopia, Ceylon and the Union of South Africa, raises questions such as: Why is foreign aid necessary? Where does it come from? How is it best administered? What can the smaller nations do to help one another? Does aid imply dependence? What are the prospects for African independence? What are prerequisites to independence? What effects does education have on a nation as a whole, and on the individuals in the nation who are more highly educated than the rest? Participants: P. Tissa Fernando, Ceylon; Bizuayehu Agonafir, Ethiopia; Nii Tetteh Quao, Ghana; Marita Wessels, Union of South Africa.
The question of the future of Europe is discussed by students from Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, and Belgium. Each of the participants has a good knowledge of European history and culture, and each contributes some very interesting ideas. The role of West Germany in a united Europe is closely examined, particularly the advisability of re-armament and re-industrialization. Much attention is devoted to the economic aspects of European recovery, particularly relaxation of tariff barriers, and the close relationship of Europe's economy to that of the United States. In this connection, some attention is given to the export-import policies of the United States. While much of the discussion centers on these economic and political problems, the consensus of the group seems to be that certain cultural problems must be solved before any lasting solution to these practical problems can be evolved. The tendency of Europe to live in its past is critically examined, and all of the group seemed more or less to agree that before Europe can fully recover, it must learn to look forward. Also, there is an attempt to evaluate nationalism, and possibly to evolve a new concept of nationalism. They all feel that the strength of Europe lies in its young people, and thus are anxious for opportunities to know one another. This is a most mature and thoughtful discussion. There seems to be little rancor, even between the student from Germany and the one from France. While all are aware of the great problems confronting them, they are anxious to solve them intelligently and fairly.
“American education is easy, lazy, and noisy.” With this statement four panelists, from India, Greece, Union of South Africa, and England, begin their discussion of American education. What are the aims of American education? Should education in a democracy be democratic education? How can a school system give students both a general introduction to culture and advanced technological training? Should everyone receive the same education? How are standards set for the schools and for the students? The debate centers around these topics and provides not only a new look at American high schools and colleges, but also at the educational systems of other countries.
Representatives of Japan, Iceland, United Kingdom and Denmark ask themselves, “Have Your Ideas Changed?” What has been learned, accepted, discarded by the panelists in the past three months? What value can be assigned to the Youth Forum project? How important was the strictly academic experience in their stay here? How can American and foreign schools be compared? What are some weaknesses of American schools? What effect does foreign language training have on students in various countries? What effect does the traveler abroad have on the people of the country he visits? What is the effect of an army of occupation, such as existed for a while in Japan? How can people learn more about each other?
Four students from the Middle East -Turkey, Israel, United Arab Republic, and Iran -discuss politics and policies in their home area in the following terms: What is the economic position of each country? Is there a Middle East “power vacuum”? Should smaller nations be forced to choose between the United States and Soviet Russia? What can these nations do to help themselves and each other? If aid, economic or military, is necessary, how should it be administered or distributed? Would an organization like the European Common Market work in the Middle East? Is the Middle East ready for the kind of unification Europe is thinking about?
Herald Tribune Youth Forum panelists discuss the relation between men and women in various parts of the world, as students from the Philippines, Japan, Finland, and Ceylon debate on: What has been the effect of “Americanization” on women in Asia, Africa, and Europe? Who should be the head of the family? Can polygamy be defended? What is the role of the wife? Might different kinds of family relationships be valid in different parts of the world? Should women have careers outside the home? Participants: Edgar Gimotes, Philippines; Yukiki Tamakami, Japan; Kaarina Honkapohja, Finland; P. Tissa Milroy Fernando, Ceylon.
Teenagers from France, Ghana, India, and Israel discuss the pros and cons of Americans education. Questions whether or not American education is challenging. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Teenagers from Korea, Norway, Sudan, and the United Kingdom explain their views on American high school students after visiting American school rooms. Compares education in the United States with that of other countries. (WOR-TV) Kinescope. 1958
Delegates from Australia, the Union of South Africa, and the Gold Coast discuss the problems of education both in the United States and abroad. Each of the delegates to the forum was the guest of a school during his twelve-week stay, and during that time, each had a good opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of the American school system. One of the students attended a private school here, while the other two attended public schools. Like the blind men who "see" the elephant with their hands, and then attempt to describe it, each of the three has a somewhat different impression of school life here. However, each of the schools which they have attended seems rather typical of one trend or another in American education. In discussing education in this country, they deal with, among other problems, the question of objective as opposed to essay-type examinations, private and public schools, and the differences between the standards in wealthy and less prosperous communities. Both of the delegates from Africa seemed to feel that, while American students are fairly well-versed on the history and problems of Europe, they seem to know comparatively little about other sections of the world. The exchanges between the delegates from the Union of South Africa and the Gold Coast concerning segregation are interesting. Since two of the participants are from the English Commonwealth, it was inevitable that there should be examination of the educational problems growing out of colonial rule.
Explores, through underwater photography, the three regions of a coral reef. Explains the relationship of the many forms of life to each other and their environment. Points out the factors, which affect the structure, growth, and survival of coral. Show numerous types of coral including the rose, fan, chenile, star, lettuce, brain, hat, and others. Concludes with sequences of the many kinds of fish which inhabit the coral reef.
Presents a political history of Japan from its early autocracy to the formation of its democratic government under the direction of the U. S. in 1945. Explains how Japan operates on two levels politically--outwardly it is a democracy, but beneath lies a spirit still predominantly authoritarian, expressed in bitter antagonism between the political parties. | Presents a political history of Japan from its early autocracy to the formation of its democratic government under the direction of the United States in 1945. Explains how Japan operates politically--outwardly as a democracy, but the dominant "domestic" spirit is authoritarian.
Dance is a universal experience, and Miss Myers introduces the series with paintings, sculptures and film clips showing ethnic dances throughout history and the world. Following this, she presents the three major forms of dance – ethnic, ballet, and modern. To illustrate these, the Ximenez-Vargas Company performs two European ethnic dances. They are followed by Melissa Hayden and Jacques D’Amboise, who execute a 17th century court dance, the predecessor of pure classical ballet which is represented by the pas de deux from The Nutcracker Suite. As the French court and manners of the 17th century affected later ballet, so today’s social developments and conditions affect modern dance. Daniel Negrin performs an illustrative dance satire to introduce the audience to forms of the modern dance.
Anthony Tudor, the choreographer, and Nora Kay and Hugh Laing, dancers who appear on this program, are figures prominently associated with the new developments in modern dance which began in the 1940’s. Mr. Tudor and Miss Myers describe the changes in subject and mood which accompany this new dance form and the reasons for a retention of the traditional steps and positions in the new dances. The highlight of the program is a recreation of the famous ballet “Pillar of Fire,” starring Nora Kaye and Hugh Laing.
Recreates the excitement of the gold rush by showing the prospector's trails, their campsites and the gold rush cities. Illustrates with prints of the settlers, miners, and dance hall girls. Visits an old gold mining town and saloons. Interviews an old prospector about gold mining days.
The desert plains of central Idaho bore silent witness to many events in history – the coming of the Oregon Trail, the wars between the whites and the Indians, the events of the Old West, Today they are witnessing a change that is far more important – the coming of atomic power. On the lava plains of central Idaho is the National Reactor Testing Station, famous for “firsts” in nuclear energy. Here electricity was first generated from atomic energy and atomic power first was used to light a town. Principles of nuclear submarine propulsion were worked out in “a ship on the desert” in Idaho. “Challenge” visits the National Reactor Testing Station to look at a power plant of the future, a reactor that makes more nuclear fuel than it consumes. The principle is not perpetual motion. This reactor takes the part of uranium that is not fissionable fuel (more than 99 per cent of the total) and converts it into plutonium, a man made element that is a good nuclear fuel. Because the reactor “breeds” plutonium it is called a “breeder” reactor – Experimental Breeder Reactor-II. How this breeding is accomplished, and how fuel for EBR-II is fabricated by remote control, is explained in this program.
Precision and perfection are the watchwords of today’s Space and Atomic Age. Nothing can be overlooked everything must be checked and rechecked before the “go” signal can be given. A crack in a missile’s fuel line, invisible to the human eye, can be disastrous. A defect in an atomic reactor, while not disastrous, can mean costly and time-consuming repairs. This program examines “non-destructive testing”, a new-comer, yet one of the most important engineering techniques. Non-destructive testing is simply a method of examining an object for defects without destroying it in the process. It is unlike other testing methods such as automobile test, for example, in which the vehicle is pushed to its maximum performance before it ends up on the junk pile. The television cameras are at the Metallurgy Division of the United States Atomic Energy Commission’s Argonne National Laboratory, where scientists are using such non-destructive testing techniques as X-rays, gamma rays, and neutron radiography. At Argonne, neutronradiography is an invaluable aid to pinpoint what happens to uranium or plutonium fuel that sustains a chain reaction in an atomic reactor. The knowledge gained through this technique is important in designing the atomic power plants of today and tomorrow. Also shown are the ultrasonic testing methods used to detect imperfections by “bouncing” sound waves through objects that are being tested. One of these methods converts sound waves into electronic signals to show television pictures of hidden defects. The value of these non-destructive testing methods becomes increasingly more important as the tolerances become smaller and smaller for the new atomic reactors, space vehicles, and aircraft engines that are being constructed.
Presents Mr. Nkosi interviewing poet and educator David Rubardiri of Nyasaland and Kenyan poet Joseph Kariuki. Discusses Rubardiri's personal struggle as a creative writer in an emerging nation and the general state of contemporary African literature. Describes native oral tradition involved in African writing, discusses possible future forms, and examines how African literature is taught in the schools.
Examines the French-Anglo Canadian controversy and French-Canadian dissatisfaction with the Anglo-Canadian controlled country, and describes the economic, educational, social, and traditional factors that have ignited the conflict.
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt hosts this program and discusses solutions to the Congo crisis with several guests including Adlai Stevenson, US Ambassador to the United Nation and G. Mennen Williams, Assistant Secretary of State for Affrican Affairs.
In this program Professor Woodworth explains the concepts of tonality (the musical key) and modulation (a shift in key) and their place in composing music. The relations between keys, and the use a composer makes of these relations is an element which must be understood if the symphony is to be fully appreciated. The program ends with a comparison of Haydn and Mozart, showing how their musical styles developed, and giving examples of the work of each.
A continuation of the discussion of sonority, in which a full orchestra—strings, wind instruments and tympani—displays the musical effects which can be produced by various instruments. The Cambridge Festival Orchestra performs portions of Haydn's First and 80th Symphonies, and Mozart's 33rd and 34th Symphonies, demonstrating not onlytechniques of performance but also how the instruments themselves contribute to the composer's musical structure.
A return to classical traditions may be considered the hallmark of Brahms' music, declares Professor Woodworth. Brahms himself is reputed to have said that music is a drama in which the only players are musical themes. To implement this, he reintroduced the use of counterpoint, strict construction and an intellectual orchestration based on something more than desire for sonority. These changes, says Professor Woodworth, are apparent in works such as his Third Symphony, which is used as a musical example for this program. Not only is this a new effort in musical composition, it is also an interesting use of a nationalistic spirit in music.
Moving deeply into the German romanticism of the 19th Century, the symphony grew as composers experimented with new methods of orchestration, and an increased expression of feeling and mood. Professor Woodworth illustrates this change as he plays recordings of Schubert's Symphony Number 7, and Mendelssohn's Symphony Number 35. The need to express intense subjectivity in music lead to structural changes in the composition of Mendelssohn's symphonies. This need is one of the key characteristics of German romantic music.
Examines trade unionism in Australia, England, and the United States and pursues in its comparative study what trade unionism has come to mean to Australins.
As the 19th Century progressed and the spirit of nationalism increased, this new emotion began to affect music as much as other activities. Here Professor Woodworth shows the effect of this spirit on the music of four composers: Dvorak, Mahler, Tchaikovsky and Sibelius. While they adhered to the standard forms of musical construction, they drew their thematic materials from sources such as folk songs and religious music to give their compositions a specifically national flavor.
The group will examine in depth the implications of coexistence between the Communist and the non-Communist worlds. What are the possibilities for lifting the Iron Curtain, increased trade? How irreconcilable are long term Soviet objectives with free world objectives?
Focuses on the United Nations' three Secretary Generals: Norwegian Trygve Lie, Sweden's Dag Hammarskjold and U Thant of Burma. Interspersed with film excerpts, photos, and commentary, the show also includes an interview with General U Thant and Andrew Cordiers, Dean of Columbia University's school of international affairs.
To begin a series on the symphony, states Professor Woodworth, one must start at the beginning, with the first movement of the piece. In the classical symphony, the first movement introduces all the musical elements which will be present throughout the four movements of the work. Using the first movement of Mozart's 34th Symphony as an example, Professor Woodworth explains the musical concepts of exposition, recapitulation and coda. He ends by remarking, "A symphony is a structure of sounds in motion in time. It conveys no specific ideas other than musical ideas."
A third kind of American musical composition is the subject of this program. Contrasted with the strongly emotional and nationalistic music of Harris, or the attempts at a resolution of the national-universal conflict in the music of Copland, is the music of Walter Piston, which, the composer explains, is "not intended to convey other than musical ideas." Professor Woodworth uses Piston's comment as a key to understanding his music, and shows by the use of visual aids and recordings how Piston has contrived to write a classical symphony in modern idiom. The use of orchestration, tonality and rhythm supports his efforts to write vital and dramatic music devoid of representational elements, says Professor Woodworth, and he demonstrates these points by examples drawn from Piston's Third Symphony.
In this program the new developments in American music are introduced through a study of Roy Harris' Symphony Number 3. Professor Woodworth interprets this music in terms of a growing American nationalism which express such American problems as the will to succeed, the desire for spiritual assurance, and the materialistic conflict in musical terms. Harris’ rejection of the techniques of Stravinsky, and his return to Baroque musical forms influences all of his music, and particularly this Symphony. Professor Woodworth plays recorded portions of this work to demonstrate some of the unique characteristics of this form of American music.
As the 20th Century opened, symphonic composers faced, among other things, a conflict between nationalism and internationalism. Still nationalist in orientation, says Professor Woodworth, are composers such as Vaughan Williams, while partaking of the new spirit of internationalism is the work of the composer Honegger. But despite this new spirit, the basic construction of the modern symphony remains the same as it was originally conceived in the middle of the 18th Century.
"The understanding of music consists in the responding to music in its own terms." This quotation from music critic Thomas Serret is the keynote not only to this program but also to the whole series. At this point, Professor Woodworth gives a careful and complete analysis of the first movement of Beethoven's Second Symphony. The separate parts of the movement --introduction, exposition, development, recapitulation and coda --are present in almost all first movements of almost all symphonies. Though the idioms or specific ideas may vary, this musical plan has survived for some two hundred years thanks to its symmetry, unity, variety and beauty, explains Professor Woodworth.
Talks about a new anti-discrimation bill going before Parliament. This episode is seen through the eyes, experiences and observations of Sha Jahan, 23 of Pakistan and Rudy Kizerman, a young British subject from Barbados. Discusses hostility towards many Indian, Pakistani and African immigrants and social aspects of race in the country.
Professor Woodworth demonstrates the importance to the composer of the various kinds of sounds made by different musical instruments. He uses the wind instruments as examples, drawing on members of the Cambridge Festival Orchestra who perform passages from works including Haydn's Military Symphony, three pieces by Beethoven including a passage from his Sixth Symphony, and Mozart's Symphony Number 41. The arrangement of instruments, the uses to which they can be put, and the varied effects of solo and group performance are elements in a study of sonority which is the subject of this program.
Professor Woodworth begins the program by declaring that Beethoven's "Eroica” and "Pastoral" Symphonies are examples of Whitman's line, "It is not the sounds alone that move, but their exquisite meaning." The French Revolution, liberation from tyranny, equality, fraternity, heroism—these, says Professor Woodworth, were present in Beethoven's mind when he wrote the Third Symphony and named it "Eroica." Yet it—like the Sixth or "Pastoral" Symphony which took its theme from a holiday in the country—follows strict musical and compositional forms and can be understood even without an acquaintance with the pictorial or poetic background which influenced them.
Professor Woodworth uses this program to introduce some general principles of musical composition, illustrating his remarks by examples from Haydn's Symphony Number 102. He explains how musical ideas are developed, how they are used and recognized in composition, and how they can be transformed and manipulated within the structure of the movement. Diagrams, and rear-screen projections of the score are used in this program.
In this last program Professor Woodworth summarizes the points he has made in the course of the series. Then, as a climax to the study of the symphonic form, Professor Woodworth conducts the Cambridge Festival Orchestra in a performance of the final movement of Mozart's Symphony Number 38, and then in a complete performance of Prokofiev's Classical Symphony, showing the transition from the 18th Century to modern music.
This program is a summation of the first development of the symphony as conceived by Haydn, Mozart and the early Beethoven. The examples used to show this development include the Minuet and Trio of Mozart's 39th Symphony, and the finales of Haydn's Symphony Number 102, Mozart's Symphony Number 41, and Beethoven's Symphony Number 1. Musical ideas and their development are explored in terms of a consistent classical pattern.
The Cambridge Festival Orchestra joins Professor Woodworth in a consideration of the romantic expansion of the orchestra. The brass choir in Beethoven's hands developed tremendously, and this was picked up and carried on by Mendelssohn, Brahms, Mahler and Tchaikovsky. Woodwinds and percussion instruments were also increasingly used to obtain special effects. Examples of this development are played, and at the end Professor Woodworth and the orchestra perform portions of two contrasting 20th Century Symphonies—Sibelius' Symphony Number 5 and Piston's Symphony Number 3—both of which used instrumentation to convey special moods.
Huston Smith interviews Dr. Bertram Beck and Dr. Margaret Mead at the American Museum of Natural History, on the subject of our country’s alarming rise in violence and deviant behavior. Are other countries witnessing comparable increases in crime? What are the causes of the rise in America, and what can be done about the situation? Special attention is given to the new problem of suburban delinquency.
Discusses the special problems faced by the child with cerebral palsy and explains how physical disability, psychological problems, mental subnormality, and the great number of clinical types adds to the complexity of this affliction. Uses filmed sequences to show the problems faced by many parents whose children are afflicted, and stresses the importance of cooperative teamwork by psychologists, physicians, therapists, social workers, teachers, and parents. Features Dr. William Cruickshank of Syracuse University.
Immediately after the overthrow of the Czar in 1917 the Kerensky government was formed, the short-lived and only democratic national government Russia has ever known. Dr. Sworakowski provides a detailed and carefully analyzed description of the reasons why Kerensky’s government fell so quickly. He also reads a letter from an eye-witness of the overthrow. Again, dramatic episodes alternate with commentary and narration over photographs and documents, as a picture of Lenin’s strategy and attack in the November Revolution is built up.
In this program, Stoessinger points out the continuity of imperialism from Czarist Russia to Russia today, Russia’s attitude toward nationalism being that it should be ruthlessly crushed. The Soviet’s techniques of empire building are several including playing nationalistic groups against each other and exploiting anti-fascist resistance to its own gain. In the past, nationalism has caused many blocks to Communism and they have constantly had to change their techniques. A former Albanian freedom fighter is interviewed.
Discusses business and labor in terms of the formulation of public policy. Considers the questions of denomination of the two parties by either of these interest groups. (KETC) Kinescope.