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Shows types of reamers; how to check the size of reamers; and how to ream straight holes with straight-fluted helical-fluted, and adjustable-blade reamers.
Shows how to check, recondition, and repair the cutter and adjust the knife clips and bar mechanism; how to remove and replace worn sections in the sickle and sharpen the sickle section; how to repair, sharpen, replace, and straighten the guard unit, replace wearing plates, and adjust the cutter bar to the proper lead; and how to adjust the sickle for register.
Pictures and describes the regional campuses of Indiana University, pointing out their function and relationship to the University as a whole. Shows activities at the campuses, both inside the classroom and out. Emphasizes the educational opportunities offered the citizens of Indiana through the regional campuses.
Shows how pigeons are taught abnormal behavior patterns by means of selective reinforcement of response and how the removal of the reinforcement causes the gradual extinguishing of the learned response. Derives from the experiments basic principles about learned behavior which are applicable in the training of children.
Shows how behavior that is reinforced does get learned while non-reinforced behavior is extinguished.
World War II film showing the horror of the Pacific war with extensive coverage of the care and treatment of the wounded. Created in support of the 7th War Loan drive, the film encourages the general public to purchase war bonds to aid the recovery of wounded servicemen.
United States. Office of War Information. Domestic Branch. Bureau of Motion Pictures.
Tells of the energy, the courage, and the efforts of the Russians behind the front lines in World War II. Shows the holding and striking power of Russia.
Tells of the energy, the courage, and the efforts of the Russians behind the front lines in World War II. Shows the holding and striking power of Russia.
Shows how to check a repulsion-induction motor for electrical and mechanical faults; how to dismantle a repulsion-induction motor; how to clean and plug the commutator; how to turn the commutator; how to remove a damaged sleeve bearing; how to ream to size and install a new sleeve bearing; how to remove a damaged coil and wind and insulate a new coil; and how to assemble and lubricate a repulsion-induction motor.
Presents and demonstrates the value of three ways to rest: sleep, relaxation, and change. Relates rest, exercise, and food to good health and pictures a boy, his sister, and his dog observing the rules to achieve good health.
Bronowski examines the dilemmas and challenges posed by the scientific advancements of this century. He briefly discusses Einstein and his effect upon the scientific community and himself. He discusses the emphasis upon biology since the dropping of the atomic bomb.
An elementary school orchestra, rehearsing for a school program, is having some difficulty in keeping the rhythm. The teacher illustrates familiar kinds of steady beat with a stethoscope, pulse rate, a clock, and a metronome. The drummer illustrates accented beats, and members of the orchestra play tunes in each rhythm. The rhythm of the piece they were practicing becomes clear, and the rehearsal proceeds.
Shows Guatemala's natural resources, crops, and other products. Includes the cultivation of coffee, bananas, corn, pepper, cinchona for quinine, and plants for rotenone. Includes a short Spanish lesson.
Follows a troop train, a freight train, and a truck rushing to deliver men and supplies to a ship convoy in 1943. Explains the reasons for transportation delays and the shortage of goods in wartime. This film was intended to promote understanding and support of the war effort despite inconveniences on the home front.
A Teaching Film Custodians classroom film of excerpts from the 1944 Paramount Pictures feature film, "The Hitler Gang". This film traces the rise of Hitler and the growth of the Nazi movement in Germany. Shows the techniques of intimidation and mass psychology used on the German public, and briefly refers to the aggressions by Germany on neighboring countries. The film begins shortly after the Armistice in 1918, when Hitler, a corporal in the German Army, informs his commanding officer of a threatened revolt of the men in his barracks.
Compares the Columbia, Colorado, and Sacramento-San Joaquin river systems to show what man has done to utilize each to his advantage. Illustrates the adaptation of the rivers to diverse uses--as avenues of commerce, for logging and fishing, for electrical power, and water.
Using dramatized events and newsreels, this film shows the organizing done during World War II to ship war supplies to the military. Shows the work of the Army Transportation Corps in providing ship convoys, as well as the work done by supply depots.
The seventh in a series of a film about the Americas, this film shows the water, rail, motor, and air transportation routes of Latin America, tracing their development from early Spanish exploration to the 1940's.
Rockhunting in central Oregon. Opportunities available for pursuit of this hobby. Cutting, polishing and finishing rocks by the lapidary. Examples of finished jewelry and rock collections.
Illustrates and explains the use of role playing in analyzing problems of human relationships. Shows a mothers' club and a group at the 1947 National Training Laboratory in Group Development as they enact simple incidents involving various techniques of role playing.
Uses the voice of a young girl, killed in the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, to narrate a tour through the ruins of Pompeii as she relives her past experiences and hears again the sounds which echoed through the city's streets. Shows the uncovered ruins of the bakery, the wine shop, gardens, temples, homes of the rich and the poor, the theatre, and the gladiatorial arena. Briefly mentions the girl's love for a young boy of Christian faith and the resultant conflict with her pagan religion.
Dramatized incidents including a discussion between a disgruntled son and his parents over the boy's plans for a college education are used in explaining that discussion brings information to the individual, leads to a broader and richer life, and expedites cooperative achievement.
Shows how to operate the controls of a vertical turret lathe, set up tools in the main turret head, rough-face and rough-turn an aluminum casting, and drill the center hole.
Shows how to plan the installation of the circuit run, switch run, and wall receptacle run; how to determine the location of required runs; how to install an offset bar hanger and ceiling outlet box; how to rough-in a circuit run, using nonmetallic sheathed cable; and how to make up connections for switches, receptacles, and fixtures.
Comprised of three short films by Walton Films, "The Reign of King George VI," "Elizabeth - Our Queen," and "Trooping the Colour Ceremony," and one film by Peak Film Productions, "London," about England's Royal Family and London (in order of appearance):
The Reign of King George VI - “A tribute to His late Majesty, including his Coronation, war-time shots with his troops, post-war years, and the last tragic pictures taken at London Airport on January 31st, 1952. The Lying-in-State and Royal Funeral.” - Walton Films 1958 Film Catalogue
Elizabeth - Our Queen - “A fine film portrait of our gracious Sovereign, showing her wedding in Westminster Abbey, a family gathering when Princess Anne was christened, and other events leading to her accession.” - Walton Films 1958 Film Catalogue
London (K68, Reel 1) - “Piccadilly; Eros; Night Signs; Oxford Street; Park Lane; Hyde Park Corner. United States Embassy; Roosevelt Memorial.” - Peak Film Catalogue 1954
Trooping the Colour Ceremony - “The historic ceremony as the Guards honour the Queen’s Official Birthday. Magnificent close-ups of Her Majesty at Buckingham Palace and Horse Guards Parade." - Walton Films 1958 Film Catalogue
Shows visits to the homes of two Caucasian families who adopted children of Negro and mixed parentage, in which their hopes and problems are discussed.
Through illustrations, shows high school and college students learning the use of various safety devices, rules, and procedures. Each illustration points out that the student should follow the directions given, should use the tools of chemistry properly, and should consult with the instructor when in doubt.
Features silent footage of Indiana University's "Marching Hundred" band, with Daniel L. Martino, director, and Charles F. Keen, assistant director, who are featured in a brief close-up. Includes quoted accolades from the band's founding in 1900 through 1948, including several from John Philip Sousa. Follows the men on a bus trip to the University of Illinois and showcases several halftime programs.
A message from Donald M. Nelson, chairman of the War Production Board, urging Americans to save metals, rubber, and greases for the World War II effort.
Studies the progress of Sao Paulo and the factors that have contributed toward the phenomenal growth in population of this second-largest Brazilian city. Presents a cross section of modern South America with its busy industry, its growing commerce, its beauty of art and architecture, and its up-to-date trends in education.
United States. Department of Agriculture, United States. Office of Information. Motion Picture Service, Wilding Picture Productions : produced by
Shows methods of winter storage for produce grown in wartime Victory gardens. Provides demonstrations of how to achieve necessary temperature and moisture conditions for storing various vegetables by using attic space, construction of a storage room in the cellar, sunken barrels and insulated earthen mounds. "In the opening scene we find Mother and Father, Judy and Jimmy deep in the study of seed catalogs, preparatory to planting their victory garden. The picture passes quickly to the happy harvest time when Mother wonders what they will do with all the surplus vegetables. Father decides to store them. The film then demonstrates the best method of storing onions, beans, peas, apples, beets, carrots, salsify, squash, pumpkins, potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, parsnips, and cabbage" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 47). As this family exemplifies the industrious spirit of Victory gardening, narration states "in pantry and store room, in pit and mound, they have tangible proof of their husbandry."
Shows how to select and lay out stock to avoid waste; how to reverse curves to contour lines; how to use the table tilting gage; how to saw a bevel reverse curve; how to prepare a template for a newel post; and how to saw a newel post having reverse curves.
Shows how to drill the saw starting hole; how to make the saw selection; how to set up a band saw machine; how to weld saw bands; how to saw an internal contour shape; and how to remove and store a band saw.
Uses regular photography and animation to present the physical characteristics, the people, and the natural resources of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Follows the activities of two men--John Bergesen, farmer and first officer of the freighter Arcturus, and Olaf Thorson, a typical industrial worker of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Reading about Bill's activities in the yearbook, his sister decides to join all his cubs, in order to have as much fun in high school as he did. Bill explains that he had reasons for joining those clubs, not only to make friends, but to help him in his studies, to learn or improve skills, and to learn how to get along with other people. He convinces his sister that she should join activities which interest her. | Reading about Bill's activities in the yearbook, his sister decides to join all his cubs, in order to have as much fun in high school as he did. Bill explains that he had reasons for joining those clubs, not only to make friends, but to help him in his studies, to learn or improve skills, and to learn how to get along with other people. He convinces his sister that she should join activities which interest her.
Presents a 1948 report on the School Camp experiment authorized by the Board of Education of the City of New York and conducted in cooperation with Life Camps, Inc. Shows numerous examples of children enjoying a variety of camping experiences. Stresses the importance of the children's interactions with each other and with nature.
Shows how surface plates are used to check the flatness of surfaces, types of scrapers, how to remove high spots, and how to determine when a surface is scraped flat.
Shows how surface plates are used to check the flatness of surfaces, types of scrapers, how to remove high spots, and how to determine when a surface is scraped flat.
Describes and discusses the materials and tools used in modeling a portrait bust from clay. Shows the steps in applying clay to the armature. Illustrates how the sculptor proceeds to develop essential characteristics of the model's head. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the modeling begun in Sculpture I. Brings the portrait bust to life-size proportions by adding more clay to the armature. begins work on some of the details of form ending with a general likeness of the model. (KETC) Kinescope.
Mose demonstrates the placement of features and the locating and working out of the especially prominent jaw muscles of the model. He explains the use of the death maskand tells stories about models and techniques.
Demonstrates the removal of the mold from the clay bust. Shows methods and implements used in removing the cast. Points out the importance of being careful and patient. Reviews briefly what has taken place in the preceding programs. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the modeling from Sculpture IV. Explains how the artist works to refine certain areas. Demonstrates how to "draw" carefully in the clay to bring out certain characteristics of the model. Discusses capturing certain expressions in the clay. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the work on details begun in Sculpture V. Explains how an area can be broken up into planes by the use of a block of wood. Demonstrates ways of modeling the eyes. Discusses the importance of the sculptor being able to draw graphically. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the modeling from Sculpture VI and completes the clay bust. Discusses and demonstrates how the eye is modeled. Emphasizes the importance of having different parts work together as a whole. Outlines the many finishing techniques that can be used. Comments briefly on several contemporary sculptors. (KECT) kinescope.
Describes and illustrates the mold casting stage in the development of the sculptural portrait. Shows how plaster is mixed, applied to the clay, and the importance of working fast. Discusses the use of shims for separating the mold. Concludes by showing the completed mold. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the process of making a plaster cast. Points out how the molds are shellacked and placed together again. Demonstrates how the plaster is mixed. Shows the process of pouring the plaster into the mold. (KETC) Kinescope.
Shows how the mold is removed from the finished plaster bust. Discusses the use of bluing in the first coat of plaster. Illustrates the use of the screwdriver and mallet in removing the mold. Concludes with a comparison of the model and the completed plaster portrait bust. (KETC) Kinescope.
Includes harbor activities at the ports of San Francisco, Puget Sound, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Portland. Also shows how Los Angeles, lacking a good natural harbor, built one by erecting huge breakwaters at nearby San Pedro.
Studies inhabitants of the three kinds of seashores--the sandy beach, the rock pool, and the mud flat--beginning with the sea gull. Shows close-ups of sea weeds; then pictures in their natural habits the starfish, sea urchin, sea cucumber, butterfish, squid, razor clam, skate, and sea raven. Explains how they are adapted to their environment, and how they move, feed, and compete with other animals.
Discusses the importance of various secret weapons used throughout World War II, such as radar and the atomic bomb. The film emphasizes the development and use of these weapons as being critical to winning the war, thereby justifying their costs. Ends with a plea to purchase victory bonds to support research that will prevent future wars.
Demonstrates modern techniques for teaching primary grade pupils to read, write, and do simple arithmetic. Shows children, participating in such classroom activities as reading-readiness tests, storytelling, and drills in word analysis, phonics, number recognition, and spelling.
Portrays the frequency of a mutant in the gene pool as reaching a state of equilibrium when, per generation, its origination by mutation equals its elimination by genetic death. Discusses genetic death and presents examples of how genetic loads are changed subsequent to radiation exposure. Pictures the great majority of mutants as harmful when homozygous, but some cases, as in sickle call anemia, heterozygotes are adaptively superior to normal homozygotes. Explains balanced polymorphism, by which a gene is retained in the population despite its lethality when homozygous because of the advantage it confers when heterozygous. Lectures given by Dr. Thomas Dobzhansky.
Surveys selling as a career. Portrays a day in the life of a typical travelling salesman at home and on the job. Portrays various types of sales people who sell by personal contacts, mail, telephone, and radio, and describes the qualifications of a good salesman--honesty, accurate judgement, friendliness, and devotion to service.
Illustrates the different methods used by various salespeople. Shows how suggestive and descriptive selling aids the customer, the individual salesclerk, and the store.
Shows how to set up the turret lathe for the production machining of bushings from bar stock; how to install the collet; how to set up the hexagon turret; and how to set up the cross slide.
Shows how the horizontal boring, drilling, and milling machine operates; how to install the fixture; how to set up the workpiece; and how to select and install an end mill and a face mill.
Discusses the role of heredity and environment in determining the sex of various organisms. Indicates that in some organisms it is the environment in which a given genotype functions that determines whether differentiation shall occur as male or as female. This is exemplified by sex determination in certain snails, mosses, and worms. Portrays a difference in genetic constitution as primarily responsible for sex determination in other organisms as for a unicellular plant (Chlamydomanas), certain grasshoppers, Drosophila, man, and the mouse. Discusses the genetic basis for sex mosaics (gynandromorphs) and indicates the influences of the "y" chromosome in determining sex in man. Lecture by Dr. C. Stern.
Portrays sex as a polygenic trait which may be considered to be determined by the balance of genes on different chromosomes. This view is substantiated by the work of R. Goldschmidt on the gypsy moth and its intersexes, and is most clearly demonstrates in Bridges' studies of different sex types in Drosophila. Discusses sex determination and the role of hormones in sex differentiation in the case of man. Depicts the human sex ratio and the cause of significant deviations in it from normality, and discusses the possibility of controlling sex by separating male and female producing sperm. Lecture by Dr. C. Stern.
A Teaching Film Custodians film about the presentation and conventions of live theatre at Shakespeare's Globe Theater circa 1600. Incorporating footage from the prologue of the 1944 British Technicolor feature film, "Henry V", directed by and starring Laurence Olivier, and graphics, this film illustrates the location, and appearance of the Globe and Rose theaters, the activity before a typical presentation, where the audience was seated, and the manner in which the Globe Theater was used. We see the audience entering the theater, gallants taking their places on stage, the orange girl and cider man hawking their wares, and the actors preparing for their entrance. Concludes with the curtain parting and the chorus reciting the prologue.
How to select the correct arbor; mount the work head; adjust the work head for clearance settings; and set up for sharpening the outside diameter, corner, and face.
Shows how to heat carbon-steel tools for forge sharpening; how to sharpen, harden, and temper a plowshare; how to sharpen, harden, and temper a cultivator shovel; and how to identify tempering colors.
Shows how to handle sheep for shearing and the relative positions of the shearer and the sheep during each shearing step, the step-by-step procedure in shearing sheep, and the method of rolling and tying the fleece.
Uses a poem by F. L. McConkey and drawings by Joseph Servell to depict the work and social environment of a factory town where anger frusteration, and despair set in when the workmen are laid off.
Discusses the extension of the senses through a variety of techniques that enables man to study events of short duration; uses analysis of a lighting flash as an example. Questions posed about lightning include: duration of lightening flash, direction of travel, and cause of flicker. Timing devices used include several special photographic techniques, using moving and highspeed cameras, pen recorders, and the oscilloscope. The theory behind each device is explained.
Presents a number of family situations to show that behavior of a child depends on his age and how the development of an individual's personality is affected by many family factors. Portrays examples of children as their behavior is influenced by such factors as the age of the child, illness of a parent, proximity of ages between children, native differences, and attitude of grandparents.
"A record of the achievements of the Canadian Army's First Division in the Sicilian campaign of World War II, a campaign that breached the walls of Axis Europe. It also shows how this campaign was made possible by the efforts of farmers and factory workers in Canada."--NFB website.
[motion picture] Shows a skilled ceramist demonstrating the step-by-step process of making simple molds of three types: slipcasting, drape, and press molds. Portrays the process from pattern-making to the completed object, and explains the steps at each stage.
Shows a skilled ceramist demonstrating the step-by-step process of making simple molds of three types: slipcasting, drape, and press molds. Portrays the process from pattern-making to the completed object, and explains the steps at each stage.
[motion picture] Demonstrates three slab methods of pottery-making. Shows wedging, forming a candleholder directly from a lump of clay, rolling a slab for a simple tile, and constructing a flower container from several pieces of clay. Emphasizes the correct use of basic tools.
Demonstrates three slab methods of pottery-making. Shows wedging, forming a candleholder directly from a lump of clay, rolling a slab for a simple tile, and constructing a flower container from several pieces of clay. Emphasizes the correct use of basic tools.
Explains and illustrates in detail simple stunts for strength, stunts for skill, and stunts with sticks. Demonstrates the techniques and benefits of stunt variations, and emphasizes safety precautions.
Shows the parts of a single ram vertical machine; how to interpret the blueprint of a broaching tool; how to install broaching inserts for straddle broaching; how to mount the toolholder with its assembled broaching tool; how to mount and adjust the work fixture; and how to surface-broach at production rate.
Depicts the life and adventures of Sir Francis Drake, an English explorer of the 16th century. Portrays his exploration of the new world and shows some of his personal possessions including sword, ceremonial helmet, and Bible. Shows model demonstrations of how ships sailed in those days and how sailors fought. Indicates the crude navigation instruments used by early explorers and points out the difficulties which Drake encountered.
Depicts the life and adventures of Sir Francis Drake, an English explorer of the 16th century. Portrays his exploration of the new world and shows some of his personal possessions including sword, ceremonial helmet, and Bible. Shows model demonstrations of how ships sailed in those days and how sailors fought. Indicates the crude navigation instruments used by early explorers and points out the difficulties which Drake encountered.
In this film, impairment of skilled acts by disorders of coordination is demonstrated. Also shown are cases of paresis or paralysis of participating muscles; hemiplegia; ataxia in multiple sclerosis; parkinsonism with akinesia and rigidity, and apraxia. Film 6 in Columbia University educational films teaching collection.
A group of fifth-grade children demonstrates the singing game "Skip to My Lou." After the introduction, the words are shown by animation. The boys and girls then demonstrate the action of the game in detail.
Roscoe Drummond, Washington columnist for the New York Herald Tribune, interviews a subject expert and two opinion representatives regarding slum clearance and housing. Estimates that it will cost America $100 billion to clear our nation of slums and stop the deterioration of our cities. Presents arguments for the participation of the federal government in solving this crisis because of the tremendous cost of slum clearance as well as arguments for the participation of private enterprise with the support of local citizens and governments. (T.W. Wilson Associates) Film.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "Smyrna Incident" (season 2, episode 15) which originally aired January 19th, 1954 on ABC-TV. A historical drama. In the late 19th century, U.S. Navy Commander Duncan Ingraham, the captain of an American ship anchored in the Turkish port of Smyrna, risks a hostile engagement with three Austrian battleships in the harbor when he demands the release of an Austrian-born man, who has applied for American citizenship, being held prisoner on one of their ships.
Shows how to solder a lug, using electric soldering tongs; how to solder a lug, using a blowtorch; how to solder a lug, using a solder pot and ladle; how to splice stranded conductors, using a split solder sleeve; and how to make a served cable splice.
Crown Film Unit, British Information Service, South African Bureau of Information
A British production reporting on the contribution of South Africa, a sovereign Dominion of the Commonwealth, to the Allied war effort. Declares that the former antagonism between races - Dutch, English and Bantu - has been overcome. "This film opens with a brief outline of the country, showing how it is a land of contrasts in farming, living, worshipping, trading and in transport, and tells how South Africa made her own decision to enter the war and how she backed that decision. With the help of the British Admiralty, a navy was built up to defend the coastline , and RAF experts aided in South Africa's Air Training Scheme" (The Educational Screen, February 1944, 92).
Shows Brazil's march of progress as exemplified in its southernmost area, the states of Parana, Santa Caterina, and Rio Grande do Sul. Pictures Brazil's great cattle country and its granary.
Newsreel sport highlights from notable sporting events from the year. Events include: National Basketball Invitational finals, The Preakness, 29th Indianapolis 500 Speedway Race, National Golf Open, 53rd National Senior A.A.U Championships, All-Star Baseball game, National Tennis Singles Championship, the World Series of 1941.
Shows how to select correct rivet sets for stationary and portable squeezers and how to set up and use the stationary squeezer and the portable squeezer.
[motion picture] A skilled potter demonstrates the correct stacking of both green and glazed pottery in a small kiln as the narrator explains the factors involved. The potter then shows each step in firing the pieces.
A skilled potter demonstrates the correct stacking of both green and glazed pottery in a small kiln as the narrator explains the factors involved. The potter then shows each step in firing the pieces.