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Introductory scenes show the techniques used for mounting bats and recording the circulation in their wings. A view of the general distribution of the vascular components is followed by more detailed views of flow behavior in the various vessels, examples of lymphatic action, and the flow across the capillary bed.
Detailed reactions of the minute vessels and the blood which modify the flow through these regions are demonstrated by high magnification of a bat's wing. The form and behavior of the platelets within the circulation are shown before and after a mild injury.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Explains how seemingly minor ideas can improve wartime production. Encourages workers to provide resourceful suggestions that, if tested and approved, can be circulated to factories around the country.
All 33 of the Herald Tribune High School Forum Delegates discuss what they have accomplished at the forum and express their opinions--positive and negative--about the U.S. Includes the singing of native songs. (WOR-TV) Kinescope.
Pictures a northern English farm around haymaking time, stressing the interdependence of city and country life. Vegetables and milk go to the city markets and wool goes to the factories. From the city the farmers get manufactured products. As a World War II service, the townsfolk are shown forming voluntary land clubs to help the farmers with their work.
United States. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Ralph E. Gray, A.C.L. : photographed and produced by
A colorful travelogue of modern, urban life in Mexico City. "Shows scenes typical of modern Mexico, such as the tall buildings and wide boulevards of Mexico City. The canal leading to Xochimilco, with its fruit- and flower-laden boats, is pictured. Then describes a festival held in honor of the Vice President of the United States, Henry Wallace, when he visited Mexico City. It includes a bullfight and a parade of Mexican beauties. Ends with a pageant of old and new Mexican dances" (War Films Bulletin of the Extension Division Indiana University, February, 1943, 19)
United States. Office of Education. Division of Visual Aids, United States. Federal Security Agency, Caravel Films, Inc.
Dramatizing a variety of poor workplace supervision practices, the film points out their flaws and suggests better approaches. Narration states "employees new in industry need special attention" and points out tactful approaches for supervisors to use in training. "Dramatized incidents illustrating good and poor methods of supervision, including the necessity for obtaining the confidence of workers and the dangers of 'snoopervising'" (U.S. Government Films, U.S. Office of Education, 1954, 184).
Shows the function of the physical training program of the Army Air Forces during World War II. Starts by celebrating the exploits of Army Air Force war heroes. The main story is a fictional story about two American fighter pilots who are forced to parachute from disabled planes. The uninjured man brings his wounded comrade through water and knee-deep marshlands to safety. The excellent physical condition of both men is presented as largely responsible for their survival. Includes footage of Army Air Force soldiers engaging in physical exercise.
United States. Office of Education, United States. Federal Security Agency, United States Office of War Information, Overseas Branch, United Films
Actress Ingrid Bergman gives an overview of the history of Swedes and Swedish culture in the U.S., presented as a reply to letters from her countrymen asking the question "why do Swedes get along so well in America?" A visit to the American Swedish Museum in Philadelphia occasions discussion of Swedes in the colonial era and prominent Swedes in the 19th century. Bergman travels to Minneapolis, "the center of Swedish culture," and tours Linstrom, Minnesota. Carl Sandburg is featured briefly before an overview of the Cooperative movement, started by Swedish Americans and widely adopted in agriculture and government.
Students from the Hinsdale South High School, Clarendon Hills, Illinois, and New Trier East High School, Winnetka, Illinois are shown in swimming contests and in demonstrations on techniques and rules applications. Covered are the backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, starting, relays, and diving. The roles of the finish judges and timers are also shown.
Tennessee Valley Authority, National Defense Advisory Committee
Narration introduces this report as "the story of the development of the Tennessee River," showing ongoing construction of major public works projects conducted under the Tennessee Valley Authority, including dams and hydroelectric plants. Touts the harnessing of waterpower to generate electricity for industry and farmers. Lists the improvements to quality of life in the region brought by electricity, including home amenities, pumped water for irrigation, and community refrigeration for food storage. Emphasizes the development of fertilizer manufacturing, as well as munitions and aluminum for defense industries. Includes footage of Wilson dam, Norris dam, Wheeler dam, Pickwick Landing dam, Guntersville dam, Chickamauga dam, and Watts Bar dam and generating station.
United States Navy, Bureau of Aeronautics, United States Navy, Division of Personnel Supervision and Management
U.S. Navy training film intended to improve dictation technique through humorous demonstration of common faults. After a series of vignettes where inept and ineffective styles of dictation to a stenographer are dramatized, a model businessman demonstrates a well prepared and organized method of dictating letters. The demonstration includes detailed instruction in the use of Dictaphone and Ediphone cylinder recording machines.
Teaches the square dance figure "Take a Little Peek," with synchronous music and action. Presents live and animated demonstrations of the dance at regular speed and in slow motion, and explains the positions of partners, how to honor corners and partners, and how the steps are performed to facilitate the continuity of the dance. Pictures groups dancing the figure to regular square dance music in a natural situation.
Scenes of Frank Lloyd Wright's home near Phoenix, Ariz., illustrating his basic principle that buildings should blend with their natural surroundings. This home is built of boulders and redwood trusses that support canvas-covered roof flaps.
Presents ballad singers singing three authentic American folk songs: "Strawberry Roan," "Grey Goose," and "John Henry." The background for the singers is a farmhouse kitchenyard after the noonday meal.
Shows the use of tape recorders in teaching situations and presents some of the different models of recorders indicating their controls, various speeds, and purposes. Gives a demonstration of several microphone placements and offers suggestions for the improvement of recorded sound quality. Explains how to edit tapes by splicing and suggests many uses for tape recorders such as in language instruction, music groups, and conferences.
"The story of the Lancaster airplane, the first large bomber built in Canada. Shown are the workers involved in its construction, and the crew who ferried it overseas, as well as the combat crew who took it on its first flight over Berlin."--National Film Board of Canada website.
"The story of the Lancaster airplane, the first large bomber built in Canada. Shown are the workers involved in its construction, and the crew who ferried it overseas, as well as the combat crew who took it on its first flight over Berlin."--National Film Board of Canada website.
Presents an account of an actual air raid by the Bomber Command of the Royal Air Force. Aerial photographs disclose the objective to be raided. Then staff planning, routine preparations, and the tension of the evening take-off are shown. Follows a big Wellington bomber through its bombing of the target, engine trouble, the wounding of its wireless operator, and finally its report back to headquarters.
"This film is an illustrated narrative of the method of preparing any home for a "black-out". It illustrates the vital importance to every family of knowing what to do and just how to do it. No details are omitted and the instructions are clear and well illustrated. Preparation of a shelter room is described and illustrated."--Frank Frankowiak, "Analysis and Evaluation of 16mm Motion Pictures Library Available at Indiana State Teachers College" (thesis), June, 1948, 109.
Seeks a point of view on the United States tariff policy through interviews with a subject expert and three opinion representatives. Explains popular misconceptions of the tariff problem and fundamental facts involved in this policy issue. Presents arguments for high tariff rates and protectionism for American industry as well as arguments for a liberalized tariff program designed to establish freer world trade. Discusses the alternative compromise of controlling American trade barriers on a selective basis so as to protect industries especially vulnerable to foreign competition. (T.W. Wilson Associates) Film.
Shows the physical therapist how to teach the bed patient reconditioning exercises; how to teach the patient to walk in a walker; how to teach the various methods of crutch walking--two point, four point, and swinging; how to teach the patient to sit, rise, and climb stairs; and the safety factors involved in crutch walking.
Presents in detail step-by-step techniques used in gravimetric analysis and the preparation and use of both the Gooch crucible filter and regular filter paper in this type of chemical analysis. Part I gives an overview of the operation in determining the chloride concentration in a silver chloride sample. Shows in detail the weighing of the sample, dissolution, precipitation, filtration, drying, and weighing of precipitate.
Shows the preparation of both the Gooch crucible filter and regular paper filters. Indicates the advantages and disadvantages of the Gooch crucible. Pictures its preparation, Gooch filtering techniques, cleaning of the crucible, and the common problems associated with its use and suggested remedial measures. Presents a detailed picture of the use of the paper filter in this type of analysis from preparation to burning off paper from the filtrate.
Discusses and demonstrates both undesirable and desirable pre-camera or rehearsal procedures from the director's point of view. Traces the development of a program from its inception to camera time. Features Alan Beaumont.
Presents the essentials of story telling techniques through observation of two experienced story tellers and the development of the skill in a young librarian. An observation of a skilled story presentation by an experienced person is followed by a young librarian who fails to capture the children's attention due to improper preparation for story telling. Through careful guidance and rehearsals the young librarian is later successful in capturing the children's interest. Integration of art and music with folk and fairy tales is also indicated.
Demonstrates the administration of the revised Stanford-Binet intelligence test and the calculation of the I.Q. Gives a brief explanation of principles, and shows the administration of form L to a 5-year old child. Close-ups show the actual use of the testing material. Explains scoring standards and calculation of the I.Q.
Demonstrates through slow motion and natural photography the positions and movements of the "Texas Star." Opens with a group of eight dancers performing the introduction to the dance. Shows each pair of dancers, identified by a number, demonstrating the different parts of the dance and how each step flows smoothly into the next. Concludes with the performance of the dance to a record.
Documents the principal works of ancient statuary which constituted the core of the exhibition, The Arts of Thailand, which came to the United States in the form of a traveling exhibition in 1960. Presents the transformation of the Buddha image from the representation of a revered teacher to that of a supreme deity. Makes the point that one cannot understand Thailand today if one fails to see how faithfully the psychology of a nation is mirrored in its depiction of the Buddha throughout the centuries.
Recreates the 1929 boom and '30's depression with special attention to the factors which led to the depression. Details government regulations designed to end the depression and help prevent future ones. This film is based on three texts: "America: Its History and People" by Faulkner and Kepner. "The Challenge of Democracy" by Blaich and Baumgartner. "Economics For Our Times" by Augustus H. Smith.
Part 1: Emphasizes the Allied Nations victory over the Axis Powers. Highlights the surrender of Japan and points out political and economic repercussions after World War 11. Pictures the War Crimes Trials, the forming of the United Nations, and the emergence of the U.S. and Russia as the two dominant powers. Part II: Breakup of the Grand Alliance, explores the reasons for the breakup of the Grand Alliance between the U.S. and Russia. Explains some of the factors contributing to the widening gap between the U.S. and Russia and leading to the Cold War.
ERPI Classroom Films, Inc., Encyclopaedia Britannica
Traces the history of mapmaking and representation of the globe on two-dimensional surfaces. Considers early problems of distortion in map projection, and reviews the projections of Mercator, Mollweide, and Goode. Uses animation to emphasize the concept of present-day map-making as influenced by the development of modern air transportation and the subsequent shrinkage in time-distance values. Narrator states "the airplane forces us to think of world travel and transportation in terms of great circle routes." These routes run independently of land and water and mark the shortest distance between points on the surface of the earth. The film shows that advances in human culture and technology transform our mapmaking and conception of space and distance.
Shows many phases of the work at a large municipal airport, including the buildings, the radio room, the reservation desk, the preparation of the plane, the take-off, and the control of private planes.
Guests: Denis W. Brogan, professor of political science at Cambridge University, England; Harlan Cleveland, Dean of the Maxwell Graduate School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, and senior author of "The Overseas Americans;" Santha Rama Rau, Indian author; Saville Davis, managing editor, The Christian Science Monitor.
In this program, Mrs. Roosevelt and her guests will examine the reasons why America is disliked in some parts of the world and what we can do about it. They will discuss American tourists, diplomats and business men in overseas activities; also the role American movies play in shaping our image abroad.
Part three in the "Artists at Work" series, this film spotlights three east coast painters, working in their studios.
Jack Tworkov, born in Poland in 1900, and a teacher for 15 years, was recently appointed head of Yale University Art School. Painting in his studios in New York and Provincetown, Cape Cod, he is shown embarking on his largest painting yet, talking about the painter's attitude toward the empty canvas.
Hans Hofmann, born in Germany in 1880, has taught for nearly 50 years, opening his school in Provincetown in 1934. Considered the dean of abstract expressionism, and initially inspired by cubist work, he talks about his paintings as based on color.
Milton Avery, born in upstate New York in 1893 and raised in Connecticut, now paints in Manhattan, with inspiration and sketches done along the coast. The narrator references three paintings made in Provincetown, and addresses Avery's work as lyrical, with paint flat and thin, and shapes wich are bold and interlocked.
"This film illustrates the difference between World War II and the war of 1914, emphasizing the importance of mechanization, and contrasting the mobile tactics with the immobility of trench warfare. The scientific approach, both to problems of military strategy and to new weapons, is all-important. The film shows some of the work done by Canadian scientists to make these weapons as effective as possible."--National Film Board of Canada description.
Shows activities of the beaver in its natural environment. Illustrates ways in which the beaver's teeth, feet, and tail help him in swimming, eating, felling trees, and repairing a broken dam. Reveals the unique construction of a beaver house, and stresses the importance of the animal as an agent of conservation and as a valuable fur bearer.
Teaching Film Custodians classroom film of excerpts from the 1950 20th Century-Fox feature film, "The Big Lift". Incorporating newsreel and Air Force film footage, this film illustrates the results of the post WWII Berlin blockade by the Russians in 1948. The organization and operation of the Allied Airlift to bring food, fuel, clothing, and medicines to the city is highlighted. The effectiveness of the Airlift in forcing the Russians to abandon the blockade in 1949 is examined.
The biology of the past; the aims, methods and instrumentation of modern biology, and its pertinence to man; the biology of the future in terms of some of its problems.
No longer wanted by their masters, a donkey, dog, cat, and rooster set out for Bremen to become musicians. They prove clever enough to outwit some robbers.
An in-service business management film demonstrating the problems which develop when a supervisor fails to properly channel the initiative of a new worker thus creating resistance to new ideas.
Shows the telephone center and the bedside telephone service in a U.S. Army hospital. Discusses the beneficial effects on the soldiers of receiving telephone calls from home and advises families at home how to handle these important calls.