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Discusses the transition in art from realism to the abstract. Explains the reasons underlying abstract and non-objective painting. Demonstrates important points with illustrations drawn in chalk and paint. Uses prints of abstract painting to clarify and develop a greater understanding of the artist's interpretation. (WQED) Kinescope.
Discusses the purpose, successes, and failures of NATO, the prospects for extending its economic functions, and ways of making it more effective. Gives the history of NATO's formation and explains the financial contribution of each member country. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses the formation of the Afro-Asian bloc, the declaration issued by it, and the possible influences this organization may have in world politics. Considers official United States reaction to the bloc and the bloc's possible influence on the formation of United States foreign policy. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses attempts, from the Roman Empire to the present, at European unification. Examines the progress in economic unification through the Schuman Plan. Appraises the effects on the United States on the degree of unification in Europe. (WTTW) Kinescope.
resents the scope of international exchange programs now in process. Explains the various types of exchange. Discusses the Fulbright scholarships and shows a film on the experiment in international living in Austria. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Presents a synthesizing of many aspects of education as discussed in the preceding programs. Points out how education can be used most effectively in activating man's potential. Features Mr. Frank Laubach, Mr. Robert Hutchins, and Mr. Aldous Huxley. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the conditions and effects of drug addiction among young people. Reveals how an individual may be enticed to use narcotics. Outlines some of the causes of addiction and considers the possibilities of treatment and cure. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Discusses the nature and importance od adult learning, and points out the fallacy of thinking that the school is the only place where education occurs. Explains that adult learning is the gaining of wisdom and understanding and is for everybody, regardless of formal schooling. States that "adults are more educable than children as children are more trainable than adults," and stresses that when we cease to learn our mind starts to die. (Palmer Films) Film.
Describes the lands of East Africa that are members of the British Commonwealth. Discusses variations in degree of self government and in the composition of populations. A native of Tanganuika presents his views on independence for his homeland and outlines a course of action. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Outlines the political history of the Congo and discusses the success of the Belgian colonial policy. A native of the Congo proposes a program for more self-government of the people. Stresses the economic importance of the Congo to Belgium and to the United States. (WTTW) Kinescope.
Analyzes the score of a symphony and explains why it was scored as it was. Compares this symphony to a painting and to an austere essay and shows how the background, the highlights, and the essential figures are developed. Analyzes a composer's motives and illustrates their orchestral expression. (University of Rochester) Film.
Discusses the present status of archaeology in Russia. Shows and discusses objects, found in Russia, formerly owned by Scythians and buried with them. Stresses the vast quantity of these objects and emphasizes the artistic quality of these exports from Greece. (NYU) Kinescope.
In his final program, John Dodds poses a startling question: “Are Americans civilized?” Undoubtedly, he says, most Americans will reply without hesitation. “Of course, we are!” Yet, Dr. Dodds points out, we are branded by many foreigners as a raw, materialistic, uncouth, mercenary, and even an uncivilized nation. He inquires into the factors in our society that have induced such severe criticism from abroad. He asks if others are merely jealous of our technological advancement –which most are as quick to adopt as they are to criticize –or have they actually found some basic flaws in the fabric of our culture. In peering into the structure of our civilization, he holds up a mirror in which all Americans might profit from viewing themselves. From this analysis we realize that American have their shortcomings both obvious and subtle, but, as to the state of American civilization, Dr. Dodds leads us to believe the picture is more pleasant than many would have us think.
Uses demonstrations to illustrate how scientists arrive at facts. Explains how and why scientists often give the impression of being to sure of their knowledge of the universe. Discusses the importance of numerical statements in science and how physical law is derived. Features Dr. Phillipe LeCorbeiller, Professor of applied Physics, Harvard University.
Points out and discusses the values to be gained from the process of creating. Invites the viewer to draw a still life and shows five art students working creatively in various media.
Discusses the nature of art and its role in human life. Points out the difference in science, art, and prudence, and compares the way in which all things come into being--natural generation, artistic production, and divine creation. Explains that to do a work of art is to do something deliberately by knowledge and rules.
Discusses line, form, and symbol as conventional devices for communication in the visual arts. Demonstrates some of the conventions used for communication in the theater and the dance. Illustrates the communication of ideas, using pictures by Picasso and others.
Shows numerous paintings and discusses factors in the world today which lead artists to produce such paintings. Points out that war, mechanization, anxiety, and insecurity, speed and motion, and emphasis on the individual are some of the concerns of today's artists. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Explains and illustrates the characteristics of the medium of theater art. Outlines the history and evolution of the stage platform. Discusses the functions of the stage and auditorium. Relates the actors and the audience to theater art. Presents theater art as a synthesis of a variety of fine arts.
Traces the various methods of propulsion. Explains the development of jet propulsion by the Chinese in 1232. Relates the history of the use of rocker power to the age of firearms. Shows how the rocket became an important weapon at sea because of the flammable nature of the ships. Surveys the actualities and dreams of rocketry throughout its development. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.) Film.
Describes the problem of reducing the effect of gravity on humans. Discusses the sense of sight, balance, position, and touch and how they will be affected by upper air travel. Describes the construction of the inner ear and the way in which it affects our sense of balance. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.) Film.
Discusses new explorations by the American Museum of Natural History; indicates that important finds have opened up the early history of the area of Afghanistan, Baluchistan, and the Indus Valley.
Shows and discusses the order of insects known as lepidoptera or scale-winged insects. Illustrates with collections of butterflies and moths from many parts of the world. Explains how to begin a collection, equipment needed, where to find specimens, and how to properly mount and keep them. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Fignewton Frog (puppet) and Dora (person) tell a story about Cheerily Chirp the young cricket who wants to learn to play the violin instead of being restricted to traditional cricket music.
Ella's new stepmother discharges all the servants and forces Ella to wait on her and her two stepsisters and to sleep on the cinders. Ella's name is then changed to Cinder-Ella. When the Prince has a grand ball, Cinderella is not allowed to go. But her fairy godmother appears, giving her a beautiful coach, a beautiful new dress for the ball.
Dr. Golden reviews the historical development of worker organizations, the role of labor unions in society, and the general structure of union organizations. Examines and evaluates labor's concern for sound social institutions and new constructive efforts. (WQED) Kinescope.
Dynamics of Industrial Philosophy (1942), by Mr. Golden, is evaluated for use in the area of labor relations today. “How has militant unionism affected the acceptance of labor organizations?” “Are labor’s needs furthered by strike methods?” “What was the significance of the instigation of the 40 hour week?” “Is there democracy in unionism?” “What should be the qualities of a labor leader?” “How can labor reach a greater acceptance in our society?” These are some of the questions answered and discussed in this program. Mr. Golden makes a strong appeal for greater individual expression and participation by employers and union members in order to build a stronger growth policy and more workable system for labor negotiations in our time.
“The Responsibility of Unions in our Democracy,” “the choosing and training of labor leaders,” “educating the public to labor philosophies and policies,” and “the opportunities for growth and cooperation in labor relations” are points of discussion in this last of four programs with Clinton Golden. The spiraling of rising prices and rising wages, the union shop and wildcat strikes are critically examined by Mr. Golden and his guests. The progress of arbitration techniques and new constructive policies for labor relations are presented as a summarization for this series.
Explains the use of the tone colors of an instrument or groups of instruments to achieve desired musical effects. Concentrates on the winds and the brasses as a number of musicians display the tonal color limits of their instruments. (University of Rochester) Film.
Outlines the obligations of the average person with respect to controversy and controversial matters, the relationship of freedom of discussion to the shifting of opinion, and the role of minority opinion. (Palmer Films) Film.
Discuses the problem of harmful effects on the human body caused by extended exposure to cosmic radiation. Describes how these effects have been studied by exposing animals, insects, eggs, and seeds to cosmic radiation at high altitudes. (New Mexico College of A. & M.A.) Film.
Marionettes present the story of a man and wife who think their house is too small for visiting relatives. Promising to follow the advice of their wise friend, Mr. Wiseman, they bring a rooster, a lamb, a goat, and a cow into their home. After each animal is brought in, Mr. Wiseman asks his friends if their home seems larger, and each time they declare it seems smaller. When the cow is brought in with the other animals, Mr. Wiseman asks again if they don't think that their house seems bigger. The husband then realizes he should be glad his sister and 10 children aren't staying with them. The animals are taken out of the house and the couple realizes how large their home really is.
Dame Edith Sitwell’s guest are Dr. Neal Woodruff and Oliver Shoemaker, both of the English Department of Carnegie Institute of Technology. She discusses with them some of the outstanding qualities of poetry depicted by poets throughout the ages and she gives some of her impressions of great society.
Dame Edith Sitwell’s guests are Dr. Neal Woodruff and Beekman Cottrell of the English Department of Carnegie Institute of Technology. She discusses with them life, poetry, the world and people.
Discusses the decline of printing during the 18th and 19th centuries. Points out the main reasons behind the decline of printing. Reviews the work of William Morris and his successors in reviving the art of printing. (USC) Film.
Dr. Dietrich Reitzes, associate professor of social psychology at the University of Indiana and a member of the US Selective Service in Felon Studies, joins Sheriff Lohman for a study of the relationship between youth’s neighborhood and his acts of misbehavior. Captain Boone presents another case study. The Sheriff and Dr. Reitzes discuss the problem of areas which seem to breed delinquency. Illustrations of houses in the shadow of commerce and industry, buildings in neighborhoods that are physically deteriorating and dangerous, neighborhoods where the population is in transition, where economic dependency is on relief agencies, where neighborhood disorganization is taking place, where the population of adult criminals is high and where gangs are common –these are all illustrated.
Discusses the processes involved in creating a piece of sculpture suitable for reproduction. Explains compositional elements in sculpture while a figure is modeled. Shows the process of making a plaster mold from the completed figure. Demonstrates how the "slip" or liquid clay is poured in the mold and after drying how the mold is removed. Features Merrell Gage, sculptor and Professor of Fine Arts, University of Southern California. (USC) Film.
Explains dialogue from the point of view of the playwright who composes it and the actor who gives it expression. Describes and demonstrates three types of dialogue: straight dialogue, set speech, and soliloquy. Illustrates devices and techniques used by the actor to support the dialogue including articulation, tempo, force, and quality. (KUON-TV) Film.
Continues the discussion of how and in what respects man differs from other animals. Defines what is meant by difference in kind and degree giving the biologist's conception and the philosopher's definition. (Palmer Films) Kinescope.
Dr. Urey relates scientific thinking to philosophical, political and religious areas. He discusses the revolutionary change in the ideas of today due to radical discoveries by scientists. He speaks of the important role of the scientist today.
Dr. Urey describes the advancement of civilization as a result of scientific discoveries. He points out the impact of science on humanity, the importance of ethics in science, and the significance of seemingly "impractical" scientific investigation. (WQED) Kinescope.
Dr. Harold Urey discusses the responsibilities of the scientist to science, to the world, and to himself in relation to his discoveries. He is joined by guests and they speak of the moral responsibility of the scientist with regard to potentially dangerous work. (WQED) Kinescope.
Dr. Urey discusses the work of the twentieth century scientist and the problems which he meets and how he accomplishes his goals. In his talk, Dr. Urey draws from his own background in research on heavy hydrogen.
Discusses the use of western capital for the industrial development of the under-developed areas of the world. Presents an analysis of long range foreign aid policy to help secure peace. Features Dr. Harlan Cleveland, Dean, Syracuse University, John E. Hull, General, United States Army (retired), and host Dr. Huston Smith. (KETC) Kinescope.
Examines the potentiality of education on the sub-verbal level. Discusses the training of the special senses such as vision and the autonomic nervous system. Points out the need for research and application of training on the sub-verbal level in order for man to attain a higher capacity for thought. Features Aldous Huxley, author and lecturer. (KETC) Kinescope.
Presents a look at world illiteracy. Suggests the use of an already proven method of combating illiteracy in order to help the people of underdeveloped areas. Emphasizes that people are on the move and must be helped. Features Dr. Frank Laubach, missionary, educator, and author. (KETC) Kinescope.
Herald Tribune Forum delegates from Lebanon, France, India, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Germany, and the Union of South Africa compare education in the U.S. with that of their countries. Includes comments on teaching methods, classroom procedures, and co-education. (WOR-TV) Kinescope. 1957
Discusses human action and its causes. Compares voluntary and involuntary response. Uses a slow motion film clip to demonstrate the startle response. Concludes with a demonstration to show that voluntary effort has its causes. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.