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Discusses the worldly desires of all people--pleasure, wealth, fame, and power--and the ways in which they are related to Hinduism and the caste system. Points out that obtaining these worldly desires is not always satisfying. Explains the symbol of the Hindu view of God.
Outlines the four yogas, or paths, to a union with God, and states that individuals should use their own resources to move themselves along these paths. Points out that the material wants or being, awareness, and happiness are only ways to man's deeper desires and that God will answer these needs.
Discusses the first weeks and months of a baby's life. Explains how the relationship of the parents to the infant affects his future development. Points out various pitfalls parents should be aware of including a let down on the part of the mother, jealousy that may develop between father and baby, and changes in attitude toward each other. Answers questions concerning the role of the father, bottle vs. breast feeding, colic, and self-demand vs. scheduled feeding. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Shows how animal tracks may be identified and explains how various types of tracks are classified. Demonstrates the making of track stamps through the use of potatoes. Discusses the making of plaster casts of tracks and the wiring of stories using tracks. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
An interview with Senegalese President Senghor who discusses his poetry, the environment his poems reflect, and his attitude toward the blending of African and Western culture. Selected readings of his works are presented in English.
Tells the story of Buddha and how he grew up to go out alone seeking eternal life. Explains that Buddha accepted the basic principles of Hinduism, but thought them cumbersome and would not abide by rules of social distinction. Relates how, after much hardship and failure, he finally arrived at a position near benevolence and began to preach his simple religion.
Illustrates the similarity of Buddhism to the other great religions. Compares a Buddhist approach to life to a doctor's approach to a medical problem. Indicates symptoms, diagnosis, prescription, and treatment. Describes the treatment as concerning itself with knowledge, aspiration, speech, behavior, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and meditation.
Explains the two main divisions of Buddhism--Hinayana and Mahayana--and the basic causes underlying the division. Surveys the missionary movement of Buddhism and its progress in Japan, resulting in a division called Zen Buddhism, which scorns reason and operates on intuition.
Describes the life of Confucius as being that of a teacher and a statesman. Explains that Confucianism grew out of a question concerning how men could learn to live together without destroying each other. Points out that when spontaneous tradition breaks down it must be replaced with deliberate tradition, and reviews how this was done by those teachings called Confucianism.
Bash Kennett tells some unusual anecdotes about dogs in our history and then visits various places to watch today’s sheep herding dog, a retriever and a pointer. She visits a dog who can spell. Songs include “Old Blue” and “Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone."
Bash Kennett describes the life of a logger, his forest chores and his camp evenings. She tells of the use of the axe in the conquest of the wilderness and discusses the Golden Age of Logging. Songs include “The Frozen Logger” and “Jam on Jerry’s Rocks.”
Bash Kennett shows some of the things which fascinated children of other times, taking a trip to see some dolls, stereopticons, books and bicycles of early periods which grandfather may have enjoyed as a boy. Songs include “The Devil’s Nine Questions” and “This A’Way.”
Outlines the scope of this series of programs and defines the nature and function of passing notes in music. Compares music in architecture. Outlines the formal or structural principals in music. (WMSB-TV) Kinescope.
It was in the decades of the 1820’s and the 1830’s, often referred to rather broadly as the “Age of Jackson,” that sectional differences began to complicate national life. The Missouri Compromise fight had set the stage. The truce was soon troubled by a series of squabbles over the tariff, which grew to such a degree of intensity that the doctrine of nullification emerged. That storm blew over but it left damage in its wake – the lively discussion over the proposal to annex Texas showed that all was not quiet under the surface and the abolitionists did not exactly throw water on the live embers. During the period the West had a chance to assert itself under Jackson’s leadership and the “common man,” with the frontiers man president as a symbol, began to come into his own. A new political party emerged which for a time seemed likely to unite the states-rights South and the West. Adding to the stress of the time were the distressing economic problems of the Panic of 1837.
Discusses the mid-nineteenth century push to the Pacific. Characterizes the period as one of adolescent optimism, cockiness, and self-assurance, idealism, and disregard for other's rights and feelings. Suggests that by reaching the Pacific, Americans had fulfilled their destiny. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses new explorations by the American Museum of Natural History; indicates that important finds have opened up the early history of the area of Afghanistan, Baluchistan, and the Indus Valley.
This program addresses the Civil War; even before Lincoln took office, the retreat from the Union had begun. He did not want war but was determined that, if the preservation of the Union demanded it, he would not refuse the challenge. Fort Sumter was bombarded and on April 13th its garrison surrendered. The next four years would be bloody, painful, unfortunate ones in the American story.
Enumerates the problems of living in ancient Egypt from a woman's standpoint--no running water, electricity, or refrigeration. Shows bronze ornaments used for bartering purposes as well as household equipment and cosmetics. (NYU) Kinescope.
Hardly had the exultation of victory and accomplishment cooled, when the nation found itself face to face with an old problem, which it had hoped was a dead issue. The application of California for statehood was not covered by the Missouri Compromise. The Southerners fought to hold their equal advantage in the Senate – they had long ago lost the House. In the end they had to take the “half loaf” which the Compromise of 1850 offered, but they were unhappy and fearful of the future. Yet a few years of prosperity lulled all into a feeling of security and hopes began to build. Then came the question of the route of the transcontinental railroad. Next, the Kansas-Nebraska Act. From 1854 the way led steadily downhill toward sectional conflict, this time with guns, rather than orators, barking. The Republican Party was uncompromisingly a Northern, anti-slavery faction – the last real bond which had hitherto resisted sectional friction was now gone, the national political party. The South was outnumbered in the legislature. Its victory in the judiciary – the Dred Scott decision – only roused its opponents to more determined action. The success of the Lincoln candidacy could mean the coup de grace. The South conditioned itself for that possibility.
Tells the story of changes which have taken place in home implements. Shows an early vacuum cleaner, phonograph, washing machine, butter churn, and candle mold.
One of the first things civilized man learned was to mix clay and water and make utensils. Bash takes a trip to watch the making of pottery, to see how clay is fired, painted and finished. She tells of the development of pottery in this country and sings “Lolly Too Dum” and “Go Way from My Window.”
Discusses the political history of Brazil and her relations with the U.S. Considers Brazilian art, economic problems and potentialities, and the role of U.S. business in Brazil. A photo series presents the land and the people. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Uses laboratory experiments to explain solubility. Demonstrates the solubility of a solid in a liquid by dissolving salts in water, a gas in a liquid with carbonated beverages and an ammonia fountain, and a gas in a liquid using charcoal. (KQED) Film.
Discusses the debates in the United States since World War I over the issues of isolation versus involvement in world affairs. Concludes that the U.S. is permanently involved in world affairs but the debate will continue as to the meaning and context of involvement.
Introducing the program, host C. Dale Fuller indicates the industrial and scientific revolutions brought to the West increased life expectancy, reduction of disease, rarity of poverty and widespread luxurious leisurely living. The revolution in human expectations is the demand of the people of underdeveloped areas of the world for the same benefits. This program describes the magnitude of the needs of the underdeveloped areas and shows how these often produce violence. It analyzes what is being done about the demands of people in so called backward areas and what might be done. This revolution is one without slogans or armies, but it encompasses four-fifths of the people of the world and its outcome will shape much of humanity's future.
Discusses the revolution that has taken place in the colonial world and the present conflict between the remaining colonial powers of the West and the newly independent countries of Asia and Africa. Points out the major issues involved in this conflict by providing a condensed re-enactment of the UN committee debate on Algeria in 1955. Shows the reaction of the French delegation when the question of Algeria was voted upon in the General Assembly. Concludes by pointing out the problems involved in and methods of coping with the conflict over colonialism. (KRMA-TV) Kinescope.
Revolution/Reviews the development of Communism in Russia during the 20th century. Introduces the concept that Communism has two faces: one seen by the people of the United States and other advanced nations of the West, the second viewed by the underprivileged people of the world. Uses documentary film footage to show actual scenes of the Communist revolution; the rise of Lenin and Stalin; the effects of World War II; and the industrial, agricultural, and scientific changes in Russia. Summarizes the spread of Communism after World War II, and the outbreaks of violence in Poland, Berlin, and Hungary. Concludes with a brief statement concerning the best method of combating Communism's ongoing rise.
Examines the fundamental political ideas of fascism--rejection of the individual and deification of the state, distrust of reason and belief in force, and renunciation of freedom in favor of security. Uses documentary film footage to show the environment in which fascism rose in Germany and Italy immediately following World War I, and the disastrous results it brought until its defeat in 1945. Points out that fascism was not necessarily eradicated by World War II.
Discusses the decline of Western Europe's power and influence throughout the world since World War I. Depicts the change in Western Europe's status in international politics. Shows the effect which this decline has had on current problems of foreign relations. Illustrates throughout with film clips.
While most chemical reactions take place almost immediately, there are some which can be made to occur after a timed delay. These are the so-called clock reactions. By varying the temperature or concentration of reactants, the delay can be shortened or lengthened in a striking manner.
Uses laboratory experiments to explain the properties of carbon and its compounds. Discusses the three natural forms of carbon: amorphous, graphite, and diamond. Demonstrates the properties of carbon compounds using calcium carbide, acetylene, carbon disulfide, and ethyl alcohol. (KQED) Film.
Uses laboratory experiments to explain properties of crystals and glass. Tell how crystals are formed and demonstrates crystallization taking place. Discusses glass, its formation, and how it differs from crystals. (KQED) Film.
Explains the difference between scientific and non-scientific endeavor. Examines various areas such as flying saucers, astrology, and weather predictions to point out how these problems are approached from a scientific and non-scientific point of view. Features Dr. Harlow Shapley, Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
This is an old Japanese fairy tale which points up the consequences of greed. Artist Mikami illustrates this tale with a brush painting of the old man with the wen (tumor).
Discusses the importance of numerical measurement in the progress of science. Uses experiments from physics, chemistry, and astronomy to show how a quantitative approach to science aids in understanding. Presents a brief history of the evolution of the mathematics in science. Features Dr. Gerald Holton, Professor of Physics, Harvard University. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Uses demonstrations to illustrate how scientists arrive at facts. Explains how and why scientists often give the impression of being to sure of their knowledge of the universe. Discusses the importance of numerical statements in science and how physical law is derived. Features Dr. Phillipe LeCorbeiller, Professor of applied Physics, Harvard University.
This is a tale of two famous Japanese clans who were bitter enemies. During the battle of Yashima in 1845, one clan was challenged to pierce a fan with a bow and arrow from a great distance. Artist T. Mikamo illustrates this story with a brush paingin of a fan, a bow and an arrow.
King Vidor, Hollywood director of The big parade, War and peace, Solomon and Sheba, and the silent film Our daily bread, recalls Hollywood landmarks of a bygone era and talks about his directing techniques. Includes some segments of his films.
Explains and demonstrates how sculpture in relief developed from the cave man to the present. Illustrates with ancient and modern examples. Discusses the composition and carving techniques of full-scale reproductions of famous sculptures. Describes how the artist's sculpture is transferred in the production of a commemorative medal. Features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
Discusses the use of stone as a medium of sculpture. Demonstrates the tools and techniques of stone carving. Shows several works carved from different types of stone explaining why particular stone os chosen for a specific piece of sculpture. Illustrates with the carving of a portrait of Washington. features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
Discusses the use of terra cotta clay in sculpturing. Shows the modeling of a figure in terra cotta clay. Explains the nature of this medium and the problems of working with it. Tells how terra cotta clay differs from ordinary modeling clay. Demonstrates the "inside-outside" method of working with terra cotta. Illustrates with examples of completed figures in different kinds of terra cotta clay. Features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
Discusses the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls; explains how the scrolls came into being, who wrote them and why, and what they mean today. Includes a study of Palestine, beginning with its earliest recorded history; and shows samples of Palestinian art.
Takes the viewer on a trip down the Nile with a nobleman of the XIth Dynasty and his entourage in ancient Egypt in the year 2000 B.C. Uses original ship models from the tomb of Meket-Re. (NYU) Kinescope.
In this program, Mr. Fitzpatrick discusses the creation of a work of art through sketching. He explains and demonstrates the expression of an idea using a variety of media and techniques. Uses the work of Miro, Kandinsky, and others of the contemporary school to clarify the expression of concepts and objectives. Stresses the point that sketching should represent each individual's own personal creative interpretation of an idea.
Pictures three expeditions which trace the acquisition by the metropolitan Museum of Art of jewelry which belonged to an Egyptian Princess of the XIIth Dynasty. Traces and discusses changes in the techniques of archeology during the past 100 years. (NYU) Kinescope.
Explains how we learn from the portraiture left us, how ancient people looked. Indicates that the artist's styles are much the same today as they were 2500 years ago. (NYU) Kinescope.
Considers the recently deciphered tablets from Pylos and Knossus that have furnished evidence calling for a thorough revision of Greek history before Homer. Discusses this "brand new" world of Ancient Greece and the possibility that Homer could actually write. (NYU) Kinescope.
Discusses the empire of the Persians under Darius and its destruction by Alexander the Great. Gives a glimpse of this culture through a display of a number of gold objects. (NYU) Kinescope.
Professor Kraemer reads from an illustrated account by an Egyptian envoy, written in 1200 BC, who traveled to Syria at a time when law and order within the Egyptian empire were in a state of corruption. The account stresses the indignities suffered by a traveler.
Discusses and demonstrates how the deciphering of papyri led to recent excavations in Negev that have resurrected the village of Nesson--lost for 2000 years. (NYU) Kinescope.
Discusses the wall paintings found in Egyptian tombs depicting the Egyptian concept of life in the next world. Emphasis is on the tomb of King Rekh-mir-re. (NYU) Kinescope.
Uses demonstrations to explain shadows. Illustrates materials that cast shadows and others that do not. Shows how to make a sun clock. (WCET) Kinescope.
Describes how printers from many countries contributed to the art of printing. Tells how printing spread from Germany to other countries. Describes the significant printing done in Italy, Belgium, France, England, Mexico, and New England during the early development of the New World. (USC) Film.
Uses pictures, models, art objects, and discussion to describe ancient Delphi and the structures on MT. Parnassus. Explains the uses and unusual features of Apollo's temple, the amphitheater, and the treasuries. (NYU) Kinescope.
Discusses the discoveries and developments which brought about the invention of movable type by Gutenberg. Describes the work of the alchemist in casting metals, the making of wood blocks, and the development of oil based paints. Demonstrates Gutenberg's experiments with metals and shows woodcuts representative of those produced and used in Gutenberg's day. Features Dr. Frank Baxter.
Tells the story of the invention and spread of paper making. Discusses the materials and tools used in making paper. Demonstrates how paper was made in ancient China. Traces the history of the movement of paper making from China to Germany. (USC) Film.
Discusses the development of printing. Describes how printing is developed from simple writing on papyrus to decorated books written on parchment and vellum. Explains the origins of and differences between parchment and vellum. Discusses paint,ink,and writing techniques of the Middle Ages. Illustrates with collector's items. (USC) Film.
Discusses current theories on the origin of the Semitic alphabet. Illustrates the acrophonic principle of alphabetization by the development of several letters from the Semitic through the Greek and finally to their Latin forms. Explains the emergence of the Greek letters into Eastern and Western systems. Features Dr. Frank Baxter.
Presents the story of the decipherment of ancient cuneiform and hieroglyphic writing. Explains how the Rosetta stone in Egypt became the key to unlock the mystery of hieroglyphics. Discusses the work of Grotefend, Rawlinson, and Champollion in achieving an understanding of ancient writing. (UCS)
Points out the purposes and procedures of the series of motion pictures, YESTERDAY'S WORLDS. Reviews objects shown and summarizes ideas discussed in the preceding 25 half-hour programs. Emphasizes the values of research into man's past. (NYU) Kinescope.
Of the five delegates represented here, four are from these areas—India, Mexico, the Gold Coast, and the Philippines—while the fifth is the French delegate. Important development activities in the four countries are listed as mass education, village development programs, industrialization and improved agriculture. Delegates also discuss the direct effect of recent important changes in their countries on their own lives. These include independence and free elections in India; World War II and the post-war victory over the Huks in the Philippines: the breaking up of tribal systems and the growing demand for independence in the Gold Coast, and the expropriation of US oil holdings in Mexico.
Delegates from India, Korea, Norway and the United Kingdom thrash out the controversial question of U.N. membership for Red China in a lively discussion during this program. "Actually it is not a question of whether we like a country or its government. The fact is that it—the country—should be recognized," Norway says and the Korean delegate comes back with, "Nations that don’t love peace should not be admitted to the U.N." The conversation swings into a second heated discussion on the effectiveness of competition between the United States and Russia to aid underdeveloped countries.
The members of the third panel in discussing "The World We Want," talk about how Americans take criticism and then branch out to comment on the policies of the West in Asia and in Western Europe. The question of American economic aid in Southeastern Asia is examined and there is a lively give-and-take on the true purpose of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization --is it a purely defensive alliance or is it planned just to fight Communism
A panel of high school students representing Germany, the Philippines, Israel, Ceylon and Iran are divided in opinion as to whether or not US aid acts as a war curb. The panel agrees that aid is necessary to the economic development of their countries, but two of the speakers point out that American aid has a detrimental side as well. The delegate from Iran states that, in his opinion, American economic aid to Iran has not worked and has pointed up class differences by providing big salaries for some while leaving the unemployment problem unsolved. The Israel delegate answers, however, by saying that his country is using American aid to "great benefit… This serves the cause of peace."
The problem of co-existence between rival nations is pin-pointed as a student from Israel takes issue with his counterpart from Egypt on the situation in the Middle East. The two appear with students from Iceland and Norway on the panel. The solution of the Israel-Arab problem, according to Per Friis Rusten of Norway, lies in education that will provide the peoples of the world with an international mind and spirit. "That's the hardest part - understanding another point of view, " adds Icelander Miss Gudrun Erlendsdottir.
Four high school students representing Norway, Australia, Korea, and the Philippines will debate the subject: Resolved that the United Nations must have universal membership to be effective. This is the first of fourteen programs presenting thirty-four students from thirty-four countries who are in the United States as delegates to the 1955 Herald Tribune Forum for High Schools. The delegates, on a three month visit in the US, were selected to take part in this Forum through competitive examinations in their individual countries.
"I want to tell American students how lucky they are," states Nakchung Paik of Korea. "Education is a privilege in my country. Here, it is a right." The other three participants, from Brazil, Britain, and Japan, agree in the panel discussion that American students have many advantages not equaled by students in their homelands. Choice in selecting subjects and sports are cited by the panel as beneficial factors in education here.
With frankness and sincerity, the young delegates describe their initial picture of America and the American way of life. They offer opinions formed before arriving in this country for the forum. The Italian delegate criticizes America's "Reader's Digest" mind and the Malayan girl speaks of her disappointment at seeing no flowers or green trees or birds and of her discomfort in the January cold. Drawing upon his knowledge of US soldiers stationed in his country, the Korean describes his impression of America. Although this program does not have the pace and spontaneity of the remainder of the series, the students offer some penetrating criticism of American folkways.
Is fear the main element preventing war at the present time? Is fear an adequate basis on which to build a lasting peace? Is the UN the answer? These are some of the thought-provoking questions which four forum delegates consider in this second program. The teen agers compare their own war experiences, which range from the Italian invasion of Ethiopia to the German occupation of Norway. An ironic coincidence is revealed as the Australian delegate tells how her father was held prisoner in Germany and the German student, in turn, relates his father's imprisonment in Australia.
This series, aired from 1954 through 1958, is built around the annual New York Herald Tribune World Youth Forum, which hosts approximately thirty foreign high school students from around the world in the US. The World Youth Forum features the high school students discussing problems of concern to America and the world. Discussions are presided over by Mrs. Helen Hiett Waller, World Youth Forum Director, with a maximum of encouragement to free expression. In this program from 1955, students from Australia, Singapore, Italy, and India discuss the proper purpose of a high school education.
A Swiss student declares that he would be willing to have his country give up its traditional neutrality, if it would help to unify Europe, during this discussion. He cautions, however, that the purpose of this unification is to help each other and, if Europe is unified against Russia, that purpose will be defeated. The four other countries represented on the panel are Germany, France, Belgium and Yugoslavia.
Delegates representing Australia, Guatemala, Norway and Turkey compare their own schools with those they have come to know in America. Girls and boys split over the value of coeducation with the males in favor and the girls opposed. Says the Australian delegate, "Maybe girls are afraid to let boys find out how intelligent they are." The girls also think American girls are too clothes conscious and suggest uniforms for students. Other comments include envy of the American student's freedom to work part time, lack of respect for the teacher, appreciation of the modern equipment in American schools and surprise at the American custom of "going steady."
This series, aired from 1954 through 1958, is built around the annual New York Herald Tribune World Youth Forum, which hosts approximately thirty foreign high school students from around the world in the US. The World Youth Forum features the high school students discussing problems of concern to America and the world. Discussions are presided over by Mrs. Helen Hiet Waller, World Youth Forum Director, with a maximum of encouragement to free expression. In this program from 1955, students from Pakistan, Vietnam, South Korea, Nigeria, and South Africa discuss the cultural differences and similarities between their countries and the USA. Contemporary high school students may have to disobey their parents in order to push new ideals ahead, though disagreeing with one's parents is a difficult thing to do. The student panelists point out that they have had to adjust to more changes in these past seventeen years than our ancestors did in the last 700.
This series, aired from 1954 through 1958, is built around the annual New York Herald Tribune World Youth Forum, which hosts approximately thirty foreign high school students from around the world in the US. The World Youth Forum features the high school students discussing problems of concern to America and the world. Discussions are presided over by Mrs. Helen Hiet Waller, World Youth Forum Director, with a maximum of encouragement to free expression. In this program from 1957, students from the United Kingdom, Union of South Africa, India, and Lebanon discuss the influence of American comics, films, and be-bop; the contribution of American education throughout the Arab world; the relative merits of British and American school systems; the relative impact of Britain vs U.S. influence in the world; and whether Britain or the U.S. has the truer democracy.
A prediction that the white South Africans will suffer if they do not adapt themselves to the "changing times" by eliminating segregation is made by Lebricht Hesse, Gold Coast delegate, in this discussion on racial problems. Other panelists represent the Union of South Africa, Denmark and Indonesia. The Union of South Africa delegate contends that the white South African government will give the Negro his freedom as soon as he has been "educated and civilized". Concluding the discussion, Erik Jorgensen of Denmark said that "you can't separate black and white and work for a peaceful world.”
Drive-in movies, bow ties, ready-made clothes and convertible cars are commented upon by the high school students from thirty-four countries. In answer to questions from viewers of the series, the students give their impressions of the United States and its way of life. A chorus of "No!" greets the question, "If you had your choice, would you stay in the United States?" Only two boys who have ambitions to be physicians say they would like to remain here to study. Most of the others declare they feel a duty to return home and help improve the status of their own countries.
This series, aired from 1954 through 1958, is built around the annual New York Herald Tribune World Youth Forum, which hosts approximately thirty foreign high school students from around the world in the US. The World Youth Forum features the high school students discussing problems of concern to America and the world. Discussions are presided over by Mrs. Helen Hiet Waller, World Youth Forum Director, with a maximum of encouragement to free expression. In this program from 1957, students from Brazil, Finland, Japan, Jordan, and Singapore discuss the question of universal misunderstanding of teenagers. Although they are divided on the seriousness of the problem, they indicate that the misunderstanding between parents and teenagers does exist in their countries.
The tension between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East is expressed in very personal terms as delegates from Israel, Jordan and Lebanon discuss how the political situation affects their own lives. The young delegate from Israel explains that even the women and girls in her country must know how to handle a gun in case of a full-scale outbreak of hostility between the one and a half million Jews and forty-five million Arabs. However, the unrehearsed discussion also brings out the many problems which Israel and the Arab countries must face in common such as illiteracy, low standards of living and lack of water. The young people express fear of another devastating war arising out of the still tense situation.
Continues the discussion of nationalism as a constructive force in world affairs. Teenagers from Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon, and the United Kingdom present their views on colonialism and Western foreign policy in the Middle East. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Presents members of the New York Herald Tribune World Forum and forum director Helen Hiett Waller. Reveals that the Indian and the Yugoslav forum members oppose any type of international military pact, while Norwegian delegate defend the North Atlantic Treaty organization. The Iranian delegate appraises the pros and cons of the argument.
Presents members of the New York Herald Tribune World Forum and forum director Helen Hiett Waller. Teenagers from the Sudan, Israel, Ceylon, and Yugoslavia discuss American slang as an obstacle to the understanding of English and as a puzzlement and source of amusement to foreign visitors. The young people examine slang words and phrases in their own language.
All thirty-three forum delegates gather for this concluding program to summarize and compare reactions to the three months spent in this country. All of the delegates have radically changed their initial views of America, mostly for the better. In high good humor and a festive mood, the delegates scramble their national signs just before the program goes on the air much to the confusion of moderator Mrs. Helen Waller. However, she concludes this is the most spontaneous demonstration of the delegates' new understanding that race and nationality are not barriers to friendship.
Herald Tribune Forum delegates from Israel, France, Turkey, and Lebanon discuss their prejudices against other forum delegates and their countries. They indicate that some of their prejudices have been removed through acquaintances made in the U.S. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Teenagers from the United Kingdom, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Indian discuss prejudices against Britain and her policies. They further discuss their preconceived notions about America and indicate how their visit has changed these ideas. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Herald Tribune Forum members from the Gold Coast, the Union of South Africa, Ethiopia, and Nigeria discuss American prejudices towards Africans and towards African-Americans. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
The panelists discuss what the word "American," in reference to a citizen of the United States, means in different parts of the world. Race problems and prejudices as viewed in different parts of the world also are dealt with by these four high school delegates.
All 33 of the Herald Tribune High School Forum delegates appear in their native costumes and talk of their experiences and impressions after their three month stay in four different American homes and schools. 1957 (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Teenage delegates to the New York Herald Tribune Forum discuss their visit to America. Presents their views on what they have seen, learned, and experienced. 1958 (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Teenagers from Greece, Malaya, Egypt, and Thailand tell why they prefer not to be Americans. Discusses relations between children and parents. Presents first impressions and reactions to life in the United States. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Teenage delegates to the New York Herald Tribune Forum tell how their prejudices toward each other were conquered during their stay in America. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Teenage delegates to the New York Herald Tribune Forum discuss the objectives and faults of American education. Comments are made on the place of the bright student, freedom of choice, size of schools, emphasis applied to subject matter, and how well education challenges the student.
Students from Switzerland, Thailand, Pakistan, and India discuss the habits and customs of their countries. The individual flavor of each of their cultures is shown in their often strongly divergent points of view. While the discussion begins with a brief description by each of the students of his religion, in a rather relaxed manner, the topics which are aired later in the program produce a lively give-and-take discussion. The student from Pakistan describes Islam as a faith which stresses the belief in one God and the equality of all men, while the student from India speaks of Hinduism as emphasizing transmigration -- the attainment of oneness with reality -- with God as a means to that end. Thailand's representative characterizes Buddhism as being closely related to Hinduism, particularly in the belief in transmigration, but she goes on to point out the qualities of passivity and contentedness which Buddhism encourages. The most significant aspect of Christianity is seen as its sense of "nearness to God" by the student from Switzerland. Some discussion of the desirability or feasibility of a single world religion seems to show that each was loathe to sacrifice his own way of life, despite the fact that they all felt they had much in common. The role of religion in education is also discussed. United States foreign policies come in for some scrutiny, particularly the question of military versus economic aid. While the discussion does not always seem to stick to the topic too closely, this is most welcome, since, as the participants become more involved, they become less inhibited. This shows very clearly how much each has been influenced by his country's culture, and this presents a lively picture of that culture in action.
Teenagers from Pakistan, Vietnam, Germany, and Yugoslavia discuss socialism in Yugoslavia and Russian Communism. Questions the definition of the word "freedom." Analyzes the prospects of reunification for Germany and Vietnam. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.