- Date:
- 1962
- Summary:
- When Britain applied for membership in the Common Market, the move represented a dramatic change in Britain's traditional concept of world politics. This program explores the implications of this reversal, some of the problems attendant on British membership, and the reactions of some British leaders to the move. All six of the Common Market nations publicly welcomed the British application for membership. Negotiations began in 1961, with teams of experts seeking solutions to the problems the application raised. The major problem arose from Britain's imperial past. As the Empire evolved into the present Commonwealth, close and mutually beneficial trading patterns were established between Britain and the Commonwealth nations. The Imperial (or Commonwealth) Preference system permits member countries to sell their goods to Britain at either very low duties or without duties at all. Should Britain simply join the Common Market under present circumstances, she would have to apply the Common Market's external tariff to Commonwealth imports --a situation that would be displeasing to all parts of the Commonwealth. Another area of British concern is that of the economic future of Britain's EFTA partners. And from the British point of view, the political implications of Common Market membership raise another question. The member nations' sovereign power to make decisions, in certain instances, will be transferred to a supranational body. This loss of sovereignty, to some Britishers, presents a grave stumbling block.