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Beginning with an outdoor abstract sculpture in the courtyard of a new building in London, this film introduces artist and sculptor Barabara Hepworth and her work. Sculpting in wood, stone, metal, Ms. Hepworth is shown working in her home and studio in St. Ives, near Cornwall. Inspired by natural forms, though not imitating them, many of the artist's sculptures are shown in-studio and outdoors. Some of Ms. Hepworth's occasional realistic drawings and paintings are also shown.
Portrays to youth the wide variety of career opportunities in sales and merchandising occupations, how entry jobs fit into the career ladder, work settings, levels of occupations, and information about preparatory experience available through part-time work or a summer job in the retailing industry.
Discusses the individuality of artistic techniques. Follows Reginald Pollack as he attempts to find creative inspiration in nature. Shows the benefits of studying other artists' work.
This older film is directed to young girls. Using diagrams, it helps them learn about menstruation and gives them a healthy understanding of the physical and emotional changes that occur in growing up.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "The Gift of Dr. Minot" (season 3, episode 20), which originally aired on April 12th, 1955 on ABC-TV. This film re-enacts the research of Boston physician and Nobel Prize winner Dr. George Minot, who disregarded his own diabetic condition to develop a cure for pernicious anemia in 1922. Concurrently, Canadian Dr. Frederick Banting (also a Nobel Prize winner) perfected insulin as a cure for diabetes, enabling Minot to conclude his experiment.
A film record of the expedition led by Dr. Walter Munk of the Scripps Oceanographic Institute which tracked a family of ocean waves from their birth in the turbulent waters of the Antarctic to their death on a peaceful Alaskan shore.
Footage of the 1965 IU commencement exercises outside in the football stadium. Includes images of IU President Elvis Stahr Jr. speaking, releasing of balloons, and the graduates before and after the ceremony. Shows Stahr presenting honorary degrees to Nicholson Joseph Eastman, Charles A. Halleck, and David Eli Lilienthal.
Joseph Moray, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, John M. Davidson, Richard Gilbert, Arthur M. Kaye, Shirley Tebbe, Francesca Greene, Peter Smith, Carole Eickhoff, Davidson Films
Delineates interesting facets of the development of our decimal system. Compares the additive, subtractive, multiplicative, and positional notation aspects of the Chinese, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Hindu-Arabic systems. Uses models to explain concepts which lead to greater understanding of base 10 systems.
This film traces the historical development of our present decimal system--the Hindu-Arabic system of numeration. The meaning and importance of base ten, place value, grouping, numerals, and expanded notation are carefully described.
Develops concepts of length, area, and volume of areas and objects. Shows how these concepts are related and develops an understanding of such units of measurement as the mile and the acre.
Informs the police that alcohol may mask symptoms of both physical and mental disorders and suggests a system of observation that begins when a person is first seen by the police. It emphasizes the significance of alcoholism as a problem and stresses the increasingly humanitarian role of the police.
Primarily exterior footage of the Indiana University Bloomington campus. Campus buildings, Marching 100 band practicing and performing at a football game against Northwestern, and IU President Elvis J. Stahr Jr., in his office. Ronald Gregory, Marching Hundred director, is also briefly seen.
This film, designed primarily for members of the medical, nursing and allied hospital professions, portrays an experiment in maternity care which is being conducted in the obstretical division of St. Mary's Hospital, Evansville, Indiana.
Shows interlocking of effects of the endocrine and nervous systems in man; illustrates the types of nerve cells and impulse transmission; explains the functions of the cortex, cerebellum, hypothalamic area, and medulla; describes the reflex arch and the peripheral, central, and automatic divisions. Discusses the diseases of the nervous system.
Pictures and describes the regional campuses of Indiana University, pointing out their function and relationship to the University as a whole. Shows activities at the campuses, both inside the classroom and out. Emphasizes the educational opportunities offered the citizens of Indiana through the regional campuses.
Dr. McGinnis and his six students in marriage counseling, discuss various counseling techniques used by the doctor in an initial interview with a young married couple.
Indicates the importance of external and internal sensory receptors. Describes the general sense receptors of temperature, pressure, touch, and pain. Pictures the special senses of vision, hearing, taste, smell, and equilibrium.
Conversion of external stimuli (light, sound, odor, touch, and taste) into nerve impulses by one or more sensory receptors in the body is shown through animation. Explains how these receptors provide information about the state of the inner organs.
A small boy retrieves a discarded trumpet and loses himself in a jazz fantasy of his own imagining. Musical background is a Duke Ellington composition interpreted by Jonah Jones. No narrative is used.
Ever since the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community, the progress of the Six, or "Little Europe" as the Community was called, had evoked mixed emotions. Many nations outside the Six —and even some within —felt skeptical about the project. Though the Initial vigor of the new movement was surprising, the defeat of the European Defense Community by the French Assembly seemed to confirm the sceptics' opinions. Yet the Six were undaunted by the setback, and, less than a year later, were busily planning further economic integration. Their intention to create, within the boundaries of the EuropeanCoal and Steel Community, a common market extending to all fields of commerce was viewed with deep misgivings by some other European nations. These "outside" nations felt that an open market within and a common tariff wall around the area involved might be a serious threat to existing trade patterns. Further, these antagonists felt that the concept posed a severe political threat to the solidarity of Europe and the western world. Using as its platform the existing Organization for European Economic Cooperation with its seventeen-country membership --which included the Six —the antagonists proposed to form a European Free Trade Area whose members would gradually eliminate existing trade barriers among themselves.
[motion picture] Portrays the need for improvements in transportation as the U.S. spread westward, and outlines the development of a network of canals to supplement existing river and highway transportation facilities. Uses flashbacks to show activities of a family employed by the canal company to maintain a ten-mile section of the canal and operate the locks.
Develops concepts of electrical pressure, current, and resistance, and establishes the need for the measurement of electricity. Demonstrates the measurement of electrical pressure and current flow, shows the development and use of Ohm's law in calculating electrical relationships, and discusses the importance of fuses as a safety measure.
Pictures the globe as a model of the earth and points out the representative shape and color of land and water areas. Identifies the continents and compares their sizes and locations. Uses animation to show the character of the ocean floor. Explains the poles and scales of latitude and compares various types of globes.
[motion picture] Describes the globe as a model of the earth, showing how the globe represents physical and cultural features on the earth's surface, and provides information about direction, distance, size, and location. Points out the poles, the equator, and scales of latitude on a globe.
Shows how large deposits of iron ore, coal, and cheap water transportation contributed to the creation of a large industrial complex in the Great Lakes region. Pictures large scale mining of taconite in the Mesabi range of northern Minnesota. Shows ore boats on the Great Lakes, coal mining operations in West Virginia, a steel mill in Indiana, and the forming of automobile bodies in Detroit.
[motion picture] Provides a tour of the great plains area and covers the spring wheat belt, the range livestock belt, the corn belt, the wheat belt, the cotton belt, oil fields, and Edwards Plateau. Gives particular attention to Amarillo, Texas to show the pattern of growth for many cities of the southern plains region.
Describes the states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida as comprising the Gulf Coast region of the United States. Picture crops in Florida and explains that these crops are grown twelve months of the year. Contrast the varieties of soils found in the region. Briefly describes the large ports of Houston and New Orleans. Highlights the industires of the region including oil, grazing, and lumbering.
Describes various phases of high temperature research, giving examples of compounds being used, goals of the research, and some results to date. Discusses procedures being used, with emphasis on procedures with titanium sulfide.
Describes the problems that man has to face in space travel. Head and cold, gravity changes, and meteor showers are explained. Newton's principle of rocket propulsion is also introduced.
Traces the activities of a junior-high school boy in preparing a class report. Stresses the following steps: choosing the subject, thinking of one's interest and audience, gathering information and organizing the presentation.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Features Fela Sowande of Nigeria, a leading African musicologist, composer, and organist, along with other Nigerian musicians demonstrating how contempory African music has mingled traditional African and Western idioms to create new forms. Explains that African music places a greater stress on melody rather than rhythm. The music, therefore, more closely resembles African dialects where the meaning is expressed by tonal inflection. Summarizes from this that the talking drum can be either a musical function or transmitter of messages.
Points out exterior structure and coloration of a living perch. Uses fresh specimens to show dissection techniques and reveal internal structures. The respiratory, digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems are removed and examined. the head is opened. The olfactory tract and brain are studied. Heart action is observed in a freshly killed specimen. The circulatory system is outlined. Further areas of investigation are suggested.
Documents the principal works of ancient statuary which constituted the core of the exhibition, The Arts of Thailand, which came to the United States in the form of a traveling exhibition in 1960. Presents the transformation of the Buddha image from the representation of a revered teacher to that of a supreme deity. Makes the point that one cannot understand Thailand today if one fails to see how faithfully the psychology of a nation is mirrored in its depiction of the Buddha throughout the centuries.
Part three in the "Artists at Work" series, this film spotlights three east coast painters, working in their studios.
Jack Tworkov, born in Poland in 1900, and a teacher for 15 years, was recently appointed head of Yale University Art School. Painting in his studios in New York and Provincetown, Cape Cod, he is shown embarking on his largest painting yet, talking about the painter's attitude toward the empty canvas.
Hans Hofmann, born in Germany in 1880, has taught for nearly 50 years, opening his school in Provincetown in 1934. Considered the dean of abstract expressionism, and initially inspired by cubist work, he talks about his paintings as based on color.
Milton Avery, born in upstate New York in 1893 and raised in Connecticut, now paints in Manhattan, with inspiration and sketches done along the coast. The narrator references three paintings made in Provincetown, and addresses Avery's work as lyrical, with paint flat and thin, and shapes wich are bold and interlocked.
Erling M. Hunt, Wade Arnold, Abraham Ribicoff, Center for Mass Communication, Columbia University Press
Discusses the purposes and functions of the five major divisions within the department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Describes the several offices, agencies, and bureaus, and indicates how these deal with foods, drugs, social security, vocational rehabilitation, and education. Emphasizes that the major concern of the department is to benefit individuals in their living. Narrated by Abraham Ribicoff, a former secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
Discusses the purposes and functions of the five major divisions within the department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Describes the several offices, agencies, and bureaus, and indicates how these deal with foods, drugs, social security, vocational rehabilitation, and education. Emphasizes that the major concern of the department is to benefit individuals in their living. Narrated by Abraham Ribicoff, a former secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
Describes a geometric circle and defines and illustrates such terms as radius, congruent circles, chord, diameter, major and minor arcs, semicircles, and central angle. Shows the relationship between a central angle and its arc; presents methods for proving arcs equal in degrees and length; and describes the relationships of a diameter, a chord, and its intersected arcs.
Introduces the principal amendments to the Constitution by showing in dramatic form what would happen if the Bill of Rights disappeared from the American scene. | Introduces the principal amendments to the Constitution by showing in dramatic form what would happen if the Bill of Rights disappeared from the American scene.
Traces the career of John Glenn, first U.S. astronaut, from his school days in New Concord, Ohio, to his speech to the U.S. Congress after his orbital flight. Pictures Glenn as a typical, but highly successful, American boy. Interviews many people in his town who speak well of him and follows his career in the armed forces. Shows preparations for the space flight, the blast off, Glenn in flight, the return from orbit, the parades, and the appearance before Congress.
Shows how abundantly the needs and wants of the American people are met through a business system of free choice.
Ross M. Robertson, Indiana University | Shows how abundantly the needs and wants of the American people are met through a business system of free choice. | Shows how abundantly the needs and wants of the American people are met through a business system of free choice.
Presents the principles to be followed in completing a medical verification of death. This film also demonstrates how diagnosis entered on the death certificate influences statistics commonly used in planning public health programs and medical research.
Uses live-action photography, illustrations, and art work of the period to present an account of the building of the first transcontinental railroad and emphasizes the role of the railroad builders in the westward expansion of the United States. Reviews the problems and delays attending the building of the railroad.
Examines the importance of the Rocky Mountains to the development of the Western States. Shows the dependence of agriculture and industry upon the water resources from the mountains. Discusses the region's mineral wealth, the importance of the timber industry to the Western economy, and the attractions of Western national parks and cities.
Describes the experiences of two African American families when they try to rent an apartment in a middle-sized northern city: one family is repeatedly refused, but the other eventually finds an apartment.
[motion picture] Describes the winter and spring wheat regions of the plains states. Compares a winter wheat farm in south central Kansas and a spring wheat farm in northeastern North Dakota. Relates wheat farming to topography, soils, precipitation, and other factors.
Uses common everyday examples of the effects of humidity to introduce and explain this idea. Shows Kay, an attractive teenager, and her adventures with a violin, a stuck drawer, and drying off at the pool as these processes are influenced by the humidity. Animates an explanation of dew, relative humidity, and dew point. Shows and explains several weather instruments for measuring humidity.