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Focuses on "CH" and "J" at Face C of the speech model through the GLGSP in classroom situations as the sounds arise incidentally in words. Shows the pupil working at the "Production Stage" of "CH" and the "Presentation Stage" of "J". Concludes the learning session, which began at Face A when the pupil started the in-depth work on "SH" as a single sound.
Works on the second nucleus word, "show", on Face A of the speech model through the "Production Stage". Shows evaluation and practice on all five nuclei words at the no-error level of practice at the "Production Stage" of Face A. Includes one GLGSP expanding language.
Presents the teacher collecting evidence of correct automatic production of all five nuclei words in general speech situations. Transfers skills learned on Face A to all words containing "SH" at Face B of the speech model. Follows the pupil as he progresses to Face C of the speech model, generalizing skills from Face A and B to analogous areas of speech, in this case the correct pronunciation of "ZH", "CH", and "J". Shows the pupil working at the "Presentation Stage" of Face C for "ZH" through the GLGSP.
Assesses the automatic and conscious production of a phrase. Depicts a teacher using the synthetic approach to begin a correction of the "whole" word, "welcome". Observes the child moving from "Presentation Stage" to "Imitation Stage" of Face A of the speech model. Examines the ability of the pupil to discriminate the difference in accent between her production (wel kum) and the correct accent (wel km). Shows the teacher using a discriminating activity, interweaving touch, vision, and auditory discrimination.
Continues synthetic practice of the "whole" word, "welcome", narrowing to analytic work on the second syllable (km). Shows the teacher shaping (km) toward correctness: weak form of the syllable, i.e., soft, short, nasal emission on (km). Then pupil works at the "Presentation and Imitation Stages" on Face A of the speech model.
Continues to practice, as well as working on the whole phrase incidentally. Evaluates the automatic production of the entire phrase. Includes five examples of use of the General Language: General Speech Pattern unrelated to specific work on (km).
Demonstrates the incorporation of the "part" (weak second syllable) back into the "whole", "Welcome." Depicts the teacher attempting to get proper intonation on the word through (a) shaping and (b) general practice. Presents an assessment of the automatic production of the phrase.
Examines carry-over practice involving habituation of the correct accent and intonation of the entire phrase. Demonstrates carry-over practice given through the General Language: General Speech Pattern by the teacher in the language lesson, by other teachers in a nursery school, and by parents at home. Concludes with a pupil automatically using the phrase correctly in a general situation.
Continues the shaping of the production of the element (km) to become weak. Depicts a pupil achieving a second approximation [making (km) very short], and later moving from High-Error to Low-Error to No-Error practice. Demonstrates the General Language: General Speech Pattern.
Discusses the GLGSP as an integrative device for the general teaching of language and speech so that every communication between pupil and adult can be made a learning situation for language or speech or both. Presents five steps a teacher can use in understanding what a pupil has said.
Focuses on an inner-city resident's attempts to maintain an old house on his own as a mechanism to review the problems of inner city housing. Explains that the cost of maintaining the home is beyond the inner-city dweller's means and that his landlord is often unwilling to contribute to this effort. Discusses, from a middle-class point of view, the exodus of the middle class to the suburbs and the failure of various programs and modern technology to provide enough inner-city low-income housing.
Bronowski examines the dilemmas and challenges posed by the scientific advancements of this century. He briefly discusses Einstein and his effect upon the scientific community and himself. He discusses the emphasis upon biology since the dropping of the atomic bomb.
Follows the activities of a group of international Girl Scouts at a wilderness encampment in an Oregon national forest. Shows how they prepare for and take a five-day hike into the Three Sisters' Wilderness Area of Oregon without adult leaders. Quotations from their evaluation session are heard.
Describes briefly the arduous processes by which the early settlers ground corn in their homes and focuses on the construction and operation of large water-powered mills. Shows farmers bringing their sacks of corn by horseback to the miller who, for a portion of the flour, grinds the grain to the desired texture, while the farmers catch up on the latest news. Explains the miller's activities as he goes through each step of the grinding process.
No longer wanted by their masters, a donkey, dog, cat, and rooster set out for Bremen to become musicians. They prove clever enough to outwit some robbers.
Presents to the educator a systematic approach to instruction based on decisions about the learner, learning, evaluation, and the learning development, using the subjects of tennis and music as examples.
Seven to twelve-year-old filmmakers are the stars in this film record of the activities of a film club. Narration is entirely by children who comment on the pleasures and problems of filmmaking. They experiment with drawing directly on clear film and they use paper cutout puppets to animate a story.
Presents a profile of a winner of an Indianapolis "500" race, with highlights of the 1970 race. Interwoven are sequences stressing safe driving on and off the track.
Develops through animation the story of Harold, who with his purple crayon creates a world of his own, since whatever he draws becomes real. Harold's adventures begin when he goes for a walk in the woods and draws the trees; when he is tired of the walk he draws a boat and some water and sails to an imaginary picnic, where he draws the food; and, finally when he tires of his adventuring he draws his house, his bed, the bedcovers and then hops in and goes to sleep. Based on Crockett Johnson's book by the same title.