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The unit of life –the cell: history of the concept; validity of the concept; variations of size, form and function; limitations of a cell; details of structure and function; special features of plant cells, nuclear control of cellular activity, particularly reproduction (mitosis)
Dr. Ray Koppelman discusses the nucleus of the cell, explaining it's structural makeup, its function, and the ways in which it gives directives to the rest of the cell to carry out growth and reproductive functions.
The plot focuses on a murderer whose increasing guilt leads him to believe he can hear his victim's heart still beating beneath the floorboards where he buried him. Seen through the eyes of the nameless narrator, the surrealistic images in the film help convey his descent into madness.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "The Tenderfoot" (season 1, episode 20), which first aired June 24th, 1953 on NBC-TV. 27-year-old Theodore Roosevelt, dejected by the near simultaneous deaths of his mother and his wife, and by political reversals, retires from public life in 1886 to his ranch in North Dakota. He is shaken from his lethargy when some of his property is stolen by outlaws. Undaunted by blizzard conditions, young Roosevelt leads his ranch hands in the pursuit and capture of the outlaws. This action restores Roosevelt's will to fight for law and order, characteristic of his later career.
Describes the Canadian effort in World War II including news footage of Churchill addressing the Canadian Parliament, the building of the Alaska-Canada Highway, and Canadian tank and aircraft production.
Traces the manufacture, distribution, and final sale of a toy truck; and illustrates how many people contribute to make the things that we enjoy. Shows Skipper's mother buying the toy truck for her son's birthday, and emphasizes the need for proper care of toys. Encourages children to tell stories about their own toys.
Teaching Film Custodians classroom film of excerpts from the 1962 Allied Artists release feature film, “Billy Budd”, based on the novella "Billy Budd Foretopman" written by Herman Melville. Billy Budd, pressed into service aboard a man-of-war in the Royal Navy in 1787, becomes an object of hatred for the master-at-arms, John Claggert. When unjustly accused by Claggert of being part of a planned mutiny, Billy strikes him, causing a fall which unintentionally kills him. Believing that Billy is innocent, Captain Vere and the officers face a moral dilemna due to Admiralty regulations, which demand a court martial to sentence to death by hanging the innocent seaman who was provoked to strike the villainous master-at-arms.
Points out the chief truck farming areas of the United States and gives a detailed picture of the activities on a truck farm in the Rio Grande Delta. Portrays the planting, irrigation, spraying, harvesting, packing, and shipping of truck farm crops. Emphasizes the results of using scientific methods in farming, and demonstrates the interdependence of the producer and the consumer. Second edition.
Teaching Film Custodians release which utilizes newsreel footage to present an overview of the administrations of President Harry S. Truman. Opens with scenes of the conclusion of World War II. Relates the selection of Truman as the running-mate of President Roosevelt and his subsequent succession to the Presidency. Touches upon salient news events of the Truman administrations, such as the development and use of the atomic bomb, labor strife and legislation, the 1948 election, the Truman Doctrine, the Berlin blockade, the organization of the United Nations and the Korean conflict.
Shows how one small Turkish village profits by the acquisition of a tractor imported through the Marshall Plan, and benefits from mechanical training provided young farmers as part of Turkey's recovery program.
This is the presentation of art at its best as one reviewer puts it. The BBC cameras follow a guide, Bernard Braden, as he tours Hartford House wherein is housed one of the world’s finest collections of art, the Wallace Collection, given to England by a wealthy, aristocratic family. As the guide passes among them, the works of the world’s greatest artists come to life.
Takes Leni Riefenstahl's footage from the Nuremberg speeches of the Nazi Leaders and superimposes English "translations" over a set of orations in English "in which Hitler, Goebbels, Göring, Streicher and Hess report their sins and mistakes as frankly as if they were victims of one of those notorious 'confession drugs'." (Documentary News Letter, March 1943, 195).
A documentary of the steam engine and the part it played in the westward expansion of the United States, from its earliest beginnings in 1831 when the John Bull was brought from England, to the last run of a mainline steam locomotive in 1960. Shows most of the historically important locomotives in action, and illustrates the development in design and increase in size and power over the years. Includes scenes of the race in 1831 between the Tom Thumb and a horse pulling a wagon, the Pioneer, the William Mason, and other famous engines and events of historic significance.
Presents the importance of farming and farm life in Indiana and shows how mechanized methods have improved products and brought better economic conditions to the farmers. Explains what the Farm Bureau Cooperative Association is and how it has helped the farmers. Uses views of the Indiana State Fair to indicate that the farmer is the center of focus there.
A group of fourth-grade children play Three Deep under their teacher's supervision. They demonstrate forming a double circle, running and chasing, and two variations of the original game.
An educational film on eyesight which shows headaches, inefficiency in work and accidents to be results of defective vision. By animation and models, the mechanics of the eye are shown and the comparison between the eye and camera lens is drawn. Every movie maker should be interested in the diagram illustrating astigmatism and the film should be of value to schools in impressing the necessity of good vision.
A skilled potter demonstrates the shaping of various pieces of pottery on a potter's wheel. Shows each step in making a bowl and special steps in completing a low, flat plate and a pitcher.
Shows the principle of centerless grinding; the basic elements of the centerless grinding machine; the basic principle of thrufeed grinding; how to set up the machine for an actual job (limited to mounting wheel, workrest, workblade, workguides, and diamonds); and how to true the grinding and regulating wheels.
Shows how to balance the grinding wheel; how to position the work for grinding; how to adjust the work guides; how to take the trial grind; how to eliminate taper in the workpiece; how to use a crown cam to dress the grinding wheel; and how to check the workpieces.
Presents methods of determining and keeping time and the uses of time. Traces the development, adoption, and designation of time zones and demonstrates the need for an International Date Line. Contrasts the use of Daylight Savings Time and Standard Time in the winter and summer. Portrays the role of the U.S. Naval Observatory in determining the time of day and the role of the National Bureau of Standards stations WWV and WWVH in disseminating time signals. Presents specialized uses of time in determining rate and frequency.
Presents by experimental means the dilation of time by using the radioactive decay of cosmic ray mu-mesons. The experiment shows how data are taken from the decay of mu-mesons at rest, mu-mesons which arrive on top of Mt. Washington, and the number that survive to reach sea level. From the results of these time distribution measures the conclusion is drawn that the mesons keep time at about one-ninth the rate they do when they are at rest.
Describes how any community can provide for academically talented students by using actual classroom scenes as examples of those communities exploring this new educational development. Shows how talent can be discovered through tests and counseling and encouraged by community awareness. Demands that schools must do more than identify motivate and counsel the talented students but must realign and adapt present methodology at all levels of instruction. Suggests that guidance from administrators is necessary to provide the necessary equipment and help in getting quality teaching. Closes with statement by Dr. Charles E. Bish, director of Academically Talented Pupil Project of the NEA, who outlines course suggestions.
A small boy retrieves a discarded trumpet and loses himself in a jazz fantasy of his own imagining. Musical background is a Duke Ellington composition interpreted by Jonah Jones. No narrative is used.
Shows opencast mining, sluicing, and bucket dredging in tin mines in the Malay States; tin as it is shipped to the United States; and the processes of making tin plate, tin cans for food containers; and various tin-base alloys.
Presents profiles of President William Henry Harrison and John Tyler with emphasis upon the presidential campaign of 1840. Uses maps, period illustrations, and photographs to highlight their childhood, education, pre-political activities, political growth, campaigning, and achievements in the White House.
Describes the experiences of two African American families when they try to rent an apartment in a middle-sized northern city: one family is repeatedly refused, but the other eventually finds an apartment.
Stresses today's need for foreign language instruction to help foster international cooperation and understanding. Learning of a foreign language by elementary school children by the oral-aural method, before learning to read or write the language is suggested as a valuable teaching technique. Television's contribution to a nonprofessionally trained language teacher in both the teachers' own preparation and the teaching of the class is cited. Specially made films with foreign language narrations can be used to give a link between a language and the culture from which is developed. Language laboratories are indicated as means for allowing students more practice in listening and speaking the language than do conventional techniques.
Pictures Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego to illustrate how centers of commerce develop. Shows how the existence of surrounding farmland, forests, and mineral resources give rise to industrial activity, the creation of jobs, and the building of a city and trading center.
An instructor and a group of high school boys and girls demonstrate the basic fundamentals of trampolining, showing in detail the landing positions, aerial positions, front and back flips, and combinations of these fundamentals which lead to a variety of stunts for the advancing student.
Dr. Koppelman discusses probability in genetics, referring to Mendel's findings on the subject. He compares what happens on the average versus what happens every time.
Shows how to check the transmission gear shift mechanism; how to inspect the drive shaft and the differential; how to check differential backlash; and how to test the running condition of the transmission, drive shaft, and differential.
Describes the handling and processing of waste from the time it is discarded into separate garbage cans to the point where it is used in new and repaired goods. Shows the collection, separation grading, preparation for melting, and distribution of refuse to centers according to its usefulness. Depicts the repair of discarded toys and the feeding of hogs and surveys the activities of the department of sanitation.
Shows the actual excavation of pre-Columbian sculpture at Veracruz, Mexico, by a National Geographic Society-Smithsonian Institution expedition. Emphasizes the discovery of the largest deposit of jade ever found.
Shows the overall story of lumbering in the Pacific Northwest from the falling of trees to the production of lumber, paper, venier, and plywood. Surveying by aerial photography is described. Transportation of logs from forest to mill, sorting at the mill, sawing, salvage of waste materials, and production of newsprint are shown with emphasis on timber conservation.
Depicts the trial of the top 21 Nazis charged with crimes against the peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Uses American and Russian films to document this 11-month trial.
Pictures the technique of plain and trick roping as it can be taught to children in schools and to patients in need of rehabilitative exercise. Includes a demonstration of a simple way to make a rope for roping.
This gun safety film takes a humorous approach to demonstrate how some gun owners endanger others while handling a firearm. If a bad practice exists while handling a firearm then Harry is certain to exhibit it.
Describes the complexity of transportation by relating the problem to the furnishings of a child's room; and illustrates the variety of trucks and trains that man has devised.
Demonstrates the proper procedure for checking a vacuum tube for shorts and cathode emission by using a tube tester. Also mentions exceptions to normal procedures for special types of tubes.
Discusses causes of the spread of tuberculosis in the United States and stresses the need for community action in combatting the disease. Dramatizes the case history of a young woman patient, showing how infection takes place and how poor health habits weaken the body and permit the disease to develop. Shows the work of a mobile X-ray unit. Includes animated sequeces.
Shows how to mount on a special fixture for machining an irregularly shaped casting which cannot be held in a chuck; how to mount and center the fixture on a lathe; and how to grind tools for the machining of brass.
The development of Tennessee Valley Authority, describing the benefits to the people. Includes conditions before TVA and various changes that TVA brought.
Shows the different kinds of nails and screws and their uses. Tells how to determine the size of nails, and how to drive them properly by using various techniques. Describes the hammer and screwdriver, and shows proper ways of handling them. Illustrates the principal parts of screws by diagram, and demonstrates various ways to make their use more effective.
This NBC film shows how a community organization in New York City has helped to diffuse a violent atmosphere. It also demonstrates consumer (tenant) protection by the use of legal-aid and rent strikes.
This stunning Pan Am Airlines travelogue of Paris and France was directed by Harry L. Coleman, and features images of the "City of Lights" from the late 1950s. These include standard tourist fare such as the Notre Dame Cathedral, Eiffel Tower, Versailles, The Louvre, Arch of Triumph, Seine River, Montmartre, etc. to images of everyday life in the bustling city -- with its cars, motorbikes and bicycles -- the bird market of Sacre Couer, and the Paris flea market. A visit to rural areas beyond Paris includes Brittany, the winemaking regions, Champagne, Mont Blanc and the French Alps.