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Presents a lesson at the "Imitation Stage" on duration, covering the "part" that will later be applied to a "whole" word or words. Depicts the shaping of the pupil's duration of vowels, using three levels of reinforcement.
Presents a lesson at the "Production Stage" on duration, an aspect of voice production. Depicts the pupil producing vowels of long or short duration on request. Points out how the knowledge and skill of the "part" learning of duration is then applied to the word "welcome." Demonstrates the use of verbal direction alone to help the pupil learn correct syllable duration in the word.
Discusses loudness as an aspect of voice production and how it refers to the relative strength of sounds. Emphasizes loudness as "part" learning which will be applied to a "whole" word or words. Shows an early lesson at the "Presentation Stage" of loudness, including a technique for handling inattention.
Presents a lesson at the "Imitation Stage" on loudness. Demonstrates how to help a pupil correctly imitate loud and soft vowels through the process of shaping only one ingredient at a time.
Demonstrates the production of vowels using requested loudness on first trials. Depicts the pupil applying her "part" learning, loudness, to get proper accent on the word "mama" through verbal request alone.
Presents a second lesson on pitch at the "Presentation Stage." Introduces hand signals used in association with extremes of pitch to help the pupil imitate extremes; these signals will be used later to cue her for correct pitch while she is talking.
Demonstrates the guiding of a pupil to consciously produce the desired pitch of vowels through reinforcement of his correct imitations. Depicts the teacher assessing the pupil's natural pitch for the vowels (ü), (ä), and (ē), in one case making the child conscious of his naturally high (ü).
Presents four lesson segments demonstrating advanced stages of pitch learning. Demonstrates, in the first segment, the production of vowels which move from low to high or high to low, and the production of combinations of loud, soft, high, and low-pitched vowels. Presents, in the second segment, the application of "part" learning of pitch to the correct general pitch by asking the pupil to lower his voice. Shows, in the final segment, the application of "part" learning of pitch to the intonation of the question, "Is it big?"
Discusses pitch as an aspect of voice production, and how it refers to the degree of highness or lowness of sound. Emphasizes pitch as a "part" which will be applied to "wholes." Presents a child's first lesson at the "Presentation Stage" of pitch, in which touch variations are introduced and explained.
Presents a pupil working at the "Imitation Stage" on pitch. Shows the pupil developing high vowels (ä) and (ē) from one naturally high vowel, (ü). Depicts a pupil being taught to sustain high vowels in moving in continuous voice from (ü) to (ä) and (ē).