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Division of Visual Aids, U.S. Office of Education (Producer), Federal Security Agency (Producer), Ray-Bell Films, Inc. (Producer)
Explains why accessories are used with gage blocks; shows how to inspect a plug gage, an adjustable snap gage, a profile gage, a ring gage, and a screwthread pitch; and shows how to build a height gage and scriber.
Division of Visual Aids, U.S. Office of Education, Federal Security Agency, Ray-Bell Films, Inc.
Shows how to assemble broaching inserts in right- and left-hand toolholders, how to mount and adjust toolholders in the double ram; how to mount and adjust the work fixtures; how to set trip dogs for the ram stroke; how to measure the workpiece after trial broaching; and how to surface-broach on a double ram vertical broaching machine at a production rate.
Division of Visual Aids, United States Office of Education (Producer), Federal Security Agency (Producer), Emerson Yorke Studio (Producer)
Shows how to mount and dress the wheels on the two-spindle grinder; how to prepare the diaphragm chuck; how to plunge-grind the bore and adjust for taper; and how to grind the shoulder and flange parallel at right angles to the bore.
Duroc Record Association, Frank Oberkoetter Studios
Addressed to members of 4-H or FFA clubs interested in learning to raise pigs, stating "thousands of boys and girls choose swine for their livestock project work." Provides instruction and guidance for every aspect of the project, from purchasing, showing at the county fair, to reaping profits in the fall. "[P]oints covered include: buying a bred gilt; McLean County sanitation system; importance of accurate record keeping; equipment needed; feeding methods; value of clean pasture; disease prevention; showing at the fair; and the value of pig project work. Suggested for agricultural classes and for 4-H club activities" (University of Michigan Bureau of Visual Education Extension Service, Instructional Motion Pictures, 1940-1941, 8). Suggests that the profitability of such projects will help young people start their own farms. The film shows a young farm couple tending hogs while narration states "if a little boy blesses their home you bet ten to one that he too will get the chance to have the valuable experience of pig project work, just like dad."
Follows a troop train, a freight train, and a truck rushing to deliver men and supplies to a ship convoy in 1943. Explains the reasons for transportation delays and the shortage of goods in wartime. This film was intended to promote understanding and support of the war effort despite inconveniences on the home front.
Ellis Katzman, Elbert C. Weaver, John A. Skarulis, William H. Pasfield, Ross Lowell, Herman J. Engel, Robert Braverman, Peter Robinson, Geraldine Lerner, Max J. Rosenberg, Fisher Scientific Company
Demonstrates the differences between saturated, unsaturated, and supersaturated solutions; that solutions are dynamic, not static in character; and also shows suspensions and colloidal dispersions. Presents characteristics of solutions and explains insolubility, solutions without chemical reactions, mixtures, suspensions, and the Tyndall effect in colloidal dispersions.
"Short fictional film asking people to keep under cover during air raids. A group of English and Canadian fighter pilots report the number of German planes they have each shot down. The rivalry between the British and Canadian pilots is intense and later in the pilot's hut one of the English pilots is asked why he did not "kill" a German plane when he had the chance. He replies that the problem was "Goofer trouble". "Goofers" are seen leaving a shelter to watch a dog fight. Because these "Goofers" were in the street the pilot could not open fire without running the risk of hitting them."--British Film Institute website.
Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc., Wilbur Johns, Norman Sper
Analyzes defensive footwork action in basketball by first demonstrating the correct stance. Slow motion and close-up photography then portray the two basic defensive moves: the parallel movement, which governs lateral guarding motions, and the stride, which governs advancing and retreating motions. Emphasis is placed on the correlation of arm movement with footwork, turning, pivoting, and getting into position for taking the ball on the rebound.
Presents technical developments in the preservation and transportation of foods, the economic problems involved, and the world flow of foods. Depicts how such developments have increased the possibilities of distributing perishable foods on a world basis. Shows the problem of family income, maintaining flow of food from producer to consumer, the problem of tariffs, and the intercontinental movement of major foods on an animated map background.
Erling M. Hunt, Wade Arnold, Abraham Ribicoff, Center for Mass Communication, Columbia University Press
Discusses the purposes and functions of the five major divisions within the department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Describes the several offices, agencies, and bureaus, and indicates how these deal with foods, drugs, social security, vocational rehabilitation, and education. Emphasizes that the major concern of the department is to benefit individuals in their living. Narrated by Abraham Ribicoff, a former secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
ERPI Classroom Films, Inc., Encyclopaedia Britannica
Traces the history of mapmaking and representation of the globe on two-dimensional surfaces. Considers early problems of distortion in map projection, and reviews the projections of Mercator, Mollweide, and Goode. Uses animation to emphasize the concept of present-day map-making as influenced by the development of modern air transportation and the subsequent shrinkage in time-distance values. Narrator states "the airplane forces us to think of world travel and transportation in terms of great circle routes." These routes run independently of land and water and mark the shortest distance between points on the surface of the earth. The film shows that advances in human culture and technology transform our mapmaking and conception of space and distance.
ERPI Classroom Films, Inc., Encyclopaedia Britannica Films Inc.
Promotes the catalog of ERPI Classroom Films to educators, presenting excerpts from dozens of films with narration extolling their effectiveness (ERPI Classroom Films was the predecessor to Encylopædia Britannica Films, an acronym derived from Electrical Research Products, Inc.). "Designed to show how the sound film can surmount many barriers to human learning by bringing to the classroom concepts otherwise difficult or impossible to present" states narration. Examples of microphotography, animated diagrams, time-lapse and slow motion photography demonstrate the applications of the motion-picture film in the classroom. Travelogue, foreign cultures, training and trades are brought to the classroom. Cites a study finding that classroom films are particularly effective with "low I.Q." students. Includes time-lapse film of the solar eclipse of 1932.
Erpi Classroom Films, Lawson Robertson, Dean Cromwell, Brutus Hamilton, Harold A. Bruce, Amateur Athletic Union of the United States
Includes races from 1,000 to 10,000 meters and steeplechase. Style of distance runner contrasted vividly with that of dash man. Differences in typical physiques. Steeplechase portrays various methods employed by participants in clearing barriers. An instructional sound film.
Falcon Films, E. H. C. Hildebrandt, Robert Pruitt, David Wisner, Evelyn P. Anderson, Seymour Zolotareff, Delta Films
Uses a combination of animation and live-action photography to logically develop the formulas for determining the volume of pyramids, cones, and spheres. After reviewing the formulas for the volumes of prisms and cylinders, the volume of a pyramid with a rectangular base is determined. This is then related to pyramids with non-rectangular bases and cones, the volume of the latter being compared to a cylinder. Defines a sphere and portrays a method of determining its volume. Concludes with commercial and industrial applications of these formulas.
A British production made as a fund raising appeal to American audiences to aid British children affected by the Blitz. The film depicts the hardships of life during wartime for children and discusses the relief efforts of the Save the Children Federation.
Focuses on the conservation of important natural elements such as rubber, oil and metal needed to support the U.S. Victory Program. Viewers are shown various ways in which they can change daily habits to get the most out of these materials.
Shows the function of the physical training program of the Army Air Forces during World War II. Starts by celebrating the exploits of Army Air Force war heroes. The main story is a fictional story about two American fighter pilots who are forced to parachute from disabled planes. The uninjured man brings his wounded comrade through water and knee-deep marshlands to safety. The excellent physical condition of both men is presented as largely responsible for their survival. Includes footage of Army Air Force soldiers engaging in physical exercise.
"Stridently anti-Japanese film that attempts to convey an understanding of Japanese life and philosophy so that the U.S. may more readily defeat its enemy. Depicts the Japanese as "primitive, murderous and fanatical." With many images of 1930s and 1940s Japan, and a portentious [sic] and highly negative narration by Joseph C. Grew, former U.S. ambassador to Japan."--Internet Archive.
Harold Otwell, Karl Martz, Robert Gobrecht, George Fleetwood, Indiana University Audio-Visual Center
Shows a skilled ceramist applying designs on several ceramic pieces prior to final firing. He uses the clay itself, a comb, a piece of burlap, or clay stamps to create textured designs. Other decoration methods illustrated include colored glazes, clay slip, "Mishima," sgraffito, and wax resist. Shows samples of representative pieces after decoration and firing.
"This film illustrates the difference between World War II and the war of 1914, emphasizing the importance of mechanization, and contrasting the mobile tactics with the immobility of trench warfare. The scientific approach, both to problems of military strategy and to new weapons, is all-important. The film shows some of the work done by Canadian scientists to make these weapons as effective as possible."--National Film Board of Canada description.
Produced for an American audience, the film explores the role of women in the war effort and thanks America for sending relief bundles to the victims of the London Blitz. Shows British women caring for evacuee children, working in the land army, as ambulance drivers and auto mechanics, in defense factories, ferrying planes for the R.A.F., and operating rest centers.
Humorously using the arrogant and bumbling Mr. Proudfoot, this film serves a dual purpose of emphasizing the importance of obeying blackout hours, as well as easing the stress of the time period by encouraging laughter.
[motion picture] Portrays the need for improvements in transportation as the U.S. spread westward, and outlines the development of a network of canals to supplement existing river and highway transportation facilities. Uses flashbacks to show activities of a family employed by the canal company to maintain a ten-mile section of the canal and operate the locks.
[motion picture] Tells the story of a woodchuck which was taken to a state park to live and now entertains the park visitors by performing tricks. Shows the woodchuck's appearance, size, natural habitat, food, habits, and adjustment to captivity.
[motion picture] Presents briefly the theory of operation of the photoelectric exposure meter and gives illustrations of how it can be intelligently used to solve exposure problems. Practical use of the meter is shown in handling exposure problems relating to: scenes with extreme brightness ranges, achieving accurate flesh tones, copying, taking incident light readings, establishing lighting ratios, setting lights for a pre-determined f/stop, using a gray and white card, making substitute readings, and selecting from the various f/stop and shutter speed combinations either to achieve a desired depth of field or stop subject-motion. Throughout the Weston Master III meter is used for demonstration.
[motion picture] Features the internal anatomy of fresh fetal pig specimens by systems, to illustrate techniques of dissection for studying the anatomy of a mammal. Shows fetal pigs within a uterus. Next, the internal anatomy is examined; then, the abdominal cavity is exposed and internal organs pointed out. Shows both the female and male reproductive systems. Organs of the neck and thoracic cavity are exposed and identified. The arterial and venous systems are followed and major structures indicated. Finally, the skull is removed and the parts of the brain and their respective functions are discussed.
[motion picture] A skilled potter demonstrates the four methods of glaze application: dipping, pouring, brushing, and spraying. Specific techniques and good craftsmanship are emphasized. Proper preparation of a piece for glazing and precise finishing before firing are shown.
[motion picture] Describes the globe as a model of the earth, showing how the globe represents physical and cultural features on the earth's surface, and provides information about direction, distance, size, and location. Points out the poles, the equator, and scales of latitude on a globe.
[motion picture] Provides a tour of the great plains area and covers the spring wheat belt, the range livestock belt, the corn belt, the wheat belt, the cotton belt, oil fields, and Edwards Plateau. Gives particular attention to Amarillo, Texas to show the pattern of growth for many cities of the southern plains region.
[film] Filmed principally on the campus of Indiana University, this film depicts the activities of various organizations and classes as they contribute to the war effort. Shows President Wells meeting with deans and administrators to make curricular changes to meet new demands. Shots of classes in medicine, nursing, nutrition, physical education, military training, practice teaching, sciences, language, law, etc., show many students at their daily work. Reflects the tempo of a university campus geared to a wartime program.
[motion picture] Uses the General Assembly of Indiana to portray a state legislature in action as it passes a bill through the various steps to become a law. Includes animated sequences to chart the steps in the process and shows the roles played by the House and Senate chambers, the committees, the Legislative Bureau, the Attorney General, the lobbyists, and the Governor in creating the laws of the state.
[motion picture] Shows a skilled ceramist demonstrating the step-by-step process of making simple molds of three types: slipcasting, drape, and press molds. Portrays the process from pattern-making to the completed object, and explains the steps at each stage.
[motion picture] Demonstrates three slab methods of pottery-making. Shows wedging, forming a candleholder directly from a lump of clay, rolling a slab for a simple tile, and constructing a flower container from several pieces of clay. Emphasizes the correct use of basic tools.
[motion picture] A skilled potter demonstrates the correct stacking of both green and glazed pottery in a small kiln as the narrator explains the factors involved. The potter then shows each step in firing the pieces.
[motion picture] A skilled potter demonstrates the shaping of various pieces of pottery on a potter's wheel. Shows each step in making a bowl and special steps in completing a low, flat plate and a pitcher.
[motion picture] Explains the advantages of wet mounting paper materials on cloth, and then demonstrates the wet-mounting process in detail. Also shows methods of displaying wet-mounted posters, charts, and maps.
[motion picture] Describes the winter and spring wheat regions of the plains states. Compares a winter wheat farm in south central Kansas and a spring wheat farm in northeastern North Dakota. Relates wheat farming to topography, soils, precipitation, and other factors.
[motion picture] Orients students to the opportunities and experiences for the study of government at a typical college or university. Emphasizes that government cannot be taken for granted and that everyone is a part of the government. Demonstrates various areas of government for study: American government, politics, public administration, comparative and internal relations, and immediate controversial problems. Concludes with the generalization that the study of government is democracy at work.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Demonstrates the three basic considerations in controlled photographic lighting--placement of lights, quality of light, and lighting ratio. Uses a mannequin as a model to show the functions of main, fill, background, and accent lights in addition to the effects achieved when the lights are moved to different angles. Generalizes this studio set-up to apply to lighting in television, outdoor pictures, and when using flashbulbs. The effects of diffuse floodlights and spots are illustrated, and the changes produced by varying the lighting ratio is seen.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
A dramatization which compares responsible drinking with alcohol abuse. Intermixed with scenes from a party, a male and female participant each present facts about alcohol consumption and its effect on physical and mental functioning. Contrasts the view of a person who advocates abstinence with the opinions of a drinker who rationalizes his heavy drinking. Some of the facts presented reveal the relationship between the number of drinks consumed and blood-alcohol levels, the effects on the individual at each level, and tips about how to moderate drinking and behave responsibly if one is consuming alcohol.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Explains the process of editing motion picture footage in double system synchronous sound motion picture production. Follows, through use of flashbacks, the step-by-step sequences from the use of a clapstick to establish synchronization cues during shooting; the use of this visual-auditory signal to re-establish synchronization for each "take" during editing; means of permanently marking these head synchronization points; to the usefulness of the gang synchronizer and means of establishing internal synchronization points. Animation is employed to illustrate maintenance of synchronization in cutting from one take to another and means of elimination of unwanted sound in the sound track.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Presents an overview of Indiana's system of state parks by first locating them on a map, then presenting glimpses of the specific scenic attractions and recreational facilities at each park. Parks viewed are Dunes, Bass Lake, Tippecanoe, Kankakee, the Shades, Turkey Run, Pokagon, Mounds, Whitewater, Versailles, Muscatatuk, Clifty Falls, Scales Lake, Lincoln, Spring Mill, Shakamak, McCormick's Creek, Cataract Lake, and Brown County.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
An Indiana University student shows a prospective student's parents the campus and explains the counseling system. Includes academic and extracurricular activities, the extension centers, and many buildings on the campus.
Indiana University, Bloomington. Audio-Visual Center
Features Fela Sowande of Nigeria, a leading African musicologist, composer, and organist, along with other Nigerian musicians demonstrating how contempory African music has mingled traditional African and Western idioms to create new forms. Explains that African music places a greater stress on melody rather than rhythm. The music, therefore, more closely resembles African dialects where the meaning is expressed by tonal inflection. Summarizes from this that the talking drum can be either a musical function or transmitter of messages.