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Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of an episode of the DuPont sponsored Cavalcade of America television series, "In This Crisis" (season 1, episode 7), which aired December 24, 1953 on NBC-TV. This historical drama features John Honeyman, butcher and American patriot, who, pretending to be a Tory, spies on the Hessions to gain military intelligence, which informs Washington's decision to cross the Delaware and attack the Hessions in the December, 1776 battle at Trenton.
Ever since the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community, the progress of the Six, or "Little Europe" as the Community was called, had evoked mixed emotions. Many nations outside the Six —and even some within —felt skeptical about the project. Though the Initial vigor of the new movement was surprising, the defeat of the European Defense Community by the French Assembly seemed to confirm the sceptics' opinions. Yet the Six were undaunted by the setback, and, less than a year later, were busily planning further economic integration. Their intention to create, within the boundaries of the EuropeanCoal and Steel Community, a common market extending to all fields of commerce was viewed with deep misgivings by some other European nations. These "outside" nations felt that an open market within and a common tariff wall around the area involved might be a serious threat to existing trade patterns. Further, these antagonists felt that the concept posed a severe political threat to the solidarity of Europe and the western world. Using as its platform the existing Organization for European Economic Cooperation with its seventeen-country membership --which included the Six —the antagonists proposed to form a European Free Trade Area whose members would gradually eliminate existing trade barriers among themselves.
Shows the economic life and activities of the people in the Kunming area of Yunnan Province, at the end of the Burma Road. Pictures agriculture, transportation, conditions of life, and the methods of labor and industry of the people in this congested area. Contrasts the lot of the worker and peasant, who uses outmoded methods and gains a pitiful living, with the life of the people in the cosmopolitan center of Kunming.
Follows the activities of a group of international Girl Scouts at a wilderness encampment in an Oregon national forest. Shows how they prepare for and take a five-day hike into the Three Sisters' Wilderness Area of Oregon without adult leaders. Quotations from their evaluation session are heard.
A young couple expects their first child. Shows onset of labor, the trip to the hospital, call to doctor, admission to maternity ward, routine preparations for delivery including instructions to mother, and normal birth of child. Stresses the assumption that fear stems from lack of knowledge.
[motion picture] A skilled potter demonstrates the shaping of various pieces of pottery on a potter's wheel. Shows each step in making a bowl and special steps in completing a low, flat plate and a pitcher.
Teaching Film Custodians classroom film of excerpts from the 1939 Warner Bros., feature film, "Juarez". Dramatizes the struggle of Benito Juarez to maintain independence and republicanism in Mexico from 1863 to 1867. Focuses on the Juaristas' resistance to French-supported Emperor Maximilian. Records that, with the end of the Civil War, the United States government warned Napoleon to withdraw his troops from Mexico. Shows Maximilian gambling on a victory by the loyalist Mexican troops over the Republican Army, failing, and being executed.
Features Harry Langdon, the great baby-faced comedian, as a meek little man trapped in a wax museum. Shows how he has hilarious encounters with cops, wax figures, and jewel thieves.
The coach of a freshman track team explains to teenage boys the intricacies of the male reproduction system, primary and secondary sexual characteristics, and the relationship between the sexes during adolescence.
Joseph Moray, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, John M. Davidson, Richard Gilbert, Arthur M. Kaye, Shirley Tebbe, Francesca Greene, Peter Smith, Carole Eickhoff, Davidson Films
Delineates interesting facets of the development of our decimal system. Compares the additive, subtractive, multiplicative, and positional notation aspects of the Chinese, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Hindu-Arabic systems. Uses models to explain concepts which lead to greater understanding of base 10 systems.
This film traces the historical development of our present decimal system--the Hindu-Arabic system of numeration. The meaning and importance of base ten, place value, grouping, numerals, and expanded notation are carefully described.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Explains how seemingly minor ideas can improve wartime production. Encourages workers to provide resourceful suggestions that, if tested and approved, can be circulated to factories around the country.
Descusses the economic concepts related to land, climate, and major resources in the countries of Colombia, Venzuela, and the three Guianas. Includes scenes of the people and of their ways of life, shows the many modern developments which industrialization has brought, and describes the type of government of each country. Collaborator, Donald D. Brand.
Reviews Greek history by showing pieces of sculpture from each historical period from 300 B.C. to A.D. 300 and the related architecture. Sculpture proceeded from small animals buried in tombs to large animals and then to undraped youth. Shows the various tools used by the early Greeks in sculpture. Concludes with a non-narrative viewing of various works of sculpture.
Wounded Americans, back from battlefields and task forces all over the world gave rise to the Navy's most important postwar mission--get them well and send them home.
"Newsreel pictures of the attack of Dec. 7, 1941, on Pearl Harbor. Closes with America's ringing answer to the enemy challenge." (War Films Bulletin of the Extension Division Indiana University, February, 1943, 5). This American newsreel portrays the attack on Pearl Harbor and the aftermath of the strike. Includes footage of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's December 8th "Infamy" speech in front of a joint session of Congress.
Shows the importance of accuracy in the information a warden collects at the scene of disaster and the exact manner in which he should transmit information to the control.
Discusses the use of the dance as a social commentary and relates it to the critical statements of artists in other fields. Presents a performance of "Caprichos" based on Goya's etchings of man's weaknesses. In contrast, an excerpt from Paeon is performed. Features choreographer Herbert Ross and his troupe.
United States. Department of Interior. Division of Motion Pictures
Recounts the history of land ownership by small farmers in the U.S. Free land for farmers gradually disappeared as the west was settled through the 19th century, resulting in the necessity for farmers to buy land with mortgages. Describes the creation of the 1916 Federal Farm Loan Act and regional land bank systems to enable tenant farmers to become landowners. "Shows how the cooperative mortgage credit system works in the everyday lives of John and Mary Farmer, who are typical of the 600,000 members of national farm loan associations now using their own credit system to achieve the goal of owning debt-free farms" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 21).
War Activities Committee of the Motion Picture Industry : distributed and exhibited by
A short bulletin urging people to travel only when absolutely necessary in order that space can be saved for millions of troops and millions of essential civilian war workers. States that every non-essential traveler may be preventing a serviceman from joining his family during the holiday season. Civilians are told "on every highway and mainline, war has the right of way" and "we've got a battle of transportation to win here in the U.S., you can help to win it just by staying home."
An in-service business management film demonstrating the problems which develop when a supervisor fails to properly channel the initiative of a new worker thus creating resistance to new ideas.
Shows how to check the transmission gear shift mechanism; how to inspect the drive shaft and the differential; how to check differential backlash; and how to test the running condition of the transmission, drive shaft, and differential.
Introduces Rafael Mendez, who plays several selections on his trumpet and discusses his instrument and playing technique. Includes an orchestral accompaniment. Ends with Mendez and his twin sons playing an original composition.
Depicts the trial of the top 21 Nazis charged with crimes against the peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Uses American and Russian films to document this 11-month trial.
Shows the preparation of a lithographic stone and methods of drawing on stone with crayons and Tusche liquid. Demonstrates the processes needed for three-color printing and presents and discusses examples of color litho work. Depicts an edition being made of 50 prints from original works.
Shows many phases of the work at a large municipal airport, including the buildings, the radio room, the reservation desk, the preparation of the plane, the take-off, and the control of private planes.
Shows how to determine the amount of clutch pedal clearance or "lash"; how to correct abnormal clutch pedal lash; how to check the condition of the pull-back spring; how to check the clutch for slipping, grabbing, or drag; and how to inspect and adjust the hand brake.
Pictures two modern-day Canadian Indians scouting for new hunting and fishing grounds for their tribe. They track moose and meet a huge Canadian black bear as they move cautiously through virgin forests and lakes in their native north country.
Studies inhabitants of the three kinds of seashores--the sandy beach, the rock pool, and the mud flat--beginning with the sea gull. Shows close-ups of sea weeds; then pictures in their natural habits the starfish, sea urchin, sea cucumber, butterfish, squid, razor clam, skate, and sea raven. Explains how they are adapted to their environment, and how they move, feed, and compete with other animals.
Describes John Piper as a Romantic painter of landscape, architecture, and the sea, and shows him making sketches which he later transfers to canvas in his studio. Compares actual scenes of different subjects with Piper's interpretation of them, and depicts his feelings for the abstract. Pictures his stained glass windows and state designs, and illustrates his method of making an etching. (BBC) Film.
Rockhunting in central Oregon. Opportunities available for pursuit of this hobby. Cutting, polishing and finishing rocks by the lapidary. Examples of finished jewelry and rock collections.
The nature of juvenile law. The role of the police officer as he works with other community organizations to guide youth into constructive channels and to prevent delinquency.
Teaching Film Custodians release which utilizes newsreel footage to present an overview of the administrations of President Harry S. Truman. Opens with scenes of the conclusion of World War II. Relates the selection of Truman as the running-mate of President Roosevelt and his subsequent succession to the Presidency. Touches upon salient news events of the Truman administrations, such as the development and use of the atomic bomb, labor strife and legislation, the 1948 election, the Truman Doctrine, the Berlin blockade, the organization of the United Nations and the Korean conflict.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "Smyrna Incident" (season 2, episode 15) which originally aired January 19th, 1954 on ABC-TV. A historical drama. In the late 19th century, U.S. Navy Commander Duncan Ingraham, the captain of an American ship anchored in the Turkish port of Smyrna, risks a hostile engagement with three Austrian battleships in the harbor when he demands the release of an Austrian-born man, who has applied for American citizenship, being held prisoner on one of their ships.
Teaching Film Custodians classroom film of excerpts from the 1962 Allied Artists release feature film, “Billy Budd”, based on the novella "Billy Budd Foretopman" written by Herman Melville. Billy Budd, pressed into service aboard a man-of-war in the Royal Navy in 1787, becomes an object of hatred for the master-at-arms, John Claggert. When unjustly accused by Claggert of being part of a planned mutiny, Billy strikes him, causing a fall which unintentionally kills him. Believing that Billy is innocent, Captain Vere and the officers face a moral dilemna due to Admiralty regulations, which demand a court martial to sentence to death by hanging the innocent seaman who was provoked to strike the villainous master-at-arms.
Traces early development of the camera: how first efforts of March in France, Muybridge in U.S. came about as a result of movements of animals and humans. How subsequent development by Lumiere and Edison brought about the modern motion picture camera and projector.
Relates the history of man's effort to photograph and reproduce living movement. Includes the first scientific study of movement, involving 24 cameras stationed at intervals along a horse's path, Thomas Edison's work, and Lumiere's commercial projector for large audiences.
Glimpses at the origin of the motion picture, the contribution of Muybridge, Edison, and Lumiere, and fragments of the screen's first "epics." | Glimpses at the origin of the motion picture, the contribution of Muybridge, Edison, and Lumiere, and fragments of the screen's first "epics."
Traces the story of the "Chicago Picasso." Relates the artist's original conception of the Chicago sculpture, the people and processes involved in the fabrication, and finally the construction of the statue by a steel erection company. Visits the first major exhibit of the Picasso sculpture.
Presents and demonstrates the value of three ways to rest: sleep, relaxation, and change. Relates rest, exercise, and food to good health and pictures a boy, his sister, and his dog observing the rules to achieve good health.
Analyzes the elements of a good discussion; stresses the value of properly phrased questions that stimulate thought and lead to new avenues of discussion within the major question; and shows how discussion helps to clarify ideas and provide an interchange of information.