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Documents and dramatizes a civil lawsuit based on an automobile injury case. Dramatizes the beginning of the trial, showing how prospective jurors are chosen and questioned to determine possible bias and how the jury is selected and sworn in. Presents both lawyers making opening statements to the jury, and concludes with the direct and cross examination of all witnesses in the case for the plaintiff.
Bash tells how the use of medicines developed and how people learned to use beneficial plants. She tells the story of the original pharmacy in this country and the modern drugstore ... from bitter root to sugar-coated pills. Songs include "The Apothecary Shop," "Little Mohee," and "Buckeye Jim."
When man faced the elements of nature, it was through his ingenuity and the use of his hands that he was able to weave clothing for protection. This took varying forms, from the weaving of blankets to the creation of articles of clothing. Man employed different materials for this item, depending on the environment. This program looks at the basic principles of weaving, which are the same whether the end product is a simple or complex article. Angiola Churchill and Shari Lewis explore this area of man’s creativity.
Once man had created the articles he needed for survival and comfort, he launched himself on a campaign to make himself more attractive physically. It is conceivable that, in his vanity, he turned his hand to beautifying himself even before considering some of his more fundamental needs. With Miss Brynner, Shari Lewis examines some ornaments created from materials at hand which help satisfy man’s universal desire to be attractive.
Dr. Conant and Shari Lewis gives a summary of the series, pointing out that man’s hands are the greatest tool of creative activity, that they have served to fulfill his basic needs and that these needs and this creativity are universal.
The fabulous story of the men who built the railroad to join the Atlantic and Pacific coasts is told by Bash Kennett. The struggles of the laborers in the west who battled granite cliffs in order to lay more track than the crews on the plains who had to import their lumber is told. Songs include "Midnight Special," "Down in the Valley," and "Drill Ye Tarriers, Drill."
Discusses the problems which confront the child, the parents, and the teacher when the six-year-old starts out to school. Explains what school can mean to the child and his parents, how former habits are dropped and new ones developed, how friendships are made, and the overall affect of school on the child's development. Tells what parents can and should do when problems concerning the school arise. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Outlines Argentine history and discusses the political and economic climate, with prospects for the future. Emphasizes Argentina's problems and possibilities. Shows pictures of the land and the people. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses the relationship of eating to the emotional and physical well being of the young child. Explains appetite changes, continued use of the bottle, demand feeding, and punishment in relation to eating habits. Answers questions concerning the child who refuses to eat, personal eating habits, food binges, eating between meals, and thumb sucking after meals. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses the first weeks and months of a baby's life. Explains how the relationship of the parents to the infant affects his future development. Points out various pitfalls parents should be aware of including a let down on the part of the mother, jealousy that may develop between father and baby, and changes in attitude toward each other. Answers questions concerning the role of the father, bottle vs. breast feeding, colic, and self-demand vs. scheduled feeding. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Susie-Q forgets to look after the plants and fish in the classtoom just when the school open house is coming up. Brushy helps her get things in order and the visitors and teacher are very pleased. Thus Susie-Q learns the importance of working at school.
This contest opens with the children trying to guess what the special gift from each writer is. Each gift is an illustration from a story dear to all children.
Discusses the Standing Committee, functions of the Committee system, and the role of the majority and minority leaders in congress. Presents opinions on seniority and the selection of committee members and officers. Features Dr. John T. Dempsey, Professor of Political Science, University of Detroit, and members of Congress. (WYES-TV) Film and kinescope.
Discusses the effects of general pressure on Congressmen from a state, national, and world-wide basis. Examines the problems of lobbying. Features Dr. John T Dempsey, Professor of Political Science, University of Detroit, and members of Congress. (WYES-TV)
Discusses the duties of Congress including legislative and law. Points out the necessity for bureaucracy. Presents a brief history of Congress. Questions the current role of congress and how it has changed. Features Dr. John T. Dempsey, Professor of Political Science, university of Detroit, and members of Congress. (WYES-TV) Kinescope.
Discusses the influence of parties on Congressmen, the role of parties in Congress, the functions of the minority leader and whip, party responsibility, and responsibility to the electorate. Presents Committee Chairman Paul Butler and Meade Alcorn reviewing their roles in relation to Congress. Features Dr. John Dempsey, Professor of Political Science, University of Detroit, and members of Congress. (WYES-TV)
Examines what has happened in Europe to check the threat of a menancing population growth. Traces the growth of population in Europe from the Middle Ages and suggests that the small-family concept, which began in England in the late nineteenth century, has had more effect on population than any other thing.
Explains lighting fundamentals for the interview and panel-discussion types of television programs. Outlines problems and pitfalls and spells out how each may be avoided. Demonstrates good basic lighting principles in television production. Features Verne Weber.
In this episode, Dr. Smith, Jr., explains how linguists analyze and classify significant sounds of language. He discusses phonetics and phonemics, the science of speech sounds and the study of varying distinctive sounds which distinguish the words and phrases of a language.