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Shows how to check for play in the steering wheel; how to check the front end assembly for excessive play; how to make a rough test for wheel balance; how to correct wheel runout; how to make a toe-in test; and how to test springs, axles, and over-all backlash.
"Beginning with a prologue by Secretary of State Stettinius, who points out that our Government under the leadership of President Roosevelt has been working to avoid future wars, the film proceeds to depict pictorially the incidents which culminated in the Dumbarton Oaks Conference and the San Francisco meeting and shows one way of avoiding a third World War."--Educational Screen, June, 1945, 248. Opens with footage from the 1936 film "Thing to Come" to warn against the destructive power of weapons in the near future. Presents a fictionalized account of the founding of the United Nations.
Provides basic instructions for planting a home vegetable garden. "Sets forth, in light vein, the essentials of good gardening; selection of the site, preparation of the soil, how to lay out a garden, planting, transplanting, cultivating, weed and pest control, and proper watering. A 'dream' sequence shows, by stop motion photography, how plants grow. The picture closes with a series of humorous 'DON'TS' designed to bring home, through exaggeration, the many pitfalls that might mar the success of an amateur gardener" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 30-31).
Demonstrates with the Wheat Farmer an approved procedure for teaching with motion pictures. A seventh-grade social studies group studying how the world is fed discusses interests and problems which indicate that a motion picture would help; the teacher prepares the lesson by previewing the film and studying its handbook; immediately before screening, purposes or seeing the film are clarified; the film is shown; and pupils discuss questions previously outlined and plan further studies on the basis of what they have seen in the film.
United States. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service
Shows the necessity for U.S. Federal regulation of the nation's timber to insure protection and perpetuation of this vital resource. Shows that poor management practices for quick exploitation of privately owned forest lands have negative consequences for all citizens. "Private forest lands supply nearly 95 percent of all our forest products and the way they are managed is of daily importance to millions of individual Americans. Assured protection and proper management of our forests is a federal as well as a State responsibility because dependence on forests is interstate and national. This picture shows what can be done to stop destructive cutting practices, to restore and maintain a thrifty growing stock of valuable trees, and to safeguard forest production for the years ahead" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 24). Proposes a system of local regulation administered by local experts in forestry and the lumber industries. States that government regulation will not only protect and improve forest productivity, but will conserve and protect all natural resources and benefit the economic health of the nation.
United States. Department of Agriculture, United States. Office of Information. Motion Picture Service
Reports on the coordination of community volunteers for wartime farm harvesting labor through the efforts of the Victory Farm Volunteers of the U.S. Crop Corps and local agricultural agents. "The story of the farm labor shortage caused by the war, and how it was met during the crop season of 1944 through the vigorous and patriotic efforts of several million volunteers from our towns and cities. It shows the county agent in a typical agricultural county, marshalling its forces to recruit help needed to harvest the local potato crop. Similarly, workers were recruited all over the country to help with fruit, grain, cotton, sugar beets, hay, truck, and other crops. With the patriotic help of these volunteers, farmers, in spite of war handicaps were able to produce the largest crops in history" (Motion Pictures of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1945, 19). In an epilogue, Judge Marvin Jones, War Food Administrator, emphasizes that manpower shortage on farms is still a problem.
Shows the difference between bench and floor molding, how to face a deep pattern, ram a drag and walk it off, clamp a mold, locate sprues and risers, and tuck the crossbars of a large cope.
Shows how to use a deep follow board; the technique of facing, ramming, and venting a deep green sand core; how to use a cheek in a three-part flask; and the purpose and method of step-gating.
Use of a horizontal core, a split pattern, chaplets, and chaplet supports; how to gate a mold for rapid pouring of a thin casting; and how to clean a casting.
Shows how to plan the job; how to use molding raceway fittings; how to install a molding raceway run to a ceiling outlet; how to install a run from a ceiling outlet to a wall switch; how to install a run from a ceiling outlet to a wall fan; and how to install a run to a floor outlet.
Shows how to plan the job; how to bend electrical metallic tubing; how to install the metallic tubing runs; how to bend rigid conduit; how to install rigid conduit runs; and how to use flexible conduit.
Shows how to check a repulsion-induction motor for electrical and mechanical faults; how to dismantle a repulsion-induction motor; how to clean and plug the commutator; how to turn the commutator; how to remove a damaged sleeve bearing; how to ream to size and install a new sleeve bearing; how to remove a damaged coil and wind and insulate a new coil; and how to assemble and lubricate a repulsion-induction motor.
Shows how to plan the installation of the circuit run, switch run, and wall receptacle run; how to determine the location of required runs; how to install an offset bar hanger and ceiling outlet box; how to rough-in a circuit run, using nonmetallic sheathed cable; and how to make up connections for switches, receptacles, and fixtures.
Shows how to solder a lug, using electric soldering tongs; how to solder a lug, using a blowtorch; how to solder a lug, using a solder pot and ladle; how to splice stranded conductors, using a split solder sleeve; and how to make a served cable splice.
Presented as an authentic message from the Japanese people to the American people, this film is actually a fake newsreel designed to counter any views the American moviegoer might have had about the Japanese being a backwards nation. The film employs a white American in yellowface as the Japanese narrator who describes the modern, technological Japan capable of withstanding the American military's attacks. Uses captured feature films and documentaries from the Japanese, including a short sequence from the 1937 German/Japanese co-production "The Daughter of the Samurai" in a brief clip with the actress Setsuko Hara. The film concludes with a plea to buy U.S. war bonds.
Shows how the horizontal boring, drilling, and milling machine operates; how to install the fixture; how to set up the workpiece; and how to select and install an end mill and a face mill.
Shows how to set up the turret lathe for the production machining of bushings from bar stock; how to install the collet; how to set up the hexagon turret; and how to set up the cross slide.