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United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
Shows how the Extension Service of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture helped recruit and place young people from towns and cities on farms during World War II to combat farm labor shortage.
Presents an account of an actual air raid by the Bomber Command of the Royal Air Force. Aerial photographs disclose the objective to be raided. Then staff planning, routine preparations, and the tension of the evening take-off are shown. Follows a big Wellington bomber through its bombing of the target, engine trouble, the wounding of its wireless operator, and finally its report back to headquarters.
An educational film on eyesight which shows headaches, inefficiency in work and accidents to be results of defective vision. By animation and models, the mechanics of the eye are shown and the comparison between the eye and camera lens is drawn. Every movie maker should be interested in the diagram illustrating astigmatism and the film should be of value to schools in impressing the necessity of good vision.
A British production made as a fund raising appeal to American audiences to aid British children affected by the Blitz. The film depicts the hardships of life during wartime for children and discusses the relief efforts of the Save the Children Federation.
Begins with a short summary of American attitudes to the War in Europe and how the U.S. underestimated the militaristic tendencies of the Japanese. Argues that the Chinese have been fighting World War II longer than any other allied nation and should be considered one of America's chief allies. Describes America's effort to supply allied nations in the Pacific with war materials. The desperate need of the Chinese people is stressed. Scenes include the carrying of supplies over the Burma Road and the bombing of Chinese cities.
Shows how to operate the controls of a vertical turret lathe, set up tools in the main turret head, rough-face and rough-turn an aluminum casting, and drill the center hole.
Tells the story of a typical American family, and how they use Thanksgiving Day as the occasion to review the freedoms and privileges which they enjoy in their everyday living under the American way of life. Shows how they come to remember that they have much more to be thankful for than just the usual symbols associated with Thanksgiving Day.
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
This newsreel covers six subjects. "The Raiders of Timor": recounts how Australian troops were forced to hide in the mountains on the island of Timor when the Japanese military conquered the island. The Australians conducted asymmetrical warfare against the superior Japanese forces. Their time as guerrilla soldiers and their recovery from the Australian Army is retold through reenactments. "Army Salvage": shows how the Army is recycling obsolete munitions and tanks from museums and warehouses into new weaponry. "We Guard Britain's Books": records how the British were using microfilm to reformat their rare books to provide a back-up copy in case the original texts were destroyed through German bombing. The microfilms are shipped to America and stored in the Library of Congress where they are accessioned, inspected, cataloged, and stored on shelves. "Good News from the Fishing Front": depicts how Canadian fishermen are increasing their yield to aid with food shortages in the U.S. Shows the repairing of nets and the hauling in of a 500-ton catch of herring. "Battle in the Caucasus": uses combat footage to tell how the Soviet military defeated German forces in a battle in the mountains of the Caucasus region on November 19, 1942. "Thingummybob: A Factory Song From Australia": a woman sings a song accompanied by a military band for workers at a factory. The Song celebrates female workers who worked on the production line to make equipment for the war. The chorus goes "I'm the girl that makes the thing/ that drills the hole that holds the ring /that drives the rod that turns the knob/ that works the thingummybob."
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures
Newsreel contains stories about Veronica Lake getting her hair cut to promote worker safety, how absence from factory jobs can affect soldiers, how women going to war is affecting the care of children, British planes bomb Bremen, a sing-along version of the Army Air Corps song.