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United States. Office of Education. Division of Visual Aids, United States. Federal Security Agency, Mode-Art Pictures, Inc.
Dramatized scenarios in a machine shop workplace illustrate common problems arising between supervisors. "Larry Daniels fails as a supervisor because he does not recognize the importance of working harmoniously with other people, particularly with his fellow supervisors" (U.S. Government Films, U.S. Office of Education, 1954, 214). Concludes with a group of supervisors conversing in the locker room as they ask "I wonder if a guy like Larry should be a supervisor?"
United States. War Department, The Signal Corps : produced by, Combat film units of Marines, Army Airforces, United States Navy
Addressed to "the men and women of American Industry," the Film Communique series reports on military accomplishments to an audience of domestic workers producing materials for war. Composed of three short segments:
Burma Outpost Shows the air dropping of supplies for the 10th Air Force Division at outposts in the hills of Burma's border.
Private Snafu: The Home Front Cartoon intended for servicemen is here presented for civilian audiences. Private Snafu imagines his loved ones loafing and enjoying life, oblivious of his hardships. A fairy appears to show him the diligent war work going on back in his home town.
What Makes A Battle Shows the strategy and battles involved in the first land penetration of Japanese-held Marshall Islands, part of the campaign for the 32 Marshall Island atolls.
Shows how to handle sheep for shearing and the relative positions of the shearer and the sheep during each shearing step, the step-by-step procedure in shearing sheep, and the method of rolling and tying the fleece.
Shows what a gated pattern is and why it is used, how a match or follow board can simplify making a parting, how facing sand is prepared and used, and how and why some patterns are rapped.
United States. Department of Agriculture, Office of Information, Motion Picture Service
An episode of the popular "Quiz Kids" radio program introduces the U.S. Department of Agriculture's school lunch program. The four precocious children, ages 7 to 12, demonstrate knowledge of Shakespeare, chemistry, math and geography as they answer a series of quiz questions given by host Joe Kelly. Concludes with a message from the host about importance of adequate and healthy food for schoolchildren. Showing women in wartime factory jobs, the narrator states "in busy America many mothers perform many necessary jobs outside the home, but we must never become too busy to feed our children." Community groups are called upon to sponsor school lunch programs with the support of the Department of Agriculture.
United States. Office of Education. Division of Visual Aids, United States. Federal Security Agency, Caravel Films, Inc.
Explains that the job of the supervisor includes preventing problems caused by a worker's loss of interest in the job. Narration explains "one of the most powerful spurs to production is the interest of the worker in his job." Shows various scenarios leading to loss of worker interest: monotony of the job, lack of advancement, a sense of failure in the job that is beyond the worker's control, a failure to appreciate the importance of the job, among others. Remedies for each of these scenarios are suggested.
Shows how to drill the saw starting hole; how to make the saw selection; how to set up a band saw machine; how to weld saw bands; how to saw an internal contour shape; and how to remove and store a band saw.
Shows the principle of centerless grinding; the basic elements of the centerless grinding machine; the basic principle of thrufeed grinding; how to set up the machine for an actual job (limited to mounting wheel, workrest, workblade, workguides, and diamonds); and how to true the grinding and regulating wheels.
Shows how to mount on a special fixture for machining an irregularly shaped casting which cannot be held in a chuck; how to mount and center the fixture on a lathe; and how to grind tools for the machining of brass.