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Features Harry Langdon, the great baby-faced comedian, as a meek little man trapped in a wax museum. Shows how he has hilarious encounters with cops, wax figures, and jewel thieves.
Describes Korea in 1948, when the U.S. Army was establishing a sound government there. Shows the Japanese being returned to Japan and the repatriation of Koreans. Sequences on education, health, the police system, and transportation emphasize the democratic influences.
Follows the course of the Garonne River and its varying landscapes until it enters Toulouse. Shows how it flows through the village where Montesquieu was born, then reaches Bordeaux vineyards, then flows into the Atlantic.
A young couple expects their first child. Shows onset of labor, the trip to the hospital, call to doctor, admission to maternity ward, routine preparations for delivery including instructions to mother, and normal birth of child. Stresses the assumption that fear stems from lack of knowledge.
Shows methods used by archaeologists to discover, excavate, study, and interpret a buried prehistoric American Indian culture. Shows the workers digging the site, the uncovering of an artifact, sorting and cataloging of artifacts, the construction of an Indian stockade, and dioramas of various American Indian cultures. Explains how the study of the remains of charred foods, fish hooks, fish bones, jewelry fashioned from shells, and tools and weapons made from animal bones discloses the Indian's food habits. Filmed at the Angel Mound Site near Evansville, Indiana.
Analyzes the elements of a good discussion; stresses the value of properly phrased questions that stimulate thought and lead to new avenues of discussion within the major question; and shows how discussion helps to clarify ideas and provide an interchange of information.
Shows the many types of letters and lettering devices which may be used to produce effective printing on such materials as charts, posters, and bulletin boards. Illustrates the use of rubber stamps, cut-out letters, 3-D letters, stencil letters, transparent letters, and double-faced letters and pictures mechanical scribers and engraved templates. Suggests how each may be used and points out that a person doesn't have to be an artist to do good lettering.
Points out that there are possibly 30,000 solar systems which have conditions suitable for life. Illustrates how the spectroscope can determine the temperature, composition, and other information about distant stars by analyzing their light. Describes how mathematics and the various sciences help predict that life on other planets would be comparable to that found on earth.
Presents a highly condensed version of Russian history since the eve of World War I through the eyes of the "average Ivan" who has lived through this period. Discusses the initial period of capitalism, the collective farm movement, the great purges of the 1930's, the first Five Year Plans, the lack of consumer goods, the bitterness of World War II, and the Cold War. Illustrates each of these phases of Russian history with Russian periodicals and pictures. (Center for Mass Communication) Film.
Explains and simulates the formation of sedimentary rock, focusing on the importance of limestone as a natural resource. Locates limestone quarries on the map and shows how the stone is quarried in blocks to be cut in desired shapes. Discusses the many aspects of limestone byproducts, including water purification, soap making, medicine preparation, and the manufacture of Portland cement, paint, paper, and steel.
Dramatizes parts of Liszt's life from a young boy to his last days as a teacher. Shows by animated maps, still pictures, and dramatization the places where he lived or performed, the people he knew, and the times in which he lived. Explains many things that influenced Liszt's music and presents excerpts of his music with special attention to Les Preludes.
Shows how to use the gage manifold in building leak-testing pressures in a domestic refrigerator; how to test for sulphur dioxide and methyl chloride leaks; how to use the halide torch to locate freon leaks; and how to repair several types of leaks.
A tour of the magnificent capital of Great Britain. The cameras have captured all the pageantry and color of England from the Thames bridges, Buckingham Palace and Big Ben, to the Trouping of the Colors ceremony.
Long distance calling commercials. Advertisement tags featured, "Did you know, long distance rates are very low" and "Each night past six, please don't forget, long distance rates are lower yet."
Employs animation and live-action photography to show the development of man's knowledge of magnetic force, present-day concepts of the earth's magnetic field, and how the magnetic field is influenced in internal and external forces. Traces the historical development of man's knowledge of magnetism from the early Greeks through Oersted, Ampere, Faraday, to 1960, the present theories relative to the source of the earth's magnetic field and the techniques of measurement employed.
Demonstrates teaching devices which can be employed to help the deaf pupil with step 1 of learning to pronounce the SH sound: three devices for tongue blunting, one device for keeping the tongue tip placement centered during blunting, and three devices for maintaining a high wide tongue during blunting.
Stresses the practice of the learned skill, proper tongue blunting, as a first step in learning "SH". Shows the pupil, now correct approximatley 75% of the time, being given a homework assignment, with his parents evaluating his practice.
Sets forth the incorporation of "SH" into words. Takes five nuclei words through Face A of the speech model. Demonstrates work on the first word, "she," from "Presentation, Imitation, and Production Stages" including carry-over devices and no-error level of practice. Uses one teaching device to review "SH" in isolation as well as one GLGSP in the language area.
Focuses on "CH" and "J" at Face C of the speech model through the GLGSP in classroom situations as the sounds arise incidentally in words. Shows the pupil working at the "Production Stage" of "CH" and the "Presentation Stage" of "J". Concludes the learning session, which began at Face A when the pupil started the in-depth work on "SH" as a single sound.
Works on the second nucleus word, "show", on Face A of the speech model through the "Production Stage". Shows evaluation and practice on all five nuclei words at the no-error level of practice at the "Production Stage" of Face A. Includes one GLGSP expanding language.
Presents the teacher collecting evidence of correct automatic production of all five nuclei words in general speech situations. Transfers skills learned on Face A to all words containing "SH" at Face B of the speech model. Follows the pupil as he progresses to Face C of the speech model, generalizing skills from Face A and B to analogous areas of speech, in this case the correct pronunciation of "ZH", "CH", and "J". Shows the pupil working at the "Presentation Stage" of Face C for "ZH" through the GLGSP.
Assesses the automatic and conscious production of a phrase. Depicts a teacher using the synthetic approach to begin a correction of the "whole" word, "welcome". Observes the child moving from "Presentation Stage" to "Imitation Stage" of Face A of the speech model. Examines the ability of the pupil to discriminate the difference in accent between her production (wel kum) and the correct accent (wel km). Shows the teacher using a discriminating activity, interweaving touch, vision, and auditory discrimination.
Continues synthetic practice of the "whole" word, "welcome", narrowing to analytic work on the second syllable (km). Shows the teacher shaping (km) toward correctness: weak form of the syllable, i.e., soft, short, nasal emission on (km). Then pupil works at the "Presentation and Imitation Stages" on Face A of the speech model.
Continues to practice, as well as working on the whole phrase incidentally. Evaluates the automatic production of the entire phrase. Includes five examples of use of the General Language: General Speech Pattern unrelated to specific work on (km).
Demonstrates the incorporation of the "part" (weak second syllable) back into the "whole", "Welcome." Depicts the teacher attempting to get proper intonation on the word through (a) shaping and (b) general practice. Presents an assessment of the automatic production of the phrase.
Examines carry-over practice involving habituation of the correct accent and intonation of the entire phrase. Demonstrates carry-over practice given through the General Language: General Speech Pattern by the teacher in the language lesson, by other teachers in a nursery school, and by parents at home. Concludes with a pupil automatically using the phrase correctly in a general situation.
Continues the shaping of the production of the element (km) to become weak. Depicts a pupil achieving a second approximation [making (km) very short], and later moving from High-Error to Low-Error to No-Error practice. Demonstrates the General Language: General Speech Pattern.
Illustrates how a third grade teacher utilizes the interests of her pupils to develop an arithmetic unit on money and banking. Shows how she introduces other fundamental skills into the unit on number work including language and social skills writing, and construction activities. Indicates that the conventional type of problems also has its place in unit work.
Describes how maps are made by picturing a class constructing a map from a model of the community. Shows the use of a legend and how a scale is derived in order that distance may be measured on the map. Illustrates the way a community can be located on county, state, and U.S. maps, and on a world globe.
Introduces the advantages of using media to enhance an oral presentation and displays a variety of media formats available. Illustrates the characteristics of different media, pointing out the optimum circumstances for their use. Includes charts, graphs, photographs, presentation boards, overhead and opaque projectors, slides, filmstrips, 16mm and 8mm films, television, videotape, and audio.
Uses animation to show the mechanism of meiosis, the chromosome halving cell division preceding the formation of sperm and egg cells and forming the basis of genetics.
Lists the postulates developed and used by Robert Koch to prove that a specific disease is caused by a specific microorganism. Presents some of the methods developed for protection against disease and against undesirable decomposition of foods. Through animation, explains how bacteria produce enzymes and toxic waste products which may cause disease and decomposition. Discusses immunity to disease, shows the industrial proparation of vaccines and antitoxins, indicates many of the diseases against which such products afford protection, refers to the use of antibiotics and sulfa drugs in the treatment of infection, and illustrates methods of controlling the spread of disease-causing microorganisms by such safeguards as water purification, milk pasteurization, and the use of ultra-violet radiation and chemical antiseptics
Over 5,000 miles of navigable waterways challenge man's ingenuity for construction of roadways in Louisiana. In the south, road builders have conquered the mire, building a highway across this watery wilderness by removing the "muck" and substituting a solid foundation of sand.
Seven to twelve-year-old filmmakers are the stars in this film record of the activities of a film club. Narration is entirely by children who comment on the pleasures and problems of filmmaking. They experiment with drawing directly on clear film and they use paper cutout puppets to animate a story.
Uses stained cells, animation, and time-lapse cinephotomicrography of living cells to compare mitosis and meiosis. Shows onion root tip, whitefish embryo, salamander epidermal, and living Tradescantia staminal hair cells photographed in time-lapse photography to present the details of mitosis. Portrays the basic features of meiosis by using lily anther cells and living sperm cells of a grasshopper photographed by time-lapse photography. Animation sequences give a side-by-side comparison of the two processes and show how mitosis, meiosis, and fertilization fit into the life cycle of common organisms.
Use of a horizontal core, a split pattern, chaplets, and chaplet supports; how to gate a mold for rapid pouring of a thin casting; and how to clean a casting.
Shows what a gated pattern is and why it is used, how a match or follow board can simplify making a parting, how facing sand is prepared and used, and how and why some patterns are rapped.
Shows how to identify and use common bench molder's tools; how molding sand is prepared; how to face a pattern; how to ram and vent a mold; how to roll a drag; how to cut a sprue, runner, gates and riser; how to swab, rap, and draw a pattern; and, by animation, what takes place inside a mold during pouring.
Shows the difference between bench and floor molding, how to face a deep pattern, ram a drag and walk it off, clamp a mold, locate sprues and risers, and tuck the crossbars of a large cope.
Shows how to use a deep follow board; the technique of facing, ramming, and venting a deep green sand core; how to use a cheek in a three-part flask; and the purpose and method of step-gating.
Compares a hungry, active rat with a satiated, inactive rat. The hungry animal learns to get food by pressing a bar, while the satiated animal goes to sleep. To demonstrate that failure to learn is due to lack of motivation, a mild electric shock is supplied and the satiated animal becomes active and learns to strike a lever which turns off the shock. Shows the animal also learning to rotate a wheel, bite a rubber tube, and strike another animal to avoid electric shock.
This film follows developments in music through human history supplemented by visuals of art and architecture of the period. Traces ancient civilization through to the 18th century with a heavy concentration on Europe.