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Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Demonstrates the three basic considerations in controlled photographic lighting--placement of lights, quality of light, and lighting ratio. Uses a mannequin as a model to show the functions of main, fill, background, and accent lights in addition to the effects achieved when the lights are moved to different angles. Generalizes this studio set-up to apply to lighting in television, outdoor pictures, and when using flashbulbs. The effects of diffuse floodlights and spots are illustrated, and the changes produced by varying the lighting ratio is seen.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
A dramatization which compares responsible drinking with alcohol abuse. Intermixed with scenes from a party, a male and female participant each present facts about alcohol consumption and its effect on physical and mental functioning. Contrasts the view of a person who advocates abstinence with the opinions of a drinker who rationalizes his heavy drinking. Some of the facts presented reveal the relationship between the number of drinks consumed and blood-alcohol levels, the effects on the individual at each level, and tips about how to moderate drinking and behave responsibly if one is consuming alcohol.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Explains the process of editing motion picture footage in double system synchronous sound motion picture production. Follows, through use of flashbacks, the step-by-step sequences from the use of a clapstick to establish synchronization cues during shooting; the use of this visual-auditory signal to re-establish synchronization for each "take" during editing; means of permanently marking these head synchronization points; to the usefulness of the gang synchronizer and means of establishing internal synchronization points. Animation is employed to illustrate maintenance of synchronization in cutting from one take to another and means of elimination of unwanted sound in the sound track.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Presents an overview of Indiana's system of state parks by first locating them on a map, then presenting glimpses of the specific scenic attractions and recreational facilities at each park. Parks viewed are Dunes, Bass Lake, Tippecanoe, Kankakee, the Shades, Turkey Run, Pokagon, Mounds, Whitewater, Versailles, Muscatatuk, Clifty Falls, Scales Lake, Lincoln, Spring Mill, Shakamak, McCormick's Creek, Cataract Lake, and Brown County.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
An Indiana University student shows a prospective student's parents the campus and explains the counseling system. Includes academic and extracurricular activities, the extension centers, and many buildings on the campus.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Features Fela Sowande of Nigeria, a leading African musicologist, composer, and organist, along with other Nigerian musicians demonstrating how contempory African music has mingled traditional African and Western idioms to create new forms. Explains that African music places a greater stress on melody rather than rhythm. The music, therefore, more closely resembles African dialects where the meaning is expressed by tonal inflection. Summarizes from this that the talking drum can be either a musical function or transmitter of messages.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Explains how seemingly minor ideas can improve wartime production. Encourages workers to provide resourceful suggestions that, if tested and approved, can be circulated to factories around the country.
Uses animation, live photography, cinephotomicrography, and time-lapse photography to illustrate and explain the characteristics of living plants and animals. Shows the hydra, paramecium, and algae to illustrate reproduction and the basic similarity of cell structure. Indicates the functional specialization of cells in living forms and briefly reviews man's study of their nature through observation and experimentation.
Shows a skilled ceramist applying designs on several ceramic pieces prior to final firing. He uses the clay itself, a comb, a piece of burlap, or clay stamps to create textured designs. Other decoration methods illustrated include colored glazes, clay slip, "Mishima," sgraffito, and wax resist. Shows samples of representative pieces after decoration and firing.
Shows the external anatomy of a living crayfish and using a freshly anesthetized specimen points out its internal anatomy by systems. Presents its hard exoskeleton, body divisions, and the jointed nature of its appendages. The exoskeleton is removed from an anesthetized crayfish showing its beating heart and abdominal muscles. Blood circulation is traced and specific structures involved are identified. The reproductive systems of male and female crayfish are shown and the paths of sperm and eggs are traced. The path of food through the digestive system is discussed as the function of each organ involved is explained. The green glands and excretory system are pointed out along with the brain and nervous system.
Develops basic concepts of electrical distribution, both cross-country and within the home. Complete distribution system is explained, with demonstrations of "line loss" and the use of fuses for overload protection. Reviews parallel and series circuitry. Summarizes, using questions.
Presents the proper methods for dissection of the frog in order to observe its anatomy. Indicates the structures which can be observed by opening the mouth. Depicts proper incisions to make in order to lay skin and muscle layers aside and how to tie off the abdominal vein before cutting it. The location and structure of the digestive system are examined. The urinary system is identified along with the reproductive systems in both the male and female frogs. The heart and circulatory systems are pictured; and muscles tendons, and nerves of the hind legs are shown. The top of the skull is removed and the brain and other parts of the nervous system are shown.
Contains aerial photography, animation, and charts to show methods used by Indianapolis to effect slum clearance. Pictures city officials as they cite the need for rebuilding slum areas and tells of the founding in 1945 of the Indianapolis Redevelopment Commission outlining plans for future development as well as picturing results of past achievements. Points out the cooperative efforts of Flanner House as residents are assisted in the building of new homes, summarizes the accomplishments of the Commission, and views future plans for slum clearance.
Shows the importance of corn as an economic commodity. Illustrates the nature of the corn belt of the United States by utilizing sixty-one widely scattered locations. Emphasizes the role of corn as a food crop for early pioneers and as a factor in the "Westward Movement." Develops the interrelationships between corn farming, railroads, villages, and cities. Explains how farm mechanization, the development of hybrid seeds, and fertilizers have increased production with the resulting rise in the farmers' standard of living.
Tells the story of the changes that have taken place in the Southern states where cotton was, or still is being, grown. Pictures seventy-one locations to illustrate the cotton belt's geographic area and use of the land. Describes the growth of cotton as a money crop, but explains how farmers have begun to concentrate on other crops. Factors showing the industrialization and urbanization of the cotton belt emphasizes that although mechanized cotton growing is still a major agricultural activity, it is no longer king.
Presents the story of a goldfish from spawning until the goldfish is sold to a child. Begins at the world's largest goldfish hatchery. Introduces the main character, Goldey, developing inside a goldfish egg and follows his growth. Shows the goldfish's appearance, size, natural habitat, food, and adjustment to a home aquarium environment. Provides story-telling material through a dream sequence involving Goldey and Silvey, a silver fantail.
Indicates the importance of external and internal sensory receptors. Describes the general sense receptors of temperature, pressure, touch, and pain. Pictures the special senses of vision, hearing, taste, smell, and equilibrium.
"Offers revealing insights into the re-structuring of health services in London and elsewhere in Britain following the outbreak of WWII ... The film is broadly divided into three parts. The opening sequence looks at the advances made so far in the battle against sickness and disease, brought about through slum clearance, preventative and curative medicine and research. The middle section describes the re-organisation of existing services in preparation for air raid casualties, with the redeployment of city centre hospitals for emergency services and first aid, and the movement of convalescent, maternity and evacuation hospitals further out into the country. The final section uses pictures of happy, healthy children running free in the English countryside to remind cinema audiences of what Britain is fighting for."--British Film Institute website.
Jay Bonafield, Larry O'Reilly, Phil Reisman, Jr., Dwight Weist, Richard Hanser, Herman Fuchs
Shows the organization of the The New York Times and the vast interrelationship of the numerous departments. Then illustrates the methods for giving up-to-the-minute news, and stresses the need for a free press.
Made as a warning to the English people, this film re-enacts, in a Welsh mining town, the events that took place in the Czechoslovakian mining town of Lidice, which resisted the Nazis in subversive ways and was eventually wiped out. Jennings gives a romantic portrait of town life which is interrupted by the arrival of the Nazis who remain anonymous enemies.
Joseph Moray, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, John M. Davidson, Richard Gilbert, Arthur M. Kaye, Shirley Tebbe, Francesca Greene, Peter Smith, Carole Eickhoff, Davidson Films
Delineates interesting facets of the development of our decimal system. Compares the additive, subtractive, multiplicative, and positional notation aspects of the Chinese, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Hindu-Arabic systems. Uses models to explain concepts which lead to greater understanding of base 10 systems.
This film traces the historical development of our present decimal system--the Hindu-Arabic system of numeration. The meaning and importance of base ten, place value, grouping, numerals, and expanded notation are carefully described.
This film "outlines the role that industry is playing in our war effort. Production of munitions and the operation of the payroll withdrawal plan for War Bonds are among the subjects treated." (Free Film Reviews, Movie Makers, January, 1943, 34.) Includes footage from a number of International Harvester factories and how the company's workers save money from their paycheck to help the war effort through a company-wide payroll savings plan.
"Produced in cooperation with the Institute of Pacific Relations, this film answers such vital questions as: How large in the Japanese Empire? Is Japan self-sufficient in food? What is Japan's naval and military strength? What are the living standards of the Japanese people? What are Japan's vital weaknesses? How can Japan be defeated?"--War Films Bulletin of the Extension Division Indiana University, February, 1943.
Describes a geometric circle and defines and illustrates such terms as radius, congruent circles, chord, diameter, major and minor arcs, semicircles, and central angle. Shows the relationship between a central angle and its arc; presents methods for proving arcs equal in degrees and length; and describes the relationships of a diameter, a chord, and its intersected arcs.
Marcel Duchamp's only film is an example of "graphic cinema." It wittingly demonstrates the intertwining of the visual and verbal responses to viewing a film. The title itself- "anemic" is an anagram of "cinema." Disks of spirals which create optical illusions alternate with disks containing elaborately obscene puns. Duchamp condenses the whole range of sexual elements involving emergence and penetration of a plane surface into a model association between the illusions of gyrating cones and the allusions to breasts, genitals and defecation. --WorldCat
A social issue film directed at the problems of public health and malnutrition among rural southern tenant-farming communities. The film points directly to exploitative practices of the tobacco industry and reliance on tobacco growing as a cash crop in these communities as the cause of an ongoing cycle of poverty and poor public health. "Here is tobacco land: land of lost hope, land of broken promises, land of broken lives" states the narrator. Urging farmers to turn away from this single crop system in order to improve their own lives and those of the community, they suggest "the remedy is so close at hand - in the land itself." Farmers raising their own food, it is suggested, will lead to better health; community agents will provide guidance in raising food, gaining income from selling farm produce, education for children, and home economics programs. The concluding message to these communities is to "Eat well and be well. Learn about it, read about it, talk about it."
Presents two films. Welcome soldier! outlines the various government plans created to help Canadian World War II veterans return to civilian life in the workplace and at home. In the companion film, John Buckley, the labour representative on the Ontario Social Security and Rehabilitation Committee, chairs a discussion among service men and women on the difficulties faced by veterans returning to the work force.
Comprised of three short films by Walton Films, "The Reign of King George VI," "Elizabeth - Our Queen," and "Trooping the Colour Ceremony," and one film by Peak Film Productions, "London," about England's Royal Family and London (in order of appearance):
The Reign of King George VI - “A tribute to His late Majesty, including his Coronation, war-time shots with his troops, post-war years, and the last tragic pictures taken at London Airport on January 31st, 1952. The Lying-in-State and Royal Funeral.” - Walton Films 1958 Film Catalogue
Elizabeth - Our Queen - “A fine film portrait of our gracious Sovereign, showing her wedding in Westminster Abbey, a family gathering when Princess Anne was christened, and other events leading to her accession.” - Walton Films 1958 Film Catalogue
London (K68, Reel 1) - “Piccadilly; Eros; Night Signs; Oxford Street; Park Lane; Hyde Park Corner. United States Embassy; Roosevelt Memorial.” - Peak Film Catalogue 1954
Trooping the Colour Ceremony - “The historic ceremony as the Guards honour the Queen’s Official Birthday. Magnificent close-ups of Her Majesty at Buckingham Palace and Horse Guards Parade." - Walton Films 1958 Film Catalogue
"Canada's place in the strategy of Pacific warfare is the subject of this wartime film. Convoys, carrying the sinews of war, steam out from her ports, while along her western coast lookouts and patrol boats keep constant vigil. The close cooperation between the United States and Canada in the Pacific is illustrated."--NFB website.
States "food is a weapon of war," showing that women must learn to use the less desirable cuts of beef during wartime rationing. "A wartime film showing conservation needs and food planning in regard to wisely chosen cuts of meat. Various cooking methods are demonstrated to help housewives plan meals economically. By planning and cooking well, the wartime housewife helped to solve the problems of rationing during a national food emergency" (National Film Board of Canada catalog record
National Film Board of Canada, Crawley Films Limited
A Canadian film production addressed to U.S. audiences, showing the industrial and commercial cooperation between the two nations as it occurs throughout the Great Lakes. "The Great Lakes are shown as a great industrial region with an immense amount of diversified cargo flowing along the shipping routes that lie between Canada and the United States. It is the shipping theme that links together short sequences on the industrial life of the Great Lakes: steel production, pulp manufacture, ship-building, grain storage, and the workings of the huge locks of one of the most vital canal systems in the world" (National Film Board of Canada catalog record
New York Zoological Society, National Film Board of Canada
In their routes of migration, birds "mock the man-made lines by which nations separate themselves," as the narrator states in this film intended to foster goodwill between the nations of the Americas. Two boys, Richie in the North and Ricardo in the South, both feel ownership of the barn swallows that reside in their respective homes at opposite ends of migratory routes. Aerial photography follows Canada geese migrating from northern Quebec to the Chesapeake Bay. Technically advanced high speed photography reveals the beating wings of the ruby-throated hummingbird. The bird banding and migratory data-collecting work of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is explained. Animated maps of the hemisphere illustrate some of the long-distance bird migration patterns between North and South America.
Describes the Canadian effort in World War II including news footage of Churchill addressing the Canadian Parliament, the building of the Alaska-Canada Highway, and Canadian tank and aircraft production.
Office of War Information, Bureau of Motion Pictures, The War Activities Committee of the Motion Picture Industry
Shows how Pennsylvania Dutch communities of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania solved farming problems caused by the war. Emphasizes that the population is largely of German ancestry. Extra physical effort and cooperative farming compensate for shortages of manpower and machinery. Shows farmers doing farm chores, such as milking, feeding, and picking corn without the labor of young men gone to war. A cooperative meets and discusses sharing of scarce farm machinery after church. Contains scenes of farm life in the homes of several farmers. Profile of farmer Moses Zimmerman shows how increased production is being achieved with less farm labor, families are adopting to food rationing.
Laurence Olivier's reading of passages from Milton, William Blake, Robert Browning, Rudyard Kipling and Abraham Lincoln accompany scenes of daily life in wartime Britain. The texts selected emphasize national identity and heritage, patriotism, and the justness of the Allied cause.
Takes Leni Riefenstahl's footage from the Nüremberg speeches of the Nazi Leaders and superimposes English "translations" over a set of orations in English "in which Hitler, Goebbels, Göering, Streicher and Hess report their sins and mistakes as frankly as if they were victims of one of those notorious 'confession drugs'." (Documentary News Letter, March 1943, 195).
Pathescope, Charles J. Vierck, Charles D. Cooper, Paul E. Machovina, Ralph S. Paffenbarger, Hollie W. Shupe
Designed to be used with an engineering drawing text. Describes the relationship between the making of a drawing and various production operations in shop and factory. Then shows representative operations in the pattern shop, the foundry, the forge shop, the machine shop, and the assembly shop which depend upon the drawing.
Phillip Stapp, Tony Kraler, Nathan Sobel, International Film Foundation
By means of animated lines, figures, and scenes, film illustrates through everyday happenings how "a line may be many things" and "a line is only an idea." Makes a plea for tolerance and a breaking down of all types of barriers between people.
A plea to eliminate the arbitrary boundary lines which divide people from each other. Presented in stylized animation.
Explains what war gas is, how it is used by the enemy, and how simple household items, such as bicarbonate of soda and bleaching solution, may be used to prevent casualties.
Dramatization showing how Navy photographers and photographic interpreters provided the intelligence necessary to launch a strike against a Japanese airfield in the Solomon Islands. Ends with a statement by Commander R.S. Quackenbush, Jr. urging viewers to purchase war bonds.
McRobbie-Gair Family Home Movies: Film consists mainly of European travelogue sequences from Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Switzerland, and Luxembourg, with some shorter family sequences on a beach and possibly a backyard. Specific locations and sites include the Broelbrug bridge and towers, and Saint Martin’s Church in Kortrijk, Belgium, as well as shots of Saint-Josse-ten-Noode in Brussels, Belgium. Shots in Germany include a riverboat sequence on the Rhine and a riverboat labeled “Elberfeld,” and the New Town Hall at Marienplatz in Munich. A wonderful snowball fight sequence takes place in Austria, according to the title card. Shots in Italy are from Cortina, Venice, and Capri, with historic sites including Saint Mark’s Basilica and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. In France there are shots of Notre Dame and the Equestrian statue of Maréchal Ferdinand Foch in Paris. Shots of an unknown port include US and Royal Navy ships. Family footage includes a beach day and more backyard footage. Footage consists of a combination of color and black and white film stock with title cards inserted for new locations or sites.
Traces early development of the camera: how first efforts of March in France, Muybridge in U.S. came about as a result of movements of animals and humans. How subsequent development by Lumiere and Edison brought about the modern motion picture camera and projector.
Relates the history of man's effort to photograph and reproduce living movement. Includes the first scientific study of movement, involving 24 cameras stationed at intervals along a horse's path, Thomas Edison's work, and Lumiere's commercial projector for large audiences.
Glimpses at the origin of the motion picture, the contribution of Muybridge, Edison, and Lumiere, and fragments of the screen's first "epics." | Glimpses at the origin of the motion picture, the contribution of Muybridge, Edison, and Lumiere, and fragments of the screen's first "epics."
Uses found footage and animated diagrams to discuss the production, distribution, and consumption of food; the pre-war problems of overproduction and the anomaly of glutted markets and hungry people; the control exercised over production and distribution during World War II, with special attention to the food supply in Britain and America; and to offer a picture of what might be done in the post-war period.
A machine tool operator is made a group leader and his plant superintendent explains to him, through dramatized illustrations, the meaning of working with people instead of machines.
Follows the Young family in the process of becoming naturalized Canadians. Discusses the opportunities they may expect in a country which is important as a producer of grain, iron ore, uranium, aluminum, wood pulp, and lumber. Emphasizes the growing eminence Canada may gain as the population increase begins to approach the productive potential.
Shows how the average local health department helps to control the spread of communicable diseases and maintain America's high standard of living by protecting water and food supplies from contamination, by enforcing rigid standards of cleanliness, by insuring proper disposal of refuse, by making laboratory tests, and by supplying immunizing agents to physicians and hospitals. Explains that agencies devoted to tuberculosis and polio prevention, community hospitals, the Red Cross, and the family physicians all work together to maintain high standards of health. Educational Consultants, Harold S. Diehl, Anita D. Laton.
A supervisor asks an employee for work-improvement suggestions; the employee talks the problem over with his father and sister, obtains their advice, and makes some worthwhile suggestions.
Surveys the geography and people of India. Includes the topography; the effects of the monsoon winds and the other climatic factors; India's ancient cultural heritage; the village life and primitive farm economy of India; the religious beliefs of the three main groups: the Hindus, the Muslims and the Sikhs; typical cities such as Kanpui, an industrial city, Benares, a religious city, and New Delhi, the capital; and Mahatma Gandhi and his influence. Ends by pointing out some of the problems of the Indian nation.
An Indiana University student shows a prospective student's parents the campus and explains the counseling system. Includes academic and extracurricular activities, the extension centers, and many buildings on the Bloomington campus.
Shows that, although India is a land of villages and peasants, she ranks among the great industrial powers. Points out that the traditional handicrafts and the new industries are both essential to India's development and the well-being of her people.
Uses live-action photography and animation to survey alpha, beta, and gamma radiation and their characteristics; the instruments used to measure these types of radiation; and the principles basic to the operation of the instruments. All radiation is divided into two broad areas, electromagnetic and corpuscular. Ionization caused by radiation is explained, and the principles governing the operation and use of instruments using ionization to detect radiation are discussed. These instruments include gold leaf electroscopes, ionization chambers, Geiger counters, and cloud chambers. The construction and operation of scintillation counters are examined.
Discusses the individuality of artistic techniques. Follows Reginald Pollack as he attempts to find creative inspiration in nature. Shows the benefits of studying other artists' work.
Dramatized cases of five different workers, unsatisfactory in particular jobs, who are reassigned to other jobs more suitable to their abilities and capacities.
A plant supervisor talks to his son, who has built a boat in the basement too large to go through the door, about planning a job in advance; and recounts several illustrative experiences at the plant.
Pictures and describes the regional campuses of Indiana University, pointing out their function and relationship to the University as a whole. Shows activities at the campuses, both inside the classroom and out. Emphasizes the educational opportunities offered the citizens of Indiana through the regional campuses.
Demonstrates with the Wheat Farmer an approved procedure for teaching with motion pictures. A seventh-grade social studies group studying how the world is fed discusses interests and problems which indicate that a motion picture would help; the teacher prepares the lesson by previewing the film and studying its handbook; immediately before screening, purposes or seeing the film are clarified; the film is shown; and pupils discuss questions previously outlined and plan further studies on the basis of what they have seen in the film.
Sergei M. Eisenstein, William F. Kruse, Egon Mauthner
Documentary film by Sergei M. Eisenstein, famous Russian movie producer, about the Zapotec Village in Mexico. Made by special arrangement with Upton Sinclair, American author and politician.
A Hollywood short aiding the war effort, emphasizing the need for preparedness and conservation of materials, i.e. rubber, metal, shellac. An American soldier writes home from Bataan, and while his family reads the letter, the soldier's ghostly apparition interjects statistics about food and equipment shortages.
Starring Lt. James Stewart, this WWII recruitment film shows jobs, training and education provided to men between the ages of 18 and 26 who enlist in the U.S. Army Air Forces.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television episode, "The Great Gamble" (season 3, episode 1), which first aired October 12th, 1954 on ABC-TV. Presents the work of Cyrus W. Field in organizing and directing the project to establish a system of rapid communications between Europe and America by means of the Trans Atlantic Cable, and his courageous perseverance to succeed in spite of several unsuccessful attempts.
Tennessee Valley Authority, National Defense Advisory Committee
Narration introduces this report as "the story of the development of the Tennessee River," showing ongoing construction of major public works projects conducted under the Tennessee Valley Authority, including dams and hydroelectric plants. Touts the harnessing of waterpower to generate electricity for industry and farmers. Lists the improvements to quality of life in the region brought by electricity, including home amenities, pumped water for irrigation, and community refrigeration for food storage. Emphasizes the development of fertilizer manufacturing, as well as munitions and aluminum for defense industries. Includes footage of Wilson dam, Norris dam, Wheeler dam, Pickwick Landing dam, Guntersville dam, Chickamauga dam, and Watts Bar dam and generating station.
This short nonfiction film depicts the intensive testing that goes into developing and producing aircraft propellers. It opens with the whirring or propeller blades. Animated diagrams show how the bite of the propeller moves it through the air and how the pitch determines the size of the bite. A trip through an airplane factory shows the manufacture of a satisfactory alloy. The rest of the process is painstaking hand work interspersed with dozens of careful inspections. The operation of the variable pitch mechanism and its use in taking off and cruising is shown. Then the propeller is assembled the complete job is tested for balance.
Reports on the capture of Munda and Rendova in the Solomon Islands. The role of medical instruments and supplies as a kind of weapon in these battles is emphasized, as well as their primary role in the battle against death by wound and infection. Shows the "heroes" at home who donate blood plasma and prepare medical supplies for the front lines. "The camera record of the opening attack against Rendova and Munda, the Japanese counterattack, and the magnificent job done in evacuating American wounded and saving their lives. In these front-line scenes is vividly shown how medical supplies from America meant the difference between life and death of our fighters" (September 1945 Supplement to Indiana University Extension Division Visual Aids Catalog of October 1943, 44).
The Signal Corps : produced by ; Combat film units of Army Airforces, United States Navy
Third issue of the Film Communique series. Composed of five short segments:
Hitting the Beach features the LST tank landing craft, shows the unloading of supplies on a captured beachhead. Concludes with footage of LST under attack by enemy bombers.
Dog Fight shows U.S. P-47 fighter planes accompanying bombing runs over Europe. Preparation and takeoff from British airfields, footage captured by wing-mounted cameras of dogfight with German aircraft.
Sunday Morning a religious service given on a tropical beach on Guadalcanal Island, without commentary.
Casey Jones Goes G.I. Depicts the destruction of Axis railroad trains, stations and road beds. Explains that occupying Allied forces must repair the railroads for their own use. Recognizes the role of Army railroad men, depicting the assembly of a steam locomotive that had been shipped to Europe in pieces.
Hitting The Silk Shows General MacArthur preparing for the invasion of Lei Island by paratroops. Details preparation of large invasion force, footage of parachuting over Japanese-held island. Narration concludes: "one of these days they'll be landing in a field just outside Tokyo."
The Signal Corps : produced by, Combat film units of Army Airforces, United States Navy
Second issue of the Film Communique series. Includes two short segments:
A Day With the A-36's Follows through a day with the A-36 a lightweight attack bomber - adapted from the P-51 Mustang. Shows glimpses of the ground life of the men who service and fly the planes. Footage shot from plane-mounted cameras on a bombing mission against Nazi targets in Sicily.
Report From Berlin Excerpts of a captured German newsreel, showing Nazi rallies and government ceremonies. Reports on war industry exceeding production goals, with scenes from factories, shipyards and munitions production. Narrated commentary presents the film to U.S. war workers in order that they see the face and production capabilities of the enemy, spoken English translation follows German newsreel narration.
The Signal Corps : produced by, Combat film units of Marines, Army Airforces, United States Navy
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. Comprised of four short segments:
Has Anybody Seen Kelly? Reports on the return of decorated war hero Chuck Kelly to his home in Pittsburgh. Follows Chuck around his neighborhood, visiting with old acquaintances and giving his account of the war, narration concludes "two years of war changed Kelly, two years of war changed Pittsburgh."
Task Force 58 tells of the secret naval task force sent to attack Saipan. Combat footage of the naval fleet attacked by Japanese fighter planes states that 428 enemy planes were shot down in a single day.
Treasure Hunt depicts salvage operations going on behind front lines in Italy, showing the reclamation of any material that can be restored or reused, the repairing of uniforms and equipment.
Quiet Cities shows the bombed cities of Normandy, France, quiet after fighting has ended - then returning to combat footage of the battles at the same sites, using gun sight camera footage and images of captured and surrendering German soldiers.
The Signal Corps : produced by, Combat film units of Marines, Army Airforces, United States Navy
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. Composed of three short segments:
Aerial Techniques details the U.S. bombing of Japanese targets in Hansa Bay, Wewak and Rabaul. Explains the parachute fragmentation or "ParaFrag" bombing techniques used. Footage of fighter-plane combat in the Pacific theater taken from gun sight aiming point cameras (titled GSAP cameras). Narration gives tallies of Japanese planes, ships and soldiers destroyed.
Roll of Honor praises the work of an African-American unit, the "men of Munda," using heavy machinery to repair an airfield at Point Munda in the Solomon Islands.
Fifth Army shows General Mark Clark leading the Fifth Army advance from Salerno, Italy, across the Volturno River, toward Rome.
The Signal Corps : produced by, Combat film units of Marines, Army Airforces, United States Navy
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. Comprised of six short segments:
This Isn't War … It's Murder! Reports on the island conquering campaigns in the Pacific theater, using combat footage to illustrate the contributions of "the silent partners in this combined operation" - those of the industrial workforce at home.
General Mud gives an account of the struggle against severely muddy conditions in Italy; shows the necessity to construct new roads before armies can advance.
Grasshopper profiles the super-lightweight reconnaissance airplanes used to direct artillery fire to enemy targets. The narrator states "they're the controlling might that gives precision for our war weapons equal to the precision with which our workers forge them at home, they're the grasshoppers that make the American eagle free."
Yankee Rope Trick profiles the resourcefulness of American soldiers in the successful rescue of a grounded transport ship.
Pipes Of War shows the construction of oil pipelines across Italy to bring fuel from tanker ships to the front lines quickly and efficiently. Documents the vast consumption of fuel to keep the invasion of Europe advancing.
Stella tells the story of an American bomber that lost 3 of its 4 engines on its mission but still managed to limp back to England. After the bomber has undergone complete repair, commentary states "every month 500 other battle damaged planes like Stella climb back into the air."
Thomas F. Barton, Daisy M. Jones, Roger Niemeyer, James W. Taylor, Indiana University Audio-Visual Center
Compares two dairy farms--one in Southeastern Wisconsin and the other in Central New York State. Shows the land use and cultural practices which reflect adaptation to such elements of the physical environment as topography, soil, precipitation, temperature, and length of growing season. Describes such man-made conditions that influence the marketing of milk as the proximity of farms to urban areas, sanitation requirements, and transportation and refrigeration facilities.
Asserts that although World War II is over, Americans still have responsibility for their government and veterans of the war. Features appearances by President Harry S. Truman, Secretary of the Treasury Fred M. Vinson, and Ted R. Gamble, national director of the War Finance Division.
United Productions of America, Howard T. Batchelder
Through animation, the film compares and contrasts the "assembly line" kind of educational process with one that is tailored to meet young people's needs. Shows how in the former little or no consideration is given to individual needs, whereas in the latter a decentralized educational system can fit the curriculum to local community setups.
United States Government Office of War Information, War Activities Committee of the Motion Picture Industry, Army Service Forces, Signal Corps Photographic Center, Western Division, Monogram Pictures Corp., PRC Pictures, Inc.
A short informational film asking "what benefits should the U.S. seek for the aid they have given to our allies?" Gives an account of how the Lend-Lease program of mutual aid between allied nations works for the benefit of all. Points out that the settlement of Lend-Lease ought to lay the foundation for prosperity after World War II, narration states "world peace and world trade are the bulwarks of freedom."
United States Information Agency, United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
Begins with a brief geography lesson to orient North American viewers to the size and climate of Chile. Scenes of indigenous shepherding in desert villages are followed by a visit to the Christmas celebration of the Virgin of Andecollo. Scenes at a giant open-pit copper mine at Chuquicamata show the extraction process from blasting ore to refining. Narration states that the Atacama holds the world's largest source of nitrate; a history of this lucrative industry is summarized. The mineral riches of the region go to market at the sea ports of Tocapilla and Antofagasta. The wealth from Chile's natural resources are shown accruing in the prosperous, modern cities of Valparaiso and Santiago.
United States Information Agency, United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
The value of Brazilian quartz to the allied war effort is shown as narration proclaims "two-way radio is the one really new instrument in the armory of warfare." Explains the value of quartz in radio communication, showing how a wafer of its crystal makes possible the simultaneous broadcasting of many stations without overlapping. The film emphasizes the necessity for international cooperation in the war effort. Shows quartz mining in Brazil: pictures the hard manual labor involved in mining Brazilian quartz, the inspection, the exportation of most of it to the United States, and the laboratory cutting of it to fit the complex instruments of World War II. Personages: President Roosevelt, Brazilian President Vargas, Joseph Stalin, General Marshall, and Madame Chiang Kai-shek (see U.S. National Archives and Records Administration catalog record
Traces the historical development of the camera, discussing the reasons for subsequent changes from the original camera obscura of 1553. Demonstrates finally that every camera, whatever its make, consists essentially of camera body, lens, shutter, and film.
United States Navy, Bureau of Aeronautics, United States Navy, Division of Personnel Supervision and Management
U.S. Navy training film intended to improve dictation technique through humorous demonstration of common faults. After a series of vignettes where inept and ineffective styles of dictation to a stenographer are dramatized, a model businessman demonstrates a well prepared and organized method of dictating letters. The demonstration includes detailed instruction in the use of Dictaphone and Ediphone cylinder recording machines.
United States Navy, Division of Personnel Supervision and Management, United States Navy Bureau of Aeronautics, Atlas Educational Film Company
U.S. Navy training film intended to instruct managers how to maintain workplace discipline effectively. Dramatic scenarios contrast ineffective managerial styles with better approaches. Stresses the importance of disciplining a worker properly and giving orders clearly. Shows the results obtained in an office where emphasis is placed on gaining the workers' confidence. Narration states that "we are engaged in a war in which time is a weapon." Women clerical workers are shown gossiping until their boss enters the room, as the narrator points out that "hours are wasted in every day of the year" in many workplaces. The film shows that the remedy for this waste is to maintain discipline, and recommends that "a good supervisor steers a course between harshness and leniency."
United States War Department, Army Pictorial Service of the Signal Corps
Short announcement promoting the 6th War Loan by urging viewers to buy War Bonds. Shows the importance for War workers to keep on the job: a man receives a letter from his recently wounded brother on the front lines, who has undergone an amputation. As he reads the letter, his carefree girlfriend telephones from a nightclub attempting to persuade him to take the night off from his wartime civilian job.
Shows how the Army Air Forces during World War II flew wounded men from Pacific battle areas to hospitals and home towns in the United States. Uses a mix of actuality footage and fictional reenactments to follow a soldier from being wounded in action, cared for by medics on the battlefield, undergoing surgery in a mobile hospital near the front lines, recuperating in Guam, being shipped back to the United States, and convalescing in hospital near the soldier's home town.
United States. Army Air Forces. First Motion Picture Unit
This film outlines the convalescent training program for hospitalized U.S. airmen in World War II. It is designed to acquaint the convalescent with the program in which he will take part. Patients are shown in their beds, doing light calisthenics in the wards, exercising specific muscles using specially designed equipment, exercising and playing games out-of-doors, and engaging in hobbies and crafts. Other aspects of the program involve convalescents sharing wartime experiences with their fellow patients, teaching them new material and new skills, brushing up on their old skills acquired on duty, taking courses, and even earning degrees. The program also includes updates and discussions on the war, watching duty-related films, and engaging in purely social activities. The circulation and blood supply to various parts of the body are shown in animation.
United States. Army Air Forces. Motion Picture Unit, 1st
The story of the twelve weeks of discipline, concentrated study and hard work leading to graduation from the Officers' Candidate School of the U.S. Army Air Forces and the rank of second lieutenant.
Explains why large quantities of war materials, in particular steel, are needed for the war effort. Shows the sea battle and beachhead landing of the Normandy invasion.
"Includes a report from Britain showing the RAF and the 8th Air Force on a hedgehopping bomber flight over France and Germany, and the 5th Air Force report from New Guinea." ("News and Notes," Educational Screen, June, 1944, 266.) Shows a film clip claiming to be an "Official German Newsreel," with footage of American planes that have been shot down and have crashed onto German soil. Shows how Germans salvage metal from these American aircraft to use for their own war effort and explains that each crashed plane is indicative of loss of soldiers' lives.
Shows to the men and women of American industry the vital importance to the war effort of all the little parts that they are making. Discusses the importance of ball bearings to the Nazi war effort and the Allied strategy of crippling the bearings industry. Shows the planning and intelligence gathering that led to the bombing of ball bearing factories in Schweinfurt.