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Compares a hungry, active rat with a satiated, inactive rat. The hungry animal learns to get food by pressing a bar, while the satiated animal goes to sleep. To demonstrate that failure to learn is due to lack of motivation, a mild electric shock is supplied and the satiated animal becomes active and learns to strike a lever which turns off the shock. Shows the animal also learning to rotate a wheel, bite a rubber tube, and strike another animal to avoid electric shock.
This film follows developments in music through human history supplemented by visuals of art and architecture of the period. Traces ancient civilization through to the 18th century with a heavy concentration on Europe.
Vern Reimer gives instruction, through demonstrations, on how to improve a drummers performance. He discusses the common mistakes made by student drummers and how to correct them. Targeted for the snare drum.
Tells the life story of bats. Shows live bats and pictures a bat's voice of and oscillograph. Explains how bats navigate by echolocation or sonar. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Portrays the role of Nanking in the history of China. Pictures its modern city life and its surroundings, including the Yangtze River, the mausoleum of Sun Yat-sen, ancient landmarks, and famous buildings.
Shows interlocking of effects of the endocrine and nervous systems in man; illustrates the types of nerve cells and impulse transmission; explains the functions of the cortex, cerebellum, hypothalamic area, and medulla; describes the reflex arch and the peripheral, central, and automatic divisions. Discusses the diseases of the nervous system.
Depicts the daily life in a seacoast town in 1845 as it is seen by Chris, a boy of thirteen, who is completing school and must choose his future occupation. Pictures the work of the town tradesmen--the shipsmith, the ships' carver, the sailmaker, the rigger, the chandler, the countinghouse proprietor, and the shipbuilder. Describes seafaring life aboard a fishing boat, a coastal trading ship, and a whaling vessel. Depicts the home life of the young boy, as well as the more elegant home of a whaling captain.
Describes the culture of the people and the unusual climate of northern Norway. Explains that the northern third of the country is within the Arctic Circle but that the climate is much modified by the Gulf Stream. Depicts the splitting of the country into two distinct climates by a central mountain range. Views many of the geographic features peculiar to Norway.
Portrays life in the northeast corner of Scotland. The work of the fishermen and farmers and the industries and other activities of Aberdeen are described in some detail.
Portrays life of a typical farm family during the early 1800s in the Northeastern United States. Illustrates the self-sufficiency of these farmers and the importance to them of wood, water, and fertile soil. The reliance of the people on the services of the grist mill, blacksmith shop, general store, church, and school is shown. Describes the homes, types and numbers of animals, crops found on the farms, and the responsibilities of each member of the family. Through scenes of church and town meetings illustrates the concept that traditions of self-sufficient independence, desire for education, devotion to God and church, and love of self-government and freedom held by these farmers were carried to all parts of the 19th century America.
Shows how Canada's northwest airlines have conquered the almost impenetrable natural barriers of rivers and mountains on the Pacific coast. Reveals how air bases were built, supplied, and serviced during World War II. Shows the city of Edmonton as a gateway to the new North, to Russia, India, China, and the Orient.
Describes fusion of hydrogen nuclei as a source of solar energy, the chain reaction of uranium nuclei, and principles of critical mass relating to atomic bombs and nuclear power plants.
Depicts the use of instruments employing radiation detectors in modern prospecting and through the use of animation, the underlying principles of radiation theory. Outlines atomic theory, defines radioactivity in terms of particle emission, and emission in terms of nuclear stability. Concludes with description of carbon 14 dating.
By contrasting film footage showing Europe in ruins immediately following World War II and Europe's present prosperity, this first program lays the historical groundwork for the series. The first steps in this remarkable metamorphosis are traced from the initial effect of the Marshall Plan — from which grew the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) — through the 1951 establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community.
Film features the Jeep audio visual unit, a vehicle equipped to provide complete sound and picture projection, regardless of road conditions or weather. Follows the vehicle as it used in an educational presentation.
Portrays to youth the wide variety of career opportunities in sales and merchandising occupations, how entry jobs fit into the career ladder, work settings, levels of occupations, and information about preparatory experience available through part-time work or a summer job in the retailing industry.
Stresses the importance of teeth in the digestive system, identifies and explains the purposes of the different teeth, and shows tooth development from infancy, the structure of teeth, how tooth decay starts, and the necessity for correct diet. A classroom film.
This film outlines the convalescent training program for hospitalized U.S. airmen in World War II. It is designed to acquaint the convalescent with the program in which he will take part. Patients are shown in their beds, doing light calisthenics in the wards, exercising specific muscles using specially designed equipment, exercising and playing games out-of-doors, and engaging in hobbies and crafts. Other aspects of the program involve convalescents sharing wartime experiences with their fellow patients, teaching them new material and new skills, brushing up on their old skills acquired on duty, taking courses, and even earning degrees. The program also includes updates and discussions on the war, watching duty-related films, and engaging in purely social activities. The circulation and blood supply to various parts of the body are shown in animation.
Presents several experiments to illustrate the characteristics of oxygen, including the effects of free oxygen upon mice and a lighted candle, the separation of liquid oxygen from liquid air, the breakdown of water by electrolysis, the freeing of oxygen from mercuric oxide by a catalyst, and the action of spontaneous combustion.
Shows how flat and three-dimensional materials are framed by the passe partout method, using a transparent cover, a mat, a cardboard backing and binding tape. Demonstrates with animation and life photography the detailed step-by-step procedures for framing a picture and for mounting and framing a Cecropia moth. Includes suggestions for displaying and filling materials mounted with the passe partout method.
Points out exterior structure and coloration of a living perch. Uses fresh specimens to show dissection techniques and reveal internal structures. The respiratory, digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems are removed and examined. the head is opened. The olfactory tract and brain are studied. Heart action is observed in a freshly killed specimen. The circulatory system is outlined. Further areas of investigation are suggested.
Shows the preparation and use of photographic slides in instruction. Suggests various sources of pictures and shows how pictures can be photographed by the teacher or copied from other printed matter. Includes and introduction to the Polaroid camera and film that can produce positive slides in three minutes. Recommends using slides for teaching and reporting to parent groups on children's activities and progress. Discusses the use of a tape recorded narration for some groups of slides.
Describes briefly the arduous processes by which the early settlers ground corn in their homes and focuses on the construction and operation of large water-powered mills. Shows farmers bringing their sacks of corn by horseback to the miller who, for a portion of the flour, grinds the grain to the desired texture, while the farmers catch up on the latest news. Explains the miller's activities as he goes through each step of the grinding process.
Illustrates how linen, wool, and linsey-woolsey fabrics were made from material found or grown on the farm; follows the processing of flax into linen thread from harvesting to the actual spinning of the thread; pictures the shearing of sheep, the cleaning and carding of fleece, and the spinning of woolen thread; demonstrates the weaving and dyeing of cloth; and discusses the uses of wool, linen, and linsey-woolsey cloth.
Tells the story of Bob Carter's introduction to a research job in a large chemical company. Both his chemistry professor and his new laboratory supervisor stress the importance of good safety practices on the job. Pictures many safety devices in use in the chemical industry. Selected scenes filmed at Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis.
There are many partnerships in nature where two plants may help each other, or a plant and animal may mutually benefit one another, or where two animals may contribute to each other’s welfare. You will see on this program an example of each. The lichen, a common plant, looks like one individual, but really consists of two kinds of plants living together. You will see this story through the microscope. And you will see the story of cross-pollination, in which bees and insects take nectar from the flowers and in so doing transfer pollen from one flower to another. Ever look inside a wood eating termite? You will and with a microscope to see a story of mutual benefit. Inside the termite lives a host of one-celled animals which assist the termite in digesting the cellulose in the wood he consumes. (WGBH-TV) Kinescope.
Asks questions about food sources for plants, and uses coleus to illustrate foodmaking in green plants. Uses cinephotomicrography and animation to show the process of photosynthesis. The phenomenon of the conversion of light energy to chemical energy is noted. Carnivores, parasites and saprophytes are each defined and illustrated. Points out that all animals depend upon some form of plant life for food.
Stresses the importance of appearance to a speaker's self-confidence and good audience reaction. Uses cartoon characters to show types of poor posture. A man preparing his first speech demonstrates balance and proper techniques of posture and movement. Reviews the suggestions made.
Contrasts the crowded play conditions in most cities with those of rural areas, and discusses what the Play Schools Association is doing to remedy the urban problem. Shows typical Play School settings in public schools, a settlement, and a housing project, where children from five through thirteen years, of all races and creeds, are provided with a wide range of enriching play activities for their after-school hours in winter and all day during summer vacations.
Examines four different approaches to working with clay and ceramics. Shows scenes of ceramists at work to illustrate that the current approach to ceramics is characterized by change and creativity, allowing the ceramist to create pieces that are traditional and functional or purely artistic. Notes that the stimulus for shaping clay upon the wheel or molding clay with slabs can come from the artist's environment or his imagination. Explains that designs applied to ceramic pieces prior to firing can alter their basic forms and that experimenting with the ingredients in glazes and methods of glaze application allow for varying results.
The Phillips "66" championship team demonstrates basketball fundamentals. Slow motion and stop motion photography are used frequently to show techniques as follow-through, pivoting, passing drill, tipping drill, defensive, offensive breaks, and the various shots.
Shows how to make a template for the job; how to install knives in the spindle; how to use the template when smoothing squared edges; how to set up equipment for shaping a curved edge; and how to shape a curved edge in more than one cut.
Discusses the human endocrine system, including the better-known glands and how they affect the body. Highlights the difficulties involved in studying the endocrine system in humans and describes modern research methods using invertebrates.
Presents a profile of a winner of an Indianapolis "500" race, with highlights of the 1970 race. Interwoven are sequences stressing safe driving on and off the track.
In this program the audience hears a review and summary of all the information on the physical and chemical nature of living material discussed in previous programs. Dr. Roney uses sketch pad diagrams and models to picture the structure and organizations of living material, as it is understood today.
Vignettes of everyday life and events in two indigenous Mexican villages provide breadth of subject-matter for vocabulary exercise. Sentences of the Spanish narration are nearly all declarative, and in the present indicative. For second semester Spanish students.
Illustrates and explains the chief properties of the important quadrilaterals such as the parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, square, trapezoid, and trapezium.
Indicates the preparation necessary for entrance into radio work, stressing a strong foundation in science and mathematics. The development of personality and a cultural background is stressed. Gives an overview of radio and its present importance and the application of radio principles to public address systems, sound reproduction, and television.
"Includes a report from Britain showing the RAF and the 8th Air Force on a hedgehopping bomber flight over France and Germany, and the 5th Air Force report from New Guinea." ("News and Notes," Educational Screen, June, 1944, 266.) Shows a film clip claiming to be an "Official German Newsreel," with footage of American planes that have been shot down and have crashed onto German soil. Shows how Germans salvage metal from these American aircraft to use for their own war effort and explains that each crashed plane is indicative of loss of soldiers' lives. Ends with a message from General Eisenhower asking the American people to support the Fifth War Loan Drive.
Introduces Rafael Mendez, who plays several selections on his trumpet and discusses his instrument and playing technique. Includes an orchestral accompaniment. Ends with Mendez and his twin sons playing an original composition.
Records the activities and sounds in a freight yard upon the arrival of a freight train. Portrays a turntable in operation, a steam locomotive in a roundhouse for servicing, a diesel engine moving through an automatic washer, and the reassembling of cars into a new train. A recording of the film-sound and music accompanies the film.
Uses such situations as computing a baseball player's batting average and adapting a recipe to illustrate the principles and uses of ratio and proportion. Explains the terms used, the difference between ratio and proportion, and the application of the principles to gears.
Shows that ratio expresses a relationship between two numbers. Points out that equal ratios form a proportion, which may be used in solving problems, stressing that the units must be the same in finding ratios between two numbers.
Presents physical education as an essential part of the modern school curriculum. John Glenn explains why the astronauts need to be ready physically and mentally for space travel. Describes how body motor skills are developed in early grades by tumbling, rope climbing, and rhythms. Pictures older students playing team games, as basketball and volleyball. Stresses the need for well-planned activities, accurate records, and competent, well-trained teachers.
George follows carefully planned preliminary operations in getting ready to type. Jane, who makes her preparations haphazardly, learns later to practice George's methods and is then ready to type with self-control and self-confidence.
Shows types of reamers; how to check the size of reamers; and how to ream straight holes with straight-fluted helical-fluted, and adjustable-blade reamers.
Shows how to check, recondition, and repair the cutter and adjust the knife clips and bar mechanism; how to remove and replace worn sections in the sickle and sharpen the sickle section; how to repair, sharpen, replace, and straighten the guard unit, replace wearing plates, and adjust the cutter bar to the proper lead; and how to adjust the sickle for register.
Shows how pigeons are taught abnormal behavior patterns by means of selective reinforcement of response and how the removal of the reinforcement causes the gradual extinguishing of the learned response. Derives from the experiments basic principles about learned behavior which are applicable in the training of children.
Shows how behavior that is reinforced does get learned while non-reinforced behavior is extinguished.
World War II film showing the horror of the Pacific war with extensive coverage of the care and treatment of the wounded. Created in support of the 7th War Loan drive, the film encourages the general public to purchase war bonds to aid the recovery of wounded servicemen.
Tells of the energy, the courage, and the efforts of the Russians behind the front lines in World War II. Shows the holding and striking power of Russia.
Shows how to check a repulsion-induction motor for electrical and mechanical faults; how to dismantle a repulsion-induction motor; how to clean and plug the commutator; how to turn the commutator; how to remove a damaged sleeve bearing; how to ream to size and install a new sleeve bearing; how to remove a damaged coil and wind and insulate a new coil; and how to assemble and lubricate a repulsion-induction motor.
Presents and demonstrates the value of three ways to rest: sleep, relaxation, and change. Relates rest, exercise, and food to good health and pictures a boy, his sister, and his dog observing the rules to achieve good health.
Bronowski examines the dilemmas and challenges posed by the scientific advancements of this century. He briefly discusses Einstein and his effect upon the scientific community and himself. He discusses the emphasis upon biology since the dropping of the atomic bomb.
An elementary school orchestra, rehearsing for a school program, is having some difficulty in keeping the rhythm. The teacher illustrates familiar kinds of steady beat with a stethoscope, pulse rate, a clock, and a metronome. The drummer illustrates accented beats, and members of the orchestra play tunes in each rhythm. The rhythm of the piece they were practicing becomes clear, and the rehearsal proceeds.
Shows Guatemala's natural resources, crops, and other products. Includes the cultivation of coffee, bananas, corn, pepper, cinchona for quinine, and plants for rotenone. Includes a short Spanish lesson.
A Teaching Film Custodians classroom film of excerpts from the 1944 Paramount Pictures feature film, "The Hitler Gang". This film traces the rise of Hitler and the growth of the Nazi movement in Germany. Shows the techniques of intimidation and mass psychology used on the German public, and briefly refers to the aggressions by Germany on neighboring countries. The film begins shortly after the Armistice in 1918, when Hitler, a corporal in the German Army, informs his commanding officer of a threatened revolt of the men in his barracks.
Compares the Columbia, Colorado, and Sacramento-San Joaquin river systems to show what man has done to utilize each to his advantage. Illustrates the adaptation of the rivers to diverse uses--as avenues of commerce, for logging and fishing, for electrical power, and water.
The seventh in a series of a film about the Americas, this film shows the water, rail, motor, and air transportation routes of Latin America, tracing their development from early Spanish exploration to the 1940's.
Rockhunting in central Oregon. Opportunities available for pursuit of this hobby. Cutting, polishing and finishing rocks by the lapidary. Examples of finished jewelry and rock collections.
Illustrates and explains the use of role playing in analyzing problems of human relationships. Shows a mothers' club and a group at the 1947 National Training Laboratory in Group Development as they enact simple incidents involving various techniques of role playing.
Uses the voice of a young girl, killed in the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, to narrate a tour through the ruins of Pompeii as she relives her past experiences and hears again the sounds which echoed through the city's streets. Shows the uncovered ruins of the bakery, the wine shop, gardens, temples, homes of the rich and the poor, the theatre, and the gladiatorial arena. Briefly mentions the girl's love for a young boy of Christian faith and the resultant conflict with her pagan religion.
Dramatized incidents including a discussion between a disgruntled son and his parents over the boy's plans for a college education are used in explaining that discussion brings information to the individual, leads to a broader and richer life, and expedites cooperative achievement.
Shows how to plan the installation of the circuit run, switch run, and wall receptacle run; how to determine the location of required runs; how to install an offset bar hanger and ceiling outlet box; how to rough-in a circuit run, using nonmetallic sheathed cable; and how to make up connections for switches, receptacles, and fixtures.
Shows visits to the homes of two Caucasian families who adopted children of Negro and mixed parentage, in which their hopes and problems are discussed.
Through illustrations, shows high school and college students learning the use of various safety devices, rules, and procedures. Each illustration points out that the student should follow the directions given, should use the tools of chemistry properly, and should consult with the instructor when in doubt.
Features silent footage of Indiana University's "Marching Hundred" band, with Daniel L. Martino, director, and Charles F. Keen, assistant director, who are featured in a brief close-up. Includes quoted accolades from the band's founding in 1900 through 1948, including several from John Philip Sousa. Follows the men on a bus trip to the University of Illinois and showcases several halftime programs.
A message from Donald M. Nelson, chairman of the War Production Board, urging Americans to save metals, rubber, and greases for the World War II effort.
Studies the progress of Sao Paulo and the factors that have contributed toward the phenomenal growth in population of this second-largest Brazilian city. Presents a cross section of modern South America with its busy industry, its growing commerce, its beauty of art and architecture, and its up-to-date trends in education.
Shows how to select and lay out stock to avoid waste; how to reverse curves to contour lines; how to use the table tilting gage; how to saw a bevel reverse curve; how to prepare a template for a newel post; and how to saw a newel post having reverse curves.
Shows how to drill the saw starting hole; how to make the saw selection; how to set up a band saw machine; how to weld saw bands; how to saw an internal contour shape; and how to remove and store a band saw.
Uses regular photography and animation to present the physical characteristics, the people, and the natural resources of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Follows the activities of two men--John Bergesen, farmer and first officer of the freighter Arcturus, and Olaf Thorson, a typical industrial worker of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Reading about Bill's activities in the yearbook, his sister decides to join all his cubs, in order to have as much fun in high school as he did. Bill explains that he had reasons for joining those clubs, not only to make friends, but to help him in his studies, to learn or improve skills, and to learn how to get along with other people. He convinces his sister that she should join activities which interest her. | Reading about Bill's activities in the yearbook, his sister decides to join all his cubs, in order to have as much fun in high school as he did. Bill explains that he had reasons for joining those clubs, not only to make friends, but to help him in his studies, to learn or improve skills, and to learn how to get along with other people. He convinces his sister that she should join activities which interest her.
Presents a 1948 report on the School Camp experiment authorized by the Board of Education of the City of New York and conducted in cooperation with Life Camps, Inc. Shows numerous examples of children enjoying a variety of camping experiences. Stresses the importance of the children's interactions with each other and with nature.
Shows how surface plates are used to check the flatness of surfaces, types of scrapers, how to remove high spots, and how to determine when a surface is scraped flat.
Describes and discusses the materials and tools used in modeling a portrait bust from clay. Shows the steps in applying clay to the armature. Illustrates how the sculptor proceeds to develop essential characteristics of the model's head. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the modeling begun in Sculpture I. Brings the portrait bust to life-size proportions by adding more clay to the armature. begins work on some of the details of form ending with a general likeness of the model. (KETC) Kinescope.
Mose demonstrates the placement of features and the locating and working out of the especially prominent jaw muscles of the model. He explains the use of the death maskand tells stories about models and techniques.
Demonstrates the removal of the mold from the clay bust. Shows methods and implements used in removing the cast. Points out the importance of being careful and patient. Reviews briefly what has taken place in the preceding programs. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the modeling from Sculpture IV. Explains how the artist works to refine certain areas. Demonstrates how to "draw" carefully in the clay to bring out certain characteristics of the model. Discusses capturing certain expressions in the clay. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the work on details begun in Sculpture V. Explains how an area can be broken up into planes by the use of a block of wood. Demonstrates ways of modeling the eyes. Discusses the importance of the sculptor being able to draw graphically. (KETC) Kinescope.
Continues the modeling from Sculpture VI and completes the clay bust. Discusses and demonstrates how the eye is modeled. Emphasizes the importance of having different parts work together as a whole. Outlines the many finishing techniques that can be used. Comments briefly on several contemporary sculptors. (KECT) kinescope.
Describes and illustrates the mold casting stage in the development of the sculptural portrait. Shows how plaster is mixed, applied to the clay, and the importance of working fast. Discusses the use of shims for separating the mold. Concludes by showing the completed mold. (KETC) Kinescope.
Discusses the process of making a plaster cast. Points out how the molds are shellacked and placed together again. Demonstrates how the plaster is mixed. Shows the process of pouring the plaster into the mold. (KETC) Kinescope.
Shows how the mold is removed from the finished plaster bust. Discusses the use of bluing in the first coat of plaster. Illustrates the use of the screwdriver and mallet in removing the mold. Concludes with a comparison of the model and the completed plaster portrait bust. (KETC) Kinescope.
Includes harbor activities at the ports of San Francisco, Puget Sound, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Portland. Also shows how Los Angeles, lacking a good natural harbor, built one by erecting huge breakwaters at nearby San Pedro.