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Animated drawings explain the principles involved in the operation of the electric iron, fluorescent lighting, and the refrigerator. Alternating current is used in all scenes involving the flow of electrons. The principles of the thermostat are given detailed study. The maintenance of electric motors is illustrated in connection with the vacuum cleaner.
United States Navy, Division of Personnel Supervision and Management, United States Navy Bureau of Aeronautics, Atlas Educational Film Company
U.S. Navy training film intended to instruct managers how to maintain workplace discipline effectively. Dramatic scenarios contrast ineffective managerial styles with better approaches. Stresses the importance of disciplining a worker properly and giving orders clearly. Shows the results obtained in an office where emphasis is placed on gaining the workers' confidence. Narration states that "we are engaged in a war in which time is a weapon." Women clerical workers are shown gossiping until their boss enters the room, as the narrator points out that "hours are wasted in every day of the year" in many workplaces. The film shows that the remedy for this waste is to maintain discipline, and recommends that "a good supervisor steers a course between harshness and leniency."
Shows how to check for play in the steering wheel; how to check the front end assembly for excessive play; how to make a rough test for wheel balance; how to correct wheel runout; how to make a toe-in test; and how to test springs, axles, and over-all backlash.
An instructor and a group of high school boys and girls demonstrate the basic fundamentals of trampolining, showing in detail the landing positions, aerial positions, front and back flips, and combinations of these fundamentals which lead to a variety of stunts for the advancing student.
Shows that ratio expresses a relationship between two numbers. Points out that equal ratios form a proportion, which may be used in solving problems, stressing that the units must be the same in finding ratios between two numbers.
Shows how to use the gage manifold in building leak-testing pressures in a domestic refrigerator; how to test for sulphur dioxide and methyl chloride leaks; how to use the halide torch to locate freon leaks; and how to repair several types of leaks.
A machine tool operator is made a group leader and his plant superintendent explains to him, through dramatized illustrations, the meaning of working with people instead of machines.
United States. War Department, The Signal Corps : produced by, Combat film units of Marines, Army Airforces, United States Navy
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. Composed of five short segments:
Cape Gloucester Jan 18 1944 Title card reads "1st Marine Division. Photo by Lt. R.S. Carter 7th Marines - leaving front - 23 day & nites in same clothes - fighting Japs - U.S.M.C." candid footage of battle-weary marines presented without commentary.
R.A.F. and 8th Air Force Report From Britain An aerial photographer follows daring French pilots of the R.A.F., flying at low altitude to evade radar detection, attacking a Nazi target in American-built A-20 bombers.
A 5th Air Force Report From New Guinea shows the ingenuity of ground crew men in repairing battle-damaged planes at an air depot in New Guinea. A Few Quick Facts animated sequence shows the distance a rifle bullet must travel before it reaches the Pacific battle lines to be fired at an enemy soldier.
A Fifth Army Report From The Beachhead shows the surprise invasion at Anzio, Italy, commentary describes "one of the boldest and toughest combined operations fought by the Fifth Army on the blood-soaked Italian boot." [see standalone short:]