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Examines the importance of the Rocky Mountains to the development of the Western States. Shows the dependence of agriculture and industry upon the water resources from the mountains. Discusses the region's mineral wealth, the importance of the timber industry to the Western economy, and the attractions of Western national parks and cities.
Presents a fictionized story woven about episodes in the life of Robert Burns. Includes Burns's trip to Edinburgh to visit wealthy patrons and his ill-treatment at their hands. He recites to them "A Man's a Man for a' That." Returning to his native village, he stops the wedding of his sweetheart to another man.
Describes the organization structure of the Boy Scouts and how scouts move through the ranks, from starting as a Cub at age 9 to Rover at age 19. Emphasizes how the Boy Scouts of America provide constructive activities, give moral guidance, and cultivate desirable qualities in boys and young men, forming them into responsible and engaged citizens.
One in a series of twelve, one-reel films designed to present behind-the scenes activities of the motion picture industry. This film pictures a typical screen writer and analyzes his job. The task of the screen writer is to take a book or a story, strip it down to its elements, and put it together again so that characters move and live, so that the printed word is transformed into visual and audio patterns. To accomplish this task, he must know all about the technical aspects of picture making. | Content information imported from original IUCAT entry: "This is a behind the scenes look at the screenwiter. Made in cooperation with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences."
Continues the modeling from SCULPTURE: PART 3. Presents a review of the materials and work completed in the preceding programs. Explains the three general parts into which the head is divided. Shows the sculptor working on the eyes, chin, ears, and nose. Stresses the importance of good lighting on a work of sculpture. (KETC) Kinescope.
Indicates the importance of external and internal sensory receptors. Describes the general sense receptors of temperature, pressure, touch, and pain. Pictures the special senses of vision, hearing, taste, smell, and equilibrium.
Conversion of external stimuli (light, sound, odor, touch, and taste) into nerve impulses by one or more sensory receptors in the body is shown through animation. Explains how these receptors provide information about the state of the inner organs.
Illustrates several sequences from the life of the legendary Persian hero Bahram Gur using for illustrations Persian miniatures from the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the New York Public Library. Recounts the epic poem by the Persian poet Nizami as adapted by Theodore Bowie, professor of Fine Arts, Indiana University. Tells of Bahram Gur's birth, his exile from Persia when, as a child, his father saw in him a threat to his own rule, his retaking of the Persian throne following the death of his father, his voluntary facing of two tests to prove himself worthy to be king, and his proclamation. Follows the story of his courtship of Fitna and his prideful rejection of her because she failed to flatter him; his unhappy life with the seven wives he sought to replace Fitna; and of his and Fitna's final reconciliation and marriage.