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Presents a high-school class studying god citizenship in the community and in the school. Dramatizes the manner in which the student committees organized projects for improving school elections, choosing proper representatives for student government, welcoming new students, and up-grading lunch room conditions. Emphasizes that good citizenship in the school produces good citizenship in the community.
Shot in Burma during the Denis-Roosevelt Asiatic Expedition (1939), led by filmmaker Armand Denis and his wife Leila Roosevelt. In Rangoon, views of the Shive Dagon Pagoda and huge bamboo irrigation water wheels are seen, as well as the temples, pagodas and bas-reliefs featuring snake motifs at the Pegan ruins. The ornamentation and neck wraps of Karen women are shown. A survey of the teak industry follows, including the training of elephants for logging work. The final sequence focuses on a Burmese priestess (Shan) who must supplicate a king cobra to appease the snake God.
Describes the first fire raid on the City of London on the night of December 29, 1940. Opening sequences in the film are taken from the roof of St. Paul's Cathedral. They show the London fire brigade working in the midst of blazing buildings and streets. Closing daylight sequences show the visible destruction of Guild Hall, St. Lawrence Jewry, St. Brides church and innumerable warehouses.
War Activities Committee of the Motion Picture Industry : distributed and exhibited by
A short bulletin urging people to travel only when absolutely necessary in order that space can be saved for millions of troops and millions of essential civilian war workers. States that every non-essential traveler may be preventing a serviceman from joining his family during the holiday season. Civilians are told "on every highway and mainline, war has the right of way" and "we've got a battle of transportation to win here in the U.S., you can help to win it just by staying home."
War Food Administration, Nutrition and Conservation Branch, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co.
In This Too Is Sabotage narration states "the saboteur is malnutrition," showing underlying causes of workplace accidents, lost man-hours, and losses in wartime productivity are often caused by the poor nutrition of workers' diets. Announcing "we're fighting against improper eating," a wartime nutritional program built from 7 food groups is detailed. At a dramatized presentation demonstrating meal planning following these nutritional guidelines before an audience of women, the presenter states that the guidelines "will help us with the job that has been given to us women, as the guardians of the vigor and vitality of our families."
"In the field of nutrition, the Westinghouse Company's film, This Too Is Sabotage, does a good job of selling the fact that a well-balanced diet is essential to health and happiness. This film is shown to employees in over a thousand war plants. The lunch hour is a favored time. Pre-shift showings to early arrivals are well attended, though many prefer to stay after a shift" (C.A. Lindstrom, "Agricultural Pictures and the War" Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers vol. 42, no. 3, March, 1944, p. 183)
Presents an account of an actual air raid by the Bomber Command of the Royal Air Force. Aerial photographs disclose the objective to be raided. Then staff planning, routine preparations, and the tension of the evening take-off are shown. Follows a big Wellington bomber through its bombing of the target, engine trouble, the wounding of its wireless operator, and finally its report back to headquarters.
Begins with a short summary of American attitudes to the War in Europe and how the U.S. underestimated the militaristic tendencies of the Japanese. Argues that the Chinese have been fighting World War II longer than any other allied nation and should be considered one of America's chief allies. Describes America's effort to supply allied nations in the Pacific with war materials. The desperate need of the Chinese people is stressed. Scenes include the carrying of supplies over the Burma Road and the bombing of Chinese cities.
William J. Thiele, William Bruckner, Jack Chertok, Lee Van Cleef, Kenneth Tobey, Henry Morgan, Keith Richards, Lyle Talbot, Peter Hanson, Teaching Film Custodians
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of an episode of the Cavalcade of America television series, "Duel at the OK Corral" (season 2, episode 20), which originally aired March 9th, 1954 on ABC-TV. This film highlights the efforts of Marshall Wyatt Earp to free the West of dangerous armed gunmen. Earp's activities in Dodge City, Kansas, in Deadwood, South Dakota, and in Tombstone, Arizona are featured.
Winifred Cullis, Gaumont-British Instructional Films, Beryl Denman Lacey, Frank Wells, Louis Dahl
Uses animation to demonstrate the chemical processes of digestion. Shows the chemical breakdown of foods, the structure and functions of the glands involved, the absorption of digested foods, and the distribution and storage of food in the body.
Winifred Cullis, Gaumont-British Instructional Ltd., Beryl Denman Lacey, Frank Wells, Louis Dahl
Uses animation to show the mechanical and muscular processes involved in the digestion of food. Includes the absorption of digested food, water, and salts into the blood and the function of the liver.
[videorecording] Filmed before the scenery of his rural Southern Indiana homestead, novelist James Alexander Thom talks about the philosophies and methods that frame his historical fiction. Believing that "character is a product of one's landscape," Thom uses his respect for and knowledge of the skills, resourcefulness, and self-reliance of contemporary "hill people" to re-create a visceral sense of living in the past. Thom's commitment to obtaining factual evidence as a basis for his novels leads him to seek out not only public documentation of historical events, but also those individuals, such as members of the Shawnee nation, who have preserved the past through generations of oral history. Thom is the author of Long Knife, the story of George Rogers Clark; Follow the River, the story of Mary Ingall's abduction and daring escape from the Indians; From Sea to Shining Sea, the saga of the entire Clark family; and Panther in the Sky, a biographical account of the life of the Shawnee leader, Tecumseh. Red Ribbon, 1991 American Film & Video Festival.