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Dr. Ray Koppelman discusses the nucleus of the cell, explaining it's structural makeup, its function, and the ways in which it gives directives to the rest of the cell to carry out growth and reproductive functions.
This gun safety film takes a humorous approach to demonstrate how some gun owners endanger others while handling a firearm. If a bad practice exists while handling a firearm then Harry is certain to exhibit it.
Teaching Film Custodians abridged classroom version of a Cavalcade of America television series episode, "The Ship That Shook the World" (season 3, episode 19), which first aired March 29th, 1955 on ABC-TV. When news is received that the Confederacy is converting the captured Union ship, Merrimac into an iron-armored ship to break the Union blockade of Southern ports, Captain John Ericsson, a naturalized citizen of Swiss birth, convinces a Navy Board to accept his specifications for a warship of revolutionary design, compared to a "cheesebox on a raft" by president Lincoln. On March 8, 1862, the Merrimac demolishes three conventional Union warships in Chesapeake Bay. The Monitor's shakedown cruise was interrupted for the history-making encounter with the Merrimac at Hampton Roads on March 9, 1862. The Monitor disables the Southern ironclad, forces it to withdraw never to fight again, and saves the blockade. The success of the Monitor revolutionizes naval warfare throughout the world.
Surveys selling as a career. Portrays a day in the life of a typical travelling salesman at home and on the job. Portrays various types of sales people who sell by personal contacts, mail, telephone, and radio, and describes the qualifications of a good salesman--honesty, accurate judgement, friendliness, and devotion to service.
A woman and her doctor discuss the facts and fallacies of menopause. She learns that with proper care it need not be the tragic experience some women have been led to expect.
Demonstrates use of standard error, comparison of scores with test norms in interpretation of test scores, and use of percentile bands rather than points. | Presents a lecture by Dr. Scarvia B. Anderson, who demonstrates two important principles of test interpretation--(1) any test score is only an estimate of a student's ability, and (2) percentages are meaningful only if the characteristics of the group on which norms are based are known. Golf pro Ernie Pognotta helps to show similarities in basic principles of measurement in golf and in test scores. Dr. Anderson emphasizes that meaning comes from comparison in interpreting test scores.
Describes the main characteristics of impressionism and contrasts it with the art that prevailed in the era which preceded it. Stress is placed upon impressionism's major characteristics including elimination of details and use of color to produce optical effects in which colors are mixed by the eye. Special attention is given to coloring techniques used in painting such as use of colored dots rather than solid color areas.
An excerpt from the 1949 MGM documentary "A tale of the Navajos."
"It is the story of two boys and of the legends and sacred chants that led them on a great quest through this land of turquoise skies, this land of Eagle and Owl, of Raven and Coyote."
Explains what good body posture is, and a man and a woman demonstrate exercises for improving muscle tone. The value of good shoulder position and a well arched foot is also described and illustrated.