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A story of land economy and one man, Bill Bailey of Clarksville, Tennessee, through whose foresight and untiring effort the Four Pillars of Income were established in Montgomery County, Tennessee (adapted from the Reader's Digest story of the same name by J. P. McEvoy).
Phillip Stapp, Tony Kraler, Nathan Sobel, International Film Foundation
By means of animated lines, figures, and scenes, film illustrates through everyday happenings how "a line may be many things" and "a line is only an idea." Makes a plea for tolerance and a breaking down of all types of barriers between people.
A plea to eliminate the arbitrary boundary lines which divide people from each other. Presented in stylized animation.
Shows how to select the tool for the job; how to set up the job; how to calculate speed, feed, and depth of cut; how to machine on a lathe, using a single-point carbide tool; and how to correct unsatisfactory machining.
United States. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service
Shows the necessity for U.S. Federal regulation of the nation's timber to insure protection and perpetuation of this vital resource. Shows that poor management practices for quick exploitation of privately owned forest lands have negative consequences for all citizens. "Private forest lands supply nearly 95 percent of all our forest products and the way they are managed is of daily importance to millions of individual Americans. Assured protection and proper management of our forests is a federal as well as a State responsibility because dependence on forests is interstate and national. This picture shows what can be done to stop destructive cutting practices, to restore and maintain a thrifty growing stock of valuable trees, and to safeguard forest production for the years ahead" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 24). Proposes a system of local regulation administered by local experts in forestry and the lumber industries. States that government regulation will not only protect and improve forest productivity, but will conserve and protect all natural resources and benefit the economic health of the nation.
Division of Visual Aids, U.S. Office of Education (Producer), Federal Security Agency (Producer), Ray-Bell Films, Inc. (Producer)
Explains why accessories are used with gage blocks; shows how to inspect a plug gage, an adjustable snap gage, a profile gage, a ring gage, and a screwthread pitch; and shows how to build a height gage and scriber.
Shows how to set up a V-block to grind the ends and the V; how to rough- and finish-grind the ends; how to establish reference points for grinding the V to precision dimensions; and how to check the work for accuracy.
Shows how to remove blades from inserted-blade type cutter; how to off-hand grind individual teeth; how to reassemble and align cutter blades; how to circle grind; how to surface grind all tooth-relief angles; how to finish surfaces and edges by honing; and how to inspect resharpened cutters.
Shows how to prepare the wheel for grinding; how to semi-finish and finish-grind a dull tool; how to rough-grind a chipped or broken tip; how to grind a newly brazed tool; and how to grind a chip breaker.
Provides basic instructions for planting a home vegetable garden. "Sets forth, in light vein, the essentials of good gardening; selection of the site, preparation of the soil, how to lay out a garden, planting, transplanting, cultivating, weed and pest control, and proper watering. A 'dream' sequence shows, by stop motion photography, how plants grow. The picture closes with a series of humorous 'DON'TS' designed to bring home, through exaggeration, the many pitfalls that might mar the success of an amateur gardener" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 30-31).
Depicts both the prosperity and problems of an American town in wartime. Emphasizes the need to plan for the post-war future to assure continued health and improvements and a good life for returning veterans. Expresses concerns about possible unemployment as war industries close, and the threat of juvenile delinquency as wartime austerity has prevented town spending on recreation for youth. "Life in an American town of 19,000, Glens Falls, N.Y. After views of the town the film particularly considers one family, father working in a factory, mother keeping house, a son in the service, and a high school daughter. Through these four are seen the good things about Hometown and also its problems" (New Movies: The National Board of Review Magazine, September, 1945, p. 12).
Shows examples of permanent and temporary houses planned by the Scottish Housing Advisory Committee and based on opinions of service men and women, and factory workers during World War II.
Shows how to plan the job; how to bend electrical metallic tubing; how to install the metallic tubing runs; how to bend rigid conduit; how to install rigid conduit runs; and how to use flexible conduit.
Shows how to plan the job; how to use molding raceway fittings; how to install a molding raceway run to a ceiling outlet; how to install a run from a ceiling outlet to a wall switch; how to install a run from a ceiling outlet to a wall fan; and how to install a run to a floor outlet.
An American soldier, during his combat career, realizes the greatness of his country and determines to assume his share of the responsibilities of good citizenship upon his return to civilian life.
Explains why a weekly checkup on tires, battery, engine oil, and radiator is necessary; why tires should be crisscrossed; why a car should be lubricated regularly and the engine oil and gear lubricants changed; why the oil filter elements should be replaced regularly; and why the cooling system should be inspected periodically.
Shows that, although India is a land of villages and peasants, she ranks among the great industrial powers. Points out that the traditional handicrafts and the new industries are both essential to India's development and the well-being of her people.
Use of a horizontal core, a split pattern, chaplets, and chaplet supports; how to gate a mold for rapid pouring of a thin casting; and how to clean a casting.
Shows the difference between bench and floor molding, how to face a deep pattern, ram a drag and walk it off, clamp a mold, locate sprues and risers, and tuck the crossbars of a large cope.