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Defines and discusses subject matter and content on art. Illustrates these concepts with pictures, prints, sketches, and selections from literature. Includes a brief discussion of art forms in which style and technique have become the content. (Hofstra College and WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Summarizes the American nominating process from the early days to the emergence of the two-party system between 1830 and 1860 and the main political developments through 1952. Shows key Republican and Democratic candidates from 1912 through 1952 and headlines from the files of the New York Times dating back to the 19th century. (Dynamic Films) Films.
Dr. Feinberg summarizes his previous lectures and adds some interesting observations on various aspects of humor. A “drunk” routine, a device used so frequently by comedians, is presented and analyzed.
All thirty-three forum delegates gather for this concluding program to summarize and compare reactions to the three months spent in this country. All of the delegates have radically changed their initial views of America, mostly for the better. In high good humor and a festive mood, the delegates scramble their national signs just before the program goes on the air much to the confusion of moderator Mrs. Helen Waller. However, she concludes this is the most spontaneous demonstration of the delegates' new understanding that race and nationality are not barriers to friendship.
Distinguishes between statements of inference and statements of fact and discusses the consequences of confusing the two. Illustrates the manner in which most people make declarative statements that are mistakenly assumed to be statements of fact. Shows how behavior is affected when people tend to misunderstand each other and fail to assess situations realistically.
In this opening program, Dr. Irving Lee presents his viewpoint of general semantics – the science of the relations between symbols and the study of human behavior as a reaction to symbols.
Discusses the consequences of forgetting that words only point to things and are not the things themselves. Attention to words alone may lead to unrealistic behavior, because language made it easy to distort what we are describing. It is easier to exaggerate in our speaking than to be precise. This tendency to exaggerate is based partly on a failure to limit our description or judgement of a person or thing to a particular time and context. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
Considers the consequences of the "disease of allness", an attitude present in the person who implies or believes that what he knows or says about a thing is all that can be said. When "allness" exists, learning is hindered, and tension is likely to develop in human relations. The world of change in which we live makes it impossible to say all there is to say about anything. Failure to recognize this leads to bigotry. (WOI-TV) Kinescope.
Considers the differences between a good and a bad observer and relates these differences to talking sense. Points out that the use of conclusions based on observation of similarities alone results in a limitation of our awareness of the world, while the use of conclusions grounded on observation that also considers differences is a mark of the mature mind.
Discusses the variations in meanings of words and how these variations affect the communication process. Shows that words used by a speaker in one way and interpreted by a listener in another results in "bypass" or misunderstanding. Stresses that meaning is not in words but in speakers and listeners. Recommends that attention not be focused on words, that listeners be interested in what speakers mean, and that speakers try to make themselves understood by listeners.
Demonstrates and discusses the techniques of bathing infants. The demonstration is preceded by an explanation of past and present practices in infant bathing and is followed by suggestions for treatment of such conditions as cradle cap and diaper rash. (WQED) Kinescope.
Discusses the responsibilities of the two-party system and explains the requirements of an effective party system. Includes discussion of "batting averages" of the Presidents with regard to the bills brought before them and in living up to party platforms. (KETC) Kinescope.
Take melody – add harmony – rhythm – counterpoint and you have a musical composition, one element at a time. Members of the New York Woodwind Quintet return to explain and illustrate the component parts of music. Two young students of flute and clarinet play a duet by Tellemann to illustrate counterpoint. In closing, a familiar melody is selected and the children themselves choose the components for their own composition. In closing, a familiar melody is selected and the children themselves choose the components for their own composition.
Discusses the initial visit to the doctor after pregnancy is suspected. Indicates some of the physiological changes which are indications of pregnancy and outlines some of the procedures in the doctor's office, including a step by step description of the pelvic examination. (WQED) Kinescope.
Discusses the fugue, explains its construction, and demonstrates with compositions played in part and in their entirety. Includes selections by Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven.
Takes the viewer on a trip down the Nile with a nobleman of the XIth Dynasty and his entourage in ancient Egypt in the year 2000 B.C. Uses original ship models from the tomb of Meket-Re. (NYU) Kinescope.
Discusses The Life of James Madison by Irving Brant. Characterizes this four-volume work as a new kind of writing and considers other modes of treating biography. Praises the book for its portrayal of Madison and for its exposition of American colonial and revolutionary history. (Syracuse University) Kinescope.
Presents a highly condensed version of Russian history since the eve of World War I through the eyes of the "average Ivan" who has lived through this period. Discusses the initial period of capitalism, the collective farm movement, the great purges of the 1930's, the first Five Year Plans, the lack of consumer goods, the bitterness of World War II, and the Cold War. Illustrates each of these phases of Russian history with Russian periodicals and pictures. (Center for Mass Communication) Film.
Discusses the discovery of three elements predicted by Mendeleev. Demonstrates and explains the use of the spectroscope and of other methods in isolating elements. Revises Mendeleev's Periodic Table by adding the three new elements and rare gases. (KQED) Film.
Dr. Feinberg delves into the basic nature of humor as it is known in everyday life. “Fake” laughter, often used on radio and television, is demonstrated and its importance and value explained.