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Shows the importance of accuracy in the information a warden collects at the scene of disaster and the exact manner in which he should transmit information to the control.
Discusses the use of the dance as a social commentary and relates it to the critical statements of artists in other fields. Presents a performance of "Caprichos" based on Goya's etchings of man's weaknesses. In contrast, an excerpt from Paeon is performed. Features choreographer Herbert Ross and his troupe.
United States. Department of Interior. Division of Motion Pictures
Recounts the history of land ownership by small farmers in the U.S. Free land for farmers gradually disappeared as the west was settled through the 19th century, resulting in the necessity for farmers to buy land with mortgages. Describes the creation of the 1916 Federal Farm Loan Act and regional land bank systems to enable tenant farmers to become landowners. "Shows how the cooperative mortgage credit system works in the everyday lives of John and Mary Farmer, who are typical of the 600,000 members of national farm loan associations now using their own credit system to achieve the goal of owning debt-free farms" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 21).
War Activities Committee of the Motion Picture Industry : distributed and exhibited by
A short bulletin urging people to travel only when absolutely necessary in order that space can be saved for millions of troops and millions of essential civilian war workers. States that every non-essential traveler may be preventing a serviceman from joining his family during the holiday season. Civilians are told "on every highway and mainline, war has the right of way" and "we've got a battle of transportation to win here in the U.S., you can help to win it just by staying home."
An in-service business management film demonstrating the problems which develop when a supervisor fails to properly channel the initiative of a new worker thus creating resistance to new ideas.
Shows the techniques Forest Service researchers employ to produce hybrid pines through controlled pollination and through the selection of superior pines and use of their natural seed. Shows a pine cone opening and tree seeds germinating and growing through time-lapse photography.
Seven to twelve-year-old filmmakers are the stars in this film record of the activities of a film club. Narration is entirely by children who comment on the pleasures and problems of filmmaking. They experiment with drawing directly on clear film and they use paper cutout puppets to animate a story.
Presents to the educator a systematic approach to instruction based on decisions about the learner, learning, evaluation, and the learning development, using the subjects of tennis and music as examples.
Students from the Hinsdale South High School, Clarendon Hills, Illinois, and New Trier East High School, Winnetka, Illinois are shown in swimming contests and in demonstrations on techniques and rules applications. Covered are the backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, starting, relays, and diving. The roles of the finish judges and timers are also shown.