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Dr. McGinnis and his six students in marriage counseling, discuss various counseling techniques used by the doctor in an initial interview with a young married couple.
Documentary on modern applications of atomic energy. Explains, using cartoons, the chain reaction and heat production resulting from the fission of the atom. Shows the use of this energy in agriculture, industry and medicine. Compares the state of research in this area in the United States, the USSR, Germany, India, Japan, Canada and other countries.
Traces the career of John Glenn, first U.S. astronaut, from his school days in New Concord, Ohio, to his speech to the U.S. Congress after his orbital flight. Pictures Glenn as a typical, but highly successful, American boy. Interviews many people in his town who speak well of him and follows his career in the armed forces. Shows preparations for the space flight, the blast off, Glenn in flight, the return from orbit, the parades, and the appearance before Congress.
United States. Department of Interior. Division of Motion Pictures
Recounts the history of land ownership by small farmers in the U.S. Free land for farmers gradually disappeared as the west was settled through the 19th century, resulting in the necessity for farmers to buy land with mortgages. Describes the creation of the 1916 Federal Farm Loan Act and regional land bank systems to enable tenant farmers to become landowners. "Shows how the cooperative mortgage credit system works in the everyday lives of John and Mary Farmer, who are typical of the 600,000 members of national farm loan associations now using their own credit system to achieve the goal of owning debt-free farms" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 21).
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television episode, "The Last Will of Daniel Webster" (season 2, episode 8), which first aired November 14th, 1953 on ABC-TV. The film is a re-enactment of Webster's political career, as it influenced and was influenced by the slavery issue from 1830 until his death in 1852. It presents his relationships with Senators William Seward and Henry Clay and provides a basis for assessing his motivation in supporting Clay's Compromise of 1850. The film begins with an 1830 meeting between Webster, the presidential hopeful, and a newspaper publisher who offers support if Webster compromises in order to unite factions; Webster refuses. The film later presents Webster's conflicting stands on slavery before, after, and as communicated in, his controversial speech of March 7, 1850 that supported Senator Clay's compromise bill.
Uses the General Assembly of Indiana to portray a state legislature in action as it passes a bill through the various steps to become a law. Includes animated sequences to chart the steps in the process and shows the roles played by the House and Senate chambers, the committees, the Legislative Bureau, the Attorney General, the lobbyists, and the Governor in creating the laws of the state.
United States War Department, Army Pictorial Service of the Signal Corps
Short announcement promoting the 6th War Loan by urging viewers to buy War Bonds. Shows the importance for War workers to keep on the job: a man receives a letter from his recently wounded brother on the front lines, who has undergone an amputation. As he reads the letter, his carefree girlfriend telephones from a nightclub attempting to persuade him to take the night off from his wartime civilian job.
Presents a cartoon movie of Soglow's Little King. On Christmas Eve, the Little King sneaks two tramps into the castle. The next morning, the three men are thrilled by the presents Santa left behind.
Discusses and illustrates the size, shape, composition, and organization of a living cell, and, with the use of a model and a simplified drawing, shows the different parts. Points out a few of the differences between a plant and an animal cell. (KUHT) Film.
Portrays the life of the Eskimos living in northeastern Canada, whose lives have been only slightly touched by civilization with emphasis on the technique and meaning in their stones sculptures. Describes a typical Eskimo family of this region; indicates their dependence on sea animals; and relates a number of the myths found in Eskimo culture. Carvings, made by the men during the long nights of winter, depict personalities from the myths and things from the Eskimos' world. Eskimos' summer tent and winter snow houses, a seal hunt, the festivities associated with a boy's first seal kill, and traditional dances and recreational activities are all surveyed.
An account of a New England family's 78-day trip in an ox cart from Massachusetts to Illinois, their day-by-day progress and hardships endured. Animated map sequences show the route followed. Folk songs are included for background.
Presents two excerpts from Maxim Gorki's play The Lower Depths, as played by the Moscow Art Theater. One scene shows a group of social outcasts telling stories of former wealth and grandeur and an actor soliloquizing on "What is Man?" The second scene, taking place at a drinking party, shows the group's reaction to the actor's suicide.
Surveys the natural resources of Washington and Oregon, which are shown to depend upon the water supply, which in turn depends on lumbering and forestry management. Two boys from a conservation club observe many steps in the reforestation process and various phases of lumbering and the manufacture of wood products.
Presents the home life and work of lumbermen in Oregon. Shows how the men work together felling trees, measuring logs, transporting logs by truck, train, raft, and ship, and storing and sorting in mill ponds. Shows logging crews at work.
States "food is a weapon of war," showing that women must learn to use the less desirable cuts of beef during wartime rationing. "A wartime film showing conservation needs and food planning in regard to wisely chosen cuts of meat. Various cooking methods are demonstrated to help housewives plan meals economically. By planning and cooking well, the wartime housewife helped to solve the problems of rationing during a national food emergency" (National Film Board of Canada catalog record
Shows how abundantly the needs and wants of the American people are met through a business system of free choice.
Ross M. Robertson, Indiana University | Shows how abundantly the needs and wants of the American people are met through a business system of free choice. | Shows how abundantly the needs and wants of the American people are met through a business system of free choice.