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Stresses the practice of the learned skill, proper tongue blunting, as a first step in learning "SH". Shows the pupil, now correct approximatley 75% of the time, being given a homework assignment, with his parents evaluating his practice.
Presents a second lesson on pitch at the "Presentation Stage." Introduces hand signals used in association with extremes of pitch to help the pupil imitate extremes; these signals will be used later to cue her for correct pitch while she is talking.
Presents the teacher collecting evidence of correct automatic production of all five nuclei words in general speech situations. Transfers skills learned on Face A to all words containing "SH" at Face B of the speech model. Follows the pupil as he progresses to Face C of the speech model, generalizing skills from Face A and B to analogous areas of speech, in this case the correct pronunciation of "ZH", "CH", and "J". Shows the pupil working at the "Presentation Stage" of Face C for "ZH" through the GLGSP.
Discusses loudness as an aspect of voice production and how it refers to the relative strength of sounds. Emphasizes loudness as "part" learning which will be applied to a "whole" word or words. Shows an early lesson at the "Presentation Stage" of loudness, including a technique for handling inattention.
Employs animation and live-action photography to show the development of man's knowledge of magnetic force, present-day concepts of the earth's magnetic field, and how the magnetic field is influenced in internal and external forces. Traces the historical development of man's knowledge of magnetism from the early Greeks through Oersted, Ampere, Faraday, to 1960, the present theories relative to the source of the earth's magnetic field and the techniques of measurement employed.
Deals with the approximation that light travels in straight lines and shows four ways in which light can be sent--diffraction, scattering, refraction, and reflection. Diffraction is shown using point light sources, a wide screen, and a variable slit. Scattering is observed in a smoke-filled box. Refraction and reflection are shown using an optical tank and also an under-water camera to observe the appearance of several swimmers sitting alongside the pool; effects illustrated include image displacement, the critical angle, and total internal reflection. Concludes with the problem of why the images produced by three pinholes merge into one when intercepted by a lens. Demonstrations by Elbert R. Little, PSSC.
Discusses pitch as an aspect of voice production, and how it refers to the degree of highness or lowness of sound. Emphasizes pitch as a "part" which will be applied to "wholes." Presents a child's first lesson at the "Presentation Stage" of pitch, in which touch variations are introduced and explained.
Assesses the automatic and conscious production of a phrase. Depicts a teacher using the synthetic approach to begin a correction of the "whole" word, "welcome". Observes the child moving from "Presentation Stage" to "Imitation Stage" of Face A of the speech model. Examines the ability of the pupil to discriminate the difference in accent between her production (wel kum) and the correct accent (wel km). Shows the teacher using a discriminating activity, interweaving touch, vision, and auditory discrimination.
Works on the second nucleus word, "show", on Face A of the speech model through the "Production Stage". Shows evaluation and practice on all five nuclei words at the no-error level of practice at the "Production Stage" of Face A. Includes one GLGSP expanding language.
Uses animation, microphotography, and live action to show how green plants make food in the process of photosynthesis. Explains that as scientists study the processes involved in photosynthesis they may some day be able to duplicate the work of plants and make more efficient use of plants.
Diagrams the position of radiant energy on the electromagnetic spectrum and describes several means of detecting radiant energy. Explains the operation of a radiometer, and illustrates the use of a thermister, thermocouple, and thermophile in detection of radiant energy.
Describes the houselfy as a carrier of germs and diseases. Shows the structure of the housefly through microscopic photography and animation. Depicts the life cycle of the fly and its breeding places. Discusses sanitation procedures necessary to control the housefly menace.
Illustrates modern dance as exemplified by Negro spirituals. Miss Tamiris creates her dances to the familiar spirituals Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, Go Down Moses, and Get on Board Lil' Children.
A credit course in The New Biology, a presentation of Learning Resources Institute, Columbia Broadcasting Systems, in conjunction with the American Institute of Biological Sciences. The course is planned to include the results of recent research findings in the biological sciences and to reflect the recommendations of professional organization interested in biology education. This installment discusses the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
Introduces basic principles of the lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, and screw, and shows common usage of each. Shows the crowbar as a lever, and shows a doorknob as an example of a wheel and axle. Pictures the raising of the flag to illustrate the use of a pulley. Shows stairs as an example of an inclined plane, pictures carpenters driving nails as wedges, and presents the operation of an auto jack as an example of a screw.
Illustrates and explains the many different ways in which seeds are dispersed--by animals, by the wind, and by water. Points out that only a very few live to grow into plants.
With close-up photography of cod fillet, habibut steak, and whole dressed white fish, demonstrates three basic methods for cooking fish at home, boiling, and baking. Illustrates the use of garnishes to give eye-appeal and added nutritive qualities to fish when it is served.
Describes various phases of high temperature research, giving examples of compounds being used, goals of the research, and some results to date. Discusses procedures being used, with emphasis on procedures with titanium sulfide.
Shows how large deposits of iron ore, coal, and cheap water transportation contributed to the creation of a large industrial complex in the Great Lakes region. Pictures large scale mining of taconite in the Mesabi range of northern Minnesota. Shows ore boats on the Great Lakes, coal mining operations in West Virginia, a steel mill in Indiana, and the forming of automobile bodies in Detroit.