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Demonstrates the use of high contrast photography for the preparation of 2" x 2" and 3 1/4" x 4" negative and positive slides, transparencies, and overlays for overhead projectors and for printing on paper for use in opaque projectors. Shows the basic steps of setting up to photograph materials on high contrast film as well as the processing of the film. Illustrates the application of this type of photography in the preparation of instructional materials in a variety of subject-matter areas.
Presents for discussion is supervisory training sessions the problem of a supervisor who leaves the office promptly but tells his clerical workers that they must work overtime, and who later criticizes the girls when they refuse to volunteer to work on Saturday.
Alistair Cooke interviews humorist James Thurber who reflects on events of his childhood and discusses the highlights of his career as an author and illustrator.
Explains the principles and demonstrates procedures and materials for joining and gluing wood, emphasizing the mortise-and-tenon and edge-to-edge joints. Shows procedures for application of glue and the use of clamping tools in gluing.
Presents a highly condensed version of Russian history since the eve of World War I through the eyes of the "average Ivan" who has lived through this period. Discusses the initial period of capitalism, the collective farm movement, the great purges of the 1930's, the first Five Year Plans, the lack of consumer goods, the bitterness of World War II, and the Cold War. Illustrates each of these phases of Russian history with Russian periodicals and pictures. (Center for Mass Communication) Film.
Uses animation to show the mechanism of meiosis, the chromosome halving cell division preceding the formation of sperm and egg cells and forming the basis of genetics.
Uses stained cells, animation, and time-lapse cinephotomicrography of living cells to compare mitosis and meiosis. Shows onion root tip, whitefish embryo, salamander epidermal, and living Tradescantia staminal hair cells photographed in time-lapse photography to present the details of mitosis. Portrays the basic features of meiosis by using lily anther cells and living sperm cells of a grasshopper photographed by time-lapse photography. Animation sequences give a side-by-side comparison of the two processes and show how mitosis, meiosis, and fertilization fit into the life cycle of common organisms.
Describes the culture of the people and the unusual climate of northern Norway. Explains that the northern third of the country is within the Arctic Circle but that the climate is much modified by the Gulf Stream. Depicts the splitting of the country into two distinct climates by a central mountain range. Views many of the geographic features peculiar to Norway.
In this program the audience hears a review and summary of all the information on the physical and chemical nature of living material discussed in previous programs. Dr. Roney uses sketch pad diagrams and models to picture the structure and organizations of living material, as it is understood today.
Shows how pigeons are taught abnormal behavior patterns by means of selective reinforcement of response and how the removal of the reinforcement causes the gradual extinguishing of the learned response. Derives from the experiments basic principles about learned behavior which are applicable in the training of children.
Shows how behavior that is reinforced does get learned while non-reinforced behavior is extinguished.