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Dr. Henry Steele Commager and his guests discuss freedom and security in today's society. Defines freedom as a natural right, a practical necessity, and a way of living. Considers the problem of freedom, security, and loyalty on a national as well as local level. (WQED) Kinescope.
Dr. Commager lectures on the subject of nationalism as something Americans take for granted but as something that is actually new in history. He also clarifies nationalism as a blessing rather than a curse to mankind. He discusses his theory that American nationalism differs in important ways from European or even Asiatic. He shows how nationalism came about as suggesting what the US can should do to mitigate the ravages of nationalism generally.
Dr. Henry Steele Commager discusses the place of America in history. Explains early European curiosity concerning the value of the discovery of America. Points out how America's contribution to technology, social democracy, federal politics, education, separation of church and state, and nationalism have influenced institutions elsewhere. (WQED) Kinescope.
Cameras are carried in rockets to get technical information about the flight. The resulting movies and stills provide interesting viewing in addition to their primary value. Other applications, such as meteorological predictions, beside the present usages, are suggested by some of the pictures.
Describes the art of stage make-up and its function in the theatre. Presents and discusses three main categories of make-up: character, stylized, and straight make-up. Examines the tools and materials used in stage make-up and demonstrates their use. Shows the functions of make-up in relation to characterization, lighting, distance, and color.
Discusses the use of scientific method in psychology. Uses the moon illusion to explain the development of a scientific hypothesis. Shows how psychological experiments are solving the problem of the moon illusion. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Prof. Boring shows how human beings can be “set” or “tuned in” to a special response just as a radio can be tuned to a particular station. The brain can be directed along a certain channel, which it will follow until that channel or “station” is changed. Once told to think of rhyming words for example the voluntary subject concentrates on the sound of words almost exclusively, until she comes to “month,” for which there is only one unfamiliar rhyme. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Show how philosophy differs from science and religion in its methods and objectives, and states that each is independent of the other. Points out that as historians, chemists, and astronomers differ in their methods of inquiry, so also do scientists, philosophers, and theologians. Insists that there need not be conflicts among the three if each group stayed within their own field. (Mortimer Adler-San Francisco Productions) Kinescope.
Delinquent behavior is not directly related to IQ. Sheriff Lohman reviews this point with Dr. A. Arthur Hartman of the Psychiatric Bureau of Chicago’s Municipal Court. Case studies of two delinquent boys are presented, one with a low IQ and the other with a high one.
Discusses the dynamics of ideas and ideologies. Suggests a cultural exchange with Russia in an effort to lessen world tensions. Features Dr. Harold Fisher, Professor of International Relations, San Francisco State College and host Dr. Huston Smith. (KETC) Kinescope.