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"Canada's place in the strategy of Pacific warfare is the subject of this wartime film. Convoys, carrying the sinews of war, steam out from her ports, while along her western coast lookouts and patrol boats keep constant vigil. The close cooperation between the United States and Canada in the Pacific is illustrated."--NFB website.
"Step-by-step manufacture and assembly of the B-26 medium bomber in the Glenn Martin plant at Baltimore."--War Films, Bulletin of the Extension Division, Indiana University, February, 1943.
"Short fictional film asking people to keep under cover during air raids. A group of English and Canadian fighter pilots report the number of German planes they have each shot down. The rivalry between the British and Canadian pilots is intense and later in the pilot's hut one of the English pilots is asked why he did not "kill" a German plane when he had the chance. He replies that the problem was "Goofer trouble". "Goofers" are seen leaving a shelter to watch a dog fight. Because these "Goofers" were in the street the pilot could not open fire without running the risk of hitting them."--British Film Institute website.
Presents the general aims of the civilian defense program during World War II. Describes the training and duties of the air raid warden. Closes with a proclamation by Governor Schricker.
Focuses on the conservation of important natural elements such as rubber, oil and metal needed to support the U.S. Victory Program. Viewers are shown various ways in which they can change daily habits to get the most out of these materials.
United States. Department of Agriculture. Soil Conservation Service
Presents problems of soil conservation and overgrazing in the western U.S. Narration states "the problem of saving the grasslands is before us," showing that careless management has resulted in the depletion of this vital natural resource. "This range, once capable of supporting 22,000,000 animal units, can now carry only half that number. Overstocking results in over-grazing. When the land is stripped of vegetation, erosion begins. How to prevent over-grazing, and restore areas of desolation to productivity is the problem presented in this film. Interesting photography of sheep and cattle on the range" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 42).
United States War Department, Army Pictorial Service of the Signal Corps
Short announcement promoting the 6th War Loan by urging viewers to buy War Bonds. Shows the importance for War workers to keep on the job: a man receives a letter from his recently wounded brother on the front lines, who has undergone an amputation. As he reads the letter, his carefree girlfriend telephones from a nightclub attempting to persuade him to take the night off from his wartime civilian job.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Features Fela Sowande of Nigeria, a leading African musicologist, composer, and organist, along with other Nigerian musicians demonstrating how contempory African music has mingled traditional African and Western idioms to create new forms. Explains that African music places a greater stress on melody rather than rhythm. The music, therefore, more closely resembles African dialects where the meaning is expressed by tonal inflection. Summarizes from this that the talking drum can be either a musical function or transmitter of messages.
Army Pictorial Service : produced by, Combat film units of Signal Corps, Marines, Army Airforces, United States Navy
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. Composed of three short segments:
15th Air Force Report the return of a famous B-24 Liberator bomber called "The Blue Streak," having flown 110 combat missions with its engines replaced 19 times. The resourceful work to salvage parts and repair Air Force planes is shown.
Private Snafu: Fighting Tools animated short, the Private and a German soldier sing a musical narrative duet warning against poor care and maintenance of weapons and equipment.
Battle of the Hills combat footage showing Gen. Joseph W. Stillwell's American and Chinese troops battling their way back into China through Burma. Transport of supplies via the Ledo Road, air drops of supplies to remote outposts fighting Japanese occupiers in Burma.