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Dr. George W. Crouch, Professor of English and Chairman of the Departmental Committee, act as discussion moderator for Dr. John W. Dodds, Dr. Glenn A. Olds, Director of Religion, Cornell University; Andrew C. Ritchie, Director of Painting and Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, and Roger Sessions, Professor of Musicat Princeton University, discuss the place of the humanities in the new dimensions of learning of the twentieth century.
Designed to be used with an educational psychology text. Shows, through the story of Tommy, the importance of goals in learning. His natural curiosity thwarted in school, he seems bored. By contrast, he readily learns to gain recognition, to overcome jealousy, and to keep his small newspaper business flourishing because there are definite goals involved. His teacher finally realizes what has been missing in the classroom.
Describes the main characteristics of impressionism and contrasts it with the art that prevailed in the era which preceded it. Stress is placed upon impressionism's major characteristics including elimination of details and use of color to produce optical effects in which colors are mixed by the eye. Special attention is given to coloring techniques used in painting such as use of colored dots rather than solid color areas.
Explains what good body posture is, and a man and a woman demonstrate exercises for improving muscle tone. The value of good shoulder position and a well arched foot is also described and illustrated.
Surveys the city of Amsterdam and the surrounding countryside. Shows typical sights and important buildings, residential areas, contrasting village scenes, and the shipping industry. | Surveys the city of Amsterdam and the surrounding countryside. Shows typical sights and important buildings, residential areas, contrasting village scenes, and the shipping industry.
Briefly explains the purpose of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) and shows President Roosevelt signing the agreement that led to its formation. Through scenes of war-ravaged Europe, families fleeing their homes and ruined cities, this film shows the necessity of UNRRA to provide food and medical supplies to countries in need. Focuses on the importance of relief work throughout Europe to build a stable post-war future.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of an episode of the DuPont sponsored Cavalcade of America television series, "In This Crisis" (season 1, episode 7), which aired December 24, 1953 on NBC-TV. This historical drama features John Honeyman, butcher and American patriot, who, pretending to be a Tory, spies on the Hessions to gain military intelligence, which informs Washington's decision to cross the Delaware and attack the Hessions in the December, 1776 battle at Trenton.
Discusses the effect of various levels of inbreeding (self-fertilization, sib matings, half-sib matings, cousin marriages) upon making heterozygous genes homozygous with the consequent loss of vigor. Presents data for the increased risk of genetic defect from cousin marriage in studies of phenylketonuria, of a Japanese population and a French population. The concept and estimation of lethal equivalents are given. Shows how increases in heterozygosity increase vigor (heterosis); hybrid vigor in corn in described in detail. Lecture given by Dr. J. F. Crow.
Demonstrates independent segregation by different pairs of genes using Mendel's data. Emphasizes the chromosomal activities during meiosis which are responsible for independent segregation. Describes the Punnett Square and the branching track methods of combining gametes at random. Discusses test crosses and linkage (as the exception to independent segregation), and shows that independent segregation proves the separability of the germ plasm into many gene pairs. Depicts the role of genetic recombination in speeding the process of evolution. Lecture by Dr. E. Altenburg.
Pictures two modern-day Canadian Indians scouting for new hunting and fishing grounds for their tribe. They track moose and meet a huge Canadian black bear as they move cautiously through virgin forests and lakes in their native north country.
Short promotional video highlighting the various attributes of IU Libraries Moving Image Archive (IULMIA). To learn more about IULMIA, check out our website:
"Grierson had always admired the documentary work of American filmmaker Robert Flaherty (Nanook of the North) and hired him to make Industrial Britain, though he and his staff ultimately had to complete the film when money ran out. As with other Grierson influenced documentaries of the mid-1930's, its frequent low angle close-ups heroicize the workers, their patience and their toil. The skills of glass blowers, machinists and other craftsmen are, the narration suggests, the bedrock of England's industrial might and the ability to sustain the British Empire"--Videodisc sleeve.
Focuses on an inner-city resident's attempts to maintain an old house on his own as a mechanism to review the problems of inner city housing. Explains that the cost of maintaining the home is beyond the inner-city dweller's means and that his landlord is often unwilling to contribute to this effort. Discusses, from a middle-class point of view, the exodus of the middle class to the suburbs and the failure of various programs and modern technology to provide enough inner-city low-income housing.
Shows how to plan the job; how to bend electrical metallic tubing; how to install the metallic tubing runs; how to bend rigid conduit; how to install rigid conduit runs; and how to use flexible conduit.