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Shows the Leonardo da Vinci drawings in the Windsor collection and includes such subjects as man, animals, architecture, machines for waging war, water in motion, and a sketch for "The Last Supper." Integrates translation of some of the artist's own notes with an interpretive commentary spoken by Sir Laurence Olivier.
Erling M. Hunt, Wade Arnold, Abraham Ribicoff, Center for Mass Communication, Columbia University Press
Discusses the purposes and functions of the five major divisions within the department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Describes the several offices, agencies, and bureaus, and indicates how these deal with foods, drugs, social security, vocational rehabilitation, and education. Emphasizes that the major concern of the department is to benefit individuals in their living. Narrated by Abraham Ribicoff, a former secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., Wilbur Johns, Norman Sper
Analyzes defensive footwork action in basketball by first demonstrating the correct stance. Slow motion and close-up photography then portray the two basic defensive moves: the parallel movement, which governs lateral guarding motions, and the stride, which governs advancing and retreating motions. Emphasis is placed on the correlation of arm movement with footwork, turning, pivoting, and getting into position for taking the ball on the rebound.
Describes a geometric circle and defines and illustrates such terms as radius, congruent circles, chord, diameter, major and minor arcs, semicircles, and central angle. Shows the relationship between a central angle and its arc; presents methods for proving arcs equal in degrees and length; and describes the relationships of a diameter, a chord, and its intersected arcs.
Ellis Katzman, Elbert C. Weaver, John A. Skarulis, William H. Pasfield, Ross Lowell, Herman J. Engel, Robert Braverman, Peter Robinson, Geraldine Lerner, Max J. Rosenberg, Fisher Scientific Company
Demonstrates the differences between saturated, unsaturated, and supersaturated solutions; that solutions are dynamic, not static in character; and also shows suspensions and colloidal dispersions. Presents characteristics of solutions and explains insolubility, solutions without chemical reactions, mixtures, suspensions, and the Tyndall effect in colloidal dispersions.
Erpi Classroom Films, Lawson Robertson, Dean Cromwell, Brutus Hamilton, Harold A. Bruce, Amateur Athletic Union of the United States
Includes races from 1,000 to 10,000 meters and steeplechase. Style of distance runner contrasted vividly with that of dash man. Differences in typical physiques. Steeplechase portrays various methods employed by participants in clearing barriers. An instructional sound film.
Presents the story of a goldfish from spawning until the goldfish is sold to a child. Begins at the world's largest goldfish hatchery. Introduces the main character, Goldey, developing inside a goldfish egg and follows his growth. Shows the goldfish's appearance, size, natural habitat, food, and adjustment to a home aquarium environment. Provides story-telling material through a dream sequence involving Goldey and Silvey, a silver fantail.
[motion picture] Uses the General Assembly of Indiana to portray a state legislature in action as it passes a bill through the various steps to become a law. Includes animated sequences to chart the steps in the process and shows the roles played by the House and Senate chambers, the committees, the Legislative Bureau, the Attorney General, the lobbyists, and the Governor in creating the laws of the state.
[motion picture] Shows a skilled ceramist demonstrating the step-by-step process of making simple molds of three types: slipcasting, drape, and press molds. Portrays the process from pattern-making to the completed object, and explains the steps at each stage.
Shows a skilled ceramist applying designs on several ceramic pieces prior to final firing. He uses the clay itself, a comb, a piece of burlap, or clay stamps to create textured designs. Other decoration methods illustrated include colored glazes, clay slip, "Mishima," sgraffito, and wax resist. Shows samples of representative pieces after decoration and firing.
United States. Office of Education. Division of Visual Aids, United States. Federal Security Agency, Mode-Art Pictures, Inc.
Dramatized scenarios in a machine shop workplace illustrate common problems arising between supervisors. "Larry Daniels fails as a supervisor because he does not recognize the importance of working harmoniously with other people, particularly with his fellow supervisors" (U.S. Government Films, U.S. Office of Education, 1954, 214). Concludes with a group of supervisors conversing in the locker room as they ask "I wonder if a guy like Larry should be a supervisor?"
United States. Department of Agriculture, United States. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service
Introduced as "the story of cattle grazing in the national forest," the film depicts cooperation between the Forest Service and local ranchers to manage the grazing of herds on public land. Original USDA catalog entry states: "Range management in the western national forests. Shows how to perpetuate grazing lands by protecting them from overuse by livestock and thus insure the income of ranchers and communities dependent on the livestock and grazing industry for a living" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 41). Depicts rounding up, branding and inoculating cattle in preparation for driving from private range land to National Forest. Shows duties of Forest Rangers, including monitoring fences and health of grasses. Cutting, raking and stacking of hay using mostly horse-drawn implements is shown. Concludes by showing that U.S. Forest Service range management has helped western "cow towns" to prosper and grow.
United States. War Department, The Signal Corps : produced by, Combat film units of Marines, Army Airforces, United States Navy
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. Composed of three short segments:
Burma Outpost Shows the air dropping of supplies for the 10th Air Force Division at outposts in the hills of Burma's border.
Private Snafu: The Home Front Cartoon intended for servicemen is here presented for civilian audiences. Private Snafu imagines his loved ones loafing and enjoying life, oblivious of his hardships. A fairy appears to show him the diligent war work going on back in his home town.
What Makes A Battle Shows the strategy and battles involved in the first land penetration of Japanese-held Marshall Islands, part of the campaign for the 32 Marshall Island atolls.
Shows how to handle sheep for shearing and the relative positions of the shearer and the sheep during each shearing step, the step-by-step procedure in shearing sheep, and the method of rolling and tying the fleece.
Shows what a gated pattern is and why it is used, how a match or follow board can simplify making a parting, how facing sand is prepared and used, and how and why some patterns are rapped.
Shows the difference between bench and floor molding, how to face a deep pattern, ram a drag and walk it off, clamp a mold, locate sprues and risers, and tuck the crossbars of a large cope.
Shows how to use a deep follow board; the technique of facing, ramming, and venting a deep green sand core; how to use a cheek in a three-part flask; and the purpose and method of step-gating.
Use of a horizontal core, a split pattern, chaplets, and chaplet supports; how to gate a mold for rapid pouring of a thin casting; and how to clean a casting.