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Produced for an American audience, the film explores the role of women in the war effort and thanks America for sending relief bundles to the victims of the London Blitz. Shows British women caring for evacuee children, working in the land army, as ambulance drivers and auto mechanics, in defense factories, ferrying planes for the R.A.F., and operating rest centers.
Develops basic concepts of electrical distribution, both cross-country and within the home. Complete distribution system is explained, with demonstrations of "line loss" and the use of fuses for overload protection. Reviews parallel and series circuitry. Summarizes, using questions.
United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
A narrated travelogue addressed to viewers in the U.S. shows life in several small towns surrounding Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Shows rope making from sisal hemp and traditional textile weaving. Concludes with a visits to the outdoor markets in Santiago Atitlan and Chichicastenango.
Shows the importance of corn as an economic commodity. Illustrates the nature of the corn belt of the United States by utilizing sixty-one widely scattered locations. Emphasizes the role of corn as a food crop for early pioneers and as a factor in the "Westward Movement." Develops the interrelationships between corn farming, railroads, villages, and cities. Explains how farm mechanization, the development of hybrid seeds, and fertilizers have increased production with the resulting rise in the farmers' standard of living.
Shows the importance of corn as an economic commodity. Illustrates the nature of the corn belt of the United States by utilizing sixty-one widely scattered locations. Emphasizes the role of corn as a food crop for early pioneers and as a factor in the "Westward Movement." Develops the interrelationships between corn farming, railroads, villages, and cities. Explains how farm mechanization, the development of hybrid seeds, and fertilizers have increased production with the resulting rise in the farmers' standard of living.
Demonstrates modern techniques for teaching primary grade pupils to read, write, and do simple arithmetic. Shows children, participating in such classroom activities as reading-readiness tests, storytelling, and drills in word analysis, phonics, number recognition, and spelling.
Shows interlocking of effects of the endocrine and nervous systems in man; illustrates the types of nerve cells and impulse transmission; explains the functions of the cortex, cerebellum, hypothalamic area, and medulla; describes the reflex arch and the peripheral, central, and automatic divisions. Discusses the diseases of the nervous system.
[motion picture] A skilled potter demonstrates the four methods of glaze application: dipping, pouring, brushing, and spraying. Specific techniques and good craftsmanship are emphasized. Proper preparation of a piece for glazing and precise finishing before firing are shown.
Presents a high-school class studying god citizenship in the community and in the school. Dramatizes the manner in which the student committees organized projects for improving school elections, choosing proper representatives for student government, welcoming new students, and up-grading lunch room conditions. Emphasizes that good citizenship in the school produces good citizenship in the community.
ERPI Classroom Films, Inc., Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc.
Promotes the catalog of ERPI Classroom Films to educators, presenting excerpts from dozens of films with narration extolling their effectiveness (ERPI Classroom Films was the predecessor to Encylopædia Britannica Films, an acronym derived from Electrical Research Products, Inc.). "Designed to show how the sound film can surmount many barriers to human learning by bringing to the classroom concepts otherwise difficult or impossible to present" states narration. Examples of microphotography, animated diagrams, time-lapse and slow motion photography demonstrate the applications of the motion-picture film in the classroom. Travelogue, foreign cultures, training and trades are brought to the classroom. Cites a study finding that classroom films are particularly effective with "low I.Q." students. Includes time-lapse film of the solar eclipse of 1932.