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A fantasy which shows the housewife that the farmer, the processor, the transporter, and the retailer must know "how much" and "how many" before they can make foods and other products available to the consumer.
Ever since the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community, the progress of the Six, or "Little Europe" as the Community was called, had evoked mixed emotions. Many nations outside the Six —and even some within —felt skeptical about the project. Though the Initial vigor of the new movement was surprising, the defeat of the European Defense Community by the French Assembly seemed to confirm the sceptics' opinions. Yet the Six were undaunted by the setback, and, less than a year later, were busily planning further economic integration. Their intention to create, within the boundaries of the EuropeanCoal and Steel Community, a common market extending to all fields of commerce was viewed with deep misgivings by some other European nations. These "outside" nations felt that an open market within and a common tariff wall around the area involved might be a serious threat to existing trade patterns. Further, these antagonists felt that the concept posed a severe political threat to the solidarity of Europe and the western world. Using as its platform the existing Organization for European Economic Cooperation with its seventeen-country membership --which included the Six —the antagonists proposed to form a European Free Trade Area whose members would gradually eliminate existing trade barriers among themselves.
A woman and her doctor discuss the facts and fallacies of menopause. She learns that with proper care it need not be the tragic experience some women have been led to expect.
A portrait of the renowned American photographer. Adams reflects on his life, demonstrates his darkroom techniques, talks about the development of photography as an art form, and is shown teaching his annual photography workshop. Examples of his work are presented throughout the film.
Includes scenes of performing seals, underwater basketball, cliff diving, water skiing, canoeing in rapids, motor boat feats, and synchronized swimming.
Traces the history of the film industry from the beginning of ancient Chinese shadow shows to silouhettes and lighting for 3D effects. The invention of sound and special effects are dealt with.
Contrasts Carolyn, an attractive newcomer to a high school, with Ginny, who despite her willingness to date all of the boys in the school, is unpopular with both boys and girls. Then shows through brief incidents how Carolyn and Wally are careful of their appearance, polite to others, considerate in arranging dates, business-like on the telephone, careful in planning their schedule of activities, cooperative with their parents, and always well mannered.
Discloses sources of inspiration in man's environment and interprets these forms through the eyes of the creative artist in order to stimulate students to see opportunities for using art in their own living.
The coach of a freshman track team explains to teenage boys the intricacies of the male reproduction system, primary and secondary sexual characteristics, and the relationship between the sexes during adolescence.