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Explains the functions of the House of Representatives and the Senate; then shows how a Congressional bill is introduced, considered, and voted upon. Discusses the special powers of the House and the Senate, and points out the relationship of Congress to the President and the Supreme Court.
Shows some of the ways in which the two-way radio can be used, especially in civilian defense. A simulated raid on Syracuse, New York, shows how fire-fighting equipment, police, ambulance service, and construction equipment could be called and coordinated from a central control office by means of the two-way radio.
Gives the United Nations' report on how the Food and Agriculture Organization was beginning, in 1949, to solve the tremendous problem of doubling the world's food output. Emphasizes that the FAO is waging a world-wide attack on rats and insects, and shows what the FAO was doing in China to provide insecticides, serums, and fertilizer. Pictures the FAO's attempts to introduce improved agricultural equipment and methods.
Describes the life of the Yugoslavian people, and shows some of the changes made in Yugoslavia since Tito's break with Russia. Says that Tito tries to follow Lenin's communism more closely than Russia does and that he has made collective farms, encouraged the rise of factories, and instituted literacy classes and trade schools. Shows American aid to Yugoslavia after the drought of 1950.