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Susie-Q teaches us about safety in the home. Susie-Q wants to enter her kitten in the pet show, but an accident leaves it with crumpled whiskers. All ends well when the pet show judges learn of the accident and award the kitten a prize for being the luckiest kitten in the show.
Because he has been ill, Brushy can’t play outdoors. After his first disappointment, he and his mother decide that he can make a leaf collection which would allow him to join the “Collector’s Club.”
Sharing and taking turns with others can be the best way to play and Brushy and Susie-Q show us what happens when you don’t play this way. They never had any fun because they fought over things they wanted to play with. But, mother taught them by sharing they could each have more fun.
Brushy learns to adapt to a changing environment when he finds out that he can help with his new baby brother. At first he sees the baby as no fun at all. But when mother asks him to help her fix the baby's carriage, he learns that he can be of help.
Brushy writes a prize-winning poem for the school safety contests:
“It isn’t enough just to know every rule,
You should practice them all, for real safety at school.”
Linda doesn’t like being the “new girl at school” until she helps Brushy and Susie-Q, and finds she doesn’t feel like a new girl at all. Thus she learns to feel at home in a new environment.
Skip and Susie-Q make posters about health rules for a class project. When the teacher finds she likes them both so well, she decides they must both have a prize.
Fignewton Frog (puppet) and Dora (person) discuss the topic of the "Three Cs" -- courtesy, consideration, and cooperation. Features "Can You Tell" cartoons by Robbie.
Brushy, Susie-Q and Linda leave so much litter when they play in the park that the clean-up man has to stay late to tidy up after them. When the children realize that they are keeping him from a party, they correct their mistake and help clean up.
Fignewton Frog (puppet) and Dora (person) conduct an art contest. Puppet children are shown working on their painting, sculpture and collage submissions. Viewers are encouraged to make art of their own. The episode concludes with selection of a contest winner.
Fignewton’s second contest deals with music and the first half of this contest find the children guessing the types of musical instruments and later identifying the instruments by the sounds they hear.
In the second part of the music contest, the children do a square dance and act out a folk song in competition. They learn about music as a means of self-expression.
Uses slides, the microscope, and graphic illustrations to explain plant and animal cells. Discusses the basic content and structure of cells. Shows how cells differentiate and function as members of larger units--tissues and organs. Illustrates growth by cell division and introduces the concept of meiosis. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Presents a simple, scientific way of helping young people grasp the basic concepts of reproduction. Shows the event of sperm and egg of the sea urchin uniting and dividing. Illustrates, with the birth of a bat, how the early development of the young goes on inside the female. Contrasts mammalian reproduction with the lower animals which lay eggs. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Presents the story of the orchid. Uses close-ups to show how the orchid differs from simpler flowers. Demonstrates with actual orchids the complicated flower parts. Explains their devices and traps for attracting insects to insure cross-pollination. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Visits the Brookfield Zoo to discover those animals which look and live alike but are unrelated. Explains that copy-cats occur in the plant, bird, and animal, worlds, and tells why. Uses film clips of the echidna, flying squirrel, flying phalanger, tenrec, hummingbirds, sunbirds, toucan, and hornbill. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses the child's struggles to be "himself". Explains why children may or may not want to follow in their parent's footsteps. Points out the dangers of pushing children too hard in fulfilling ambitions set up by parents. (WTTW) Kinescope.