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Shows many of the kitchen appliances of tomorrow. Takes the viewer inside the experimental laboratories of General Motors to see such advanced aids to cooking as an automatic recipe viewer, heatless oven, automatic servers, and new designs in cabinets. Through animation, gives a short glimpse of some seemingly improbably but beneficial inventions not yet perfected.
Shows that play is an important activity for children and that it has common patterns at different ages. Considers play activities of children between the ages of five and twelve years and explains the part that parents can play in helping to encourage and guide play at each age level.
Examines a series of routine conflict situations faced by a college student. Defines and analyzes emotional conflict according to four general classifications: approach-approach, avoidance-avoidance, approach-avoidance, and double approach-avoidance. Uses white rats in a maze to illustrate these types of conflict and relates each type in terms of human behavior.
Depicts the events and conditions leading to the writing of the U.S. Constitution, the formulation of the Great Compromise between the small and large states, the struggle for ratification, and the addition of the Bill of Rights. For junior high, high school, and college students. Pictures some of the historical background of the struggle by the colonies for independence and of the signing of the Constitution. Includes Shay's rebellion against the tariff, the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, and the disagreements among states. Shows how the misunderstanding between large and small states led to the establishment of a House and a Senate.
Expands the popular definition of "primitive"--one who is self-taught--to include artists who reject academic or conventional expression, subject matter, or technique. Shows and discusses various examples of primitive art. (WQED) Kinescope.
Shows through readings, paintings, and natural photography the development of the portrayal of English lakes and landscapes by painters, poets, and others. Depicts the printing of illustrated tour guides and other books to create interest in the English lake country. (BBC) Film.
Shows a family and its household slaves engaged in their early morning tasks. Depicts the work involved in maintaining the home and reveals lack of many conveniences. Dramatizes the relationships that existed among the master of the household, his family, and his slaves.
Piatigorsky plays "Bourees #1 and #2" from Suite in C Major, by Bach; "Slow Movement" from Cello Sonata, by Chopin; "Masques" from Romeo and Juliet, by Prokofief; "Romance," by Anton Rubinstein; "Waltz," by Tschaikowsky; and "Introduction, Theme and Variations," by Schubert-Piatigorsky.
Demonstrates various methods of preparing materials to be used on different types of still projectors. Explains that instructional materials may be prepared for projection by utilizing their qualities of opacity, translucency, and transparency. Shows the use of carbon film, adhesive coloring materials, India ink, and sheets of plastic. Demonstrates a technique for stenciling on carbon film and a method for making plastic transparencies from magazine pictures.
Demonstrates the use of high contrast photography for the preparation of 2" x 2" and 3 1/4" x 4" negative and positive slides, transparencies, and overlays for overhead projectors and for printing on paper for use in opaque projectors. Shows the basic steps of setting up to photograph materials on high contrast film as well as the processing of the film. Illustrates the application of this type of photography in the preparation of instructional materials in a variety of subject-matter areas.