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Shows how to determine the amount of clutch pedal clearance or "lash"; how to correct abnormal clutch pedal lash; how to check the condition of the pull-back spring; how to check the clutch for slipping, grabbing, or drag; and how to inspect and adjust the hand brake.
A high school graduate contemplates what he will do now that he has finished high school. Students at the Columbus campus of IUPUI give testimonials about their experiences. Emphasizes the benefits of a small college community and the ease of transition to either Indiana University or Purdue University. For prospective students.
Shows the importance of corn as an economic commodity. Illustrates the nature of the corn belt of the United States by utilizing sixty-one widely scattered locations. Emphasizes the role of corn as a food crop for early pioneers and as a factor in the "Westward Movement." Develops the interrelationships between corn farming, railroads, villages, and cities. Explains how farm mechanization, the development of hybrid seeds, and fertilizers have increased production with the resulting rise in the farmers' standard of living.
Shows the importance of corn as an economic commodity. Illustrates the nature of the corn belt of the United States by utilizing sixty-one widely scattered locations. Emphasizes the role of corn as a food crop for early pioneers and as a factor in the "Westward Movement." Develops the interrelationships between corn farming, railroads, villages, and cities. Explains how farm mechanization, the development of hybrid seeds, and fertilizers have increased production with the resulting rise in the farmers' standard of living.
Tells the story of the changes that have taken place in the Southern states where cotton was, or still is being, grown. Pictures seventy-one locations to illustrate the cotton belt's geographic area and use of the land. Describes the growth of cotton as a money crop, but explains how farmers have begun to concentrate on other crops. Factors showing the industrialization and urbanization of the cotton belt emphasizes that although mechanized cotton growing is still a major agricultural activity, it is no longer king.
Tells the story of the changes that have taken place in the Southern states where cotton was, or still is being, grown. Pictures seventy-one locations to illustrate the cotton belt's geographic area and use of the land. Describes the growth of cotton as a money crop, but explains how farmers have begun to concentrate on other crops. Factors showing the industrialization and urbanization of the cotton belt emphasizes that although mechanized cotton growing is still a major agricultural activity, it is no longer king.
Thomas F. Barton, Daisy M. Jones, Roger Niemeyer, James W. Taylor, Indiana University Audio-Visual Center
Compares two dairy farms--one in Southeastern Wisconsin and the other in Central New York State. Shows the land use and cultural practices which reflect adaptation to such elements of the physical environment as topography, soil, precipitation, temperature, and length of growing season. Describes such man-made conditions that influence the marketing of milk as the proximity of farms to urban areas, sanitation requirements, and transportation and refrigeration facilities.
Discusses the history of baseball from its inception in 1833, showing outstanding players, changes in the game, and scenes from the first night game in history 1933.
Erling M. Hunt, Wade Arnold, Abraham Ribicoff, Center for Mass Communication, Columbia University Press
Discusses the purposes and functions of the five major divisions within the department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Describes the several offices, agencies, and bureaus, and indicates how these deal with foods, drugs, social security, vocational rehabilitation, and education. Emphasizes that the major concern of the department is to benefit individuals in their living. Narrated by Abraham Ribicoff, a former secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
Discusses the purposes and functions of the five major divisions within the department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Describes the several offices, agencies, and bureaus, and indicates how these deal with foods, drugs, social security, vocational rehabilitation, and education. Emphasizes that the major concern of the department is to benefit individuals in their living. Narrated by Abraham Ribicoff, a former secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
Explains the concept of light years to address the distance between galaxies. Addresses the existence of millions of galaxies like the Milky Way, featuring photographs of some of them, along with some of the observatories which astonomers use to study and document distant galaxies.
Describes the classification of the true fungi. Illustrates examples and characteristics of the phycomycetes and illustrates their life cycle. Discusses the slime molds. Shows several methods of collecting aquatic fungi.
Pathescope, Charles J. Vierck, Charles D. Cooper, Paul E. Machovina, Ralph S. Paffenbarger, Hollie W. Shupe
Designed to be used with an engineering drawing text. Describes the relationship between the making of a drawing and various production operations in shop and factory. Then shows representative operations in the pattern shop, the foundry, the forge shop, the machine shop, and the assembly shop which depend upon the drawing.
Shows the Leonardo da Vinci drawings in the Windsor collection and includes such subjects as man, animals, architecture, machines for waging war, water in motion, and a sketch for "The Last Supper." Integrates translation of some of the artist's own notes with an interpretive commentary spoken by Sir Laurence Olivier.
Describes a geometric circle and defines and illustrates such terms as radius, congruent circles, chord, diameter, major and minor arcs, semicircles, and central angle. Shows the relationship between a central angle and its arc; presents methods for proving arcs equal in degrees and length; and describes the relationships of a diameter, a chord, and its intersected arcs.
Shows heavy equipment of all types used by the Corps of Engineers and the Seabees during World War II. Describes how the "work power" of military construction units clears beaches of mines, constructs new roads, builds bridges and airstrips, and sets up water purification systems. Contrasts the pre-technological building techniques of China, India, and Africa with the technological might of the U.S. military.
Uses captured German footage to show the unexpected Nazi counter-attack at the Battle of Ardennes, begun on December 16, 1944. Extends a plea for the American people to remain in their war-time jobs.
Evolution of inherited patterns: adaptation; the means of evolution –mutation and recombination; retention of variability; results of evolution –specific selected examples such as drug resistance, melanism, mimicry; ecological aspects.
United States. Department of Agriculture, Wilding Picture Productions, Inc. : produced by
"A documentary tribute to the farm women of America and an explanation of their part in winning the war. Exemplified by 'Mom,' the farm woman is shown to be a potent force in lining up the farm family behind the agricultural war production program. It is "Mom" who helps the child out of difficulty. She looks after the chickens, the pigs, the young calf. If she's not in the garden or in the orchard, she is in the kitchen canning vegetables, picking a chicken, cooking, so that all will have enough and the right kind of food to eat. Everything and everybody on the farm depends on 'Mom.' She lends cheer and encouragement when morale is low. She is the moving spirit in community affairs. The things she does every day on the farm are war work. The attitude of farm women in general is summed up in 'Mom's' closing speech, 'If our farm can help—I guess it's little enough. It's kind of up to you and me to see it through' " (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 22).