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Illustrates abnormalities in gait caused by pain, structural defects and deformities, neuromuscular disorders, and a combination of these causes. Details technical symptoms of the gait and posture resulting from poliomyelitis, spastic paralysis, hypotrolic muscular dystrophy, distonia musculora, and dislocation of the hip, indicating the results of the Trendenburg, flexion, and other tests. Presents Dr. William T. Green of Harvard Medical School providing the narration for the examples and conducting the physical examination for each case stressing that careful observation of the gait is one of the key factors in diagnosis.
Shows some properties that distinguish gases. The volume of ammonia and hydrogen chloride that combine are measured quantitatively, and simple integer volume ratios are measured for the combinations of hydrogen and chlorine. Interprets these simple integer ratios in terms of Avogadro's hypothesis.
Reviews the contributions of Mendel, the Hertwigs, and Miescher to our understanding of modern genetics. Discusses chromosome chemistry in terms of the cytological distribution of nucleic acids, the chemical composition of chromosomes in groups of isolated nuclei and in single nuclei the chemical content of salivary chromosomes and their bands. Compares cell activity with the DNA and RNA content of various giant chromosomes in insect larvae which leads to the conclusion that gene action can occur by the disproportionate increase in the amount of DNA or RNA. Lecture given by Dr. J. Schultz.
Presents some of the steps and procedures involved in conducting controlled breeding experiments and shows the results of some genetic crosses. Introduces three important areas of genetic research. Illustrates bombardment of fruit flies with X-ray and shows some of the obvious mutations produced in these fruit flies. Pictures a schematic model of the DNA molecule and presents questions concerning its structure, organization, and duplication. Uses animation to picture basic discoveries of inheritance.
Portrays the frequency of mutants in the population gene pool as dependent upon their rate of origination and selection coefficient. Discusses the population fate of dominant lethals (retinoblastoma), dominant detrimentals (achondroplasia), and recessive lethals (juvenile amaurotic idiocy). Describes in detail the loads of mutations carried in natural populations of Drosophila pseudo obscura and in man. Points out the fact that while most mutants are detrimental in the normal environment of the species, some may be advantageous in a different environment. Lecture given by Dr. Th. Dobzhansky.
Explains the nature and importance of population genetics. Derives the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium principle for Mendelian (cross-breeding) populations. Points out that though the Hardy-Weinberg law produces a static gene pool when it applies, mutation, selection, random genetic drift, and migration upset this equilibrium and cause gene frequencies to shift-these factors being, therefore, the principal causes of evolution.
Descusses the economic concepts related to land, climate, and major resources in the countries of Colombia, Venzuela, and the three Guianas. Includes scenes of the people and of their ways of life, shows the many modern developments which industrialization has brought, and describes the type of government of each country. Collaborator, Donald D. Brand.
Describes the physical geography of Australia and some of its natural resources, such as wheat, cattle, wool, and timber. Shows how the use of these natural resources has determined the development of the nation.
Shows the geological influence on local distribution of plants in the non-glaciated area of southwestern Wisconsin. Highlights many soil conditions and the variety of plants in their region. Categories each plant group shown and superimposes botanical names of each plant shown.
**WARNING: CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES OF LAB TEST ANIMALS** Illustrates the basic techniques of obtaining germfree environment, germfree animals, and methods of germfree miantenance. Demonstrates the methods by which germfree animals may be obtained as with the chick from the egg and a guinea pig from a Cesarian operation. Concludes that thee techniques contribute in the field of immunilogical studies and in the study of tissue response to parasites.
**WARNING: CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES OF LAB TEST ANIMALS** Illustrates the basic techniques of obtaining germfree environment, germfree animals, and methods of germfree miantenance. Demonstrates the methods by which germfree animals may be obtained as with the chick from the egg and a guinea pig from a Cesarian operation. Concludes that thee techniques contribute in the field of immunilogical studies and in the study of tissue response to parasites.
Sixth in the "Are You Ready for Service?" series. Shows the emotional stresses that must be faced in military service because of homesickness, having to take orders and responsibilities, and having to learn to kill. Advises young men to prepare for the new experiences by taking school assignments as orders, doing jobs well without arguing, taking temporary jobs away from home, and going to church.
Do you like to live in a city? Or would you prefer to move to the suburbs and escape slums, juvenile delinquency traffic jams? Many people are moving to suburbs, and urban areas are growing until, on the east coast, there is in effect one continuous urban areas stretching from Washington, DC to Boston, Massachusetts. What can be done to reclaim the slums? How can industry be attracted back to an area it has deserted? The story of the development of the East Liberty area of Pittsburgh is told in detail, showing how effective private citizens can be if they wish. Once again other information on the solution offered by different groups and communities is made available –though much of the material in this program echoes comments and data from the previous program. But this, again, is an effective plea for the citizens’ concern for his community.
Uses scenes of the geyser area of Yellowstone National Park to portray today's remnents of the earth's activities during formation. Introduces the theme that man has arrived too late to see more than this and presents the various geysers in play as the soundtrack provides an orchestral interpretation.
Shows the revitalization of Girl Scouting in Kyoto, Japan, after World War II. Pictures the girls making straw shoes, working in paper crafts, practicing first aid, celebrating New Year's in a traditional manner, taking hikes, and playing indoor games. Acknowledges the part of Girl Scout pen-pals in strengthening international ties.
Presents rules and playing techniques for girls' basketball as demonstrated by a group of high school players. Distinguishes among various kinds of passing: chest, two-hand underhand, and one-hand overhand (baseball). Shows illegal plays, shooting, dribbling, and technical and personal fouls.
The scene is Virginia, 1765, just after the King's tax proclamation has been read and the legislature is in an uproar. Ensuing events lead to a protest meeting held by patriots at Richmond, at which Patrick Henry delivers his "Give me liberty" speech.
Illustrates the procedure of administering the Rorschach ink-blot psychological test through a sample interview between a subject and an examiner. Shows the ink-blot first in its true form, then structures the pattern through animation to fit the concept as seen by the subject. Concludes with review questions concerning the administration of such a test.